Michael teaching Karin IFR lesson #1 (Attitude Instrument Flying)

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I'm Michael Goomer and I first sold an airplane before I could drive a car I've been lucky enough to fly air shows all around North America and I've raced in the Red Bull Air Race World Championship around the globe [Music] my wife and I also own and operate my chameleon aviation a cirrus training center based in Plymouth Massachusetts near beautiful Cape Cod so subscribe to our Channel and come along for a journey of passion dedication and excellence as I bring you behind the scenes and inside the cockpit of some of the most amazing airplanes and air shows in the world you can also follow my wife Karen's journey to get her instrument rating in our beautiful Cirrus sr22 [Music] limit Municipal Airport limit Massachusetts automated weather observation one eight two six Zulu when two four zero at one to peak gusts to zero visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature two niner Celsius two point one seven two [Music] so again if you look in the ifon that Cirrus tells us thousand rpm is a good taxi number right let's just set around a thousand in there and see how that works for us and I think it's pretty good since there's all this traffic let's go through the ramp [Music] okay and again so our taxi checklist let's do it as its described which is the property which is a flow right so remember it starts from the bottom of the panel it moves up so essentially our parking brake is released the brakes have been checked show zero five zero and zero five zero twice or aligned and we also know that we're paralleling runway six so it's correct and working and then the attitude indicator is erect twice and the turn coordinator is working great okay so now there's no need to check the the checklist yet while we're taxing we're going to cross an active runway you've done the flow when we get to somewhere that is safe and we can put adequate attention on it then we'll do the checklist okay so you're clear on the right pull the traffic stop Matt my golf cross a what's one five three three adults on the ground put okay I'm planting light on please nice clear the right [Music] everybody welcome aboard November 1 9 9 my golf Karen and I are gonna do her first instrument lesson today be kind of fun hopefully we don't kill each other actually she doesn't kill me by the time we get to grudge Connecticut so we're gonna start with really today's just kind of a simulated fun flight that we're gonna do go pick up a friend so most of this is what we call basic attitude instrument flying or just really learning to fly solely by the reference to a child so today it's going to be a fun day her first time in sort of a real world environment I'm gonna have existing controller and Karen will act as the pilot will be a nice nice intro to instrument flying here going down to grunt Connecticut it's a flight of only about 70 miles so it'll be perfect [Music] Caryn's about a hundred our pilot about okay sorry almost 200 scuse me with about a thousand hours sitting in the right seat telling me what to do yeah so we'll see how she does so again what we did is our taxi checklist as a flow and now that we're here in the run-up area upon the traffic so we had time to check it out we did it the right way doors are latch [Music] [Music] now since you're gonna fly IFR yeah you want to set the flight have the flight plan up yeah and then arrange in the in the sr we use about twelve miles I think something like that yeah that's a goodness so you can see you know I just want to be able to see my first intersection pretty much right in the jet we use about 25 and the SR 12 to 15 it's a good number okay now the most important thing on an instrument flight before takeoff is a briefing what's it let's talk about the takeoff okay so we're gonna take off we're gonna have a normal takeoff on runway two-four we'll need about two thousand feet to clear if it is an obstacle we have 4650 available we're gonna rotate that about well seventy seventy three is rotate speed but we'll just be light on and our initial altitude is set for 2,000 bucks 4500 quickly and our initial heading is for hop two after after takeoff if it's under 600 AGL sorry 600 for cap system fifty and at two thousand two two thousand feet and then above 2,000 will evaluate see we go back to the active runway or whatever same have a doesn't depend upon how far away we are okay so you covered all of it but there's a lot there right yeah so for me couple of things we need to do now there's probably traffic officer final only to four points we're gonna put 750 in here right any months minimums you hear the minimums call if we had some kind of an event where we were still working the problem yeah as we went through 750 MSL you'd get the minimums call to remind you correct right and then also we're gonna press the toca button and our heading okay to make sure we're ready so now here's what here's how I would give an instrument takeoff I would say we're gonna do a standard flaps 50 takeoff on runway 2 for 50% flaps are set and indicated we're gonna use about 2,000 feet of runway of 4,600 feet available I'll abort for any abnormalities engine failure or our loss of directional control prior to rotation after rotation and before 750 feet MSL I'll land the airplane straight ahead with shallow turns between 750 feet and 2150 feet I would PO caps immediately if it's an emergency after that and we can still fly the airplane we'll bring it back around land it on a runway two-four again because there's a lot of traffic and there's some wind our initial altitude is 2,000 feet our heading is 240 on departure which will be assigned by ATC and then we're gonna go direct hop - any questions no no so you see that was a little bit more precise yeah and a little bit more succinct right and also a little bit more setup for instrument flying okay right and again any instrument pilot wants to know if I have a malfunction or an emergency where am I going to go because sometimes you might not be able to come back to the runway that you're leaving right so the departure alternate isn't is an important thing all right cool let's rock ready if you are alright [Music] all right