Miracles Of Tawaf (Circumambulating Around The Ka'bah)

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Hey oh ah what are you doing what is the reality of this land that you're walking on what is the nature of this building that you're now looking at to your left what is the venue that you are at who is the Lord who you are worshipping all of these things our brothers and sisters our questions that you must be asking yourself as you walk around the house of a larger litter the worst thing you can do there when you are doing Tawaf as is the situation with all of the other rites of hajj and umrah is to arrive physically but only to discover that you've left your heart somewhere other than the house of allah here as you circumambulate around the Kaaba Allah Almighty wants you to have a heart that is present a soul that is awake a mind that is fully engaged with what is going on in this place I am NOT just an electron going around a nucleus I am NOT just a planet orbiting around another planet something much bigger is happening in this moment in time allah jalla jalaluhu brothers and sisters wants your heart to be fully engaged especially when you are now making Doha allow your heart to shiver be aware of what you are doing and indeed it is a very worrying sign when a person arrives now around the Kaaba and begins his or her toe laughs and they find that they don't know how to speak to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala I am NOT talking about the memorization of dua from Quran and Sunnah I am NOT speaking about this and understanding their meanings I am NOT speaking about that I am speaking perhaps about a manifestation that you shall see when you arrive perhaps groups are following an imam or a student of knowledge or a group leader who was reading from a book and he is repeating a dua and they are repeating it after him he doesn't know what he is saying and they may not know what he is saying is this the du-ha that Allah wants from you or is it that were by you spill your heart out complaining to Allah of all of the burdens you have brought with you from the UK to Mecca this is the dua Allah Almighty wants from you and believe me some of the things that you see there is amazing you see people making duaa and singing Amin to do I they shouldn't be making at that season he could be for example during Ramadan and the group leader is reading out the DRA saying allah allah o allah we ask from you unaccepted Hajj yeah actually if you're doing Amara doesn't know what he's saying and everybody behind him is saying I mean another shake who perhaps is saying la maleta there Elena Vanna ban oh Allah do not leave for us any he wants to say since then then he says then Evan which now means a tail oh Allah don't leave for us any tails and everyone is saying I mean so somebody next to him said it lacked epatha Allah cut our tails for us don't leave us with any terms here in Mecca and somebody else may be reciting the back of the book printed in Saudi Arabia will be our FEMA kalmyk I mean a me ignorance brothers and sisters that we are all perhaps susceptible to but it's a worrying sign when somebody needs to be taught and spoon-fed how to speak to Allah yeah I think yeah okay does anybody need to educate you and I how to speak to other wives and to express our love for her think of the person you love the most on planet earth maybe you're not on good terms with your spouse who is it is it your mother or father is it your children does anybody need to educate you and me how to express our love to them when you are in need of say money and you know that there is a lender a generous lender who's willing to offer you some cash does anybody need to educate you or teach you how to express your need to him you have a family to feed and you have debts to pay nobody needs to teach you that it comes second nature now I ask is there anybody that we need more than Allah is there anyone that we love more than Allah speak your heart speak your soul benefit from the dawn of the quran and the sunnah memorize them understand them and give yourself the opportunity to complain to allah to whine to allah to call and cry to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala as you walk around the Kaaba think to yourself dear brother dear sister I am working on a part of the earth that was visited by prophets and messengers I'm here I am witnessing a building that was built by Adam prophet Adam sallallahu aleyhi wa salem according to the sum of some of the scholars of Islam I am witnessing a building the foundations of which were raised by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail for sure according to the Quran that's that building right there you're talking about heritage this is heritage ilaha illa-llah this is the building that was visited by musa Salalah on a was an m and prophet yunus jonah salaallah alayhi wa sallam prophet muhammad i said i'm said i saw both of them making their way to the Kaaba imagine this is the building i shall be visited by jesus I serve sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he will come to our sites and he will worship our Lord as he always ever did do you realize who you are as you walk around the car I realized that this was a place that was purified by prophets and messengers so that you may do to--after according to the Quran Allah says well in general beta master Burton leaner serum na Allah says that we made the house a place of return for the people and a place of security a place of return every time you leave the cabin you want to go back we have made the house a place of return