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hey what's going on guys welcome back to my channel if you're new to my channel don't forget to click that subscribe button today I'm doing a solo trip and most likely House summer might be solo as well found out the boys that I was prospecting with and going on trips with they were just using me for my subscribers on my youtube and my money I'm all about friendship and honesty if they want to be like that I'm gonna have to be the same so I do the collaboration with the guy not too long ago and we were supposed to be a crew you know nope greed got ahold of him so not helping him out anymore so he's gonna have to do it on his own but anyways I'm at the Missouri River screw those guys and today I'm gonna show you how to extract gold out of every single River in the world because as you know there's gold in every single River in the world and I'm gonna show you my setup today so let's go there's a monster tree that got taken down let's go under here it's got a gold pan you got the Nugget Trevor shovel and then as you see I threw together a long time so as you can see down in here there's just tons of black sands I just threw it in here I'm gonna level this out so it runs smoother these sands here are just loaded with tiny tiny gold I'm sure there's a ton in there already but then as we're getting these bigger gravels the bigger gold is stuck in the bigger gravel oh yeah one other thing if you guys live in Missouri or st. Charles and watching my videos and owned a boat and you want to go find some mammoth bones Mastodon bones Native American artifacts tons of arrowheads big gold agates and stuff like that let me know because me and the boys right now are at war and I'm gonna be the first one at that spot every single time I'm gonna make sure they never get another Arrowhead in their life don't want to act like that as you can tell I'm pretty heated help them out a lot took a lot of time out of my day went out of my way to help but you know what let's go to war boys all right anyways I'm gonna go ahead and set this up a little bit better maybe get the shovel up here remove some garbage and get some more flow and we'll start moving some material stay tuned a lot of you are asking me on my channel can I find gold in my estate yeah you can just buy a sluice box I would actually recommend the gold hog because Matt's work awesome and really just shovel into it you know after you learn how to trust the weight of the gold it's gonna be a lot easier for you because you'll see tiny pieces you know like oh no they're gonna fly out of my sluice box it won't no get stuck in there so don't worry about that but yeah just buy yourself a sluice box snuff a bottle and obviously a gold pane but you'll see what I do in this video and just copy it and you'll find some gold so let's go ahead and start the day I'm done whining about those greedy backstabbing sound of okay guys I'm actually sitting in front of my sluice box I just want to show you what to look for you see these blonde sands these are worthless see that dark sand right here this layer contains gold this ionised player the orange that contains gold as well so you're looking for your black sands and it gets caught in roots and stuff like that so this little bit right here probably has a bunch of gold in it so yeah you're looking for your black sands and if you're in your gravels we could go over to the gravel real quick this is pretty high right now because the river I believe the river is at 19 5 that's gonna drop tomorrow down to 18 but when you're at the river or the Missouri River at least you're looking for heavies such as black sands your garnets stuff like that and all that stuff will get caught around big rocks stuff like this see how that's all darker and then the blonds but you'll have better look by the water obviously the river is just high right now and I just find a good spot to put the sluice that's why I put it there so what I'm gonna do if I take down this wall and find a black sand layer and just try to run all black sands for a little bit and see if we could see any visible gold I forgot to tell you guys with these gold hog mats you do not have to classify classifying is a waste of time [Music] you see that orange in there highly ionized so this is heavy stuff you're golden there [Music] look how black that is that's what you're looking for that is complete magnetite yeah with this gold hog sluice you can honestly let's do this all day long you get such a nice flow with these gold hog mats because they slide onto the lip here so it acts like straight bedrock there's no disturbance right there just drops off very nice to see how much I just threw in there and it started clearing out not sure what the weather's gonna be like today but it's spring cleaning right now hopefully we don't get a storm I should probably check the radar yeah look at that you know a little clogged at the top but we're still stratifying beautiful all right I just lowered the a scent of this bad boy and she's cruising my favorite noise in here and got someone on the boat right there looks like you got some catfish poles on there you know what since you guys don't have this yet we're not gonna use that today we're just going to use the shovel as you can see the middle that's cleared out little rocks in there but just slip right here all blacks and come down here just slip right here there's you can see the blinds but if I just move my finger like that it's all okay get some material Wow look at this this is a tree that has been there for a while goodness gracious yeah I think I get up in these roots I might get some good there's some black sands and orange right up in there fried egg around here just slap her in there let's do it usually you would not have all this build-up right here I'm losing water flow this is just a drainage that I found at the river but as easy as this guys just put the material in it goes down the gold falls the lights flow that's it you see a hole that look how black that is that is prime right there and put it up the top and break it out with my hands and that's to break up the rest of break up down loose I'll put that whole ball in here how about that people are gonna freak out because I'm not using that classifier that rather move more material that's it for the bucket for an hour and you could even ask doc from the gold hog he says class spine is a waste of time play materials all black and dark look at that stuff all these smokes throw it up in here let it do its thing back up losing flow and she's clear people hate when I do this but I hate when you guys comment all my stuff saying don't do that mind your own sluice you know what I should make merch with the shirt that says mind your own sleaze and that all you classified people love this it's not too much is it seems to be running just finds me look at that stuff right there indicator Matt no not today play breaker Matt today [Applause] a little courage to throwing out more turds how's my mouth not real fart and I'm sure you noticed I did not do any test pans because I know what to look for and that's the heavies and the gold is with the heavies so you guys need to look for black sands haematite people love and I say hematite I mentioned hematite black sands hematite hematite quartz let's see garnets did I mention hematite I think I did but yeah all those heavies definite black sands if you