boost up next your flaps lights and switches such a great you're clear on the right hey clear on the right so now and it's a so again a a departure clearance under instrument might be Cirrus 109 my golf cleared for takeoff runway two-four climb on the runway heading okay right which is what we're going to do right now we're just going to climb on the runway heading and again now we have the command bars up there working right yeah so now we're going to start to operate the airplane Internet in an IFR environment so we want the command bars okay you ready well the traffic with nothing pops off I don't like to for your opponent hey light the load on the nose gear panties nice okay okay now put the airplane right into the command bars nice 90 knots coming up okay good so you'll notice now that the airplane is accelerating yep and you're flying to the command bar if you look you'll accelerate to about a speed of 120 at 7 degrees which is really nice okay at 200 feet AGL the damp comes on there you go now you'll also see that we went from a white heading to to a green heading yeah rekt just fly they had hundred six hundred feet apps available caps available okay great just fly the heading for a minute okay so the initial call would be cape departure Cirrus 109 Mike golf just a part in Plymouth out of one thousand four two thousand or on the runway heading right yeah that makes sense yep okay serious 199 Mike golf you're clear direct hot do great now what are you gonna do off a flight director the flight director yep you're gonna hit that aren't you because don't we want to navigate yeah - there okay now you also want a hit flight level change go to 120 and if you notice it's almost already there yeah boss like good afternoon sure someone that's not or not Oh Michael for one-one-niner Mike yes sir Cirrus 199 my call for an sr-22 just off of Plymouth looking for VFR advisors to Groton at 4.5 Sherman I know my golf identity parameter three zero zero eight and I'll have a box pretty momentarily appreciate a300 eight four seers not on my casa 320 convict I'm a maintained 4.57 my kappa with you 5000 barrack Wat Pho okay and one q7 like alphabat approach so now what are we going to do we're going to hit watch the ladder above 3000 cleared for the iron have runway to five approach I'm looking outside you look inside now the airplane will accelerate I'm filthy you're blocking my manner my culprit our contact about busts of the front of their port reach the here transponder spot five three-for-one sale five three four once or not if I call fraud a two point four okay so also the new bone coil it'll remain with mm or alpha matter perfect so now you're flying I'm a dynamite dog not that Providence approach one two three three points okay what 2367 for Michael great data this one 2367 we're sexually percent of maintain five now you can see where GPS right direct to hop to yeah and we're climbing flight level change at 120 knots to 4,500 feet right yeah great Providence sure it's one out or not on my golf two point nine four four point five VFR those who wants to murder 199 Michael from third from south over to three zero zero seven seven four my colleagues South with a 74 Jeff and Robin if every breathers there some public and Providence resource what not Michael we're just doing a the apart in summer training fight so we're just gonna be making some shallow turns left and right of course Gemini might call project okay so now poor Karen's gonna have to have her first experience with some Fuggles number 101 kill popcorn so right now the auto pilots flying the airplane which is just fine do me a favor come about another 10 degrees left for me get around that punky cloud man okay great so what I want you to do is just get used to looking at the instruments while the autopilot song that's what the 74 to the hugging 0 for 5 Nick Turse downwind changed my frequency 1 2 3 point 6 7 101 kill puffier to contact you myself a westerly for himself ever degree there is there 7 thank you so where's the point let's point in to hop to know it's actually not why don't you look at the scoreboard to 280 so it's ok serious 1 that now Michael why don't you go direct jakku --q my firm for himself number 2 3 there there 7 cook to cook whatever though is it cook cook ok so let's go back no that's better ok direct now make sure you go to the right morning ok there we go into the right place and again what we're flying IFR breathe anytime we hit a button to go somewhere navigating we need to make sure that we're doing the right thing yeah again like VFR that's not really matter he drank deep and I it's a big deal ok so again you want to take your heading bug and sink it and I'm just gonna fine tune our power setting to 75 perfect okay are you feeling pretty comfortable yeah we're at 4500 151 knots ok so now why don't you shut the autopilot off so again if you hit this see it says head mercury but I don't have to touch it anymore that's a great that's one of the great things about so I'm gonna show the autopilot off but leave the flight directory I just want you to try to maintain level flight on the airplane yeah just by reference yeah so again when we're flying IFR it's a fingertips and toes kind of a thing okay so you're just gonna pressure the controls you're not gonna actually move them okay yeah and again the attitude indicator here is the Center for everything right yeah supporting instruments and making sure on the right way okay good so just try to maintain 4,500 feet and again it's just pressures it's not a movement it's just a pressure yeah so you can already tell that you like to fly with the left wing down don't you see it that's better and if there's a little pressure just move a little bit of aileron true [Music] not that I like having it down it just it's very it's very sensitive super sensitive right yeah great Southwest 874 to Senate maintain 5,000 okay so now I'm going to give you a couple of simulated turns okay so explain to me the process for turning the airplane flying IFR flying IFR yep flying IFR and I'm going to give you a headache change to like two four zero headache mode 7 Delta micro maintain one's Bureau pelvic correct so it's heading heading bug yeah at that turn towards it okay okay here's one I might