The easiest way to find gold, PERIOD!

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel it's kyle thuman here we are back in the creek and today we're at the spot where i made a video and it actually got over 1 million views and the spot where my biggest gold nugget was found in missouri right there so today i'm going to do a video about how to find gold the easiest way possible period there's my taco and don't forget if you're new to my channel welcome and click that subscribe button you guys are awesome thank you for all your comments and the people that i've inspired to get outside and get some gold for themselves as well so cool but anyways check it out we have the famous nugget trapper in here and look at this nice crack it is filled back up again this rock that i'm standing on right here is the size of a small car i moved it with a big rock bar away from the ledge last time it moved a little bit from flooding probably an inch or so it's a heavy sucker but we're gonna clean this whole thing out i also brought my sluice box with me just in case we get on some real good stuff but the water flow here seems to be a little fishy be hard to work with there's some nice cracks in here as well that one's super nice that's probably loaded right there with gold but i guess today i'm going to teach you guys the easiest way to find gold in the creek which would be get down to bedrock if we take a look here this is like a natural sluice box here's a riffle where's the gold gonna go when it falls off of this ledge it's going to get stuck in that crack and since gold is so heavy like lead it's gonna stay in that crack and just move around in there unless something crazy happens and it gets sucked out by that but there's a lot to work with here today so all you need to do is find the lowest spot or if i set a piece of gold right here and the creek flooded it would travel down here fall off this ledge and fall off this ledge and since there's no crack there it's going to keep going it's either going to get stuck up between here and live there for a while until until it gets shot out it could fall on these cracks which is very tiny but eventually it's gonna end up here look at all this large material it replenished itself and it replenishes itself every time the creek floods so get to the bottom of the creek bed which is bedrock or clay and then find cracks and just work the crap out of the cracks that sounds awful and you really don't need much this is complete overkill all you need gold pan and a spoon and a little crevicing tool and a nugget trapper when they are available to the public which will be soon i promise where would you start i would start right here because it's the lowest spot you see the water comes around and if a gold piece a piece of gold was tumbling down really fast it would end up right here let's go ahead and do some test pans look how smooth this thing runs look at all that i'm to get in here and remove all the bigger stuff you never know what you could find in the cracks in the creek like what the heck is that a dinosaur tooth look at this right here looks like it may have been an artifact or was trying to be at one time there's a really stubborn one right here there you are there we go yes brand new so really all you need is a gold pan and a snuffer bottle this is dish soap in a spray bottle so there we go and if you guys are wondering why i'm putting soap in this well why i'm going to be putting soap in this it's because small small gold will actually float on top of the oils that are from the pan and your hands and when you spray this on the water when you see floating gold the gold will just drop instantly it's called water tension and this breaks the water tension that's why when you get a brand new gold pan you want to take a fine grit sandpaper and just go along the bottom and the sides so you get all that manufacture oil off of it anyways let's see what's in this pan you want to angle this pan kind of up the golden black sand hematite and all your heavies are going to get caught in these riffles right here and this is a garrett super sleuths gold pan it's one of the biggest ones i make and you have to trust the weight of the gold the gold will sink to the bottom after shaking it a few times so so and people in other states you probably can't pan this fast because you have a lot more black sands and magnetite and it's makes it a lot harder for the gold to move through this is a bunch of lights and not many black sands so that's why i'm able to clean this out so fast all right moment of truth there's anything in there at all yep there's a little piece right there it's very tiny but it's a chunker all right first piece of gold in the snuffer bottle and take a look at this right here that is a piece of lead so if you find lead you know you're doing it right you can see how nice that nugget trapper did there's the bottom of our crack [Music] there's a nice pocket right there over here we still got a little bit of stuff in there there's where the gold's gonna be looks like a piece right there i have to break all that up get her in the pan so what we'll do now is get the crevice tool and get some of this clay up the gold will get stuck in the clay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we want to get to the bottom of the crack so now put it on the pan you can clean some serious bedrock with this you can dig down with this thing we serrated the tip so you get deeper in the cracks and [Music] pockets now we're in it see the color change and what i'll normally do if i have clay you just want