I Walked Across The Earth!

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these three teams are going to be racing across earth in minecraft are you guys ready yeah then go oh sprint boys currently me and the boys are in california and the first team to get all the way from california to china wins we need to gather resources we need to get a bunch of wood to the trees start shopping start shopping i'm going to make you guys axes right now perfect you guys are doing great team purple is winning get the kelp get the kelp speed is key speed and momentum what's our strat okay we're going that direction behind you all right that way oh yeah that what's up purple team how's everything going we're already like halfway there it's insane you're nowhere near halfway there let's go come on oh it's so hard to steer they look like a little gang of pirates chandler has a circle around him and his team has to stay within the circle or they take damage like this guy although he's taking damage everyone stay tight stay tight you guys are way behind chandler chandler left like five minutes ago we have a plan there's no mobs in the water baby all right this is weird team carl is still in the spawn they are still gathering resources together we're marching skellington we're gonna go all right let's go look at these dolphins this is so beautiful this is like a movie so chris what what is your plan we'll avoid all the damage by going through the water we're gonna go around the gulf of mexico we're gonna be coming across panama is this what it was like when they discovered america they were in robots hugging each other i have seven shields seven shields guys you should probably start moving now i know this is all you guys i'm just along for the rides there's multiple teams behind us on the map green and yellow team are behind us is that all the teams yeah there's only two other teams oh we're ahead then we're in first just follow the purple block zombie all right we are doing great i have the map pulled up here and as you can see chandler's team is currently heading south it literally looks like they're preparing for war you guys are making the journey across america how's it going carl i think it's going well i think there might be people that are ahead of us but they're not going to be ahead of us because we're we're playing it smart guys i'm looking at the map yellow team looks like they're like they're really far behind they're like just the border of california and mexico right now oh someone died wait when you die you're gone forever yeah that's why we don't wanna die yellow team i hate to break it too but you're getting decimated here's some speed potions go faster yeah go go catch up what's up purple team how are things going getting materials and then we're getting back on the boat you guys are the closest by far but chris is catching up now you guys are taking a break and we're off let's get it go all right and purple team is off godspeed purple team come on baby what up green team what's up man you guys are right on the heels of purple team what did chandler's team say imagine not being first are you guys just gonna let purple team trash talk you like this let's go let's go i'm out of food i out of food i'm carl run run carl's starting to pick up the pace all right w keys inbound you hear that you hear that guys we are ahead right now green team is just about arriving where we just landed so they're they're getting closer chandler's team they got out of their boats and crossed on land and then got back in their boats wait are they past the panama yes they're already into the other like side look epic i'm gonna put pirate music starting now you're on your way to conquer europe do you see uh that one green person that's really far ahead of everyone wait how do i get the map carl before we started i sent you a link to the map oh nice one carl you didn't really want the money anyway chris's team still hasn't crossed the panama what are they doing they're in south america right now what are they doing yo this dolphin is a good luck charm this is why we're gonna win start passing out food start passing out food guys so carl do you have the map of it now now i do so what are your thoughts now that you have the map i sent you an hour ago open hey listen we're not out of this we're winners hey we're in tennessee hey hey team you're the only ten i see oh my god it's the rogue green person the rogue green person god what are you doing you attacking them i'm getting their boats so thought's going on a suicide mission to mess up their boats break his boat work his boat oh my god what's going on oh oh he's wrecking the boats go go go go go yeah wait the rest of the green team is starting to pass us guys so we are currently passing chandler's team we're beating carl too let's go we're back in the lead baby tennessee slowed him down turn the trees on your way guys we're setting a statement oh oh my gosh he's destroying everything pvp will now do damage whoa pvp does damage pd2 does damage kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him no he's going he's leading us to our team stop all three teams are getting pretty close to finishing crossing the atlantic ocean yellow team you're almost done crossing the atlantic what's going through your minds we're winners thank god we're gonna see africa like any minute now carl what country are you guys landing on in europe we're trying to go to the spain area how many players do you think you'll have left on your team yeah nobody's inside the circle i'd say we're all gonna survive let's go all right purple team welcome to africa well let's go what drives you to go through such links to screw purple over a loser's life is not our winner's life honestly that almost made me shed a tear wait who is that the lone guy that's that the road go kill him we'll kill him oh they're coming they're coming for you thought no i'm dead i died what happened oh that was slay no we remember your service oh salute all right go go go go get out of the boats get out of boats boats aren't useful anymore well i