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[Music] in the not to distant future way down in deep 13 Dr Forester and TV's Frank were hatching an evil scheme they hired a temp by the name of Mike just a regular Joe they didn't like their experiment needed a good test case so they CED him on the Nugget and they shot him in space me down send them cheese movies the worst we can find he'll have to sit and watch them all and we'll monitor his mind now keep in mind my can't control where the movies begin or end he'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends robot Ru called Cy if you're wondering how he eats and Brees and other science fact just repeat to yourself it's just a show I should really just relax for myy Science Theater [Music] 3,000 [Music] could be gray good so you know I want to be careful hi everyone welcome to the satellite love say you're just in time to see Old Crow here log onto the information super highway I want you to tell us about your system there Crow oh you know it's just a basic multimedia package nothing special a 90 MHz pantium with 32 Megs of RAM and a quadruple speed NEC CD ROM Sound Blaster 16 multi- CD sound card through that in and a courier v34 28 K bod modem you think that'll make you happy huh yes accessing my slip server entering my IP address okay Crow ATB me.com and enter huh server timed out try again oh I can read thank you must have typed the wrong parameters but soon you will be merging on to the information that's right Mike I'll be pulling out into the information Super Highway and the traffic will huh oh wow it looks like it locked up huh looking for ARD at fx15 what does that mean I don't know I must have configured my comports incorrectly you know I'll just assign my modem to a different comport and get back into my slip server and there we whoa locked up tight looking for ARD at fx15 I can read don't you think I can read jez sorry all right okay I'll try this let me on the information Super Highway you stupid little still looking for youart at fx15 let me on the information super highway I want on the information Super Highway we'll be right back careful with that there's no return we'll calm down calm [Music] down 24-hour technical service takeing 24 hours just to pick up the stupid phone jeez all right let's try a couple of things [Music] [Applause] [Music] here come on come on pick up one two three pick up pick up I know you're there put down the dut put down the coffee and pick up the phone pick it up and help me help me please come on come on come on I'm going to be a very oh hello and thank you for calling technical support oh hi uh nice to talk to a real I got problem they will be answered in the order it was received no no no no no no no please God don't hang up please please please please please I want out the information Super Highway you don't understand yo ho boobies lookie what we got we got cranial ports you know the future belongs to those hold on there partner cuz we got sauce barbecue sauce yes sir it's Cowboy m original red hot ricko sh barbecue sauce barbecue sauce but look what we've got but clay do you think it might be bold bold well hell yes it's bold it's Cowboy Mike's own original red hot Ricochet barbecue sauce it's mighty bold how bold is it it's bold enough to bold dog your taste buds and hog tie your tongue that's how bold is f a little PR and I mean it's B come on thank you awesome what do you think clay can we try some oh I don't know they say it's bold I'll tell you what you hairdressing little cow pokes you check the ailort and you'll find yourself a free sample of cowboy Mike's own original redot ricko sh barbecue thought it h it looks some what bold speaking of which Saucy ones your movie today is called starf Fighters a bold Air Force epic how about it Clay is it bold it's actually it's not that bold it's not no it's not bold decidedly unbold hey what's the deal with this stuff not being bold now available a new extra bowl well this is really bow so bowl is not recommended for human consumption there is no known antidote for new extra bowl cowy mik original [Applause] [Music] red Yoo [Music] Leaving on a Jet Plane uh don't know when I'll be back again over coming out of Los Angeles uh picking up a couple of keys but don't come back there's already too much flying in this movie [Music] boy boy your hair is busy look they're taking off to become the Little Dipper can't see here I think the East German long jumpers are cheating again let's connect the dots the Sha pen story jet that song Robert Dornan the congressman what couldn't they get Rush limbo see see how we can keep him in the air flying oh lovely beautiful D I say fantastic today on The American Sportsman Clintwood really goes after the elk in the McKenzie range oh this is the weirdest My Little Margie episode I have ever seen and featuring Billy De Wolf oh it's so Grand oh been through the desert on a car with no name Bob Doran Wild at Heart oh I hate it when the little planes bother the big planes like that poor big dumb plane can't tell you how happy