to break it up break all that up make sure you have a tetanus shot [Applause] well i forgot my soap and snuff a bottle but oh well we'll be all right let's see if there's anything and those that little amount i just put in here there's some good water in there this is the best way to do it tap on the rock make sure all of it goes to the bottom sweep it off [Applause] so so looks like a lot of sandstone had a weird situation in this creek with the bedrock and that's gold that should be enough looks like nothing so far yep nothing in that one i'm gonna try a little something here just with a small scoop in my pan over this ledge there's some material that has just got stuck here after the flood so we'll see if there's any flood gold which is all really flood gold this is our glacial gold whatever you guys want to call it never know something could be stuck on [Applause] top good uh i don't see much heavies in here they'll probably be nothing in here but let's see nope this is what you call prospecting i haven't got skunked in a long time there's a little black sand buildup over here when i first started prospecting this area there was no crawdads there was no schools of fish and now look at all these little crawdads here they're loving it whole school of fish over there so much wildlife after i cleaned all that crap out of here let's check this spot right here little baby crawdads running around and get this bigger stuff out of here real quick and get to muscle dredging that purple rock right there is hematite here we go [Applause] so so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so even the sun here there's a lot of lead right there surprisingly let me try this again here there's got to be something in there with all that lead that's a lot of lead see all that bouncing all that bouncing i just did and that lead is still in there you tap on the top and all the heavies will climb up a bunch lead no gold but we're on to something here definitely onto something right here one thing you cannot do in the creek is get discouraged if you don't find any gold the first couple few 10 pans if you found gold there before or do a little bit of research on google it'll tell you where the gold is and where gold has been found then you jump on google earth and look at the tributaries that that gold bearing river may be connected to or look at the terrain um a topo map could help you a lot just think of glaciers running ripping through the ground and just like this situation if this was a mountain right here or mountain coming this way the lowest spots is going to have the gold you just can't i almost just slipped on my you can't get discouraged the gold is there and you will find it we'll just keep doing test pans along let's crack here until we find a nice pocket right here perfect ledge when this water comes in because i know this creek it's about this high and that's almost up to my chest so gold can be literally anywhere here see these little piles of heavies because it's just like a sluice box it's gonna get stuck right there that's it's riffle right here piles of heavies and then there's a crack right here so let's check this out real quick i'm gonna crevice out all those big stones and everything that's stuck in there so you get your nozzle in there there we go perfect big pan [Applause] [Applause] wipe all that light stuff off [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] so i see some nails and some lead and i see a little piece of gold up there i don't know if you guys could see that but it's shining in the sun like no other nope i think there's two of them this is the time to take a little bit of this put it in the water move it down there we are see if i clean this up a little bit see that that's gold all right perfect let's put that snuff bottle [Applause] there goes one and two shake that up alrighty we are on the gold [Applause] i'll show you guys another way if you guys don't have any tools or any equipment like a hand dredge or stuff like that you guys are all familiar with sluice boxes and miners moss miners moss is no different from the moss in nature so see this right here perfect gold trap roots perfect gold trap there's a horse fly flying around me and it sounds like it's the size of a cicada get some of this there we go some of this good stuff oh here's some nice oh yeah [Music] there we go so gold may be laying on this this stuff right here all right let's go see if there's anything in this at all all you want to do is break this stuff up really good wash out all that moss all the root if you just hit the moss like this the gold will fall right out because it's so heavy or on top of the water so wash the rocks off get some fresh water in there see what we're dealing with so i don't see anything good yet well there's some black sand peeking out [Applause] let's see here a lot of black sand see how it traps all that the finest of the finest gold right there so tiny there's a speck there's a speck and there's hundreds hundreds of tiny tiny it's almost like paint so fine i had to guesstimate how many pieces of gold i see right now glistening in the sun it's not fool's gold or galena i mean there has to be more than a thousand in there i'll just suck all that up there's a noticeable piece right there that was a lot of fine gold oh yeah all right there's actually a lip under this right here and i bet it is loaded i just have to break it off somehow oh my goodness i freaking got it oh man oh my god there's a lot of material under there this one's a little exciting because no one's ever been under that