SPEECHLESS! Metal Detecting Deep Woods Abandoned Houses! Treasure Map Points The Way .....

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] what is going on everyone jd coming at you i hope you're all having an absolutely fantastic day the context of this video is quite simple i created a homemade treasure map and we're gonna go into the woods and see if we can find us some artifacts i put a lot of time into researching filming and editing this video so i truly hope you enjoy it that being said let's get started so here is the cabin that i previously showed in one of my older videos i never found out if they reused the materials from this from one of the ones that used to sit up here or what i assume so and apparently you can tell that they redid the foundation certainly and i'm not sure if they moved it here if it was here originally but uh you can tell it's rotting out on the inside it's not in very good shape let's take a look in here they have it boarded so nobody goes in oh look at those wonderful mud dauber nests everywhere you're definitely having fun in here that's for certain such a cool place so it was back in the stream behind here where i found some old stove parts so it would make sense that this was where the cabin used to sit it's pretty grown in down there now [Applause] the water is definitely a bit on the low end we haven't had rain for about a week but before that it rained a lot for the summer and um not planning on going in the water today so i wanted to show that on my way up the hill i'm gonna be doing a lot of hiking now i think what i would like to do is go as far as i'm going to go and work our way back that way i can kind of just get to hiking no distractions that sort of thing and i was shirtless today but where i'm at specifically now there's a lot of mosquitoes i was just telling a lot of people that there's hardly any bugs this year um even out in the middle of the woods but here where i'm at now in the mountains it's a whole other story so shirt on today all righty so to give you an idea where i'm at on my map now that i extensively made this one by hand and i've been up here before i'm much more familiar with where things should be so right where i'm at i have to turn the map around so i'm facing the right direction i'm walking this way and after crossing the water right here from the modern day trail this black line represents the modern day trail and i am past this home site here which is removed it's kind of where the park starts it's all been demolished there's no signs of that left and where i'm at right now is right in this little nook right here now you can see where i put an x right there there was a home site that was right here and actually for being on the old maps that x is actually pretty darn close so i'm assuming this x is actually this right here so it would make sense that this was here originally and they just built the foundation this is the last uh standing one out of all these cabins that were up here in the woods so i'm assuming that this is the x there i only mark it because there was a little bit of discrepancy between the 1935 and 1939 maps one of them showed it like sitting up here more but i'm assuming this flat area right here that's probably this site this next one that we're going to be hiking past i'm not going to stop so let's flip around again all i can tell you is um the 1939 maps are a little bit wonky for lack of better terms this home site shows that it's there in 1935 but in 1939 it disappears so it was gone in 1939 and i've never seen any remnants of it as a daddy long legs tries to get on me so um i'm not going to stop anywhere around this one we're going to hike the whole way up to probably where i'm going to stop today which is going the whole way up here which i've never been the whole way up there before and i'll look at look for some of these so that's what we're going to do it's going to be a long hike from here and i'm not going to stop much on the way all right so i've walked about 500 feet or so up the trail and i want to quickly point out to make sure we're all on the same page here the black solid line is the modern day trail the dotted line is the original trails leading out of the mountains from the home sites so these trails are on the 1935 aerials when you see the dotted line and i got and i paralleled them as closely as i could to exactly where they went on this map so i know which side of the creek i needed to be on when looking for these home sites the blue i put there is naturally the waterways and that's pretty much it and of course the x's mark the home sites it's pretty simple uh the legends on here it's pretty much four different types of markings to show exactly uh what i'm looking for so anyway flipping the map around because we are walking south but to make this easier i have to flip this around so you can see the black line we are on the right so this is heading perfectly south on this map or north for you now because i have it turned around the water is on this side and we know that this home site was somewhere just off the trail here now i never checked up here before i may look but uh there's a little flat area right up in there so i wonder if it could have sat right there and um what is that it's like a plastic sword some kind of kid's toy let me grab the map so this doesn't blow away move my detector off the trail in case there's any hikers there's like nobody up here it's in a pretty remote area on a weekday not many people come up here um let's see if i can even get up here easily i'm going to take a quick look up here see huh anyway you can see the creek now that i'm up here and only gets deeper from here on out but the question is is a bit of an odd shape up here i don't visibly see any iron or what would have been stacked stone or foundation of any kind it is a bit peculiar here the way this almost looks like it's cut out of the hillside so i would have to get the detector up here to see if there's any iron in the ground all we need for proof is just some square nails might be some uniformity to these rocks right here could be and perhaps perhaps i don't know if deer did this hmm perhaps a little bit of a trail here in between those rocks yeah i'm going to give it a go real quick i'm going to grab the detector i just want to see if there's any iron up here