think we're in last place now this is this is brutal everyone give chandler the food then chandler's split between like three people and we just gotta leave everyone else behind like that's the only way i can think of winning what's going through your mind i just watched him get murdered he delayed chandler and that's what's got us in the lead thought was a big part of this operation yellow team welcome to space let's go to madrid olaf this will get us by for right now you're a legend yeah they're catching up we gotta go swim up the coast whenever the players die they tp to antarctica but if you zoom out you'll see that somehow thought escaped from the prison it is still trying to sabotage chandler why are you swimming instead of being in boats because we can't be in boats anymore because i disabled boats because this isn't a swimming challenge swimming doesn't use hunger our brains are so big they're throbby oh no titanic type beat over here guys be aware oh you said you weren't gonna leave people behind what is this what do you mean rival of the fittest is all it is bro we're killing it oh my god we're making grounds oh my god remember thought the guy that died brother our fallen comrade he broke out of our prison camp in antarctica and he's dead sprinting on a trajectory to meet chandler's team in india yes yes guys we're actually almost in first like we're almost tied for first right now so purple team how are things going mr beast we are starving to death we have no food we had to sacrifice teammates to consolidate the food i guess that was one of the downsides of going through africa because there's no food yeah i'd say so don't take fall damage don't forget that is very imperative oh look at all these pigs to the right oh no oh people are starting to die that was yellow team as well i think we're in syria right now i think we're about halfway through the desert guys and then um we go back to water and i think we're on water franchise of the way keep pushing god there's so many mountains carl's team is pretty much right in line with us right now oh my god we're in the lead we're in the lead we're in the lead we're in the lead yeah we're doing it we had some ups and downs but we're doing this see yellow's ahead of us but we're gonna have water and they're gonna have to slow down a lot more go swimming let's go oh i have to pee so bad hold on i've had like four cups of cranberry juice yeah get that kelp boys like keeping us alive real barack obama you are literally in the middle of the desert in africa all alone what's going on well i got disconnected and then i got lost and now here as you can see carl's team is all spread out all over italy chris's team right here is mostly consolidated i don't know what's going on with chandler's team it's anyone's game i have no idea who's gonna win carl i'm holding up a number between one and two if you pick the number i'll give you guys speed boost if you pick the wrong number i'm gonna give you guys slowness two are you sure it's two yeah two yes that's what i'm holding you guys get a speed boost yes go go go we don't stop i'm holding up a number between one and two on my fingers uh one i'm sorry but i gotta give you guys slowness i literally can't even move no dude team what number should i pick one because we're number one yeah exactly one i don't know who said one because we're number one but they led you a straight slowness oh i was gonna say two we gotta go we gotta make up this ground they're falling behind slow down we're already as slow as we can go we can't get any slower purple team you are currently in first place probably because you have a smaller squad let's go i kind of like where your heads at just screw half the team they don't matter it's for the team i still don't even know what we're winning like i don't know if i'm gonna win like a bounce house or like 50 cents like i have no clue we're like directly above india guys i really gotta pee i super gotta pee i understand how carl got so ahead oh my god we're actually gonna win i'm not gonna lie i had zero faith guys yes we're in a good biome now we're sprinting now boys anyone else is like finger hurting from holding on w so long no pain no gain is this about helping chris's team or is this about revenge it's both this is thought right here this is yellow team thought you're closing in i wanted to go to the bathroom like three hours ago guys we're gonna go to the left of these mountains i think that's just the move do you see how far ahead carl is yeah here's the thing we're better thott decided to put revenge aside and instead of going after chandler's team in india he is now on a trajectory to kill carl's team do everything you can for us all right you're getting close thought thought you're getting close he literally ran all the way through africa to stop you guys from antarctica get him get him all right he's going in where's our pvp guy where's our pvp guy going jordan oh no oh he got somebody yo dog gotta kill oh oh all of us have to turn at the same time three two two one one go oh you almost got him you almost got him oh step oh oh yes yes i'm gonna get killed by puffer fish i died on buffer fish once they touch this they have literally walked across the entire planet here's the first yellow team member it's like a staircase it's perfectly built for us and they're sheep and water getting water getting water getting water getting water go boys be careful be careful carl oh there's a border there's a border come on up guys guys go up through that water all right the rappelling down favorite valley down and congratulations we did it yeah yellow team has officially crossed the entire world carl you get a crisp high five next time i see you yeah and the other five of you get ten thousand dollars in itunes or google play gift cards split amongst you hey congratulations on winning walking across the world i love all of you
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 27,481,475
Rating: 4.9050708 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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