rock before except me so hopefully there's some gold under there thank you [Applause] [Applause] let's see lead [Applause] nothing in that one we are on some heavies though see that purple rock it's hematite there's lead surrounding it so heavies do get stuck under there all right i just dug a bunch of clay out of that crack oh look at that i got a nail that's a really good sign usually when i get a bunch of nails there's a bunch of gold break it up real nice all right there's got to be a piece in here a lot of clay under there i'll come back when i get to the heavies all right let's check her out oh there we go look at that put my finger up to it i know you guys see that one there we go there's some big gold right there we'll go ahead and get this one up there she goes i'll check for more [Applause] see how that metal stain in there yeah we've got another spec right there respectable fly poop go ahead and get that in the snuffer oh there it is got it awesome we're on it i just popped out them two pieces right there right where i found all the nice gold so there might be something hiding right there you can go ahead and look underwater real quick [Music] but now that i just moved that rock i may be able to get my nugget trapper deeper in the crack i'm trying to snipe a piece of gold in missouri wouldn't that be something i know it's possible let's dredge that out all right the crack is too thin for the nugget trapper so i'm just grabbing whatever i can down there so uh oh yeah we got a lot of clay in that pan look at all that oh that's a lot to deal with let's break this up real nice i tried grabbing as much as i possibly could so all right i'm ready for it [Applause] [Applause] tap on a rock [Applause] definitely has some weight to it i see heavies already i'm here there we go i like that [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] try to do a little flip back right there i didn't see much weird boom i see gold that piece is not moving look at that right there nice chunky piece oh there's another piece right there you got two pieces in there let's get those up in the snuffer bottle [Applause] oh this nice one that is a nice one okay that was it alrighty at least we got some and severe weather is coming overhead so i hope you guys learned something from this video we did find some gold right where i said it was going to be just look for really low spots look for your heavies pockets anywhere something heavy could fall into is where the gold is going to be so good luck out there if you like this video give it a thumbs up that'd be cool if you're not subscribed don't forget to click that subscribe button and oh we're not done yet because i'm going to put this gold under a microscope once i get home so we can see the characteristics and um yeah just a closer look because the gold is really tiny here but it is very high impurity anyways i'm gonna go ahead and pack up before this storm takes me out and this creek fills up with water it gets very dangerous here there's been times i've tried crossing right here and it was impossible because the water was so high here's what we did today as you just watched i got my hand down there as far as i can i need to create something that can get deeper in there or just bring a jackhammer here but all right i will see you guys once i get back to the studio stay tuned this is just me trying to create a thumbnail have you guys seen my taco yet this is the new uh gold mobile man way better than that big o white hunk of scrap metal i had i mean i didn't need all this fancy right here cause you know i can't keep anything nice i just saw the red and i was like i want that one yeah man it's pretty nice lasts forever and will get me to where i need to be always leave the creek cleaner than what it was when you got here i always make sure that but let's get this safety harness on and get home see you guys soon here's some of the gold look at the top left piece and that gouge in that little nugget right there from the glaciers i'm assuming there's another chunker right there there we go this is the best that we're gonna get it but as you can see this gold is about 22 karat from canada look at that gouge right there that's amazing this gold has traveled very very far i'll make another video soon hopefully the dredge is here and we're gonna see this gold times a thousand but don't forget to hit that subscribe button and if you like this video feel free to give it a thumbs up i just wanted to show you guys the gold close up as promised and hopefully you guys get out there and find some of your own but i hope you enjoyed this video and as always i will see you guys on the next adventure see y'all later oh yeah a couple of videos ago i found this tool right here you guys told me that this right here was to make arrowheads and look at the quality of this one and i found the same tool at a different site how cool is that so that one probably made this chesterfield and then that one was found right next to this guy which i love this thing i wish it was not broken it looks like they tried heating it heating it up in the fire pulling her down and it just popped but yeah not a chair see you guys soon
Channel: Kyle Thiemann
Views: 25,744
Rating: 4.828383 out of 5
Keywords: gold, nuggets, findinggold, howtofindgold, nugs, dredging, placergold, glaciergold, techniques, easy, simple, goldpan, panningforgold, howtopan, crevicing, cracks, pocketsofgold, pure, dredgingforgold, findgold
Id: ZdkAb0V3stY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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