have black sands is most likely gold they're here at a river and if you see some moss and go ahead and take that moss put it in your gold pan swish it around and pan that out and that would be an indication if there was gold in the area which there probably was because there's gold freakin everywhere but yeah I didn't do any test pans I just started digging I'm gonna show you guys that those gold here and there's gold in every single River in the world so let's keep digging all right I'm gonna show you guys what I'm talking about with that wall of black saying all right so see how I just dug this wall worthless money see the black get all that black in your sluice throw it in there chop it up let's mess up a little bit some of you mask one of the laws on prospecting in Missouri well Missouri really is in the gold state I haven't found any laws so I do what I want until someone tells me otherwise then I'll probably still do what I want just watch all that fly down [Applause] [Music] another thing you can do take the plant get that root system then you'd bang it on the top of your place these roots are like gold traps freakin get them on the ground well I guess three only get one I got a nice black sand layer right here something's gonna work this for a little bit and then we'll do the cleanup there's a storm on the way oh my god I can't bear to watch him do this wonderful trash Thank You humanity where that black sand and highly ionized look at that good stuff oh yeah Oh look at that so bud we've brewed out away want to mess around these roots right here top of my sluice there's some nice stuff I should be wearing gloves it's a risk I'll take yeah good stuff come of that some of that some of that in there so this is holding up how about this log there you go go ahead buddy just keep oh yeah look at that I need this camera freakin steady see that nice black sand right there that's what we want and go ahead and get the shovel cut this wall down let it flow out let it stratify down we'll do the clean-out it's glass man smells like [ __ ] might be chit pure black scene [Music] that's super on eyes this come all of the day well if there's any way to get coke 19 this is the way to do it who is taking new job that's it all of it the letter flow let us try to fight down take a look here in about five minutes all right ladies and gentlemen she is all figured out and ready for cleanup I'm going to I guess put my bucket down there and unscrew these mats and just light I'm ready hopefully okay change of plans on the clean-out I forgot my flipping screwdriver for my nuts and bolts so I'm just going to put the sluice head on top of the tree and just wash it out with a pan I'll just wash it out with the pan you Oh I'm ripping them out I just ripped the mats off the bolts I had up there now stay tuned alright I'll go ahead and clean these out and see how much material we got left all right the 30-foot sluice is out of the water mats are out all cleaned out just cleaning this water up a little bit yeah let's take a look that's it guys has all the material that's left couple cups now let's check out this goal I'm gonna add a little bit of dish soap to this so any Goldust in here does not float I have no idea how much Gold's in here by not much if we get a speck we're winners I do see a lot of blacks and so we'll see I'm gonna head down to with AK here and we'll go ahead and pan it out shake shake shake how you probably want to be over here so always ran today was sins I rarely do that but as you see in there there's a lot of black sands when you're painting I don't want to do a angle where it's up because if you angle it down everything will fall out so I'll just shake it until I see all those blonde sands he's even here to beat in here and just tap on your bait tape but I'll get down to the heavies it's gonna take me a minute cause it's all sand but stay tuned micro gold everywhere just millions of pieces of it it's amazing that those mats could actually catch all this gold trying to get it in a good pile for you guys it's so so small let me put it on narrow real quick I know you I can't see anything of this view there is tons of pieces up there I know what we will do I'll snuff all that up and put a microscope on it when I get home so you guys can see gold better that's good oh my gosh that's amazing I see gold I see gold I see gold and possibly platinum cruel very cruel I want to clean this up for you guys that goal the super tiny but we got some more than I thought too buncha metal they're all is I might have a piece of gold covered in mercury right there but I try to pile all this up I know the GoPro doesn't do any justice bare with me alright guys I must do two foot back real quick and then snuff it out it's just so tiny the camera doesn't do any justice as you can tell but there's pieces all along here I don't know you might be able to see that one let me try to get that glare out of there and then there's that metal right there looks like mercury or something there's a piece of gold stuck in the corner here but I'm gonna get it all up and then the last thing you'll see is gold under a microscope because this stuff is tiny because we ran sand all day but I was just doing it just to show you guys how easy it is to get gold but yeah as you see this was from today I mean I just dug in that little spot here a little long here just random spot and we got gold a bunch of black sands and some random metals might be able to see that piece yeah you see it just look at it would you look at that look at this look at that there's another one right there and I think I don't know though though though though there's like 50 pieces in here let's never up oops ward off oh yeah this is what you need to snuff her bottle for music now to snuff up all your gold legs oh yeah there's some pieces just coming out of nowhere we'll just get all up in there this is gonna look really cool on her microscope since it's so dang small I'm really curious of what it looks like look at that there's like 30 pieces right here try to get them all and they're all step I'm gonna go through this very carefully early early that's even a word thoroughly sounds really weirds probably not anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I guess the next thing you'll see is some gold under a microscope but don't forget if you're not subscribed to my channel just find that subscribe button and click it so you can stay tuned for this summer as I said I'll probably be by my lonesome because people are mmm save it but anyways hope you enjoyed today I sure did it's kind of fun actually we got a lot of gold out of the sand I'm pretty surprised I should stay here all day one time and just keep shoveling because classifying is pointless but hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you on the next adventure and I hope you enjoyed this microscope I hope you enjoyed the gold onto the microscope see ya I forgot to say and that is how you extract gold from any River thanks for watching you you
Channel: Kyle Thiemann
Views: 224,830
Rating: 4.6868939 out of 5
Keywords: gold, prospecting, dredging, howto, panningforgold, findinggold, nuggets, indian, sluicebox, goldpan, dredge, gopro, glacier, indiantools, tools, longtom, sluiceingforgold, whereisgold, river, rivergold, placerdeposit
Id: _PT0_LChZhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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