We Filmed A Very Serious Documentary About My Cats

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[Music] [Laughter] hi my name is green and I'm a youtuber from the UK and I'm a proud Catalonia [Music] well that kind of sums those two up in a nutshell he doesn't care he loves to have his little sniff and she's scared so this is Maui and he's the troublemaker he's he's them all he's a troublemaker he's got more personality than I will ever have and he's also the snuggly little cat in the whole wide world my other cat is pearl and she's a silver male and she's about half the size of Maui and she's a bit more elegant she's a bit more pristine unless you've got a toy in which case she's gonna she's gonna go for it and she won't give up and you'll be playing tug of war with her until she's won she won't give up and you'll be scared because she's only little shouldn't a little cat and she will keep going until you give in I've never seen her give up a fight and then she'll run away with it scuttle away hide in a corner and you'll never see that toy again it's gone right this is where I do my video making and here this is my office so come on in this is my seat my screens but I've got these acoustic panels and this one absolutely loves to climb up them now obviously I don't think she's gonna do it on her own so maybe if we just cooks the road maybe she'll ever get there we go yeah and that's the thing I don't think she knows how to get down because every single time she's gone up I've gone and pulled that down again she does this and in Maui usually gets really upset that she's having fun without him and he would jump on but he's way too heavy and they will just fall over I would say that both of them definitely have separate personalities completely Maui is a little snugly giant because he is massive he weighs 5.2 kilos I took him into the fete when he was a little kid and the first thing that he's got little radar dishes on his head and the first thing the vet said was he's gonna be a big boy and I was like what does that mean is he gonna be a but you know is he gonna be the size like how big does it get and then it took purlins like those little did he won so I think I've got both end of the spectrums if you turn any tap hole in the house in salgo Strich Maui you'll be straight in the sink no matter how much water is if I'm in the bath he just sold puts his hand in gets in the bath they've got so many little things and my possibly my favorite thing and I don't know if we're gonna be able to capture this because it is is a rarity and we always get really excited when was this but if he smells something new and it's a bit of an odd smell he'll go [Music] and it's I've never you don't normally see a cat smile it's just so bizarre I love it I've never seen any other cat Derby [Music] but I really hope we can capture that because I just look like a fool now if he doesn't if that's not if I can't prove that now I just look an idiot I have taught my cats well I've taught Maui as you can see to give poor which is obviously a dog trick but if I show him show him this isn't just a dream ease give it support he's just a bit overzealous that's all he I'm like look what you see what now he's like he'll chop my fingers off pearl yeah that's what you need to do Maui this little gentle gentle push I haven't even started on some of the clerks are there they've got like free stuff Maui has his little toy with the mouse again he's got a string and he'll pull it down and he'll just lick the string they were just lick the string I assume he's cleaning his tongue but I don't think he knows that that's the thing I think he's doing it out of instinct but I don't I don't think it's just weird and why did he start doing that is this the toy that you meant to bat around why are you licking it he doesn't like anything out was part of his own bomb yeah speaking of bums he poos standing up now I know you're not really supposed to look at cats and they're going litter like to be fair they can't make it when I'm on the toilet they come in they don't care but if they're going to the litter box right if they're going they didn't doing a little kitty number two pail does normal thing you know sort of squatting you know it's very prim and proper now he stands up he stands up and sort of looks a bit like a human okay and he did that since he was a kitten no one taught him out I didn't teach him that well the day I got him he pooped standing up no just to clarify when he said he looks a bit like a human money do you that's a good point actually cuz I don't but I meant yeah that's a really good point I don't think anything poop standing up
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,243,010
Rating: 4.971983 out of 5
Keywords: mumbo, grian, cat, cats, cat documentary, funny cat video, mumbo grian collab, mumbo jumbo, vlog
Id: -P2dwWK81qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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