NEW! | Muhammad Al-Fatih | Full Lecture | Shaykh Zahir Mahmood

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para su luenell Karina that of the handle to stone Pina fala Lala Amir Amir ha well animal judge very little James today we are gathered here to discuss a very eminent individual rotten la la but before I embark on speaking upon or regarding this individual let me go right to the beginning imagine this imagine you live far away from the superpowers of the day and those superpowers don't even think that you are worth ruling and then you salaallah alayhi wasalam bring forth a message a way of life which is embraced by billions with their lives and souls for 1400 years you removed from the intellectual hubs of the world and you bring forth information you inform their Ummah of events which took place with pinpoint accuracy the message of Allah told us about go me odd go with the mood he told us about Adam alayhi salatu salam erase ibrahim yaqoob use of isa Musa alayhi salaatu wa salaam with pinpoint accuracy but the man Sal Allah are they worse element could not read and write imagine this the Sahaba of the Allah on whom our witness to the fact that the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam said a day before the Battle of Badr he said tomorrow this leader of the mushrikeen will fall exactly here and this ones will fall here and this one will fall here and exactly where the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wasalam said that is exactly where the Sahaba of the Allah anam narrate that they felt imagine this the Muslims are few in number you're still in Makkah and it's a time of Hajj and the mushrikeen have come to do Hajj and the message of allah allah allah allah wa sallam is going from tent to tent say bulu la ilaha illa llah to flee who say la ilaha illallah and you will be successful and one of the narrators he says i saw this and i saw this man walking from one tent to the next and then the next and I saw a man behind him as well and this man was saying don't listen to this man this man is a liar so because I didn't know who these men were I said who is the man calling people to Allah and who is the man walking behind him they said the mind calling toward allah subhanho wa taala is a man who regard himself as a prophet his name is muhammad and the man walking behind him saying to him do not listen to him is his uncle Abu Lahab and the narrations mentioned that the message of allah would go from 10 to 10 and he will call them toward allah subhanaw taala and some would say to him we don't want to listen to you because your own people don't listen to you others would say we embrace your religion it will be a headache for us others would pick up dust and throw it in his face others would spit in the face of the message of allah son la la la wa sallam but he would go from 110 to the next 10th to the next thing and at the end of the day his daughters a neighbor of the allah and how was a young girl at the time she bought him some water and the progress on la la la with some of them is washing his hands and he's washing his face washing the spit of his face and his daughter looks at him and he raises his eyes and he sees the anxiety in the face of his daughter les he's seeing she seen how her father has been humiliated and she and the message of Allah said o my daughter do not regard this as humiliation for I swear by Allah a day will come that this beam will reach the house of every baked and unbaked home and we bear witness to the prophecy of the message of Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah imagine this you're in the darkest moment of the life of the Sahaba of the Allah and you are given the greatest glad tidings ever the Battle of Honda the Battle of azaab the Battle of Confederates in the darkest moment in the lives of the Sahaba of the alarm the Battle of Azad the Battle of Confederates the Muslims are given the greatest glad tidings eleven thousand of the enemy is known as the Battle of the Confederates because all the enemies of the Muslims you might hit and they walked upon Medina and Abu Sufyan who was in charge of the enemy lines were saying that this will be the final battle after today the Muslims will never spend again and salman al-farsi rowdy Allah anhu he came to the message of Allah Allah Allah Allah man he said o Messenger of Allah we the Persians when we have an army that we can't deal with what we do is that we dig a trench so they can't reach us there's only two ways that you could reach Medina with either from the front or from the back the side is covered with the lavas the back was covered by bunny crazy until then so the worries of allah allah wa sallam tells his army which is only three thousand strong one thousand out of those 3000 Amana 15 so mm and the enemies are 11,000 strong it's midwinter there's a famine going on the Sahaba hungry they come to the message of allah allah allah allah wa sallam and they may say a message of allah we haven't eaten anything for days and they removed their garment from their stomach and they were stoned tied to the stomach and the message of Allah Allah Allah Allah WA seldom removes this garment and he has two stones tied to his stomach and then they come to the Prophet son last element they say diversity of Allah there's one big rock one big boulder we can't break the boulder come and help us the message of Allah is over 50 years old at the time 50 years old there are many young Sahaba of the Elan home and the Robinson la Salim comes with two stones tied to his stomach mid winter climbing going on and he strikes the boulder and is a huge spark and he says Allah Akbar and then they strikes again there's a huge spark in another third Briggs and he said Allah Akbar and then he structured the third time and it's another huge spark and again he says Allah what what and it breaks into small pieces the Sahaba said o Messenger of Allah what was the Allah whatwhat about what was that spark about the prophets are lots of them said when I struck in the first time Allah showed me that a day will come that we will take the palaces of Yemen which was south when I struck in a second time Allah showed me through this fog that a day would come that we would take the palaces of the best times of the Eastern Romans and when I struck at the third time Allah showed me through the smog that a day would come that we would take the white palace of the super power of the day the Persians the Moroccan began to say look at this man he's promising them that they will become a super our and one of us is scared to go and relieve himself in the darkest moment which allowed the finds that they were so dark it's so difficult for the Muslims that their hearts reach their throats the message of Allah promised them and then when I fifteen began to love they said look we gonna become a superpower and there's an enemy of eleven thousand within ten years the Muslims became that superpower within ten years and today I'm here to speak about another prophecy of the message of allah allah allah allah wa sallam this was an amazing prophecy you know why because it took place 800 years after the message of allah allah allah allah wa sallam said eight hundred years the message of allah so allah alayhi wa sallam said as related by muhammad left of the Chanukah spoon Taniya Felidae man amir amir aha when images Varela Kadesh the message of allah said you will surely conquer Constantinople