How to find gold for your first time while GOLD DREDGING CRACKS AND CREVICES.

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good morning youtube or good afternoon wherever you are in the world i hope you're gonna have a good day i'm gonna have a great day myself i am headed to the creek right now with my gold pan and my nugget trapper if you don't know what that is it's the hand dredge me and drifty have been working on for about four years we're about to release it to the public we're just in the middle of the patent process i know a lot of you have reached out i've had prospectors in california saying they're going to drive to my house and pay me for one but we're uh we're doing it the smart way i know i'm sorry we're waiting on the patent um we're just doing it for our safety so i know you guys want one really bad um you guys are gonna see how it works today in the creek we'll at least see how nice and smooth this thing is and never gets stuck i mean i've had uh hand dredges in the past and it's either really weak suction or one piece of sand or anything gets stuck in it and it's like i gotta take it apart and put it back together in this case or our case the one that we designed you just muscle dredge all day long no problems and uh it's super powerful i'll show you that today i mean i could suck up water in this thing and blast it about 50 feet it's uh really uh it's quality it is definitely quality it's not a toy this is a professional piece of prospecting equipment this is definitely not a toy um something if you were to uh get one yourself i think you would completely understand how much work we've put into this thing it's just amazing but i can't wait for it to be available to you guys it's going to be soon i promise and otherwise uh yeah welcome to my youtube channel my name is kyle thiemann um i've been doing gold prospecting and creaking since shoot i mean i've been creaking since i was in diapers but gold prospects and i've probably been in it for six years and uh big big shout out to drifty my friend my friend jim if it wasn't for him coming up on the boat that that one year i think it's in a video like years ago i was on the missouri river and uh this random boat came up and uh this guy well jim he was like hey you know there's bunch more gold down that way and i was like oh my gosh she knows what i'm doing i had a gold cube out on the bank and uh he totally knew what i was doing so we've been friends ever since he uh i believe he's coming out today i talked to him last night and uh i was at the creek yesterday i was gonna post a video but i didn't find that much i didn't have the nugget trapper with me i was just using a trial but i mean you could you could do it that way too but the gold we have here is pretty deep and the cracks and crevices and we like to dredge them pickers and nice pieces of gold up into our pan but yeah oh yeah if i didn't mention to you guys already i'm dropping my first line of merch it's called the creaker line and i actually have dog hoodies and uh it says creaker on the back and uh there's a bunch of other stuff on there like t-shirts uh coffee mugs stickers and a bunch of cool stuff like that so feel free to check that out i know a lot of you been asking how can i support you how can i support the channel well i don't really do the patreon stuff yet because i don't have that much time on the computer um so i just made a merch line so feel free to go check it out get something if you want to and uh yeah we're just gonna see how much gold i could possibly get in a day's time in a certain section of the creek i say a certain section now but you know i'm gonna hop around all over the place that being said i will talk to you guys soon once i hit the creek this is the first time this has ever happened to me i almost got my toe bit off by a snapping turtle i'm walking this creek plant or this bank right here and then i see this see this big old boy look at him he's a mean sucker [Music] [Music] [Music] so what i was trying to say is what a beautiful specimen before he attacked my camera but yeah he's cool looking all righty on our way to the gold so in this video today i'm pretty much going to show you how to find gold on your first trip out the first time you go looking for gold i'm gonna get you on the gold so this is the creek i'm in this is bedrock gold cannot go any further than this rock unless there's a crack in it it'll slide up under there so this acts like a natural sluice box so the gold is just gonna stay on top of this there's a beautiful nugget trapper and then there's a little shelf here which is then going to act like a riffle just like in a sluice box so that gold is going to roll off here and then get stuck right in this crack and the heavies you have to learn your heavies in your creek in my case it's this purple iron or purple hematite and it's loaded right here so what i'm gonna do is remove all the big rock and then get my nugget trapper and then just suck everything out into a pan and then we're gonna paint it out and see how much gold's in there as promised i'll show you the sheer power this thing creates this unit right here is crazy check it out look at that insane so i'm going to clear this area out real quick get all the big stuff up always keep a lookout for nuggets this size usually about this big on other people's channels this is real life here we go put it on all those heavies perfect so so i actually noticed a pocket right here so that's most likely where the gold is going to be but we'll pan that out anyways and see if there's anything in it tiniest piece ever right there about the size of a fly