that makes me yeah see the Charleston was really big back in the 60s 23o Sergio Mendes and an airplane 66 I'm full thank you yeah I'm going over to this other plane they got chocolate [Music] gased come on who's next I can handle you this plane is insatiable it's the Babe Ruth of airplanes just lie back and think of England's airspace oh sweet Mystery of Life at last I found you nice [Music] basket uh you want stamps with that no just the gas and the menthols thanks ring and fueling with me sounds like the Mike Curb Congregation I'm sorry that's never happened to me we can The Snuggle for a while that's okay my you're looking chipper someone get refueled this weekend that was a nice clean job cordite all right cordite 4 you'll hook up now and take on £4,000 all set gas was so cheap 4,000 lb was like a dollar back then be simple just to pull up to a pump in the ground but cide 4 from cide lead I said are you ready I'm drying my hair this is cordite 4 affirmative all ready sir Mrs Robinson are you trying to seduce me Ying from downtown I have the feeling feel you're not ready for this your first time no it's not I've refueled a lot of times jeez they should have Donna Summer singing for this scene love to F you baby I love to F you baby 494 from lead what's the matter this isn't your first time up here let's go shut up I'm doing it okay I think he has whiskey jet o c i 2 not your fault could happen to anyone over cite 4 settle down just hook up and maintain your proper position oh that's so constructive that helps a lot so this is like a Coming of Age story all right now cordite 4 hold it there all the other planes are giggling at him shut up what's that baby baby oh cat for that's French 2 a refu baby it's blor see nice and easy no sweat oh yes it's more wonderful than I ever could have imagined and as the seasons change the refueling continues cide 4 this is cordite lead how goes it are your tanks full yet oh yes oh man cite lead cite 4 top all right cordite 4 disconnect it was really awkward cuz he yelled out cordite 4 but he was with cordite 5 oh no no stay please I'll cook breakfast over C for promise your call I believe in refueling I do yes welcome to minute six of the Glorious refueling sequence when they can fly over mountains too uh cordite for why did we pick cordite a George star and cordite me 30 m out request landing information over just write Landing information peblo Colorado Roger cide lead George Tower Landing Runway 16 altimer 2 ner ner2 wins variable 5 knots report on initial over why I TI out the refueling jet likes me he thinks I'm cute me too it's time time to remember the time in September welcome to air OA put your lips your legs your hips in a locked position Prince sure you buy a jet but then you have to put in a long driveway gee too bad this is all the jet footage we're going to see you know I'd rather listen to Bob dor and speak you're going to get it colonel hunt sent where he wants to see you sir now probably said as soon as you got down okay it's about your face it's too lumpy I'll take your elephant mask sir thank me for flying me Airline please check around my own seating area for any garments I may have stowed [Music] there now here comes our own Terry with a lovely flight suit by Christian ah hi hey how are you hey come on over here I want to talk to you come here yeah that's right come here here comes a [Music] Norwell Isn't it nice how you can deep plane while listening to the world's most beautiful music you uh done with the uh ladder I could use it uh I got your helmet here I'll what's the matter Bradley you trying to give me a bad time up there I'd like to explain about that major Steven sir explain nothing took you 2 minutes to hook up and that's 2 minutes too long should have been none minutes what's going to happen to you when we get up there at night go through the same kind of mission then I'll take 2 minutes again you better get out your needle and thread and start practicing in your spare time okay that's constructive the base exchange just got in some of those new fangled sewing kits want us to chip in and uh get you one hey FR yeah Bob General wants you to report to his office at base headquarters immediately not an act 104 Pilots he wants to be escorted and shown our whole operation I've got another flight schedule in half an hour and I need the time yeah but I heard you're the linguist in this outfit oh yeah last week it was the W Germans and a month ago the Japanese now with all these NATO countries buying up these 104s well they they all want to see how the experts do [Music] it maor Stevens is here sir have him come in he broke the face barrier good morning Colonel hunt oh it's you get used to you have a seat I'll be right with you is your face odd Miss shapen join the Air Force Bob you're going to lose three of your officers I'm going to kill them sending HZ Rigs and Bradley over to the 58 how they doing well no sweat on holar and rigs but Bradley's still having a little trouble with the refueling well they'll shape him up in a hurry the 58th is deploying