Constantinople today's Istanbul it's a meal will be the most wonderful and the best of a meals and his army will be the most wonderful and the best of armies eight hundred years of harm Allah Delisle that the message of Allah was sent by allah subhanaw taala eight hundred years after he prophesizes this was when muhammad al-fatih Rehema hala conquered Constantinople but really the real credit begins with Moravia of the alarm more I will reveal on who was the man who was inspired by the words of the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam and then he brought the dream of the message of a light to fruition that dream the prophets allah salla was once in the house of omaha and the prophets allah salla now goes falls asleep he falls asleep he wakes up after a while smiling and Omaha Marathi Allah and her says o Messenger of Allah what's making you smile may my mother and father be sacrificed for you O Muhammad The Messenger of Allah said I saw that a group of people from my Ummah are going into jihad and there on these large ships like kings sitting on Thrones so she said oh mercy of Allah make du'a that I am from amongst them he said you will be from amongst them then he went sleep again and after a while he wakes up and he's smiling again and o Muhammad of the Allah and harass him Oh mystery of Allah what's making you smile and the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam said i saw a group of my people going to jihad they're sitting on these large ships like kings on Thrones Shiseido message of allah make du'a that allah subhanaw taala make me from amongst them and the prophets allah sallam said you will be from the first ones come the time or abu bakr nothing happens come to the time where nothing happens come to time of tomorrow the allah and home where are we now says Othman give me permission to start the naval expedition so it's manner of the Ilan who allows them they go to Cyprus they stayed off to Cyprus in this ship is no other than only hurrah Marathi Allah at home with her husband Oh bother to loose a meter of the allah and they reach Cyprus on a Haram is riding the horse the horse is startled on me Haram falls off and she is martyred until today the grave of Muharram is in Cyprus until today the grave of Omaha Rama of the allah dhu based testimony to the prophecy of the message of allah allah allah allah wa sallam but in the time of war are we ready Allah Himself mahalia now starts another expedition and this expedition is to Constantinople and every single person wanted to be in this expedition you know why many Sahaba become old you know because there were two possibilities of prophecy here one was guaranteed and one was a possibility the one which was a possibility is that you will surely one day conquer Constantinople the Emir will be the best of a meal and the army will be the best of me so this was possible if they conquered it but there was another prophecy related by my Muslim minister he that the messenger of allah allah allah allah wa sallam said in allah in the oval adjacent on mati yeah luna madinat okay shimmer for allah who that the first army from my ummah which attacks constantinople the city of the Caesar Allah will forgive them all and this is why every sahabi wanted to be in this army you had a dilemma Abbas of the Lebanese Abed Abdullah etymology Allah animal but really the name that really stands out is a boy you belong sorry out of the alarm about you burn I'm sorry about the Elan who at this time was over fifty years our eighty years old who was that boy hubris Arya Baloo Baloo sorry of the Alalu was the host of The Messenger of Allah Allah Allah Allah when he came to Medina everybody wanted the message of Allah to stay in their home and the mercy of Allah said that this camel of mine is commanded by Allah wherever it stops that's where I will stay and it went and it parked itself outside the house of abou you belong sorry out of the alarm oh he had the honor of hosting the greatest of creation salaallah alayhi wa sallam a boy you belong sorry Rosie Allah knew he would live on the top floor the Messenger of Allah we live on the bottom floor and about you were inside of the lunch and a message of Allah regarded and disrespectful to walk over your head you move upstairs and I move downstairs the rasul allah allah wa sallam said about you I'm a person who have many guests if you're downstairs they're gonna inconvenience your family to reach me you stay down says I were you and sorry it on the alarms are no message of Allah I cannot live with the fact that I am walking over your head 80 years old they say to obey you however you are emitted sahabi of the message of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you are the host of the message of allah there is no need for you to go you're 80 years old he says the ayat in the quran in fear okay - what's the talent won't allow me to sit at home Allah says go in the path of your Lord may you be heavy or may you be light may you be younger may you be old may you be well away you be unwell he said this verse in the Quran will not allow me to remain at home imagine is from Medina all the way to Constantinople no aeroplanes no cruisers no cars you're over 80 years old you're already run home wearable and you're already alized pleased with you and you will be pleased with your boat by allah subhanaw taala but that's not enough you still want to go in the path of allah subhanaw taala he traveled all the way from there to Constantinople he reaches Constantinople when he reaches Constantinople the battle begins and he befalls and well it becomes unwell he withdraws from the battle Yazeed was the general of this army when he heard that he was unwell he went to visit him and he said chef what can I do for you he said give my salaam to the army and tell them that they must fight with vigor and when I die make sure that you bury me in the furthest land of the enemies so I can say to Allah o Allah I went in your past and living and I went in your path whilst I was dead he passes away and they take him with a procession ride to the outskirts of the walls of Constantinople so ceases watching this he sees this procession so he sends a message to his Eden he said what's this Yazeed said that this is a companion of The Messenger of Allah salaallah alayhi wasalam and it was his desire to be buried as far as possible in the enemy lands Jesus say he sent a message to you see they said obviously you're not as intelligent as your father because his father more aware of the Alanna was known to be very intelligent he said when you leave I will exhume his body and I will feed it to the dogs so his heed replied he said I swear by the one that you disbelieve him and I swear by the one due to whom he's buried here if you do that I will kill every Byzantine in our land and I will destroy every church in our lands I had such a big impact on Cesar that Cesar permanent guards around the grave Abubakar leader of the Olano Western historians mentioned that when the Christians would have a drought they would come to the grave of a boy Yuval and sorry and the Christian would make du'a for Baraka the first Durbar Mazar in the history of islam was created by christians first one ever was christian created by the christians constantinople what is constantinople istanbul today constantinople for a thousand years was the most beautiful city in Christendom there was nothing like it in the world