and if there is that's awesome if not we'll keep moving so i've been swinging around here for about a minute all over that a little bit of a cleared area here and on the edges not a peep the ground is super quiet not even the tiniest little iron grunt just pristine woodland where there's never been any humans to drop or litter any sorts of metal and i like looking for home sites in these higher spots because anytime there's trash it's gonna you know stay lower and blow into the creek in the areas that are lower so um you're not going to find like bits of foil and all sorts of random junk from the last 40 years and high up places like this if there's ever trash up in an area like this because somebody deliberately threw it up here but um i'm not getting even a peep so i'm gonna work just over by these rocks here one second might be something over here looks interesting um but i ain't hearing anything in here what's up with this though yeah runoff goes right down through here but kind of a peculiar rock i don't know what's up with that pretty bizarre shape though doesn't look like there's any carvings or any kind though this is bizarre well i caught that from a distance so we're just going to swing up under here for a second we got some iron in this wash out let's turn the discrimination off [Music] i might dig that out out of curiosity because that is an iron signal out here in this washout we'll see what it is maybe the house was up there there looks like another flat part here i wasn't expecting them trekking far off the trail today but uh if i find a home site i'll be bushwhacking so let me get that out and see what we got great way to start the day i was too lazy to put my gloves on for the first target and as i'm prying the shovel when the target gave way i hit my knuckle off of a rock but anyway this is that blob of material and i loosened it up you can hear it overloading the pin pointer so we're going to pull this out see what it is what on earth [Applause] drop it on that rock by some of that dirt off what in the world huh is that concrete here i don't think it was lead on this side otherwise it would have given a higher signal this is like let me see out of the ground what the detector wants to do of course it's overloading completely iron grunt i'm not getting anything else that's that would indicate lead so man i don't know how old this is the question is why would it be up here if there wasn't a house up here okay it looks like there's some sort of pin running from there the whole way out this side that could be some type of rebar maybe there was an old uh path up here yep we're gonna check up there real quick um i'm gonna leave this on one of these rocks right now and i guess i'll try to grab it on the way out because this is a heavy lump for certain and we're not going to lug that around all day so i'm going to put it up on this gigantic boulder where it's easy to remember where it's at and we'll come get it later all right well it's getting interesting now it's definitely not flat enough up here for home site you can see how steep that is down to the trail i was right in the bottom of that wash out there and came up here because i could only see this flat area from there but that's it there's just a kind of flat patch that's only maybe by like four by four yards and the rest is just absolutely steep so and i was swinging around anyway no iron up here so i don't want to trek back down where i was so i'm gonna try to stay up here on the steep part parallel with the path and hopefully i don't hit a dead end where it's too steep and i can't get down because i want to see what's over there too just in case we would stumble on the home site but not looking too good in this area so probably just gonna keep heading up the trail to the other spots i found my way back down to the trail an area where it wasn't too steep to get down i walked up a little bit further i think the last bet for this home site this first one is actually in this little area here that's kind of flat right off the trail it's extremely grown in but you can see where the terrain just it starts getting steep from this point so it's possible could have been right back in here but it's pretty grown in so i'm not going to bushwhack in there right now i may give it a quick swing on the way back i want to check everything out first rather than stay in the uh front of this trail 40 chance of scattered thunderstorms today so if we get caught in that it'll make the day just that much more interesting i wanted to show you all this really quick this awesome tree see what we got living in this hole it's like almost completely hollow on the inside let's go slow hopefully there's nothing in here oh yeah it goes right out the other end i wonder if we can see there's light coming from up there so i can't see anything on the screen it'll all be on you all if you can see something don't feel like putting my head in there right now ah okay that's where we saw the light coming from but anyway beautiful area up here you can see the creek i'm i doubt they used brick in the construction of these places up here so i mean i'm basically looking for you know nails and that type of thing can't imagine them hauling bricks up here and it was probably you know poor mountain folk so wow that's quite damned up there of course they would have been in this creek a lot but being on the bottom portion of this part of the trail there'd be a lot of modern trash in here too but someday while the water is low we'll come down and look in places like this more because like i said out by the one in front i found stove parts we got here that's definitely got some human intervention going on there at least it appears that way unless the layers and layers over the years in the creek smoothing that out in different notches that's pretty crazy all right we're gonna keep moving get into more interesting stuff looks like somebody had a blow out and hung their flip-flop on a tree unless that's a sign for help and they're down there somewhere i hope not so i would say there appears to be at least one more possibility i know the home site definitely wasn't any farther where i'm at now you can see the trail balloons out here and gets really large and this is a very high point if you roll down there you would be you you might not make it so this is like