poop but we'll get deeper in that crack right there and hopefully there's some bigger gold i'm gonna go ahead and check this pocket out here get all this big stuff out of the way all this light stuff we don't need feel a clay layer on the bottom let's get this bad boy in there [Music] so so so i'm gonna go pan this out another fly poop we'll get into some bigger stuff soon and there's one thing i taught myself while prospecting in the creek is don't stay in one spot you got this whole creek and there's a bunch different cracks a bunch of different pockets you don't want to waste your time in one spot all day when you're not finding that much so what we're gonna do now since i only found maybe one respectable fly poop and then a small fly poop we're gonna head down and uh try to find a better spot so stay tuned there's a huge crack right here i'm gonna move this big rock move the big stuff out of there and then get all the material out of there as well whoa what's that that's crazy big o chunk of quartz brain yeah this looks kind of promising it's a little bit deeper right there we'll see what's in it no venomous snakes [Applause] [Applause] we'll do a little pan i didn't see many heavies in there just pan this right back in the hole so yeah one more fly poop and a piece of lead here's the next spot i'm gonna test out see the water coming down here like a natural sluice box and everything falls down is gonna get stuck right in these cracks let's dredge it up i'm gonna work right here first this is a deep deep pocket there's some big rocks stuck in there there we go [Applause] oh look at that look at that what a cool rock some of these are geodes if you shake them they're hollow but then some are concretions which means they're fully mineralized inside so they're completely solid i'll try my best to get all this stuff out of here [Applause] so got to be careful going in blind like this i should be wearing gloves so there we go that was a little bugger getting everything stuck all right i'll clean this up and then we'll get to dredging [Applause] so [Applause] so so so [Applause] i was gonna keep filling the pan out there's a nice crack right here before the ledge okay [Applause] so good you see how clean this crack is now let's pan it so just another fly poop snuff her up we got to get on some better gold look at this area solid bedrock this is what you're looking for this acts like a huge sluice box riffle riffle riffle riffle riffle anything that gets stuck in here is gonna be heavy just like this purple rock i like to call hematite we're gonna hang out here for a bit and see if any gold got stuck in here very heavy wow a piece of metal there's the nail i know we're in the good stuff see what this could do foreign [Applause] uh so move some big stuff out of there wow more purple nails wow a handful of heavies so so this one's deep nice piece of cords some green stone just throw it in there just throw it all in there let's see what we can do now so so so i think we got here go ahead and rough that bottom up a little bit so all right full pan dang it batteries low gotta change the battery all right we got the new battery in i'm about to pan it out just want to shake shake and shake make sure that gold goes to the bottom you want to use water weight too get all liquefied and after that you just grab the top layer check it and proceed so so sometimes you let the water up and go at an angle it it'll take some lights off as well so i know my gold's at the bottom there's a ton of heavies in here [Applause] this is a garrett super sluice gold pan too it's one of the biggest ones i make so it holds a lot of material [Applause] so [Applause] look at that that is insane look at all those heavies so wow that is nuts look at that nugget nugget of pyrite this is fool's gold i've never seen a specimen like that i found one yesterday but it wasn't this color i have to show you the other one once i get home here's another one look at that on there that's really cool looking gotta grab some of this big stuff out super heavy stuff look at that one [Applause] [Applause] so i already see a chunky piece of gold right there oh my gosh that's a nice piece of gold right there let's get the rest of this out i'll work it back there's a nugget of something it's like a silver nugget it's interesting keep that right there so there's that piece of gold i saw there's three pieces of gold in here look at that nice chunky piece i got it all right this one more time do a fast pan a bunch of mysterious little medals in here i want you guys to take a look how good this thing cleans cracks out look at that spotless i'm gonna move over here to this guy right here this looks like a good one first thing we want to do is just clean it all out i've already pulled a nail out some heavy irons some hematite isn't that what is this oh my gosh look at this it's a dog super heavy that is the most wild thing i've ever found in a crack in the creek that is cool wow keep that for sure more iron [Music] there's a little flag from a native american also found this guy little scraper i believe what else is in here so there's the good stuff right there all right i'm a dredger up so so [Applause] so [Applause] so see if i can move any objects out of the way there's a few big rocks in here uh so [Applause] [Applause] good so [Applause] so [Applause] so i think we got her let's go pan it out first thing you want to do is just break all that up as you can see i got some clay in there and that clay will hold the gold oh yeah [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] look at all that so [Applause] [Applause] so get all those