Napoleon once said if the world was one country its capital would have been constantinople istanbul because it bridges the east and the west in 1559 when Queen Elizabeth the first the first year guys the running now is the second one yeah it's - she's not 500 years old the first one in 1559 she sent an organ to Mohammed the third and when Thomas dalum who went to deliver the organ he entered Constantinople he says it was like I entered into a different world said I had never seen anything like it just from 11:23 to 1453 which was the year that muhammad fought a lay siege to it had been sieged 23 times the Muslims since the time of the Sahaba until the time of muhammad al-fatih had laid siege to it 11 time in holiness it was regarded as the second Jerusalem there were only Jerusalem to the Christian was more holier than Constantinople as far as the walls were concerned it was regarded as the most impregnable city on the face of this earth 12 miles of wall eight miles were water for miles land it was regarded as impossible to take it was a Jeep City nothing like it let me move on to the man I'm going to speak about today muhammad al-fatih who does muhammad al-fatih come from muhammad al-fatih come from the Ottomans who were the Ottomans see when the Mongols came in into Eastin into eastern Turkestan half a million of the Turks migrated to West orkest on these were people who were homeless penniless allah subhanaw taala say al-quran wanna read oh and nominally Ladino stood aloof in earth Nigella home RM matin Nigella Morrison allah subhanaw taala says no Quran nor IDO Marino and namana we want to favor upon those people work week in the earth who have been taken as week in the earth we want to make them the Imams and we want to make them the inheritors of the world will lie if there was any group of people who became an inheritance of the earth it was the ottomans homeless destitute running away from the mongol who are the Mongols the Mongols were those people who decimated the Muslim world there were two main elephants when the Mongols came into the Muslim world there were the ISM and there were the other side they destroyed the who are ISM who were predominantly Shias and then they came after the a besides just in 1258 they sacked both dad but God was the Halliford of the Muslims you know how many people they killed in Baghdad they killed nearly 1 million the population of Baghdad was 2 million the same population of Birmingham they killed half of the population in both dad and you know how they killed him they didn't have machine guns he waited for your turn like a chicken in a poultry farm sometimes it would take weeks the blood became red around the city the blood became red the river became red months it would take some time for your tenth week sometimes it would take for your turn to come in 1258 nothing decimated the Muslim world like the Mongol 1258 was the year that Baghdad was sacked 1250 year was the year which Osman the leader of the ottomans was born 1258 his father Porthos a local or whatever you call him you know there's so many variation of checking on the internet there's so many variation or toggle or to rule you know subhanAllah you know that this is a G behalf of you masha'Allah I hear because of the barrack of TV ten years ago people would never say if you came to talk no I didn't come here because the TV no I stopped to lie down watch TV you see how things have changed in ten years period Oregon was the person who is the father was man who was the founder of the Ottomans let me just briefly mention Ottawa although this five series is on him they're interesting thing is there's only five pages of history on him five seasons and five world page of history on him but Ortolan was the man where he migrated he saw two armies fighting the Virgin's and the cell Jukes the Shias and Sunnis so what he did is that he took the side of this the Sunnis the Seljuks now until then the Ottomans didn't exist they were small the Seljuks were so impressed by all the gods military brilliance they gave him a certain piece of land then when the soldiers would go out to fight the port O'Call would always be at the forefront they were known as the mecanomoto jesh always at the forefront because all tagal was unparalleled on the battlefield it was from him in 1258 on the same year that baghdad was sacked that he had a child called Aslan Aslan is the founder of the dolottle of Minea and also known as the ottomans they say it started from a dream now saman had a dream that he's sleeping and the heart of a very pious man is transferred into his heart and then from his stomach a tree sprouts out and the shade of the tree goes all over the world he had the dream interpreted they said that the dream is that you will your progeny will establish justice where people will live under this justice and prosperity and peace this is where all of us man a smart was known for his destice I mean there are many naration we're smart would he would judge between a Muslim and a non-muslim and he would give judgment in the favor of a non-muslim and it would say why do you do this except because Allah commands us to fulfill the rights of other people he was known the Ottomans let me briefly tell you who the Ottomans were the Ottomans are the longest empire that the Muslim world has ever had no other Muslim dynasty no other Muslim empire no other Muslim Caliphate lasted as long as the Ottomans lasted they ruled Iraq they ruled Egypt they ruled all of North Africa all the way up to Tunisia they ruled sham all when I say sharp that's been all of old sham the three harms maqam Medina Muhammad ena and Alpert's was under the Ottomans they were unparalleled today we look at that we look at Turkey subhanAllah with this Islam these were the flag bearers when the Mamluks finished when the a besides finished when the Warren finished when the why he didn't finished there were only one group of people who defended this Ummah for centuries and that was the Ottomans Jeep with Allah says that we want to favour upon those who are taking weak in the earth and we make him the Imams and we make him the water-themed the inheritors of the earth so let me now move on to muhammad al-fatih who is muhammad al-fatih omar ali muhammad al-fatih ramadan la la was the seventh sultan out of the ottomans his father was Murad asani Murad the second and his father was very honestly you know whenever I've studied the lives of every single Muslim leader maybe nude in salahuddin use have been tashfeen Abu Bakr lamb Tunis Omar Omar anyone one line is two characteristics I've seen in every single one the first was talbiya the parents were concerned about nurturing their child they spent time in nurturing this child they put an effort in nurturing their child they were the father's not the TVs they were the mothers not the social media they were the parents every single one and this was no different you know they say about him that he was a spoiled son of a salt on he wouldn't listen to his teachers and Morada Thani was so concerned that he said finally a teacher can discipline my child so they found a man called Imam karate mom Quran II was Kurdish he was known as the imam abu hanifa of his time he wrote books on the common tree of Buhari and others so when they bought him Maharani he thought he was another TJ mom Quran he said I am your teacher and I will you will listen to me and being the son of the Sultan he laughed in the face