the highest point and then you can see the hillside here it's possible that this part of the trail was originally widened it's possible the house could have literally sat right here in this kind of flat area and then when this modern trail came in between here and the waterfall they just dozed and leveled everything because we're not too far up in the woods so they definitely have used heavy machinery up here um as far as you know clearing things out i'm not deep in the woods yet so that is definitely a possibility see all these massive boulders here and having looked at the other spots it would have made more sense to build it up here than a little bit further down in the valley um you know just right over there where i was so that's actually what i'm but the problem is if that's the case you know i can't detect down this way if anything was pushed over the edge and this is just all hard pack and moved around material so if that's the case there may be some relics back up in here a little bit i think i'll check real quick but um regardless i don't think we're gonna find much but hey it's worth trying you never know i got a signal up here right away but not what we're looking for someone tell me how old that one is i've been swinging around up here for a bit there's nothing up here but a little bit of modern to semi-modern trash no iron no home side iron like i'm looking for so i'm going to continue on this is definitely the last spot it could have been so maybe that in between spot we didn't check was where it was actually at moving on so i made it to the first crossing and i'm just gonna keep moving while i chat here for a second don't want to waste any time but i did look around here with the metal detector a bit before i actually found the end of a fireman's hose up here i didn't know what it was when i found it some people commented and let me know and then just some modern trash obviously pulled down in through here i just did it on the way back before why not and i think i found a couple modern coins too so we're going to be at the waterfall in a second well not quite a second and then i'll show you a few uh things on my map um we're getting close into the area where i found most of the coins because this waterfall has been a destination since the 1800s i mean not much of a destination destination but there are definitely people back here going back to then more so of a destination obviously over the last 50 or so years so uh i'll get back with you in a second [Music] so got a feather down there almost at the waterfall we are getting there it's just been another few minutes here's this little ledge that i thought was a cave when i first came through here but it doesn't go any further than that of course for many many many years people would have been hiding in there playing in there doing who knows what and i detected around here before down around this area and found a couple modern coins we're going to keep moving [Music] and we made it let's see what it looks like down here see how much it's changed i have not been up here for like almost a year i've detected under that ledge before up under there wow it looks a lot different all of that debris moved down further some minnows down there and the water is really low too this is crazy this changed a lot i get my water shoes on another day when i'm going to go in the water might want to give it another try in there and see if any of this material is shifted there was like an island of sand here before and i dug a bunch of traction for like a couple pennies in it and a lot of old ammunition up here too from hunters but i know there's relics and old coins up here just a needle in the haystack trying to find one a lot more this is cleared out too i wonder if some trees fell down or yeah somebody cut them up so they had somebody doing some work up here to clear this out a little bit more you can see that one's uprooted there might be a little more area to swing where i couldn't get to before because i found quite a few coins old bullets and uh an old uh peace sign uh jewelry like a pendant up there on top and the dirt up there by the ledge we're not going to do it right now but maybe i'll swing around here a little bit on the way back i like how this looks a lot different it is much more open than the last time i was here certainly and i'm sure you know the rain has exposed more of this the oldest coins that we was able to find were going back to the 1960s but i know there's older ones down here somewhere yeah they chopped some more trees here this is crazy wow sun actually gets in here now unbelievable this is why you detect why you can in areas you think might be good where all of this debris is piled this is where all metal detect this is where metal detected under here before where people used to set their bags and hang out before jumping in here when the water's deeper and i found that jewelry down under these logs it looks completely different up here i've detected all of this bedrock before never found anything in the bedrock cracks up here naturally this is not a high traffic area being way up in the woods pretty cool though all right further into the woods we go looking for them home sites and what is this we got down here [Applause] nice i'm definitely not hauling that out of here maybe someday i'll come out here up here without my bags and all my gear and stuff and just haul trash out i hate seeing garbage like that up here in the woods in one of the deepest ravines up here there was actually i've actually found the tire i don't even know how it got the whole way up here unless it came off of one of the surface vehicles because the service road ends a ways back um but if i find a tire from here on out i will really be wondering how it got there at least the one behind me i can figure out how it got there boy check how much this filled in [Applause] wow that is awesome this changed a lot since i've been up here too that is sweet if we get some more days in the 90s i'm gonna have to come up here and take a dip a lot of the brushes down even for summer i might need to detect some of this hillside sometime let's not get sidetracked we're looking for the home sites right now okay we need to do a little bit of housekeeping here before i lose track of where i'm going we are at the waterfall of course i have the map