Lost gold in Maine

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well just want to give a little bit of background about this video um this is up on the east branch environment uh most of this video is just going to be doing a little bit of scouting for a uh extended weekend trip by me and a couple friends i actually i forgot to film most most of uh didn't happen that weekend but kind of a before and after so uh here it goes all right plan a didn't really work out can't get access to the uh the dirt road but i'd like to well i got permission slip but um not sure if that's even a paper company's land one entrance is uh gated and locked the other entrance is kind of hard to access i'm not sure if you even are allowed to well way back there around the bend that's where i came from um you can see too many good signs down there necessarily kind of looked like what it did uh way above on wild road with the rocks sticking out on the right side that's where the shell bedrock starts and it's all shallow bedrock coming up to uh expose bedrock on both sides it's probably not too deep while i'm standing on the gravel bar and then uh looks like the bedrock keeps going up someone's panic or some debris or something i'm gonna keep going up like well i've been walking like 15 20 minutes up the river probably gonna go another five minutes and stopped i stopped to record this for a minute i'm not making very good uh pace but this was interesting someone drilled and uh tapped this bolt into this broken piece of bed rock and that's still pretty clean with the bolts off pretty rusty you know how old it is continue walking up all right once again let's pull up the camera not didn't get very far but um i thought it was worth it it's a waterfall some sorts that pool's probably really deep and uh i'm gonna try to get along the side i might have like up and around but uh this is definitely as far as i'd want to go i'd say let's see if i can get up there but uh getting a little too far away from the uh the car now about a kilometer in straight shot so it's uh i don't know river bends you know so it's a little further already i already saw one uh old little prospectors stash downstream all right i guess that would be uh yeah downstream and here's a winch and i'm not sure if they're using that as a dredge pump or if that's a power winch i don't see a power winch but uh yeah i'm actually to keep going up a little bit more let's see okay i'm going to go up to that next bend as far as i'm going to go i guess i'll go all the way then work my way uh back down these rocks right here look a little weird i think they built up almost been a path or a road right there or something that's that's all um that's river worn it's all kind of stacked almost this is all bedrock all the crevices walk by i'd like to get in but uh i don't know i think i'll probably get blown out keep my open for bears and uh yeah get to dig in real soon all right so i thought this would be a good test spot since uh upstream on the right side there's bedrock all up there decaying all around there that way hang a bunch of big boulders up there a little boulder field goes around an island and then uh oh this is shallow shallow bed rocker you know surface bedrock that kind of ends right here assuming that's better rock so i thought you know this area would be pretty good maybe you'd be better off bedrock but um yeah not so much calling it quits a little early but um rivers down there found this path that goes decent ways up uh yeah i'm getting all the know this place a lot better but here's some more uh what i'd call prospector trash not to give prospectors bad name but this looks like they're trash or maybe they're actively using it but there's a lot of trash on this river all right see you later it's a nice camping area way too far down there fire pit path down river oh i see a lot of this has been hit hard well you can camp here and then walk up further i guess i don't know just doing a little prospecting camping on this uh closed logging road a little prospecting campaign i'll leave that on the roof i forgot my pad so i got up instead i don't know if uh they're digging this out a little bit do i make the road but to see bedrock up here so this is the part uh or a hole this part and there's another part up there that might be even a little bit skinnier i'm not sure this looks turkey or something i'm not sure if you're uh oh get out of your birds oh my god i'm not sure uh so this is the other part i would say your truck would not fit down this doesn't need to be drilled oh there's new pin stripes they saw two black bears a little bit of a wrap i guess i need the uh two inch lift exam i do something like this that was an exhaust fiji right here first piece of eg and there's actually another piece but i didn't see that so only the big piece of vg came from right here i saw a pile of black sand and then i saw a piece of gold that's amazing so yeah that was uh my byron weekend um that pan was from sunday and the prior footage was from thursday so yeah uh basically forgot to film anything the whole weekend but again this is before i knew i was gonna make the channel so just bear with me for you know one or two more videos and uh we'll string together some you know full trips um yeah this is uh the cleanup that i had from the whole weekend not very good um you know gold wise i don't really like to zoom in my pictures too too much but um you know that's like a medium slash large pan so you can just figure it out none of us did too good that whole weekend so sorry byron but probably won't be back without a foreign stretch so again uh yeah just please bear with me i think i'll have uh like one or two more videos that are kind of sporadic like this but uh then we'll get some full trips you know strung together all right again like subscribe comment you know thumbs up thumbs down whatever see you later
Channel: Lost Gold Expeditions
Views: 1,916
Rating: 4.2941175 out of 5
Keywords: new england gold prospecting, gold, gold rush, maine gold, gold panning, prospecting for gold, swift river, Maine placer gold
Id: -1qY5nnFG4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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