MST3k.s10.e13 - Diabolik
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Channel: ephsauce
Views: 229,662
Rating: 4.8502383 out of 5
Keywords: googlevideo, Mystery, Science, Theater, 3000, mst3k, the, movie, this, island, earth
Id: AYo2vpzfvj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 17sec (5537 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2011
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Is that stud...coming?
You know, if he had stolen a little less, we could see her ass right now.
Nipples, that is all.
Sorry to say, but this was my least favorite episode going up, at least in terms of riffing. Girl in Gold Boots, too, for that matter. And the season was mostly so strong! Merlin, Time Chasers ...
I hope this isn't a verboten opinion. FWIW, I liked the host segments this episode plenty fine, and thought they were a nice tag to the series.