upside down right now because i'm coming from this way the only thing that's wrong on the modern google maps which i didn't fix on my map but i knew it was wrong is they show the trail on the right side of the water and as you can see i'm hiking this way and the water is on the right water falls right down here so i knew this was wrong when it gets to about here it's or actually back here it's actually on the other side that's beside the point i'm at the fork where this is where the water cuts up this way that is this right here and we want to go this way to try to find these home sites that were up in these hills so that is up this way there's a trail that curves around this way one that goes a little more straight i gotta figure out exactly which trail is which if i can because i know the one that curves back up i'm not sure if it's this one or this one is super steep i i detected it and walked up it a little bit before so that's what we need to figure out now if we take this outlet here or this one down here it leads to where there was a cemetery founded in 1840 it's by an old church that's super old so i figure back to about then people been coming to this waterfall i mean it's pretty old but there are no modern day trails down there you would just have to follow the water you can see an old trail used to come from around where that church and that cemetery and the old roads were going outside or i should say down the hill this way it all funneled out that way and there was an old trail running on this side of the creek which would have been on the left side of this body of water going up that way would have been really rugged uh we're probably not doing that today we're going to try to figure out where this is up here follow the modern trail the solid line to get to where these home sites were close to the main trail so we're going to be following the water so that's what i'm doing now up here pretty soon is where i stopped detecting the trail last time so i'll show you where i stopped before and then we're going to trek deeper in than i've ever been before i honestly can't tell you if i'm in the right spot or not because when i get to here and try to follow this trail there's multiple trails and i know i didn't take this here or actually this actually and showing the trail is on the left side of the water until we get to about here and then it kind of goes level with it before it balloons out the other way you can see i'm not sure if the modern google maps are wrong on this like it was back there so i'm going to have to explore this trail a little bit first it's a little bit rugged as you can see this is where i stopped detecting before i've never gone farther than this it's really pretty back here you can tell not a lot of sun gets back here though it is an overcast day it's much darker than the other area but believe it or not back in here by this little tiny little water hole i found the coin spill from like the 1980s i think it was right over in here somewhere and i dug it live i've never gone any farther than this so i'm going to keep trekking and see if i can figure out where i'm at this is majorly grown in through here it's been a couple minutes and i knew i was at least according to the maps on the wrong side but uh you can see i found an area to cross here where this path goes it crosses over and cuts up through here i'm gonna be hunched over trying to weave through all that but at least even if i was supposed to take the upper trail it doesn't matter because it looks like eventually it hits right level with this water anyway also i want to do is follow the water source and i think it'd be easier for me to bushwhack through this rough section rather than it would be to backtrack and try to go up that steep hill and up around this way so i'm just going to keep following the water you know see if it gets us up where we're going but this is actually a lot more difficult than i expected so logging the t2 around ain't easy but i'mma make and do makes you wonder the determination of the people who build up here unbelievable i came to somewhat of a little clearing here thank goodness because i was bushwhacking down through all this you can't even see it there that's not even the bad part but when i got to this clearing where this all this material is dammed up and there's a ton of ton of sand i spotted something we're gonna check out see if it's old i see some glass up here looks pretty thick i'm not sure but we're gonna check it out might be a piece of an older bottle oh wow that's sturdy that's not a piece of like a modern soda bottle it's got the little handle on it and look how thick that glass is that is crazy well there's some evidence i must be heading in the right direction see if there's see if we can eyeball anything else in here yeah that caught my eye so i'm going to keep trekking through here that appears to be a quite old piece of glass very neat all right in the back it goes onward and upward oh my goodness another waterfall i could hear that from a ways back it is beautiful up here but i am in the thick of it check out that tree that grew around that massive boulder and went straight up into the sunlight that is so cool question is how am i gonna get up there there's a little bit of a path that goes up this way i think i'm going to cross here and continue with that kind of primitive path because i think to go up this side is going to be a lot steeper and maybe connects into that other trail that's up this way it looks a lot easier to go that way so that's what i'm going to do i don't want to take any more time because i'm expecting rain and i want to get up as deep as i as far in as i can i will tell you if it starts raining now it is going to be absolutely miserable i got a long trek back to my vehicle let's see how this trail is over here maybe we'll take a shot from the top and detect here on the way back the weather stays favorable i did notice a piece of glass right here somewhere i can't find it now but i looked at it it was just thin modern glass probably somebody had a soda bottle up here yeah there's kind of a trail i'll be real careful why not could do this while i'm filming whew yeah let's do this live because i've never been up here before and this is awesome oh the question is does the trail just go under the falls i think it does i think