The Day Of Rising

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[Music] [Music] that the day of resurrection will be such that the land will be flat like a loaf of bread it will be reddish white color there will be no landmarks just flat land and as the hadith says that the announcer will be able to see everyone and every person will be able to see the announcer it is beyond human understanding as the said the sun will be very close so much so that perspiration and sweat will be sinking into the ground according to the words of the prophet sallallahu alaihi seventy cubits deep once that has happened and that's all filled up then it will raise from ankle to knee to waist height up till the ears the prophet sallam says again how do we get ourselves to fully appreciate what that means the next thing would be not far off is a bridge the prophet says him and his followers will be the first to cross over various speeds people will cross over that bridge so that's on one side let us set the scene in our minds inshallah to another side a lake where water will be served by whom no other than the most beloved muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam who will he be serving it to the believers as the hadith says that the cups is more than the number of stars in the sky sufficient for lots of people and we'll all be drinking may allah make us from amongst them inshallah that the prophet salallahu says when you drink beyond that thirst will never occur you'll never be thirsty again and everybody will line up people will be getting to drink waiting their turn and some from amongst the followers of muhammad sallallahu alaihi would be removed from the line taken out and the prophet salallahu those are my people and what will the response be you do not know what they did after you you do not know how they innovated in religion after you may allah save us from that inshallah and to another side would then be the scales and we'll talk a bit more about them the weighing the scales on that day definitely true going to happen we will place them and there will be no measure of injustice whatsoever every little bit will be accounted for so we have that scenario the land the sun the bridge to cross the water being sipped and drank the scale standing ready and therefore allah says that the condition of the people will be on that day each of them will come on the day of judgment as individual yet millions and billions of people around you but you'll feel alone people would disperse from one another that even friends that will do anything for one another will be enemies on that day they will be seeing one another i'm interested in myself to such a degree that that kinship and that family relation goes to to nothing on the day of qiyam in one verse allah says a man run away get far away as i can from whom mean brothers would anybody here desert their mother in this life no they have are we going to do it companions and spouses many children allah says for each one for every person is just for themselves an adequate matter for the dialysis on that day condition of the heart allah says that hearts will be trembling and eyes will be humbled with fear with all with worry people will reach a point where they will be struck unconscious can't handle it and to add to that as mentioned earlier what are we going to find is allah that on that day people will follow the caller all of a sudden voices will go quiet for a rahman for allah whispering feet moving that's all you're going to hear because as allah says first of all the angels are standing ready eight will be holding the arash of allah all that's going to happen is faces are humble towards allah the prophet salallahu alaihi sallam said asking the companions he said the moon that you see outside do you have any difficulty inciting the moon on a clear sky night i said no yeah do you have any difficulty seeing the sun during the day when it's cloudless they said no yeah he said you will see allah subhanallah like we see this full moon secondly between us and allah with subhanallah is the prophet salallahu says there will not be a requirement for an interpreter the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said the person will look on either side of him and what will he see whatever we've done so if you can save yourself the prophet salallahu says use a portion of a date so as mentioned earlier what's going to happen the book of these will then come down remembering let us keep in our minds and hearts the intensity of the moment and that moment with all of that prevailing the book of these will come down and allah says that one of two things are going to happen you're going to take it in your right hand or your left or behind your back that's considered one allah takes his hand his book of deeds in his right hand already that's a sign i'm doing okay above all of that the pain the worry the concern a believer will all of a sudden be able to start feeling some joy whereas on the other hand allah says the person who gets the book in their left hand according to behind their backs according to suratul in what will happen what will the person say how i wish this wasn't given to me i never comprehended this judgment how i wish my first death was my last one not even my wealth is helping me today of no avail now come the moment of judgment that we will find that allah says that mankind will be informed and reminded of what what they should have done and didn't do it that which you send forward you'll find it by allah on that day there will be an exhibition a presentation nothing will be hidden a person even an atom's amount of good that they've done they will see it yara we were able to hide in our lives many things it will be all exposed in front of everyone even if it's a size the weight of a mustard seed we will bring it come the time of judgment allah says then our facial expressions will say a lot of things number one is allah says some faces are going to be very white and bright and light some faces will be pleasant of what they've seen in their books faces will be radiant looking at allah we on the other hand what is what do you some faces dark and pale some some eyes faces humbled some faces will be contorted on that day people will then be judged so for some will receive their book and no questioning the others will receive their book and they would be asked about it that the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam says and this hadith is in subhanallah call a believer one side or talk to them privately and he will look at his books and allah will say that do you remember the sin do you remember this wrong you've done and of course this believer as a believer they'll admit to it but as it progresses the believer will start losing confidence because there's so much being displayed there's so much that he needs to answer for that is start feeling i'm going to perish in the words of the prophet salallahu allah subhanahu will then say i've hidden this from the people in the dunya today i will hide it and you are forgiven allah hide all our sins inshaallah and the nature of man is what when they're in a corner when they need to own up to something what's the nature of man human being will start will try to make some excuse find some reason to justify our wrong behavior allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will ensure beyond that it does not happen and how is allah says what will testify against every human being on the day of qiyamah the tongues these tongues that we backbite with that we lie with all of a sudden our hands are talking our feet is talking to such a degree as allah says another verse of the quran this man will start looking at his body totally shocked what's going on why are you testifying against me today and what will our bodies respond it is allah who gave us the ability to speak so we cannot make excuses we can't justify our wrong we will have to admit and we are answering we can't deny what has happened evidence is clear in front of us when the prophet saw the allah the mercy of allah has been divided or is divided into hundred parts from the time of adam till the day of qur'an all of that combined together is one percent of allah's mercy for allah is reserving 99 of that mercy for the day of that doesn't mean we cannot go and do what we want and hope for the mercy no it doesn't mean that it means we need to strive and struggle and sacrifice and do whatever we can to acquire success inshallah but at the same time at the end of the day it is allah's mercy that will determine it a few things about the believers on the day of judgment number one believers will be recognized according to the hadith of sahih al-bukhari by the parts that we wash in to be clear from a distance that those parts of the body is a different look to the rest of it and that will be the identifier that these are the followers of muhammad sallallahu alaihi number two that the prophet salallahu will be allowed and the only one allowed to intercede on the day of but the prophet salallahu will be told oh muhammad there are some of your followers there's no reckoning for them remove them we heard that earlier we will be drinking from that lake after which thirst will never overcome us the prophet sallallahu alaihi says that myself meaning muhammad sallallahu salaam and his followers will be the foremost on the day of him last to arrive but the first and foremost on the day of and second last the prophet salallahu alaihi sallam will have a special invocation as the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam said every prophet had that where they could make a special dua supplication the prophet salallahu says that i am keeping it as part of intercession for my followers on the day of the weighing of our deeds is to determine what is better what is more our good deeds are our bad and then the crossing of the bridge after the judgment people will cross the bridge and as we mentioned earlier the bridge goes over jahannam my brothers and sisters have spoken earlier what we do today will determine which direction we go grant us all to go towards jannah and not just jannah but jannatul in the companionship of muhammad s you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 34,293
Rating: 4.9532166 out of 5
Id: fnIYYQpRu4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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