of imam pour on imam karate was old style he took out the stick and he gave him a good beating so a man karani beat him gave him a good hiding the son of the sole time they say before this he could barely read the Quran by the age of 8 muhammad al-fatih became a half of the quran the son of the sultana they say Imam karani instilled in him the love for reading and writing muhammad al-fatih could read could speak up to eight languages let me count the ones I remember Arabic Persian Turkish Serbian Italian according to some greek latin up to eight languages he could speak subhanAllah we can speak English and our first no I am I am in all honesty I'm seriously saying you know our first revelation is Akana first revelation is it come and we don't read and then we'll come to these tubes and we say I'm good to my mother father Subhan Allah Masha Allah Subhan Allah and we'll walk out exactly the same as parent a children will walk how exactly the same we'll never do anything beyond our children as individually walk are exactly the same illiterate lowest in school the worst areas we get inspired by these people his main teacher was a man called arc sham Sudeep who was actions of did a massive hemella actions of deed was the man who instilled in him that he must one day conquer Constantinople he was the one who took his horse into the sea because the Ottomans were here they had reached here and then across was where Constantinople was so one day he took his he took muhammad al-fatih and he took him by the shore and then he took his horse into the water until the horse water reach the neck of the horse and then he said muhammad al-fatih was a young boy at the time bring your horse into the water and until the water reached Nick and then he said to him he said o my son one day you will conquer Constantinople la ilaha illallah one-person wallahi one person positive positive direction walking what one person as a teacher can do he was the one who instilled in muhammad al-fatih the importance of taking constantinople his father Mirada thani he himself laid he lay siege to constantinople for 22 days Muhammad afar they would often hear his father making dois for the conquest of Constantinople make him dois making dois that his son would be the Conqueror of Constantinople Paris dois la la in allah the lead appearance dois there is no hijab there is no veil between a line the dwarf apparent you know what kind of therapy he got you may regard it as old-fashioned but buttock subsidy one day walking wonderful time on the fourth is quite young at the time and he gives him a good beating gives him a good beating years later muhammad al-fatih said to his teachers why did you beat me for that day he said because my son you are gonna be tomorrow a king you are gonna be the salt on if you have never faced this woolum if you have never seen oppression when you oppress other people you won't know how it feels I did this oh you know what deulim feels like theatre be a second quality is that I will I've seen in every single one of the love for film and the love for scholars you show me one of these people who rug to Kalama with contempt show me one great leader in Islamic history good one why I have never seen one and the people that we take for contempt the lowest of Hill is Islamic Illman on eyes the lowest of people are the Islamic scholars you know how about how he regarded scholarship as one of his employees beat a Carvey he beat a Carly because he didn't like that the judgment that he gave so how am I the father April I fought well although he wasn't as fully scholar he put a fatwa that this person should be killed so the Hamas said you can't kill him just for beating a card he said no he beat him because this man was upholding the Sharia and he beat him because he didn't like his verdict from the Sharia so he belittled the Sharia therefore by belittling the Sharia he should be put to death eventually they convinced him you can't do this so this young man came to him to apologize Mohammed a fast it was a warrior so he gave him a good beating lot of beatings going on so he gave him a good beating this young man became a colleague and he will say I became a collie because of the beating of muhammad al-fatih because of the bulk of the beating of muhammad al-fatih you know his father let me talk well there'll be of his father his father was his father made him the Emir at the age of fourteen forty he said you are now the Sultan the Christian when they heard that his father made him some scholars say that all of the kingdom some say a portion of the kingdom at the age of fourteen he makes him the ruler and he steps aside the Christians when he headed there very happy 14 year old child he won't be able to do anything so they decide to attack his land so he sends a message to his father in he says my father you know they are about to attack the lands I need you to come back and his father said no you are in charge you deal with it 14 years old so he says to his father he said listen if you're the salt on then it's your responsibility and if I am the Sultana then I command you to defend the lands so then his father come to comes and takes the rain again this was muhammad al-fatih the day the year that his father passed away mohammed el father's father passes away who is his father Mirada Thani the greatest agitator of the Europeans he was the thorn in their side when he passed away they were happy he's passed away Francisco sent a letter to all the leaders of Europe saying that your greatest agitator has died his successor is an inexperienced young boy twenty-one years old he said it's time now to destroy the Ottomans la ilaha illallah his father passes away you want to talk about the beer his father passes away he's crying at the side of his bed and his mother comes to him who just lost her husband just lost the king said son get up we got things to do sudden get up we got the mission in her hands when Europe rejoiced the man was focused he had his eyes on Constantinople they were rejoicing and he was busy with the work as Allah says mikaru were macaron la la la hey la mercury they plan and they plot and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners allah subhanaw taala you know what he did well so they were of joy seing this man bought the he bought the prophecy of the message of Allah eight hundred years from before to light but not only that look at this the longest Empire in Christendom is best time Eastern Europe where I speak WA and over detail later on the longest for 1100 years the best times ruled Christendom Eastern Christian who is the man who destroyed them muhammad al-fatih allah allah subhanaw taala speaks about bezel type Alif LAAM him Woolever to room the roman that defeated when allah speaks about roman he's not speaking about Rome he's not speaking about Western Rome he speaking about Byzantine the best time capital was Constantinople when the Persians beat him the Russia Turkey were happy why because they did shieldmaiden shook so the Muslims weren't happy because the Christians and they believed in the book and Muslim believe in the book so the mushrikeen began to talk the muslims all your brothers have lost a lost want allah says today the romans have been defeating the Byzantines have been defeated a day will come that they will win Yoma is in yes for a whole mummy noon that day when they win the believers will be happy these very people the Byzantines ruled