The Journey Of The Dead (Grave)

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[Music] [Music] we have heard many times the importance of remembering our death we hear so many things about the remembrance of our death but let me remind myself and one and all about the eye of the quran which are the most beautiful words the best of words the words of allah and allah says that we have created you from it and we will return you to it let us point on this for a moment we are sitting here today we are sitting in the comforts of this world our last our next breath could be our last breath this comfortable and friendly environment that we are in this could be our last moment in this kind of environment and so beautifully the prophet our prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam tells us when we go into our graves we will have a friendly environment there well if our deeds are good then it will be the best of places but if our deeds are not good if we have disobeyed allah azzawajal in this life and wallahi it is one of the worst places and the only thing worse than that is the jahannam when a person passes away and the soul is taken out the angels come to take the soul of the believer and then what happens if the person is good then that soul is wrapped in a beautiful cloth it is wrapped in a cloth which is made from good smelling musk and it is taken up to the heavens and if it is a bad person then that angel comes from a sack from the hellfire he comes and he wraps that wretched soul and tries to pull it out because the soul of the believer it comes out like drops of water it is happy to come out but the soul of the disbeliever our prophet muhammad thus it is like a three pronged object latching onto a wet piece of wool and you know how you try to pull that it is very difficult our prophet muhammad says that the wretched soul is so reluctant to come out of the person's body because it does not want to meet its lord it has not prepared for the akhirah it is not prepared for the grave it knows that its abode is not jannah it knows that the desires are finished here and then we go into reality today inshallah i wish to talk about what happens to the disbelieving soul first the bad soul first and then inshallah i wish to go on and talk about giving shall a full description of what happens to the believing soul and what happens in the grave so what happens to the disbelieving person the angel comes the soul is reluctant to come out and the angel of death forcefully snatches that soul out of the person's body and wraps it in that cloth that sack that comes from hell takes it up towards the heavens and this soul leaves off a stench and a stink when the molecule mouth comes to the first heaven and says that i want to pass through then the question is asked whose wretched soul is this the mouth answers this is so and so he used to do so and so then those who are the gatekeepers of the first heaven they say that he's not welcome here and this soul thrown back down allah does not allow this soul to come up and pass through the seven heavens this soul is thrown back into the body of the disbeliever and the evil person and this happens before the burial when the soul comes back into the person's body his fake faculties are restored the person can now answer the person can now see the person can now hear but again we have to remember that this hearing and this scene is not connected to this world it is a different journey then the questioning begins and this happens just after the burial when the people are still standing around the person's grave and when the people around are making dua when the people have finished asking allah azzawajal for forgiveness and to give that person steadfastness in the grave then the person in the grave will hear the footsteps of the people leaving and then the questioning starts the person is you know sat up in his grave the questions that are asked in this examination are all known to us although we know the answers that we are supposed to give in the grave but if our life wasn't according to the deen of islam if our life wasn't in obeying allah azzawajal throughout our life then we will not be able to answer that question and that disbeliever when he goes into the grave and those questions are asked to him the name of those angels they will sit that person up in the grave and they will ask him what did you used to say about this person and they are referring to the messenger of allah but that person who did not follow the messenger of allah that person will say that the people used to say such and such about him then those angels will reply that you are a liar and according to other narrations the munkar and naked will come to that disbelieving soul and ask the question who is your lord i don't know the next question will be asked what is your religion the disbelieving person will be unable to answer because he did not live his life according to islam the next question will be asked who is your prophet may allah shall save us from this from this fate then when this person has been asked all these questions and he's not able to give the replies because he did not live this life according to the way shown to us by allah azzawajal through his book and according to the sunnah of beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and one of the things mentioned by our prophet muhammad is the pressing inn of the grave now this pressing in of the grave everyone will have to experience this and if someone were to be saved of this then it that even he will experience this but of course the pressing you know the grave will be done to each individual but then they will be released if of course they were believers and if their deeds were righteous and the disbelieving person once he has answered those questions incorrectly a hall will be open and he will make to see through it and he will be shown paradise the angel will say see what you have missed out on you missed out on these luxuries you missed out on this beautiful life that allah azzawajal has prepared for those people who believe and then that person will be shown jahannam after this through that hole and the angel will say this is where you will be this is your abode and then the angels will open a gate from the door of jahannam it is not a fairy tale this will happen in reality to the person who will disbelieve and those who will not be doing righteous actions in this life and our beloved khalifa rasman brother he used to cry and his wife who was the daughter of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam would ask him that when hell fire and the paradise are mentioned when you cry but you don't cry as much as when you hear about the grave and um who gave the reply that our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that this is the first stage after a person's death if a person passes this first stage the stage of the grave then there is no worries after that everyone wants success but what is the real success the real success is not the success of this of this life it's not having a big mansion or a lot of money but success that whoever obeys allah and his messenger allah indeed he has succeeded he has got the biggest success and this is just the start for the disbeliever it is just the start i bet you that every single person in this room that passed away in their childhood or passed away when they were young and then do we still doubt that death can come to us at any time allah it is because of the deception of this world the world has captured our hearts and that is why we are so far away from our deen that is why we don't think about the akhirah that is why we don't think about the grave it seems as though it will come later on we will deal with it when it when it comes at the moment i've got other problems our prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam instructed us think a lot about death keep on thinking about it cry to allah azzawajal oh allah forgive me but when we go into the grave then we will regret i wish i had done this i wish i had done that but allah it will be too late now let us look at the believer when the angel of death comes to the believing person comes and wraps the soul in a beautiful nice smelling cloth a perfumed cloth and it is taken up who is this nice smelling person whose soul is this that the angel of death will say this is so and so he will be given glad tidings and he will be made to enter the first heaven then it the same thing will happen at each heaven until he will be taken to allah azzawajal and then allah will command that his book be put in the inliyin the eliyen are those who are close to allah azzawajal those who are high who have a high rank in the eyes of allah and then his soul will be sent back to his body and this is of course when the people are still are still standing around the grave the person will be sat up in the grave and the person will be asked what did you used to say about this person meaning the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and of course this person will say that he was the prophet of allah the messenger then the angel of death will say i knew you would say this and according to other narrations will come and they will ask that person who is your lord my lord is allah azzawajal and then he will be asked what is your religion and he will say dini al-islam and then it will be asked of him who is your nabi muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then that person will be shown through a hole he will be shown hell fire and he will see it and he'll be terrified and the angel will say that this is what allah azzawajal has saved you from and then he will be shown the nyam the bounties of paradise and then the angels will say that this is what allah azzawajal has prepared for you you will steadfast in this world and he will be shown the doors the doors of paradise and that person will say i want to enter it and mun karen naked will say the time will come and he'll be longing for that jannah and the disbelieving person when he sees that hell fire he will say i wish the hour never comes and the believing person will say i wish the day of judgment will come straight away but for this my dear respected brothers elders and sisters in islam we have to struggle in this life we have to struggle the way that our beloved prophet muhammad alaihi wasallam struggled we have to struggle the way that our our sahabah rwanda struggled if we pass this test then we have got the greatest success and i will finish off inshaallah with an eye of the quran allah azzawajal says all you who believe have the consciousness of allah azzawajal in your hearts and every person should see what it has prepared for their tomorrow foreign you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 40,963
Rating: 4.9748559 out of 5
Id: 6O6wCnDgQ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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