lights out [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so okay [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] that's a ton of heavies in there take some of those out and grab some just shake it and check another weird silver nugget so there's a bullet in there hey i see gold let's clean this out a little bit better there's about four pieces in there do a fast can trust the weight of the gold nugget looks like one but nope all right i'll go ahead and flip it back for you guys there's a lead bullet in there there's a flake right there [Music] i have a bunch of pieces up there actually i'll clean this up real quick and get a better look this is definitely going to be the best pan so far today see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten pieces in there look at that [Music] very nice sweet we'll snuff that up and move to the next crack it's a nice looking little pocket right there let's do this one what can be in here it's like christmas morning every pocket oh got some heavies that's super heavy more heavies loaded with heavies i don't think it's that deep unless there's a big old rock stuck in there oh get her done i want to make sure if there's any cracks in there i get everything out of them so so i can play break all this good stuff up real quick oh yeah there wasn't much material on this one but we might get something so definitely got some weird stuff in here and there is an array of different metals so very odd i'll show you guys try to do this left-handed a bunch of sparkly silver shreds i think it might be a bunch of mica none of it really stayed up there with the lead was a weird pocket all right time for the next crack we'll be working on this one right here i'm gonna move all the big stuff out of the way oh my goodness i don't know why that is so heavy geez this one kind of looks a little shallow but there's a tiny crack in there we'll do it anyways let's see heavy stuff in there start getting some stuff out [Music] so so so see what else i can move yeah there's a tiny crack in there so so [Applause] so so so [Applause] [Applause] move over to this side look at that metal hematite or iron whatever you want to call it some good stuff it goes on all the way to the bank i believe oh yeah a bunch of nails so super black rock so [Applause] so [Applause] all right cleaned out pretty well not a gold nugget right there looks like a nugget doesn't it i think that's pyrite yeah move too fast add that with the pie right pal a lot of lead right there that's what you're looking for is that lead and there's a nice chunky piece of gold right there it was hiding look at that guy right there nice little chunker sweet look at those nuggets those are pretty on to the next so if this thing acts like a sluice box right here where does most your gold lay in the sluice box my answer would be the first riffle and that seems to be right here so there's a lot of stuff to get out of here but you might get something good we'll find out let's get all this stuff out of the way first see what we're dealing with [Applause] yeah just not enough these i think i liked it where i was i want you guys to check this out people say dredging is bad but there's fish that were living in the shallow water look at this a new home and as you can see right up in there we got a couple colors and then check that out and this looks like a bunch of gold nuggets on there don't it man this stuff is slick i just ate i just ate it bad over there my whole elbow was green with algae all right snuffed up i'm gonna go ahead and save that large crack for a machine such as a dredge when we get that back on the water uh in the meantime i think i'm gonna look for some small pockets like this guy right there that looks good first thing first get all the large material out of it because you want to get down where all that trash is all those nails and heavy irons the big old rock stuff in this one there we are look at that remember i'm grabbing material i always shake it this is gold if you grab gold it'll fall right out of your hand this guy's got to be deep i don't see any purple yet there's a little bit so so i feel a little clay layer i'll just get the rest of the big stuff out and then we'll dredge it out that's neat it's disgusting just clay let's see what we got going on here so so [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Music] so and we are clean that's all clay scratches right here got a fly poop right there and right there and possibly a diamond hmm hey come back all right there's a little bit of gold in there go for this one next just a little guy so so so painted right back in the hole there was some heavies in there so that's good you might get lucky with a little speck look at that lead make sure i get this lead out of the stream and that nail oh actually one little fly poop that is my newt so tiny so so tiny it looks like flower i'll leave it in there for the next pan big o chunk metal oh this one's loaded this one is loaded here's some nails there's ought to be something in this one let's go to town so what's left break it all up [Applause] with all that metal in here it ought to be something hopefully what are my parents all that purple just in case we got any clay and gold break it up i always like working with clear water so [Applause] [Applause] so so this so so too much stuff in there right now fast pan so one little fly poop that's it on to the next there's a bunch of cracks here i'll remove the large stuff and dredge her up all right i just dredged this hole up i got all my material right here look what i pulled out look at this heavy iron iron iron iron big old