to Spain at the end of the month these three will fill their quota are you listening I don't look so happy my friend because you're getting three troops who've seen lock keys 104 only in pictures but they'll be willing and able transfer says they're coming in today send them some baskets or something I'm used to it not quite humor in uniform coming in our first lennis William York Eugene lions and John W Witkowski bunny junior junior mhm son of congressman John W Witkowski also the colonel Witkowski who flew the b-24s of pesty schweinf for Regensburg and about every other place those Mac trucks dropped their thousand Pounders on wasn't he the one that retired at 20 years and right after that got himself elected to the House of Representatives that's right oh mama and the same wowski who's been appealing to virtually every Appropriations Committee concerned with expenditures making sure that the Air Force doesn't lose out on any of his planned projects so that's good yeah that's good yet I feel hollow but his old man wants his son into the heavy stuff he wants him to fly the b52s or 58s doesn't think he should be wasting his time in these piddling Fighters I speaking of piddling siring the young Lieutenant wherever he stationed you mean he wants him out he wants him out of the iCal Air Command and in the sack in the sack he wants a boy to push the big stuff around like Daddy used to do 20 years ago heck he should know those 104s aren toys at a million half dollars a piece they can do a lot more damage than those 24s that wowski so kindly remembers I don't know maybe he's thinking about the times he had to hit those deep targets without any fighter support that the fighters about something well maybe he should be briefed again on how our Tech Fighters did it alone at Lebanon Taiwan and more recently Berlin well at least the young Lieutenant knows what he wants he hasn't let anybody know he's the son of a VIP or asked for any preferential treatment so you treat him like one of the boys okay everyone set with the premise of the movie uh some sort of plane thing or something oh oh pets welcome free cable [Music] TV the the Air Force is in the dog and suds it's cocktail hour here at the Air Force oh George we were supposed to go to Larry Air Force Base yeah take that paper that's right make it swing Junior you know Junior tried to be a singer but he couldn't cut it sit down [Music] junior what I had no idea the Air Force was an Orin Thomson development oh the problem is there's a lot of jet noise it's a heavily guarded subb the Malibu Barbie car kidnapped by Carol Channing yes the Air Force is that way there just keep going over there you'll see it boy everything was just sunny and perfect back then all right Dave why don't you get out of the wig and into your uniform honey just wait in the car till my tour of duty is done ooh I love his sweaty butt our job spray tal on that man's butt gentlemen the plane you're going to be working with for the next few months fighter pilots green ever since the days of Rick toffen and Rickenbacker pilots who fly to fight always yearn for the advantages of altitude and speed you will experience a concept of lightess never before felt you must die truly an ultrasonic fighter now this is the star fighter get in lockheed's f104 air superiority fighter excuse me the team of the Tactical Air Commands composite air strike force from Mattel it's even been called a missile with a man in it oo now I know you Intrepid Pilots are anxious to get the feel of the bird or you else you wouldn't be here touch my bird go ahead now I'm assigning the three of you to Major Stevens 578 Tech Squadron Spiegel Chicago Illinois 60609 38 in World War II and the 86s in Korea and the v8's in the one after 909 you can bet your sweet life he's sold on the starf fighter yeah I'll I'll take you there quickly we spent billions so the Air Force could mess around some bird huh where oh look out for the Leading Edge of that Wing Lieutenant Lions it's sharp don't run with that Wing no I mean it go ahead and try and slice something on it see we can make a really sharp Wing knife that Wing is so thin you wonder how I can get up enough lift to keep this bird flying by the way where did you men come from Russia how about you lieutenant wowski well sir Lieutenant York and I were at Nellis together we picked up a couple hundred hours flying the 100s there well the 100 is a good airplane it's still the backbone of the Tactical Air Command I'm not dissing The 100 Lieutenant lion I flew the 86s over at Luke and before that I was a t- bird instructor good any of you married please no no please my wife's with me here and two Bachelors I I wasn't finished about my wife well a couple of good-looking troops like you shouldn't have trouble finding dates in a hurry you just furnish us with a couple of leads Major right now I'm here to furnish you with information about this airplane you brought it up I've already read the flight manual so come around the other side and take a look at this hold hands find your partner come on yeah