Who Was Imam Al Nawawi (R)

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[Music] we know him as Imam and never will but his full name is Abu Zechariah here even sheriff and his army are never we he was born in 631 HB 630 of us roughly 800 years ago in the small town of Noah from which he gets his eponym which is in in Syria in a short space of time he's born in three in 631 passes away into the eternal rhyme of Allah Azza WA JAL in 676 45 years and in 45 years he's left behind a legacy that's made his name a worldwide phenomenon and his Shafi'i in his field but the hanafis and the Maliki's and the ham police acknowledge his scholarship and refer to him he's a shoddy in heart leader and yet the authorities as well as the Matsuda DS also celebrates his works the 7th century history was was a very turbulent time in Muslim history on one hand from one end you had the Crusaders that were waging conflicts on the Muslim lands that Jerusalem was conquered for a large portion of Imam and Noah's time and in fact they Recon Corps solemn in 1245 so very you know he was a young boy when it was reconquered and on the other hand in the year 1250 a this is a watershed moment in Muslim history when you have the mongols coming from the east and invading and sacking beldad and as we remember we should remember that both dad was the center of learning in the entire world at that time and as much as the conditions for the Muslims now are terrible and we certainly pray for apphia and comfort for Muslims all across the world if you read the history and the accounts of what happened in beldad it pales in comparison to anything that we see today right because they say that the Tigris and the Euphrates that one of the rivers was running red with the blood of people that were killed and the other river was black with the ink of all the books that were tossed in the river right that this was a turbulent time this was a very difficult time and and at the same time and two years later the year 1260 is the famous battle of our ingenuity when the Mongols are defeated for the first time right so at the same time the Muslims established rule in Mali and they established a a kingdom or a state in Indonesia so why is this all of this important is that we see that in the heartland of the Muslim Empire there's conflict and turmoil right but on the border on the hinterlands right to the south and to the east there's expansion and they're spreading of Islam and it's a very ironic and a very fitting mirror of what's happening today in the Muslim world right we see that the the the Muslim lands and the in them that are traditionally Muslim lands that they're under attack both internally and externally and we find that Islam is on the on the hinterlands out in the West and on the east that it's spreading and it's expanding and people are coming to Islam like like never before so what should be appreciated is that despite this turmoil despite all of this these conflicts that were going on that scholarship within the Muslim lands not only thrived and not only not only persisted but it thrived and flourished despite all that was going on now Imam and Noah we owe him a whole lot he was born in the village of Noah which is which is in Syria near Damascus and this his town was not a very scholarly City it was it was not known for having huge mattresses or all these famous scholars that live there but even from a very young age abominably was very attached to learning and it's related about him that he was remarkable even as a child as somebody who had a great great degree of seriousness to him his personality so you'll notice the average three four five year old they love running around they love playing with toys him a manolio rahamallah was not like that at all in fact for me as a young child he was known to be as a child that would often contemplate and just think so while the other boys are running around and playing he Mamun know him Allah would just be sitting there and watching and observing and there's a very interesting incident that al maracas she one of the historians from Noah Nerys about Imam Inouye he says it was this at this incident where Imam and Noah Ramallah was at the age of eight that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala placed a special love for him in my heart what was this incident that the other boys in the town they were just running around and playing and others the other children were playing and they were chasing him and and teasing him or taunting him as children wanted to try to get him to join in their games and he was sitting aside and running away from them and then sitting aside and crying and weeping and so this person asked why did you play with the children and he said mary has a hula claw but it wasn't for this that we were created and you see from a very young age that subhanAllah Imam Inouye mala had a completely different outlook on life than the other children that were around him from this event al Maliki she actually went to speak to a man with no his Koran teacher who went in turn went to speak to him and know his father and told him look your son has you know the special gift from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala make sure he's given that nurturing you know that he deserves so remember know you know him Allah finished his health of the Quran while he was in Noah so as a young boy before the age of puberty he finishes his Quran health there's a story that's mentioned at the age of seven that one night of rummel on on the 27th night that the family was sleeping and and they's had a very small house and imam and i we woke up and he and he told the rest of the family to wake up wake up wake up and and it was pitch black dark in the house and he said the father said to the son he said what is it and he said don't you see the entire house is illuminated and the father said that I knew that he had seen the light of later to the other on that night and this is at the age of 7 and at the age of 10 or 12 you know the scholars of the time when they saw him through their fear dasu if it also has a lost science it's a where people can just look at someone's face and know everything there is to know about that person so they saw Imam Inouye and they knew that he would grow up to be a great person so they