it just curls under the falls here well let's take a look real quick oh my pack is stuck man down not easy to do with the camera ah there we go wow well i made it to the top and hear the waters down this way and i'm not going to show the edge of it because it's all grown in with rhododendron all in through here it's very slippery mossy rocks down through there i have no i need to save my energy not worry about careful foot placement because coming up around the side the little makeshift trail that's there it's one of those uh hold on to the trees and take your time it's one of those if you misplace your footing you're a goner type areas and i wanted to make sure i traversed it safely but once i got up here everything just ballooned out and got more clear thank goodness so maybe up here a little ways might be where these old homes were i had to put my map in a bag it was getting sweat damage there was one home site that was sitting way off the trail you can see how i marked the x here we're not going to go looking for that one now it's possible that it's back through there because you can see it's kind of like a valley that goes between the ridges up that way that should be directly south and um that might be back there but we're not going to be trekking up there i'm going to try to come to the ones that are close to the trail you can see well this is supposed to balloon out to the left of where the water is and there was a home sitting right up here but the original path to the home was not on this trail it was back up through here and they all connected down here and they exited the mountain this way so if i could find like this area right here which i should be close to we're getting about to where i want to be and then a little bit further up we got a home site here and then one that's literally gps puts it right in the middle of the modern day trail and these were all um on the 1939 aerials and 1935. um or the 1935 there were some discrepancies they didn't log all of the homes but these were certainly all in the 1939 maps let's continue hiking looks a bit easier now i only took a chance and i came up here to the right knowing eventually i was going to have to eventually be on the left side of the water you can see it's way down there now and now that i have a vantage point there was a trail that went steep up that way on the left side and i was thinking well i'm not sure if that connects but now that i'm up here i can visibly see see that big boulder there's a trail right in front of that that snakes up through there and i'm thinking that is the portion here that clearly separates from the water on the left side and when i say these were home sites for all i know who knows they could have been hunting cabins or you know some type of structures but they're marked as you know house-like objects on the maps so yep i think i'm going to go up there i'm not going to do much more filming need to get rolling well sweet sweet sweet i think we are getting closer lady closers closer ladies and gentlemen check out what we got right here oh i'm going to change my camera battery we got some older stuff a little jar screw top but uh that could be 19 i don't know 60s 70s not super old and then we got an older appears to be an older beer can here it's got the old pull tab still on it it's a miller can somebody will know exactly how old that is probably around the same time as this i don't know if this was a little bit of a bottle dump here they were right next to each other i don't have a whole lot of room in my bag to take out trash and i'm quite a long ways in the woods but i'm gonna try to take what i can no pun intended you see anything else i'm going to eyeball around here and um i think it might be time to start detecting it's fairly as levels we're going to get in through here maybe we are on it let's keep looking well i think i know where i'm at see this dotted line right here it appears that this is that trail still gets used of a dried out runoff down here i came from right there this is where the main water goes hooks here comes up this way makes a clear split so so you can see them right here dotted line run into the runoff and i came from right here in this corner so i'll know how to follow this back to where this place was which was close to that other waterfall down this way but it sat up on this side and higher and then if i just go a little bit further down this path if i bushwhack through right here to where it connects to here we'll be at this home site and the other one or whatever these structures were it looks like it was just across the runoff here where this intersects with it this trail so it would have been right about in there sweet okay so i crossed the runoff onto the other side close to where the home site should be and i found something i've had to train myself to see these years ago before i started treasure hunting i would have been oblivious to this on the old weathered ones check that out right there that's an old fence post follow it old super old fence post just used out of cut down trees primitive fence posts next one fallen over you can still see the barbed wire here and i scanned this with my detector there's nails in it that is a super old fence post and you can see next one right there one after that right there this starts to a gradual grade and this is more flat up here so i'm going to focus my efforts there's like a little clearing here but i checked it and there was no iron there so i'm going to focus my first up around here and the old trail goes right up above that where i was walking off of it let's see if we can get us on to something other than barbed wire fencing well i know where i'm going to focus my search i ran back to get my bag i wanted you to see this when i come up on it because i saw it from a distance and while we i saw it when i got about right here how big the limbs are let's see how big this tree is unbelievable oh can you believe it it's still standing that tree oh my goodness i didn't even see the building also i saw the tree for was for the tree from back there and i got excited unreal [Music] unbelievable there's the door whoa oh it smells in there i honestly didn't expect any of these to still be standing fireplace i'm in shock you see it collapsed well if i come up here again need to bring me a flashlight oh all the