for the people and a place of security what ducky gloomy maja me Amara he mammal Allah Allah said and take all believers the station of Abraham as a place of Salah listen to the rest of the I am Wahid inna allaha Rehema was smiler anti-hero Beatty Lata Athena while hockey FINA were rocky I stood and we took an agreement from Ibrahim and Ismail saying to them both purify my house for who for those who want to do toe off while - those who wish to remain there for worship and those who bow and prostrate in this place a place that was purified for you as you do tell us at that moment in time are you thinking about this reality is that shaking your soul is that on your mind experience this path of yours and allow it to be a 3d experience as you walk around the Kaaba think to yourself yeah asking yeah off T of the number of lives that were lost trying to make it to the place that you have now arrived that think of the sheer number of people who were consumed by see who were eaten by wild animals who were separated from their families who are attacked by highway robbers who were bedridden with fatal illnesses and had to be carried back to their homes or people who simply never had the financial ability to make their way to this holy place this is where you have now just arrived at what is this place and what is this building on models this land as you walk ask yourself the question what is this house Allah Almighty answers in all while abating water hanumanasana navi b-baka the very first house to be placed on earth for the sake of my worship Allah says was that house in back we talk about heritage and history the very first building on planet Earth to be built for the worship on glorification of Allah was the place that you are now worshipping Allah at at that moment in time but Allah Almighty calls it a name that is even found in the in the Bible in the Book of Psalms chapter 84 from verse 5 to verse 10 the name Becca is mentioned the valley of Becca the building that is found within the valley of Becca and a well of water is mentioned in those passages of verses and it is mentioned in those biblical verses that a person who stands in the court of that valley is a thousand times greater than standing in any other court and our messenger sallallaahu Lee who SNM has told us a similar message 100000 times better than praying in any other Court as you walk around the Kaba think to yourself dear brother dear sister but if the land beneath you was given permission to speak young mahi to tell you countless stories that will blow you away and planet Earth would cease to exist before it could finish telling you all of its stories stories the sheer number of tears that were shed on this particular land the sheer number of calamities that were lifted and replaced into goodness on this particular land the sheer number of illnesses that were removed and alleviated on this particular land the sheer number of impoverished people whom allah almighty enriched from this particular land the sheer number of people who were heading for the hellfire allah almighty ransom them gave them Jenna the amount of sins that were erased on this particular land what would it say how would it begin how would it conclude la ilaha illaallah these are things brothers and sisters we want to think about when we are when we are circumambulating around the Kaaba Allah Almighty says John a la vodka battle Baitul Haram Nakia manliness Allah has made the Kaabah the Sacred House a maintenance for the people something that establishes people allows them to walk upright cleanliness the same word was used in Surat Annisa when Allah Almighty said while I talked to sue for her my Allah community John allahu la colombiana don't give the fools your money which Allah has made for you a means of qiyama and maintenance so that you may stand upright the same word was used to describe the camera Jahan Allahu garbatella Baitul Haram economy nurse this is what makes you stand so presence of heart is essential now that you are here why am I here what is this building what is this land and realize according to the consensus of the scholars that Allah Almighty will give you a reward there in Tawaf that is directly proportionate with your presence of mind and presence of heart walamu the messenger said sallallahoalyhiwasallam realized when allah hilarious TD boudoir and min unbefitting died realize that allah does not answer the dua of a heart that is a Hebron heedless and distracted Allah doesn't answer the dua of such a distracted heart Arwa Bluebell he said that once I approached the companion Abdullah him normally when he was circumambulating around the Kaaba and there I proposed to him that he may hand over his daughter for me in marriage so that her name was so that the daughter of Abdul I'm normal I asked him will you marry her to me and he did not give me a response rather he didn't even acknowledge my existence so I left it and I promised myself to never asked him for his daughter again later on after the end of Torah Abdullah I'm normally the companion approachment he said my brother apologies the cartellis auditable terrible Arabic Allah wanna know people affinity hi Anwar Asura jellybean are you Nina my brother you came to me during a moment where I was imagining the presence of a large Allah Jolanda who before me imagine this was the type of presence of heart so where are you you are in the house of Allah visiting Allah the king of kings the one who not only has the solution to every problem the one who not only has the ability to change circumstances for the better he is the one who when