for 1100 years the man who brought them to their knees was muhammad al-fatih osmoter male muhammad al-fatih man prepared here is he had his eyes on the goal twenty-one years old when he became the leader 23 years old when he lay siege to Constantinople and you know how he prepared meticulously he made sure everything was prepared to the degree that he had a man called or ba Norman was a Christian Hungarian and he was specialist in making cannons so he said to her bond I will pay you whatever you want you are the best in your field make me a cannon can you make me a cannon which is unparalleled in the world or van said to him I will make you a cannon which will destroy the walls of Babylon you know how big this cannon was a man could crawl in its barrel you needed 60 oxes to pull it 200 men decide 200 men decide 13 miles away you could hear it blast he raised the tactics where anybody taxes way others lived within Muslim lands he drew treaties with anybody who could impede his mission the Hungarians the the Hungarians the Bulgarians all of them he drew treaties with and then he built what was known as the Bosporus throat cutter so basically to get to consent in opal you have to go through the Bosphorus they already had one fort on the other side he built another fort so nobody could get to Constantinople and then they place cannons the nation this is beautiful the narrations mentioned that Mohammed thought they built it with his own hands he took off his top he told his that all the princes take off your tops it old all the hell am i take off your tops and work they work with their own hands you know this is a beautiful beauty of this deal where did he learn this see they say he was a hospital Quran and they also say that he was an expert in history muhammad al-fatih was an expert in history he studied history he saw when the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam built machine up whistle oh la la whoo solemn and The Messenger of Allah Allah Allah are they were sort of carried the bricks until the narration mentioned that is back bent over and the sahaba said o Messenger of Allah will carry for you in the prophets Allah something you carry that when I will carry this one and the racial mentioned that the prophets Allah sort of front and back was covered with dust this is where these people learnt from this is where they learned so he creates the buffer he creates this and then so Cesar is watching all this what I want you to concentrate very carefully on this part sees is watching all this he's in Constantinople he sees what's happening and he knows that this army is getting ready so he sends a message to the Pope and he says to the Pope we need your help all of Western Christendom is there all of Europe is there we need your help the Pope said on one condition because Christianity was divided into two you had Orthodox Christianity which was the bezel tines which ruled from Constantinople and in the time of the Prophet Salah solemn all the way to sharp and then you had the rest of Christendom which was Catholics the problem was that each one of them were putting foot pod on the other each one of them regarded the other one as heretics each one of them regarded the other one as kaffir so the Pope said we will help you on one condition that all of you become Catholics Cesar agreed so now they come to the Sophia Hagia Sophia Hagia the largest church in Orthodox Christianity they reached Sophia Hagia there there the Pope's delegation is there they are about to sign that all of Orthodoxy will taint convert to Catholicism and then the people of Constantinople lay they become outraged the second in charge in that meeting stands up when he says we would prefer the turbans of the Turks rather than the long hat of the Catholics listen to the statement we would prefer the turban of the Turks rather than the long hats of the Catholic the Latins so Catholicism the Pope withdraws his help you know brothers you know this is the curse of disunity I asked you today you ask any Christian in the world was that statement worth it they will tell you no it wasn't worth it we would prefer Catholicism any day to Islam but we do exactly the same thing exactly the same thing and when you're in the mix look at the Muslim world is burning wherever you see Muslims the open game we came up we kill each other and others kill us we make our own red light listen I am not telling you to compromise on your theology keep your theology mashallah we some means we remain some nice and we remain firm Sunnis but this isn't the first time this has happened in history well llahi I can tell you hundreds of times as this has happened and we commit the same mistake again and the same mistake again when you're gonna learn let us live and you live let us just live and you live no don't curse are the people why because they will curse you no here other people why because they will hit you back don't shoot other people white but they will shoot you and even if they shoot you just let it go mature yourself we would prefer we would prefer that the table of the Turks to the long hats of the Latin they lost Constantinople you know like you and I cry about losing Spain Constantinople was far more precious to them and Spain is to us 1453 they lost this we lost 1492 we eventually lost granada's why an amazing wall I and I know I'm diversifying honestly loo almost kind of though today I'm not gonna diversify I'm gonna stick to the topic but I can't help it grow up here grew up look at what your children are going through at school you know look at the challenges you are having at school and what topics are you guys talking about you don't know anyone like you guys don't know a vast majority ninety-nine point but I know all of you I've been teaching for the last one year the amount of knowledge you have about Islam is this much and the amount of foot towards you give us much I like this much nowhere else in life would you be brave enough beside the Deen of Allah subhanAllah you can't live with each other you recite the same kind of man you can't live with your neighbor you're divided on the smallest things let me take let me say this to you and I'm gonna finish on this topic listen look at you look at those things which you have commonalities in rather than those things which you have differences in and you will see that you have hundreds of things that you have commonality he plays the same Kimble interior were you he faces the same way as you he reads the same sort of father who saved or only thing you can see is where he placed his hands he must be different to me he reads the same Quran as you if it is the same high just you and I'm not just saying you guys I'm saying all the massaging all the massages some besides you worse than others but we need to mature somebody needs to mature if somebody else isn't maturing we need to mature we need to get this Ummah together so muhammad al-fatih now he brings here he brings the cannons three cannons they have it takes him two months to bring him to Constantinople in places and then the battle starts and they shoot their cannons that cannon pulverized the walls of Constantinople the narrations mentioned there women came out their higher houses screaming because they hadn't nothing like this one Muslim historian he says he says that when I heard the cannon by Allah it was like a sort of feel help blow the trumpet and the Christian historian say but worse than this