smell in there is just so bad smells like mold this side is completely it's collapsing the floor is pretty much gone there's a little bit of brick this portion looks like an addition potentially the original part ended right there and then they use some more some different materials in this side oh yeah i didn't even see that this is an old electric box and it's all cut of course check that out whoever was up here did live here for a bit of time yes i adjusted the camera because it's tilted that is straight but naturally i want to level everything so i tilted the camera sideways so it looks straight let's take a step back here a bit so if i straighten it out about right there is level you can see how the whole thing's tilted coming down well i guess it's time to do some swinging man we got to show this window frame first on this side old solid wood window frame slightly out of level what do you expect still hanging on can you imagine cutting out every single one of these notches oh unreal i have limited time up here so i'm only going to be looking for good non-ferrous targets now that i obviously found one of the places i don't need to bother digging iron solid coin signal right there piece of copper that's a good sign i'm going to set it there by my shovel for a second i'm going to focus my efforts around this big tree it's been there so long there would have been a lot of activity around this tree check out the size of these mushrooms that's huge this one here not as big dome on that one oh well it was just barely sitting on top look how big that stem is it's like a big ball of foam that's crazy all right i'm going to swing it around the perimeter of this tree and uh in the area in the front here where it's not as grown in see what we can pull out well i was in an area down over here where i found a couple lids it looks like you know um just lit off an old can and then there was like the rim to a an old mason jar um so i was detecting the trail because it's the most packed down area had a solid signal thought it was just going to be some trash and embedded down in the trail here right at the base of this tree you got a little aluminum measuring spoon or perhaps a baby spoon i find these quite a bit at the old home site so uh that is awesome i would call that the first good relic here so sweet we're on the board with the relic that makes me happy if that's all we found today i'm just happy i found this place it's super cold up here let's see if we can get us a coin all right down in that hole sticking around the back end of this place close to where i found that baby spoon and i got this i think it's just aluminum it's like a handle off of something so that's not from the older days of this site you have a really good signal so i'm just happy there's a non-ferrous targets in here i'm going to keep looking for good ones well right down here i saw this in the hole and thought i had a nickel but it's the dreaded shotgun shell head stamp you can see this one still has some remnants of the paper cartridge inside so this is one of the old ones yep definitely still got some paper on the inside there i'm going to set this down for a second and show you on the back end of this there's some more uh ruins of some outbuildings here looks like this long collapse that looks like that used to be a door frame whatever this was it wasn't very big it looks too big to be an outhouse though gotta watch where you step don't want to hit that it'll be a long hike out of here if you get them up through your foot oh yeah it's rough detecting ouch thorns it's rough detecting back through here it's not as honestly not as bad as bad as i expected though and we have this amazing once again i'm compensating that is straight it's heavily tilted wow you know there would have been a lot of activity between this and down by the water that's one of the places you always want to check because to get water you know like every day i had to bend back and forth here to there here to there all right let's keep swinging so the roof is over there i kind of kind of doing a circle around it this is the most clear area i'm just trying to see if i can find any hot spots for non-iron signals and um so far i just keep finding uh the old mason jar lids this one was almost on the surface you can still see it says ball on there and this was a deep one still got piece of the porcelain insert in it down under roots so these have been here for a while so it appears that this definitely was a home site not just you know oh i mean for a hunter's cabin that would have been way too big so yeah home site trash here which is absolutely awesome we're showing that for some period of time there was definitely somebody living here with that electric box over there living here for quite a while too um so that gives me hope that we're gonna pull some more out i'll keep looking i'm not filming much because i want to save time but um i've been at it for about half an hour or so i had a solid zinc penny signal right near the surface i took the pine straw and swiped it away and it is a coin now this is a there's a trail that's used quite a bit through here and um it's possible could just that's what it is because it's shallow yep 1999 well we found a coin at least let's go back carefully through the maps and see if i can figure out um when people stopped living in this i don't think it shows in the modern maps but there you go it's coin let's try to get one 60 70 years older so that's the largest outbuilding there i came down on the slope that's in front of everything i wanted to check between there and the water and this is pretty steep but this is about where they would have gone down to get water possibly a little bit over this way i'm going to walk around the edge there check out them big boulders it's pretty awesome and check around there with the detector i eyeballed something down here on my way down to be a bottle definitely has some age to it it's not super old it's machine made but it's intact it's a pretty neat one and we're gonna leave this one go because there's an ant colony inside it oh that always happens to me looks like they got the perfect growth and environment in there let's take one look at that oh there you go it's cracked anyway yeah they're on me okay i'll put that right back here right where it was and we'll let