he says couldn't be it becomes daring them are you feeling this brothers and sisters controlled as his might is his richness is his kingdom and sovereignty is his you have come to the house of this Lord therefore allow your expectations to be high and realize as Allah Almighty said wa man dakhala who Cana Amina whoever enters this house will be given security of course the scholars have a 50 legal discussion of what this ayah means we know that and the people of jangly a pre-islamic ignorance they knew this they gave people security who were at the Kaaba whoever enters it he will be given security and this was something they upheld even as ignorant Arabs there are certain things that you are scared of you are afraid of Allah you are afraid of your sins you are afraid of your weaknesses you are afraid that you're going to go back to Haram when you come back to the UK there are certain things you are scared of Allah Almighty promises according to this ayah that you shall be given security in this place what does that entail that entails the pleasure of Allah that entails gender that entails safety when you are in the grave that entails purification of sin these brothers and sisters aren't some of the meanings we want to remember when we are doing Amidala around the camp i swear by allah SWA by allah i swear by allah any burden that you may bring to the table when you are doing Tawaf you bring it with sincerity its last and an attentive heart until he believing that nobody can alleviate your burden except Allah except that he will he will alleviate that burden one of our contemporaries he said a contemporary of ours a scholar in Egypt he said a man stood up from the crowd he said to me a sheikh I asked her in the name of Allah that you allow me to speak before you proceed with your class he said uncle please to speak what do you have to say he said I was a very wealthy man living in such-and-such country of the world I had everything to my name that a man could dream of except one thing I was paralyzed I was paralyzed from around my chest downwards and I was wheelchair bound for many many years and on one particular day I was watching TV and I saw the pilgrims making their way to a Dauphin circumambulating around the Kaaba I said to my kids take me I want to go to the house of Allah and so they booked me a flight a private flight I have the money to do so and I got in till I arrived at the house of Allah and there the Kaaba was in front of me he said I said to them can you give me some time and some space I want to be by myself alone with my Lord so they left me and there he said I raised my hands to Allah and I made a - art that I have never made before in my life and I began to raise my voice into our and it was getting louder and louder and I was crying and crying begging Allah Almighty to restore for me my health the old man he said the end of my dua was so passionate that I was saying o Allah you either allow me to walk out of your house on my feet or take me to the graveyard give me back my ability to walk or I want to be dead he said by the end of that there are my head was hurting me so much pain so I leant over onto the handle of my wheelchair and there I fell asleep for just a moment and something said to me get up and walk get up and walk I woke up there was warmth to my feet for the first time in how many years and I stood up and there I found myself walking towards the camera as I said yeah man yeah man you are the king you are the king this man is alive and he's ready to tell anybody the story rather we don't need to take other people's stories you know I know a few cases from the city I am from brothers who left our city they were well known for not being able to speak their mute they were born that way and my friend brother Muhammad he said to me Ali we were there doing Tawaf and this brother he is so keen to engage in Dawa to enjoin good and forbid what is evil although he can't speak he said he was standing and around him were a group of people in a halakha and he was trying to speak with them and people were standing there just sympathizing with him he's not saying anything but people are admiring his sincerity his passion and they were shy to leave he said by Allah he uttered a word for the first time in all his life he managed to utter a word and then two words came together then he managed to string a sentence and by the end of that gathering he was speaking to them in fully fledged English this man is with us and he told us his story we don't need anybody else brothers who begged allah jalla jalaluhu to restore their vision and there and then they took off their glasses and put them in the nearest bin they said what are you doing alas giving me back my vision Allah has made this promise but where are those who are willing to cash the check where are those who are willing to ask him with sincerity until he monotheism realizing that no one has the ability to remove your burden to restore your marital breakdown to bring you back well-being to your mental health to allow you to sleep at night to restore your finances and more importantly to erase your sins and to give you Jenna who can do that other than Allah inaudible muttering aha react she foresaw yrj hadouken who love Allah whom Allah Allah said is there a lord other than me who can do this
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 436,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great tawaf, umrah, hajj, dua, supplication, khabah
Id: L_HrauF_vPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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