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as we all know minecraft welds are made up of lots of different blocks where each with their own individual texture and name there are currently over a hundred and forty of them and there are more being added with every update some of these exist in real life as well as in the games such as the brick block you see here others are fictional such as the per per block they don't exist in real life at all I have put together a small list a collection of blocks that exist in real life and in the game and I've also chosen a couple of fictional blocks which I think I could find a real-life equivalent that looked fairly similar so I've chosen a wide variety but only a very small sample of what's available in the game but they also have recently decided that they're going to update the textures and the way they look so in this video I'm going to be comparing what they look like in real life and the old textures versus the new textures which just makes everything a little bit more complicated so this is the small selection that I have decided to compare today and I have actually got a bunch of rocks just ordered them online they come from various different sources and I'll be talking about them one by one as we go through I made this semi circle pattern of rocks and my cat decided to sit in it so shout out to my little kitty pearl she's very very cute anyway we should crack on with the video I want to sort of go over some of the more rocky blocks rather than the gems we will come on to those later the first one I want to cover is polished D alright so in the old texture it's got a lot more of those little dark specks that you see on the right-hand side but when they updated the texture it's much more smooth and warm and gray so it hasn't got as much of the dark area as there was before now if we actually turn the D or a in real life on its side you can see what it would look like if it wasn't polished and so again the old texture is fairly accurate but also the new texture is also fairly accurate as well it just misses a few of those really dark spots but that's probably just to keep everything looking kind of warm moving on to andesite these are completely different in my opinion like the right hand side has a lot more of a dark gray to the left which is more of a almost bluey gray so it's particularly not that realistic or accurate to real life having said that though I found a granite on the right which is obviously not under sight but it's incredibly similar to what you see on the left with the andesite so this is a good opportunity to say that all the rocks that I go in real life have many many different colors and variations so that's not to say that they aren't accurate in Minecraft it's just to say that the ones that I picked up from my samples are different next up is the red granite and I've got to say this is pretty accurate there's even the little gray specks in there but when they updated the textures to the new ones the gray was actually kind of removed from that again kind of you're seeing a pattern with all of those in the duo right those little specks of the different color are removed to make the whole texture smoother that makes the block look nicer in my opinion but it also removes maybe some of the realism next up is obsidian now this is a mind-blowing one this is a really interesting thing to compare because if you see how shiny obsidian is that's impossible to replicate in Minecraft you cannot make something super shiny and another interesting fact about obsidian is that it's super brittle I just smashed a bit of it together if I actually threw it on the floor it would shatter and lots of little bits came off but in Minecraft it's the block that takes longest to mine in the entire game but I actually found a material very similar to obsidian but in cube form so this is what obsidian might look like if it was in a cube form itself and comparing them they are very shiny and reflective which obviously obsidian isn't so this is almost an impossible task to get realistic and the actual material itself in terms of brittleness is also not very accurate next up is gold now obviously I am NOT going to go and buy an actual block of gold that would cost a fortune but what I have got is fools gold called pyrite which is similar enough in my opinion to compare and actually it's not too bad that the actual shade of color is different the sort of yellow is more but alike than reflective but it's not too bad and the new texture just has more of a shape to it like it's been molded properly so you can't complain too much about this one but then pirates not gold next up is lapis lazuli now this one's a really interesting one because it's accurate both in the old texture and the new the interesting thing about the lapis that I got is that it's also got I don't know whether it's impurity or or what but it's not a solid blue block it's got this sort of green tinge or white tinge in it and if you just look at the actual blue part of the block of them the real life lapis you can see that the blue is absolutely spot-on especially in the new texture they match up almost perfect now we're going to be comparing emerald that's right I actually bought some rough cut untreated and fairly impure emeralds this is what emerald looks like when it's not actually refined into a proper gem that you see on rings and the color is almost there I think that's the more interesting thing emerald is far more interesting to look at in real life than in Minecraft in my opinion and they changed the green tone with the new textures so it doesn't quite match up but you have to remember we're comparing something completely different perhaps the block was meant to be more of a gem and they definitely can't get that translucency across in Minecraft itself next up we have quartz now I have a tumblestone of quartz rather than a rough cut one but you get the idea quartz itself is slightly translucent so you can kind of see through it a little bit it's very just cloudy the color is spot-on and the texture is actually fairly similar but obviously blocks in Minecraft are more than likely meant to be solid rather than see-through in any way the exception of course being ice and glass so it's kind of reserved for those things but in mind that it's a solid color I'd say it's pretty accurate it's kind of got that cloudy feel to it and remember we are comparing a very reflective polished stone here rather than a rough cut one I'd say this one's actually fairly accurate but at the end of the day it is just a white stone so it shouldn't be too difficult to do now moving on to prison which is a fictional blot for some reason I thought that prismarine was real and it's not it's completely made-up and I chose a selection of four tumble stones that I thought looked like prismarine and the first one was a total dud so we can remove that and that left me with three others bearing in mind when I bought them I was just going off pictures now the first one is an aquamarine and the texture of this is spot-on for prismarine I'd say that this is perhaps one of the biggest inspirations for it even in the new texture it's very very similar it's got this bubbly feeling with lots of little cracks but the color is way off as we can see as we also know prismarine is an animated color so it actually slowly changes color eventually it actually matches up to these tumble stones that I have here there are actually two different rocks but they look extremely similar so they might as well be one in the same I think when prismarine is at the right shade of green they match up perfectly so in my opinion a mixture of all three of these would match up to a prism rain block and this is another tumble stone called bloodstone and it's actually got specks of red in it but if you remove that it's almost the right color for the updated texture so this was the closest thing I could find to dark prismarine itself it's kind of interesting to look at the fictional blocks such as netherrack and absolutely failing to find anything like it I think the point of having these fictional blocks in the game or fictional rocks is so that it is something unique to Minecraft there is no real-life equivalent and that's brilliant the Red Rock that I found is nowhere near either texture the old or the new moving on to the Finn this is the thing that I've been most eager to show you I actually went and bought some proper diamonds to show you in a little bag and there's only five of them in there and they're absolutely tiny way smaller than you think they are and I had a really hard time filming them so this is what diamonds look like in real life maybe you already know that these are very impure diamonds and minecraft is very blue and obviously in real life well they could be mistaken for shards of glass to be honest with you you have to get a little microscope out to make sure that these diamonds are real and in Minecraft if you tried to replicate real life you would create a block that looks very similar to glass so a colour had to be chosen for it and in my opinion this blue that has been chosen or has been around since minecraft began has become almost iconic and I think there's no way that it should change whatsoever so in conclusion I think that a lot of the blocks in Minecraft they do have some basis in reality and they do at least try and mimic real life in some way but it also has its quirks and that's important the way obsidian is opposite to how it is in real life which is brittle and things like diamonds are a totally different color to what they are in real life but they're also really really difficult to break which is realistic so there's almost a basis in fact but then minecraft has taken it forward and adapted it and made it its own thing which i think is brilliant and one of my favorite things is the fictional creations of perper netherrack prismarine all of these are phenomenal things and minecraft needs more of them so thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed comparing real life to the fictional and real blocks in Minecraft what did you think what was surprising how did you feel about it let me know in the comments below thank you very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 10,433,905
Rating: 4.8693194 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, real life, reallife, vs, blocks, rocks, obsidian real life, emerald, diamond, diamonds, minecraft diamonds, comparison, real life vs minecraft, minecraft vs real life, Real Life
Id: CbAm9dafWls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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