them continue on let's see what else is in store i've been detecting on the slope for 10 minutes or so it's very rough going check out this is amazing i'm on the back end between the home site and the creek and i definitely when it came down through here because these the drop from these boulders so i'm pretty sure they did come around the side here where i looked through there the only things i found are just a couple old rusty tin cans i tried swinging around and through here there is a bit of iron but uh just too much ground movement over the years to lock onto small non-ferrous targets and i'm not getting any good you know relic or big relic signals just iron so i'm gonna walk back my bag over here i tried the flat spot down there right by the water didn't find anything so i think i'm gonna keep going up the trail because we're right by the other home side i want to see if that one's still standing and then i guess we'll circle back whoo i am beat and i get a long way back too so i'm not going to go too much further looking for the other one but right in front here one piece old china washed out on the trail and definitely looks like piece of a bowl curves up a little bit nice check this out i have no idea what kind of fungus this is that is crazy welcome to jd's asmr it's a buttered noodle mushroom well i think i just found the other place my gloves smell like fungus now let's do this together firstly though maybe there was more activity at this place that looks like some colored glass there's some china there looks like it has a blue tint to it yeah there's definitely more debris about around this section here we go more china oh yeah whoo [Music] whoa doesn't smell as bad as the other one yeah everything's rotten let's try to get a look from the other side yeah this is definitely a primitive house not a barn there's the chimney it's an old wash tub i think i see an old bottle down through here oh yeah here's some big big big iron it's around whatever it is this is high under here now that's just plastic modern garbage i got so much stuff in my bag we'll set it there for now this one's got more ventilation it doesn't smell bad like the other one there's the fireplace that's really cool they built a corner shelf and i'm once again compensating this whole place has shifted not as bad as the other one though i'm actually pretty surprised this one's holding up as well as it is see up there in the rafters oh my goodness look at this old floral pattern i want to say that's wallpaper but it must be but it's over top of what appears to be some type of cardboard it was just fancy boxes something up on the wall man can you imagine living the whole way up here just nothing but you the wildlife and the trickle of the creek it doesn't really even matter if this caves in while i'm walking on it and it's only about a foot drop there it actually feels fairly sturdy just don't want to be bumping into stuff in case it would collapse and there she is stacked stone chimney the top collapsed a little bit but not too bad all right well i'm going to swing the detector in around here a little bit obviously you have to stay away from the structure be way too much tin and nails i mean you can see the roof is just all 10 running across and um try to sweep in through here a little bit this is built literally right by the water i'll try this little clear area back here and then out on the path where i'm picking up that china see if we can pull anything out this just drops straight down there oh wow and that's all flat here the creek's right there hold wash tub down there probably some something washing clothes and stuff who knows but yeah there might be some stuff down in there at the bottom of this ledge i just would like to get one cool relic well i'm happy i just got me a relic over there doing the stop of that the top of that ledge before it goes down to the water i'm gonna head down there in a moment just found a just a lid over there right down here right near the surface got me a little button looks like some type of like little overalls button something like that it's definitely a relic from this house though that's cool that's exactly what i'm looking for awesome so i'm going to do this little clearing here by this tree since i found this and then we'll work our way down there by the water where that wash tub is and see the chimney there this awesome rock ledge and i'm down at the bottom and i'm not going to be able to metal detect down here i guess for years they just pissed pitched their trash over the sides it's a dump see all the tin cans there it's just every little bit there's overload signals with the detector now there's some more modern trash mixed in here as you can see people have had some bottles down here let me get a little greenhouse grown in there um it's not super modern but still within the last 30 40 years in some of this looks like an old clorox bottle the top of one something dug a hole there down in that sand and um yeah a lot of it's over here you get to watch for your step see that looks like an old jug and uh mason jar lid here it still has the porcelain insert in it it's intact too let me go haul that one out of here here's the top of the jar or it may not be the same one this got all sorts of old china just randomly down here in the creek these people were pitching trash over here for a very very long time more glass that's like a thick old almost looks it's at the bottom of a bottle or is that more like broken glass that thing is thick though so yeah i'll put it back in here there's a lot of stuff in here without sitting my stuff inside another insert to a mason jar lid just sitting down here unbroken for all these years if you imagine during heavy rains how much this is flooded out in through here too and this there's stuff just laying everywhere taking my glove off i see something in the water here oh that's the top of a jar i thought it was something else yeah that's a jar buried down in there might be something old and complete down in here and then clears out on this side i got to go back soon i am running out of water and i get a long trek but i think if i come to this side hopefully they didn't pitch the trash on this side of the creek i like this boulder here maybe we'll swing around here for one second i can picture if you had a cash of coins or something