MST3K: The Mole People (FULL MOVIE)
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Views: 802,300
Rating: 4.752667 out of 5
Keywords: mst3k, mystery science theater, tom servo, crow, joel hodgson, mike nelson, bad movie, cult, mystery science theater 3000, the mole people, mole people, hugh beaumont
Id: hq6AlUUCgi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 5sec (5525 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2016
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I'm reading these reddit comments and I'm scrolling down, down, down to the very bottom of the comments
Satellite News
Annotated MST3k
haha who thought the lecture at the beginning was even a good idea? They really must have been trying to stretch things out
Ward's got back!
Virgil Vogel? Va Va Voom!
The sketch with Mike imitating the Professor is one of my favorites. I particularly like how we're starting to see Bill take on his own version of Crow ("Uh, so Mike. I'm a guy watching you do this impression. Where do I... uh... laugh? Mike? Mike? What makes it funny to me?")
WOW this was posted on the eighth.
There is no escape from the fortress of the moles!
Well except that.
What's the expiration date on this rat fat?