they counseled his father to support him and to encourage him to continue on this path so eventually he finds his way to Damascus which where many of the great mud that Isis of his date were and he begins to after he had basically exhausted all of the potential knowledge that he could gain from Noah he's now in Damascus and this is when his life of scholarship really takes off and you see that in these forty five years he's written so many books one of the books he wrote Almaguin he actually died before he finished it and this book wasn't of itself is thousands of pages long now the scholars you know they took an approximation that a phenomenally rahamallah started writing at the age of eighteen till the day that he died on average how many pages did he write he wrote an average of over forty pages per day in order for him to have achieved everything that he wrote and would have been 40 pages a day from the age of 18 till the age that he died that is how much he would have written for each day so it shows you his great level of scholarship what made him so unique this is to say a little bit about his qualities that he had immense and tremendous piety they say that he would fast every single day they say for example that his what are his scrupulousness which he one could say that he inherited from his father was also in him so he would never eat from any of the public gardens because he didn't know if there was somehow there were some rights that were transgressed in the accumulation or in the acquiring of that food so his father would have to send food from his village and that would be the only food that imam Anoa'i rahim allah would eat he was a it was tremendously studious that he would go to twelve classes a day which were an hour each and he would review the notes from those classes from the mischief that he had studied for another hour right so twelve hours of study plus twelve hours review is twenty-four hours now he was engaging in tremendous amounts of nawafil and to hedge it and all of the other things that so one asked like how exactly was he able to do this and the only answer we have is that new you can't reproduce this in a laboratory this isn't some scientific fact but rather that he had tremendous Baraka tremendous blessing in his time this is so amazing that I want you to think about you know how you treat guests when you come over to their house to the to your house you know you'll break they'll come over to your house you're conversing with them you'll present them something to eat and you know just show them a good time to entertain them remember Noah rahimova the way he would treat his guests he would have a son he would have a plate ready in the middle of his house there anytime someone wanted to come they were more than welcome however they would go through two things number one imam and noah rahamallah had so many books that there was no place to sit except for imam I know you're him Allah Himself so if you wanted to sit down you'd have to lift some books and you know place them somewhere else didn't bookshelves like we have today so everything was just lying around on the floor so that was the first difficulty so you can imagine someone comes over to your houses I'm coming to visit you know they get the clear message that you don't want them there when there's no place to sit so they'll see what it's important and then they'll leave and that is it emanuelle no you're not him Allah his students mentioned that it was when the guests would come that Imam anão é hora him Allah would then take the time to sharpen his pencils that is the way he would keep himself as he didn't want anything to distract him from seeking knowledge so when the guest would come he would be speaking to them at the same time and at the same time sharpening his pencils so that no time would be wasted whatsoever no time would be wasted whatsoever and he himself said that that he didn't sleep for two years lying down that he would just be sitting and reading and he'd fall asleep on his books and then he would wake up a few minutes or what 30 minutes later or whatever it was and he would just continue to do what he was doing Imam manolio him Allah he didn't get married and he comments on this himself he said I fear that if I was to get married I would fall into something haram meaning that I wouldn't be able to fulfill the rights of my wife and the rights of the wife are great in Islam you know they're very very huge that you know the problem he emphasizes you know very heavily that the best of you are those that are best to your women folk meaning the best to your wives so he said he feared that he would fall into Haram by not giving her her due rights because he loved knowledge so much he loved teaching so much and this is why the Imam I know you're him Allah he didn't get married so I want you to understand the political context of where Imam I know him oh Allah lived that Imam know your him Allah he lived at a time where a transition is taking place from the are you with dynasty to the mamluk dynasty this has been the greatest fitna that struck the Muslim Ummah the attack of the Mongols that if you look at what they did with ballad odds on Allah in that time they said that they killed over 500 thousand of the Muslims and they would just take their hair and they would just pile them up in the city that you would see blood flowing in the streets of Baghdad flowing into the rivers and then who does emotion or to either choose to stand up and defend the Muslim you know civilization it is a group of slaves and that is what the title of Mamluks came from that they were possessed and the head of the mum looks at that time who stood up was this individual by the name of la Herald vaporous so the ruler at that time and he ends up becoming Khalifa as a la Herald vaporous now unfortunately subhanAllah you would think that an individual that comes from a very humble beginning not having any was any property you know he would appreciate wealth and he'll be thankful to expand Owatonna yet unfortunately the this Muslim Ummah has been plagued with you know rulers and leaders that over indulge in this dunya Spinola so the head of a palace he defeats the Mongols and his pneumonic dynasty starts up and then again it becomes very oppressive very very oppressive so now