you're going to bury you wanted to do it behind the house that would be a good landmark it's nice and shaded under here i like it on this side not much growth back in here just rhododendrons now around the other homestead i forgot to show it you can tell they definitely planted some stuff too because there was like some box box woods that you could tell somebody let run wild for the last 50-plus years yep there's people living back up here for quite a while you see anything else just it's like a bottle dump back here glass everywhere tin can what do we got here that looks like piece of an old i don't know maybe coffee cup little dish who knows oh oh that i think yeah is that one of them distillery aluminum caps might be i might dig a little bit of this out but i don't got much more time and energy so many mason jar inserts look at the side of the bank there a gigantic piece of china let's go grab that real quick probably wash down here a little ways oh i thought it was china what is that there it is yeah bottom of a plate there's glass everywhere oh my goodness this could be 50 plus years worth of pitching garbage over this hillside i bet you there's some coins and silver and stuff down in here but it'd be a needle in the haystack what you'd have to hope for is like a silver spoon or silver handle to a brush or a mirror something like that and i started jabbing my shovel on the hillside and just started pulling out pieces of plates and glass so yeah it's all over here anyway i pulled out that one cap that's going to be discernible before i get out of here so we can get an approximate age on some of this i think it says fruit industries set ltc on the bottom somebody let me know information on that one in the comments pretty thick glass there all right i'm going to swing around a little bit by that boulder on the other side uh because i think that's a little more interesting than eyeballing in here and um and we got to start heading back i'll briefly show you all here right up the edge of this rock ledge they definitely just pitched their trash over here it's just nulling out iron huge signals gigantic there's an old clorox bottle right there busted overload massive humongous signals decades worth of garbage we may try one here because this has me intrigued i peeled all this back here because it was a solid signal a big one there's a huge 86 signal under that big this big rock i don't know if i can yeah i should be able to dig that out flip it over in case they buried something under there but for that rock to be sitting on top of whatever is buried there this had to have been years and years and years of trash hopefully that's the jar coins down there but i didn't bring my knee pads up in the woods so i got to be careful here if i kneel on a big chunky piece of glass i'm gonna get all cut up so see if we can get this rock lifted out of here see what's under it and then i'm heading out of here well that rock was very wide but not very thick about two inches thick it actually came up a lot easier than i expected just pry it around the edges and uh figured we'd do it live after all that see what's down under it and of course a mason jar the inserts busted but let's dig around here a little bit make sure it wasn't attached to a jar of coins there is just china and materials all through here another lid why was it under that rock obviously that got moved at some point a bit of iron who knows what you'd find if you had days to dig through all this all right well it's not a jar coins i gotta save my energy almost out of water i'm happy right now at least i think i'm happy well i'm happy anyway but uh just eyeballing the trail that's washed out here it's definitely this place that had so much more activity than the other one there's just broken stuff all through here and i looked a little bit too round to just be a piece of broken glass off of a bottle and i think i got an old marble down in here this might end up being one of the best finds of the day oh my gosh looks like it's definitely got different color patterns there too i just put my shovel away oh my gosh this is funny come on it's gonna come out of there there we go oh it's broken on the bottom where it was probably connected with a rock oh my goodness look at that though that is so sweet how long it's been since i found an antique marble because detecting you only inadvertently find them in the hole with other stuff once in a while oh that is so cool i just finished my water and i got a long trek back yeah a little imprint there but i think i'm just gonna eyeball a bit before i leave i think i'm just gonna sit everything down and just walk around and look through these washed out areas this glass everywhere man that made my day right there seriously that is super cool so that's gonna wrap it up for today's adventure after i filmed that last clip it was time to put the camera away and hike on out of there i was tired and thirsty and uh just about everything it took me about a day to recover from that trip but uh i doubt i don't regret it that's for sure it was a lot of fun so i do plan on doing a follow-up there in the future i'll go through the maps and more of the fine details and type some loose ends and uh do some more explaining of what i figured out uh we'll save that for another time i hope you all enjoyed this mountain trekking adventure i know i did so uh anyhow i'm just back here at my place chilling out it's a few days after i had made that video and we're gonna start metal detecting the property uh here pretty soon not sure when i'm gonna put some videos up of that but um the house was built in 1959 so i'm not expecting anything colonial but hey you never know what could be here so thanks everyone for watching take care please consider subscribing if you haven't already and i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Treasure Quest - JD & Company Chronicles
Views: 137,843
Rating: 4.5850401 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Abandoned, Detecting, Abandoned Houses, Treasure, Treasure Map, Metal Detecting Treasure, Woods, Deep Woods, Metal Detecting Abandoned Houses, Speechless, JD's Variety Channel
Id: HJ5zFKhtf8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 4sec (4684 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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