get all MacArthur wedding to 1:05 Eddie 7 Delta Mike contact turns 185 good nice now the air pillows good afternoon Cardinal 9905 it cool thank you number nine nine five Victor Sulu problems first problem 7300 some beer seven sizes it was thank you Cochise of affiliates we're gonna pack up supplies by for the water process so you know that a little bit of app trim or a little bit of it was perfect you guys just okay yep so I'm gonna turn you back sears 190 right heading to five zero two five zero and I might go right to five zero good perfect airplane so now again when we start the turn you got to start tracking the airplane inside of the command bars that's fine good now start to watch you're ready to turn so you can start to anticipate my fourth one it's coming now I don't want a hard roll out smooth and easy row beautiful number three Niner Zulu thanks my frequency very nice twenty four or five just a little short but beautifully done Southwest 874 traffic one o'clock six years one night now my call with their direct live and restricted a serious nine Michael traffic twelve to eleven o'clock and five miles northeast bound 737 six thousand four five thousand I look over the change my frequency one-one-niner point four five one nine point four or five how do we go directly say put it on now perfect and then how do we know that we're actually doing that correctly as we look at the scoreboard to make sure right and you can see directly Fame yeah okay and then if you again you can hit this four three nine to it but I see you're heading sync comes up then it doesn't get messy okay yeah perfect nice work does that feel good yeah okay so now we're gonna make it even harder on you and I'm going to remove the flight director okay okay it goes that the flight charge it's gonna go away okay you can see the bowing in our windscreen areas he's no factor we got a website yeah okay so now it's a little harder clock hi three miles Jefferson site no factor and bike off we have the traffic and I will maintain visual separation okay so now you see you're getting a little sloppy right it's a little harder yeah to maintain so get yourself back up to altitude just a hair and again just a pressure get back on your course perfect now roll back to level that was a 70 40 centimeters in 2001 I just fly in the head I'm sorry I didn't want to give you a fight director there you go just supply try to maintain that heading okay nicely done a little bit more difficult right yeah so I'm following the magenta line I know I have you right now just I want you to fly that heading up oh okay which is just fine okay okay 6 1 Bravo turn injuries left vector machine you're going to start to get TAS saturated so I'm going to take away some of the duties okay okay I mean fellow 324 you quit visual serious my girlfriend left heading two zero zero two zero zero right probably 420 Alfa Romeo to the 3/4 again sober now level the weights I'm really sorry let me take another Bank yeah great not too steep right your don't let your nose fall right a little bit of back pressure good nicely done okay good what u16 night I'm like I don't to the right I have a factor level sorry beautiful that's working great yeah yeah then I'll bring you back all the way around and intercept this course right hold on for you turning seven dozen clear on the right than 1,000 right heading to eight zero eight zero zero zero seven okay when we start our turn we're gonna set our Bank looking at the attitude indicator right ten twenty thirty degrees so give me about a 25 degree to our twenty degrees of Bank is fine that's perfect now I want to make sure it's good now back to here now over to here are we sinking or climb a little bit right make sure the turns back to the attitude indicator or climbing right see that yeah where the nose a little bit increase your Bank here down to 15 degrees nice it's hard to work as you said at or below 4500 so let's get down it was it was for that boy but still we want to be a 4505 you ready yeah we're coming up here just rolling out look at the attitude across the traffic good beautiful level the plane so where's level boy here annoying they're gonna call three miles but I have a sense also the yellow bars on the horizon line the white line again is the horizon line right yeah and if you look at your green flight path marker you can see whether it's above or below the horizon that helps you along okay that makes sense that's okay you're doing great we're going to back direct lafay and I'm gonna put you on you can just if you would okay there you go try to maintain your flight try to maintain your heading butter I'm gonna get you at 270 just try to keep it just try to keep the needle centered right there the beetle okay try to keep the beetle Center [Music] good afternoon gotten confirmation echo 185 6 through the weather when she's absolutely 1:02 2.19 around timid or even utter below - though an FPGA or visual Harding runway 2 3 right 2 3 connectivity all quadrants of e right target afternoon sirs one on top my calls on a wide left base runway 2 3 we have a two side echo just one in and out my golf cart entire make sure they're only two three port a full mile funnel for file straight in for two three I know Michael okay like chef at 35 five that time down you get a three Philo [Applause] it's not a mic off for four mile final two three no very person to freak little and slightly from the left cross it you can see the water here right yeah nice it down okay give me nice lighting [Music] okay center line for me please power to idle those Bora for for for right there beautiful little little float [Music] now my contacts it's mystic jet on Charlie tax way get rid of the Cherokee coming off the ramp right ought to write them off a Charlie giveaway to the Cherokee a mystic [Music] you [Music]
Channel: mikegoulian
Views: 65,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cirrus, flying, cirrus sr22, pilot, aviation, instrument flying, AOPA, EAA, vision jet, flight training, instrument flight training, flightchops, matt guthmiller, schmiiindy, mike patey, mike goulian, stefan drury, steveo1kinveo, angle of attack
Id: fu_MN-kUsD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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