there's plenty of girls around here that's great cuz I'm really shut I get that's it everybody stroke the needle there you go this plane was recently sexed it's a boy bet you never saw this version of the rotating Gatling gun before especially pushing out 20 mm shells 6,000 of a minute 100 rounds per second gentlemen wow you're not here to admire This Plane this this is the probe that used for air refueling go ahead lick it taste of that a few weeks from now when do we get our first checkout ride major want to get settled in the married officer quarters with your wife Lieutenant Lions yes sir I certainly do all right Lieutenant wowski I'll schedule you to go up with me in the two- Place job we'll also get an instructor for lieutenant York go on back to the Squadron room you'll be briefed yippe I'm a pilot I know how to fly now Lieutenant Lions you get yourself settled check in at the officer's Club you'll fly first thing in the morning G I sure appreciate that major you know it's a little tough on the wife I mean checking on new base and all of that thank you sir yeah the wife is going to be awful glad to see the me we're going to have the sex Sergeant those two D's will be taking off at 1430 get your men on them right away you do it yes sir and sharpen those planes this helmet belonged to a German who checked out on the bird and went home as an instructor P why don't you wear it for this ride until we can get one of your own there little bits of skull and hair in there just wipe that out out he Sig freed you fly This Plane Nazi bastard all right you've read the to you've been reefed on local procedures after take off we'll head north I've had enough of this face look at the snow for a while then we'll climb to 32,000 ft and explode learn a little about this job how do you start it now since both of you have had sufficient time in the f100s you're going to find that this bird is lighter flakier more sensitive and a heck of a lot faster but we'll hand you the stick up there after a bit and we'll fly the plane let's crank up now and go have a little serious fun at Lincoln Center SAR it says do not step on top Rong how do I get in wait uh just move that baby seat and those bottles and those nursing botles you know in a real movie they'd have red buttons doing ladders uh did you sign your release sir the Air Force Bears no responsibility for the safety of its [Applause] Pilots promise you'll right sir Upsy um Daisy really glad we brought this ladder it was like it was made for this well the pilot light works George C one taxi and takeoff information to 104 VFR Reagan fired us go George taxi Runway 16 altimer 2 niner niner 8 hold short of the active cordite one Roger cite Niner Kinder biner Miner Niner W Steiner frankenheimer John [Music] biner thank you for holding your call is important to us calls are being answered in the order in which they were received yeah yeah yeah yeah well I got bit things to do with my time Mr tech support corite Crow corite Crow ready for refueling over corite Crow quit fooling around and get yourself in position this isn't the first time you've been up here [Music] Roger we are R and locked prepared to take on 5,000 lb over here hi this is Brian can I have your name and serial number please Crow your guys on the line there Brian name and serial number please hello hello Brian oh hey you can help me I'm having trouble getting on the information Super Highway and you can [Music] k too hi Tony hey where you going where you going can I come along I bugging I bug some people huh I'm going to fly everywhere you go okay yes the world's most beautiful music piped directly into your cockus George Tower cite lead 2104 straight in approach cite lead George Tower Runway 1 oh he's suddenly become malifu Wheels what doesn't this movie have uh you'll turn right at the Dairy Queen when you get here I think maybe one plane landing at a time please a sexy land hey move over a little scooch scooch over the Exotic sounds of land down the Mississippi the year is 1952 a very young Stan Gest at the mic the Jackie gleon show we bring you into the hanger in a relaxed kind of way tell the tower the music's a little loud the military has so much money they actually have Nelson riddle in the tower please be careful of I've had to go cotty since Toma could do better failed to yield F minus oh [Music] no James Carville I see you've been up with the newcomers what do they think of the starf fighters well I don't know about York but lowski seems to have been born in one yeah the way his old man feels about it why what happened well after half an hour of some familiarization flying I gave him the feel of it he made me ashamed of the Thousand hours I've logged in this bird what's a beef Bob well none Colonel but frankly I never saw a neoy handle an airplane away withi did what's a neoy sure he was a little sloppy on the controls at the start but after he got used to the characteristics he threw the book at it doing his best to annihilate space you mean he was showing off not at all no wowski is the start of a darn good