MST3K: Samson vs. the Vampire Women (FULL MOVIE)
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Keywords: mst3k, mystery science theater, tom servo, crow, joel hodgson, mike nelson, bad movie, cult, mystery science theater 3000, samson vs. the vampire women
Id: zJDkuBeV_QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 22sec (5542 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2016
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I love MST3K so much. Been watching an episode a day for who knows how long.
Probably one of my favorite moments in the show:
They also make tons of wrestling references throughout all the seasons. It's pretty great.
I always get a laugh out of the "did I over dress?" gag.
"Hi, you guys got any wrestling you need done?"
I said on Twitter a while ago I'd like to see a wrestling version of MST3K. Vince McMahon kidnaps Sami Zayn & KO and forces them to watch the worst moments in wrestling...with some help from their robot friends!
They have done a myriad of wrestling references over the years. I remember there being quite a few riffing the film "SoulTaker".
There is also a scene where the main character walks into this old creepy house and looks around for a few seconds followed by Tom Servo going - "Hehee cost is clear, i'm ordering a steel cage match on PPV."
Trace's cackle for Santo's entrance at 45:55 still slays me to this day.
RIP TV's Frank
"let the Cher jokes... begin."