was when the Muslim will take a lot WA said it would make a shiver run down your spine when they would say that takbir and then you had the Muslims they were climbing there trying to scale the walls and the walls of Constantinople were very high so what they would do is that they were shooting the arrows and and then they would pour hot water and sometimes oil over the Muslims but they they marvel at the bravery of the Turkish soldiers Leonardo who was a contemporary who was there he says that the Muslim would come close we would wipe kill all of them but the next batch would come he said some time they would make themselves a shooting gallery for us he said one of the Muslim fighters would come close to the wall we would shoot him we would die and his comrade worker and this is words he says his comrade his comrade would come closer to pick him up and he says that he would place him over his shoulder like a you throw a pig over your shoulder and then he would run with him he said we would shoot both of them and they would fall he said then another one would come to pick them up he says sometimes to save one person ten would die but they could not live with the shame of leaving one of their companions unburied you know what the French traveler bretter Adan he says he he he in 1430 he met the Turkish army and this is what he says about the Turkish army they are indifferent to where they sleep and they usually lie on the ground the horses are good cost little in food Gallup well and for a long time their obedience to their superiors is boundless when the signal is given those who lead the March quietly leave quietly a March off followed by the others with the same silence 10,000 Turks on such an occasion will make less noise than a hundred Christian men I must own that in my various experiences I have always found the Turks to be frank and loyal and when was necessary to show courage they were they never fail to show courage you know muhammad al-fatih when he took his army generations mentioned he went to one marketplace he would often disguise himself he went to one marketplace and the market owner said to him I have enough to feed my children today i've swatched that market man that person over there nobody has come to his stall you go to his stall so muhammad al-fatih would go to his stall he went to him he bought something he said I have enough to feed my children today go to that stall muhammad al-fatih said on that occasion I realized now I have the people to conquer Constantinople now I have the people to conquer Constantinople why was it possible to have people like this because they had a need like a mother fat the narration mentioned Muhammad her father would always be at the forefront he would always be at the forefront he would be the man who would take it horse into the water he was a man of many occasions who was injured they say muhammad al-fatih would stay up all night sketching drawing Daanish he'll me say he's a turkish historian he said since the day he became the salt pan every single day of his life for two years he studied the maps of Constantinople when Halil Pasha his machine came to his bedroom saline washes spur saw him in his feet said what's wrong Sultan said by Allah my side has not touched this pit my side has not touched this bed and he was he was amazing he was our lives of mastermind he you know he was motivated they say that nobody knew what his next movement was one of the cardies once asked him he said so far what we to do next he said by Allah if the hair on my body knew what I was gonna do next I would pluck it out and I will consign it to the fire nobody knew one morning young because he was a mastermind one morning what happened was that they created a frame because they were finding it very difficult to scale the walls they created a frame which was higher than the walls three floors each floor covered with skin so they couldn't shoot their owls or pour anything over them by the end of the day the Christian managed to burn down mohammed el father's had no problem tomorrow we will have another fall one of the Christian historian says he says it would have taken the entirety of Christendom entire month to make something like that and Muhammad the father did it in one night and the next day said we're gonna make another fall and if that wasn't enough the tunnels Mohammed's our Father I am Allah began now to dig the tunnels underneath and they dig in the tunnels and now the Christian in Constantinople they hear about this and the relations mentioned the old historian mentioned that they were so scared that they felt as some anytime some Turk will jump out of the floor you know you know what this reminds me of you know what this is our life this is our history this is what Muslims were like once upon a time they were innovative they were dynamic they were diverse when they the message of Allah say in the House of Omaha he spoke about a navy when did the messenger of allah in his time the Arabs had no Navy the Muslims had no Navy then there was no naval expedition the tribal prophets Allah saw none in the time of Walker none of the time of Homer in the time of Othman but the prophets Allah some gave the Muslims a vision and the Battle of azaab when he said big the trench then Salman al-farsi came to the Messenger of Allah and he said o Messenger of Allah we the Persians what we do is that we have we have a had to fought the BRABUS a la salle to build a catapult he said o Messenger of Allah we the Persian have a thing called the Baba the tank of the time the message of allah said built at the baba he said o and then after the battle the prophets Allah Salim said to Sahaba to go to Syria to learn to make the most advanced the Baba the most advanced the Baba this this was a history that the Muslims were dynamic and this is why we had people like muhammad al-fatih rahim Ajala but you know there were time to obviously situation was wasn't very good certain times the Muslims found it very difficult there was the occasion where the ships got through and Muslims lost a lot of mint so then they sold on was an even spit so the leaders came to Muhammad the father and they said Muhammad the father so fun this is all your fault because you listen to your teacher actions too deep and this is why we are having these losses so muhammad al-fatih now sends a message to his teacher he's there he's in his camp and he said the message he said what do you say say shake what's your advice he said no salt on man plans and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners the situation gets even worse there he goes himself and the guard is standing in front of the tent and he's telling us apart even you can't go in the the Sheikh said nobody can go in Muhammad her father moved the guard out of the way he went into the tent he goes into the tent he sees his sheikh hamza Dina rahim of allah he's in such that his turban has fallen off his hair are on the floor and for a very very long time he's in such de and mohammed el father then after while he raises his head and his eyes are flowing and Muhammad the father walked out and he said I swear by Allah knowing that I have people like this in my Ummah gives me greater pleasure even than the conquest of Constantinople because ohm are made by people because they're Omar made by people but the morale is down so what is Mahadev what they do look at is this is a leader though through Maran what happens as far