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what's going on youtube it's kyle here and we got a special guest again miss jamie i need a breather we've been non-stop hiking probably a mile and a half to get to this spot that we were at in the previous video where we found all that gold in that pocket we're headed back to the pocket to see how much gold we can do in another 10 pan sesh that's what we're going to call this the 10 pan sesh and hopefully we break our record from last time so we're gonna go ahead and get there eventually and then start dredging with the nugget sucker i got right here jamie has a garrett super sluice pan and a black pants so you guys can see the gold a little bit better and then we might go out and buy a new microscope to see the close-ups of the gold so let me get all or let us get to our spot and we'll see you shortly we made it all right this is where we left off the last time this is where we found all that gold right in this little crack and crevice right here but i did just come up i just seen this guy is this a giant piece of coral warm coral maybe look at that that is huge all right let's see what we missed so this is pan one [Applause] didn't you say you found another pocket under there yeah i think so there's a lot of stuff in it oh my butt's wet now show them that crazy piece look at that this one has something stuck in it little crystals may have just filled back up [Applause] so there's still a lot of blonde sands i could see one two three four five little pile of gold right there all right first pan this is pan number two test pan number two [Applause] i don't really feel in a pocket i feel a lodge [Applause] so so right up there one spot two two tiny pieces up there not anything i'll sniff him up all right is this number and number three staying in the original spot there's gotta be something here come on kyle find a pocket right here oh so some more lead oh there we go look at that big chunker that's huge awesome yeah there's another one over there right there that's a big piece did you find a pocket yeah look at that material how dark that is might be another honey hole i couldn't think of what i was going to say i haven't seen a lot of lead in there again i cleaned it out i know you took a lot of it out of the creek there was a ton last time look how far this is in there [Music] come on find there might a nugget in this one [Applause] this is what has came out of that deep pocket i'm gonna break it up a little bit better is there clay in it yep [Applause] getting down to it [Music] yeah we barely have any black sands here it's really weird it's all glacier gold but normally there's a bunch of black sands there's some lead here's some pieces yep i see some good pieces up there i'll clean it up real quick and we'll get a better shot little pile another little pile of gold cool cool i believe this is pan number four we keep losing track i don't know and i guess it's four if we skipped one sorry oh [Music] so many well worked pieces here [Applause] all right i'm literally gonna stick my arm in this pocket and see what i can hear about him you thirsty something is definitely in there alive i felt that what would you do if something just sucked you right in i don't know where the keys to the truck just in case good question i'm just kidding getting a picture of my booty yup the things you do [Music] clay i hope it's clay look how far back this goes you're about to go swimming i'll get in there i'm gonna suck that leaf right in all right start scooping does the nugget trapper suck up clay sucks everything up this thing is a beast is the best hand dredge in the world unless you sound crazy look at this okay 50 feet a little uncalled for you know what that means another pocket you feel it no but it is creeping through somewhere that was a lot of bubbles it was earth fart odd go straight down i found it it's an over there's an overhang and it's just creeping out of the shelving i can't get in unless you want to bring a jackhammer down here some good looking quartz beautiful gonna break it all up because that gold will get stuck in that clay and you'll never get it those fall out okay [Applause] that was mesmerizing i know it's very therapeutic maybe that's why i did it any color oh we got more than color i'll show you let me get the little bit of blinds out real quick if i just threw it right back in i was just about to say that yeah right i'm a professional painter ready look at that nice chunker get in that sun there you go then you got another piece there and over there there's a few pieces in here so what pan is this maybe five maybe five all right we're just gonna say navy after each pan i feel like a little pocket right in here i heard it all go up there that thing gets sucking nugget up from like a foot away by more is that it no i just think i should get a gym membership again oh yeah trying to find where that little pocket just was [Applause] so [Music] oh yeah try to get up in here breather [Applause] geez [Applause] all right shall we check it one more all righty once again we're going to have kyle pan my pan out if i do it doesn't add that much material in here doesn't mean there's not a gold nugget true getting down to the nitty-gritty all right no you didn't get skunked oh oh there's a piece one two yep two fly poops didn't can skunk though didn't get skunked though okay one more time all right pan number six maybe [Applause] i think i'm gonna get back down in there too bad you forgot your face mask not like you'd be able to see in there anyways my wetsuit some kneecaps i mean some knee pads we'll get you some new kneecaps i found here's a little bit of clay after we get my ring we can get some new kneecaps for you yeah did you see how many comments people left about that thanks for being on my side oh you're gonna get stung today oh he's gonna land on me and he's gone ouch [Music] [Applause] thanks you got me [Music] [Applause] so it sounds like a good one [Applause] so so that's all wet in here there's probably a piece or two hopefully there's like eight let's see it's a famous flip back two one two three there's a couple chunky pieces in there i think we're at the bottom of it i'll clean this up are we rolling we've been rolling okay so this is going to be the final cleanup of that pocket finally got to the bottom of the cracks we weren't pulling anything else out so we're going to show you what we pulled out of the entire crack in the black paint so i think this is pan number seven well we're just gonna we're just gonna call it a five-point press look at that it's gonna hurt later oh my god there's so many quad eggs here you can just see all the gold in there that's so much it'll look really nice once i put all that clean it up all right well let's try not to fall this time ooh this is going to be a good one oh my god dude i didn't even mean that give it a little jet dryer dish soap because your tiny gold will float but look at that look at all that gold it looks better underwater do that you have to get it here you hold it wow that's a nice cleanup from just right here could you imagine if i put that dredge in here and hit that whole line trying to get the soap off man look at that one you could hear it i picked that one out with my finger it's crazy very crazy because missouri is not supposed to have any gold it's all what kind of gold is this ah yes you won all the gold it's yours now all right we're gonna pack up out here okay can we bring that so home someone let me know what this is in the comment section below and if it's anything i'll come back and hack two miles just to grab the rock but we are yeah let me usually get some water out of there oh yeah all right we're gonna go ahead and pack up and go buy a nice microscope and put it under there and see what it looks like you want to say goodbye to everyone goodbye goodbye we'll see you soon jamie you forgot to put your pants on what a steal that was 25 bucks not eight bucks all right guys we just got home check that gold out there's my index finger that's just one pocket here in missouri and that weird piece right there has some red on it it looks like i'm just waiting for this to dry out a little bit and then we're gonna use this guy which i just bought for seven dollars who's on clearance okay so that doesn't work well this is the best we could do because i packed up all my stuff because we are in the middle of moving so you are going through my iphone camera right now it doesn't do any justice but look at that on the other side of this guy if i flip this over it's gold and the other side is like red it's super weird but yeah that's a very good clean out probably the best pocket clean out ever but i'll get a new handheld microscope and we'll put it all under there we'll put it all under there sometime soon but anyways i hope you guys enjoyed watching feel free to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and as always i will see you on the next adventure
Channel: Kyle Thiemann
Views: 410,091
Rating: 4.4749589 out of 5
Keywords: gold, arrowheads, prospecting, dredging, howto, panningforgold, findinggold, kayaking, nuggets, points, indian, artifacts, weapons, projectiles, sluicebox, goldpan, dredge, gopro, glacier, indiantools, tools, howtofindgold, cleanout, goldbars, goldnuggets, placergold, glacialgold, dredgingforgold, golddredging, handdredge, chicks
Id: 72E1HEA7-Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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