when this starts to happen who is at the forefront of the opposition it is a madman or an amendment no rahimova this is a letter that is documented in history he writes a letter to a viral vaporous and he mentions that you know all the herald laborers you started as an individual that had nothing and allah subhanho wa taala now made you the leader of the Muslim empire do not abuse your rights over the people this Oh cough it doesn't belong to the ruler but it belongs to the Muslim state and that is the way it should remain and then you see that Imam manoa rahim allah he be cuts on to the forefront and there's one other particular incident that you see from enjoining good and forbidding the evil where allah herald vaporous again you see his greed for wealth that this is one of the first times that a tax is levied upon the people without reason so in islamic history the general concept of tax is that the muslim ruler is not allowed to tax the civilians you're not allowed to tax the civilians up and until there's a need for it so for example the Muslims are going to war and they need that wealth then they can be taxed or there's a need of the community then they can be taxed but the general case scenario is that they are to be taxed so now when the war is completely over everything is finished their need for the money was finished so The Herald Babel is instead of decreasing the tax and the people he actually increases it on the people and again what does Emma know hey Mahalo do writes a very very powerful letter that fear the day where you will stand in front of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we're in this dunya you are taxing the people and in the Acura it is your deed that will be taxed by allah subhanho wa taala another very powerful staunch and harsh letter that he wrote to the herald bailiffs now when this letter was written he asked you know who wrote to this letter and it was told to him that Imam whenever he wrote this letter and then he became afraid he didn't do anything and you'll notice that even though I'm a menorah him Allah he opposed of The Herald laborious to such an extent than always you know opposing him Allah Harold bladeless never actually physically did anything to him and it is said in the books of history that Allah Harold ablest was asked you know why is it that you never imprisoned him am i knowi why is it that you know you never had him exiled you know why didn't you do anything and if he mentions over here then anytime I would think of Imam and no way I would find a fear inside of myself I fear that I couldn't do anything to him and the scholars commented that this is a sign of the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he said that whoever tries to harm one of my alia one of my close slaves then I will wage war against this individual and this is why Allah Harold Babel is never actually harmed Imam anole this is why Allah have a blessed never actually harmed him am i knowing some of his famous works that bear mentioning is number one he had a very he has a very famous commentary on saw a Muslim which they say is second only to eben hadera's polanyi's Rajamouli's commentary and sahih bukhari he wrote you know the the Boston and adiphene is another famous text and then of course one of the most well known text in addition to the other marine and Novoa is the the famous text available Saudi King the the gardens of the righteous which is another collection of hadith which primarily deal with you know totally without about encourage admonishing people towards doing righteous actions and staying away from harmful actions and of course the perhaps the most well known of all of his texts is the utter barinov of an Emily as I mentioned he he dies at a relatively young age he's only forty-five years old when he passes away and yet the works he left behind our tremendous tremendous tremendous amounts of work they left behind they say that but he passed away that all he owned was a a staff and a turban just these three items of clothing is all he had and he didn't want to have any marker over his grave he didn't want his grave to be celebrated and yet they you know what ended up happening is that a tree drew from his grave right this is a sign that you know and and the tree as we know is a very powerful metaphor which we don't have time to elaborate on but it's a symbol of life that even after he passes away that's a tree which symbolizes life grows from his grave nonetheless despite him not wanting to have a marker now I thought be rahimullah when he concludes the biography of Imam Inouye he mentions three important points he says that in a menorah he Mahalo had three characteristics that he was at the pinnacle of that he excelled at and if any scholar of Islam just had one of these characteristics he would be considered a great imam within his own right but he Mamun know about him Allah had become the pinnacle had excelled at these three characteristics number one his level of scholarship that learning reading writing and most importantly disseminating he was at the top of his game at that number two his level of asceticism that his lack of love for this dunya was unparalleled someone constantly worshipping allah subhanaw taala someone taking advantage of his time someone always doing some sort of dhikr and then the third thing that he mentions is amendment noah rahim allah enjoining good and forbidding evil and subhanAllah these are the characteristics that all the scholars are meant to no these are like fundamental elements and then it was Amano rahim allah that excelled at all three of them was the pinnacle at all three of them that made him the great imam that he was we pray that allah spanner allah has mercy upon him and forgives us for his shortcomings and raises us with him I mean
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Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, sikm4n, LoveAllah328, soldierofAllah2, merciful, servant, lebo2196, islamicevent, themercifulservant, TheDailyReminder, Islamnet, Islamic, Videos, Songs, documentary, religion, movies, lectures, miracles, nasheed, naat, dua, death, the, daily, reminder, reminders, islamic
Id: NEM_wSyMg6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 17 2014
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