they now disguises himself and he goes into the Muslim ranks and he sees the state of the soldiers and then he takes off his disguise and then he gives a speech he said o people the morale is down it has no people don't you want to be from the army which the Messenger of Allah said is the best of armies he said don't you want to fulfill the prophecy of the message of Allah so Allah saw and he inspires the army and then la ilaha illallah I points to the grave of a boy you belong sorry love the allah anhu and he said you see the companion of the messenger of allah over a key is old and he wanted to conquer Constantinople and i say i said look at the Sahaba of the Elan home even from their graves they inspire the miracle of the Sahaba of the alarm even from their graves they inspire so why is the state in the city Constantinople the state in the city is even worse how well they being besieged so then what they decide to do is to raise the morale what they tried that what they do is that they have this image or a portrait some of you who may have seen it's called the HondaJet tree or jet ria and it's Mary holding Jesus and pointing to me like nowadays you say he's the man so she's pointing to him that he is the savior of the world it was regarded as the most holiest relic embezzle time they believed that Saint Luke actually drew it himself and they believed as long as they have this that they would never ever be conquered so what they do on the 25th of May they put it on the cart they want to take it to all the sides of the city to bless all the sides of the city so they take it and what happens is that it slips out the hands of the camera an default on the floor now the panic struck the Charu carry it but because they're panic-stricken it sways like lid eventually they manage to carry it but then a torrent comes the rain comes and the procession is canceled the next day 26th of May the Sofia Hagia is struck by lightning Cristiano storage mansion is Sofia Hagia their largest church in Caen in a whole of Christendom is struck by lightning and this kills the morale kills them around now Mohamed father has one problem subhanAllah he's got his army on land but he can't get his army on sea because you're 12 miles of wall 8 miles is covered by water and and for bile and soul and he's got me he can't get to the water why because there's a passage called the golden horn and the golden horn has a chain when you enter it so what the Christian would do is when a one of their armies or their ship would come through they would lower it when the enemy army would come they would pull it tight and it would rip through the hull of the ship so none of the Muslim ships could get through so then muhammad al-fatih pulls up one of the greatest moves ever done by any general muhammad al-fatih in the darkness of the night he cradles 67 ships out of the water he has logs which are lined with grease on them animal fat and it's not flat some places it is 200 feet high the enemies are all around him you know when muhammad al-fatih said if the hair on my body knew what i was gonna do next i would consign it to the fire this is what he meant in one night muhammad al-fatih rahim Ajala 67 ships and over the darkness of night without under the nose of the enemies without them knowing and he brings him over to the other side the Christians define it the Christians they say that he surpassed Alexander the Great by doing this dokin says this was a miracle that we never heard from before or never after this wasn't humble a father can you imagine the morale is already down in Constantinople and now muhammad al-fatih has bought 67 ships now they surround them now the only covering four miles there covering 12 miles they have to defend 12 miles then muhammad al-fatih says he says to his army he says tomorrow you light three fires where you normally like one campfire so they believe that we have reinforcements and then they attack the morale is already down and the city is about to fall in them or how mother father sends a message to a caesar and he says to caesar he said o Caesar give us the city we don't want any further bloodshed so Caesar says you know that cannot happen and then Muhammad the father says his famous words he says either my grave or the throne either my grave or the throne and then Muhammad as father says he calls his army he says pray at might la ilaha ilallah help of allah always comes listen activism you can't just sit in a machine and expect a las help to come and you can't just be an activist and without a bother expect the help of allah to come if it was just a bother the Sahaba would have stayed in Mecca Medina but they didn't but there were people they bother and there were people activism you bring both of these things together then you get the health of a lost power he told us that people say spend their night in worship and then he gave a speech he said Allah and Allah is close to giving us what heap the message of Allah Allah Allah Allah promised 800 years ago so when you enter the city make sure you abide by the laws of the deen of allah subhanallah no women no children no non-combat combatants should be touched and then you get there obviously always get a few nutty ones and they said he said no soul time but allow us you know that deal with a few of them mohammed al father said that contradicts the teachings of islam and then mohammed eventually 29 individuals or 30 individuals scale the wall they erect the flag each one of them is martyred and the city falls and muhammad al-fatih rahim allah now enters the city and 100 the first they entered the city later on in the day the narration mentioned that he was it was in total and utter humility he was doing it stick far he was asking for general for those who had been martyred in the path of allah subhanaw taala in front of him was his teacher workshops of deep humble fasting behind his teacher action so deep and this teacher and and then he reaches the center of the city and muhammad al-fatih he gathers his companions a hundred and fifty thousand strong army this was he's 23 years old at the time and he gives the talk imagine this la ilaha ilallah you're giving a talk you're the father and you're saying the message of allah said and he's not giving him birmingham he's giving it on constantinople the day the city fell and he says may remember the words of the message of allah allah allah allah wa sallam you will surely conquer Constantinople and you the army will be the most wonderful of armies la ilaha illa llah and then he walks toward the Sophia Hagia and he walks war the Sophia Hagia some of the Christians they come out some of the Christian leadership and they go on one Meath and they sit in front of him one II Muhammad father say poo mr. chemo say stand up I am nothing besides soap on comedy fatty don't lower yourself for me and then muhammad al-fatih they go to the hagia sophia and this was unparalleled this never happens before when you take a place you Massacre the people in it he waited for them to finish their prayers and then when the patriarch came he gave them all Amin he gave him all harmony said go to your homes you are all secure and then that day that the whole salah was in Soviet hockey now some say oh but why do muhammad al-fatih convert the church into a a masjid muhammad al-fatih is on record as saying that I prefer that next to every church they be next to every Masjid there's a church so for the Christians