chunk of iron or hematite weird piece of metal there's a bullet in here too somewhere oh here it is look at that i think it's a bullet looks like one that's the most heavies i've ever pulled out of a crack before so there has to be at least one piece of gold in here here's a flake from another another native american all right let's make sure we squeeze all this up look at that nail oh my goodness be careful so so so ah surprisingly there's a couple pieces of gold but what is this it's green in color interesting there we go one two pieces that's insane for that amount of heavies not that much gold maybe we have to check this one or that one or that one i need to snuff these up though first i'm gonna leave the camera there for a little while so i can try to get some work done so that's metal so so whip two more fly poops um i lost my sniffer bottle wow look at that smashed bullet got a nice little pocket under this tree [Music] so on the two heaviest stones in this pocket i'll show you green stone and hematite or iron ore whatever you want to call it it's like five pounds i need to pan this out that's a big pan i guess we'll move down there i'm not sure how well you guys can see but that's the only place the gopro right now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hahaha [Music] here's the bigger piece it'll probably come up on the camera right there check that out very cool we're on it just did another pan and there's a chunky piece right there and we got another one right there still got to go through the rest look at that sweet there's another pocket um oh there's a piece there's two pieces one and two nice got a nice collection going on all right we got a storm coming so we gotta end the day here but we're gonna look at all the gold we got and if there's any gold in the nugget trapper all right we took the end off the nugget trapper can't show you guys what's in this yet until we get a patent but we're going to go ahead and clean this out and see how much gold we have in there stay tuned jim arrived too but he arrived right when the storm came all right so we just emptied the nugget trapper i'm gonna have drifty oh i see sparkle up top for sure [Music] okay i can see it from here look at that check that out the nugget trapper works look at that gold it caught and that's not even the gold i have in my vial so what i'll do is go ahead and snuff all that up right quick take a look at that again very nice get that snuffed up i'll clean this pan out and i'll dump the snuffer bottle in there and see what we got for the day all right here's everything we got today so it's all under those suds get that out of the way oh yeah beautiful look at all that gold there's a good shot of it right there see if i could pile it up right quick here's another view in linear on the gopro check it out good day i'm gonna try to put it in a pile [Music] we are zoomed in to the maximum look at that i'm gonna put my finger up to it for comparison get that glistening in the sun nice little pile of gold with the nugget trapper it all adds up it's beautiful oh yeah gotta love it that's a good one good clean out today what an absolute awesome day that was a lot of gold for those little cracks i was working and i'm in missouri and there's no gold in missouri but man that was a nice clean out i gotta say and that nugget trapper that thing is a beast i cannot wait until it's available for you guys i'm really excited to see you guys working with it and making videos of your own um trust me as soon as it is patent i'm going to let you guys know the first minute i'm able to give it to you guys we're going to be selling them on ebay and i'll just have the link to ebay straight to the nugget trapper and the description of my videos once it's available and i appreciate you all watching and once again i want to tell you guys i dropped my first line of merch so those who want to support my channel and has have asked in the past to support my channel um i'm going to leave a link in the description below of this video it's going to bring you to my youtube store i have some really cool stuff on there the the line i dropped is the first one it's called the creaker line so if you're always in the creek if you're always out exploring and there's some pretty cool stuff uh as i said in the beginning of the video it's pretty funny i got dog hoodies they say creaker on them shirts pants socks coffee mugs all that cool stuff um i'm not sure if you youtube is allowing me to put everything on today um i know there's a couple items available but some items are still under review but i think the the the cool items i think are available right now but anyways i'm headed back home i hope you enjoyed this video i sure did have fun making this video today it's been a while since i've worked some cracks and crevices but uh yeah thanks for all the support and i will see you guys on the next adventure and sorry about um and i cannot put the microscope up to the gold because i have packed up all my stuff because we are moving uh jamie and i are moving into a house closer to the creek um i i talked her into it but uh yeah as always i'll see you guys on the next adventure
Channel: Kyle Thiemann
Views: 41,917
Rating: 4.7399616 out of 5
Keywords: gold, arrowheads, prospecting, dredging, howto, panningforgold, findinggold, kayaking, nuggets, points, indian, artifacts, weapons, projectiles, sluicebox, goldpan, dredge, gopro, glacier, indiantools, tools
Id: z_E_5UK-XFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 36sec (6636 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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