they go to the church and for the Muslim they go to the Russians but if you compare this what happened on the other side of the Mediterranean which was Spain every single mustard was turned into a church not one Masjid was left not one you know the court Obama said the cost of a Masjid according to many historians was the largest Masjid in the world once upon a time it was larger than the haramein every single one every single church was converted Ramallah father converted some churches but the vast majority he left them to be you know what have to what happened in Christendom Europe erupted the Pope actually gathered a special tax to fight the Turks Fredrik the third of Germany began to cry the other leaders all United on to fight the Muslims were subhanAllah they could not why because for the next 30 years Hamad Al Fateh kept him on their back foot for net he opened the doors to conquer Europe for the next 30 years nobody could advance towards the Muslims muhammad al-fatih closed the doors for the europeans who come into the Middle East because Constantinople was the door so now the Crusades had finished but what he also did was that he opened the doors on the other side muhammad al-fatih would say regarding constantinople before conquering conquering it he would say this city needs to be conquered because it is the center of evil and transgression why because this was the passage for them to attack the Muslims so muhammad al-fatih now imagine you are the person who conquered Constantinople you are the person that the prophecy of the message of allah allah allah allah wa salim bears witness to it was you and i who said game over now then invest it nothing more to do this wasn't Muhammed a farthing he opened the door so Muhammad the father let me tell you the other places that Muhammad apart they took Serbia 14:59 so 1453 he takes Constantinople Serbia 1453 Maria 1460 Black Sea 1461 the Lakhia 1462 yo black haze this is the place where you had Dracula you all heard of Dracula Dracula Dracula there are only true to real hunters of Dracula in real life Dracula why was he known as Acula because what he would do is that he would drink the blood and he was also impale people impale you know what impaling is impale is where you stick a person on a stake from his rear end and how the villi comes out of his mouth he says der Acula is on record saying in a letter i killed twenty three thousand eight hundred and eighty-four Muslims Bulgarians and Turks by but by cutting their heads off and he said those we burnt in their homes and those who we didn't cut their heads off we don't know there were many more when muhammad al-fatih went to black here to fight Dracula he saw 20,000 men women and children impaled Muslims 20,000 in history they say there was only two real Dracula hunters Radu and Hammer the father you know what I do was what I do was the brother of Dracula he was a Muslim muhammad al-fatih in 1462 he's the one he's the one my mother father was the one who destroyed Dracula Bosnia to Bosnia in 1463 Carmen in 1473 Albania in 1478 Italy 1481 muhammad al-fatih reached Italy in 1481 the Pope was thinking about leaving Rome that's how scared he was it reaches he reaches and he's still a part of the army he reaches Rome what happens is that when they reach Rome were sorry when they reach Italy and they are ready to attack Rome and the Pope is thinking about running away muhammad al-fatih okay mama passes away 1481 they say 1492 was when Spain fell they say humble our Father had lived a few years Spain would have never fallen 1481 he passed away 1492 was when Spain passed away you know the momentum listen to this the momentum muhammad al-fatih created in fighting the european lasted for 200 years it took the Europeans 200 years to repel the momentum that muhammad al-fatih rasmussen la la created you know Abu Muhammad our party was known by the Muslims that I will here at the father of good you know why he was known as a father of good because where he lived and where ever he conquered was a land of prosperity in hope and peace he was the manifestation the true manifestation of the dream of course man you know allah subhanaw taala says in the quran yes Zechariah in nano Bashir acaba who Herman who's the Korea la isla - Salam we give you glad tidings of a son his name will be yeah yeah it's moo-hoo yeah yeah can you imagine how happy is the Korea la salatu wassalam must be now the angels came and gave him glad tidings at old age that he would have a son can you imagine when Ya Ya laysa Absalom grew up and they told him who you hear you know what the angels came and they gave glad tidings that you will be born by allah by allah if they had the right to be happy that the angels gave them glad tidings about their coming then muhammad al-fatih has far greater right because the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam said let the handle to spoon Taniya but an 8-man amir amir ohad were named al Jason Vela cottage that you will surely conquer Constantinople and the best Amir will be its Emil muhammad al-fatih rahim of allah walleye walleye if there was no other virtue from muhammad al-fatih besides this one I am gonna mention that we in this Ummah have millions of Congress throughout history but when you say alpha T V Conqueror only one man comes to mind nobody else other than muhammad al-fatih we make du'a that allah subhanaw taala elevate the status of muhammad al-fatih may last month allah create a million muhammad al-fatih may allah subhanaw taala give us a fakir like muhammad al-fatih I want to finish one thing and I want to mention one thing which is think 800 years after consider after the prophecy of the mercy of Allah the Muslims conquered Constantino 800 days they never forgot 11 time they lay siege to Constantinople why because there were people who held onto the history when you forget your history when you forget the importance of your lands you will forget them and this is why brothers only been 70 years Palestine never forget Palestine the day you forget Palestine the way the day is not fashionable for you to remember Palestine is the day that you will lose Palestine and as long as you will remember Palestine in you were war work toward the end you willing rein in your children inshallah one day Palestine will come back inshallah may allah subhanaw taala elevate all you brothers and sisters who have attended MELAS of Hamilton a place this in your deeds of good on the day of judgement MELAS month Allah reward the Murshid committee who have allowed us always gratefully allow us to have events here may last month Allah reward all you prophet especially for the brothers who who live locally because mashallah this message combined community always comes Marshall in hoods mayor last month I reward you encourages insha Allah may Allah and Allah keep us United in the near reunited genitals of those Baraka laughing Salaam alaikum
Channel: Shaykh Zahir Mahmood
Views: 72,492
Rating: 4.9137383 out of 5
Keywords: muhammad al-Fatih, fatih sultan mehmet, Ertugrul, dirilis Ertugrul, Osman Ghazi, Ertugrul Ghazi, Ottoman Empire, Islamic History, Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, islamic lecture, islamic reminder, ottomans, ottoman history, mamluks, mughal empire
Id: FYZvjopLmFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 42sec (4542 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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