fighter pilot why don't you Mar him he was obviously train right but more than that there's something bringing this drive out in here of course the congressman oh maybe do you know flying a plane is Like Making Love uh you have to pay once he had a little experience every operator thinks he's an expert marshmallow Sky tell me more about love where is a stupid lad guy hey there's airplanes around here up up and away well hello there well hello there yourself she's a dingling picture of contentment while we hesitated about interrupting not at all say fellas this is my wife Betty Betty this is John wowski and Bill York we call him pinky Dink and por boy come on have a seat you guys aren't going anywhere sure you don't mind if we continue to make love some friends at the club Jean told me he was starting out with a couple of bachel oh foot loose and fancy freak and we're on the pr well we can't really say we we really haven't started to look what are you doing tonight huh hey you really are on the prowl you stay out of this yes stay out of this now which one of you two nice young men is looking for a date me right here well not to change the subject but just how did it go out there today h Jean you'll never believe it I don't know how to explain it you'll never believe it that bird really wants to go more than col un said it was you know I actually thought that it was going to get away from under us while we were taking off yeah great can we order experience anything like it before never before you remember when we were making the change from reips TOS yeah believe me this change is even more terrific you mean you're really sold on it huh oh no I signed the contract today he's a regular Sam L is what he say you mean about the wonderful flight you had today everything he says and an awful lot more too Jee leaps off on his first ride in the morning yeah I can hardly wait say say look why don't you guys join us for dinner tonight come on oh negative but thanks I had a snack a little while earlier right now all I want to do is make friends with the bartender drink till I wet think I'll pass on that too you get me a date and I'll take you up on that dinner offer okay we'll see you nice meeting you buy great SC you know John I never really realized what a tiger you are not here why I'm just as sociable as an ex guy now I mean about on that flight today well you were really racking it around what do you mean Stevens gave me the controls and told me not to break the airplane that's all yeah I know don't p holding out on me old buddy oh this is not the first time either of us have been in a jet first time in one of these babies for me what vodka oh they're all pretty much alike this was just a little easier that's all easier huh Bo this just wants to get away from you that's all just drink come on let's get off the flying kick huh we're going to be on it every day for the next 6 months day and night hey I live for this stuff don't you sure Bill flying's my first love right now if I weren a throttle Joi maybe I'd be on a Navy underwater demolition team or some other wild outfit and that'll be my first love not decopage mean to say you didn't want in this man's a when I was in college my dad wanted me to get into the ROC boy High School just happened to have an Air Force rzi unit then when I graduated he wanted me to get into the actual flying end of it so I'm here and that's great Jen but I wasn't one of these kids that used to hang around airports just to be there pilots and planes and hanger talk okay I really love it I wouldn't trade it for anything but I don't see why we have to breathe it day and night jez I start a friendly conversation and he takes the floor okay sport here to some really good flying I'll drink to that 17 and a half scotches later had an attitude to fly course a socialist the DU star have I told you that over playing tennis flying all with your new hair cordite 4 join the formation we like you the dentist will see you shortly uh anyone seen Francis Gary where'd he get off to that nut you know we can make fun of these guys but Sadam Hussein ain't laughing huh Mike shall we oh I'd love to thank you the after you're as light as air oh that's lovely where did you learn that step thank you oh I am tired thank you here the Air Force escorts sonunu to a golf game yes we've traded quality education of a million kids for these planes ah lovely very nice Colonel dap well gentlemen now that you've soloed in starf fighter you're entitled to this patch oh great a you'll discover that the next training phase is more exciting and much more demanding eventually we'll be depending on you to perform a variety of flying jobs for instance that pilot right there is going up for another high altitude Sidewinder firing test nope just going to clean out my plane Colonel Hunter they've been looking for you telephone call from Washington and I've been looking for you O'Brien what's happening General has just been informed that five technicians from the Belgian Air Force will be on the base sometime this evening and you are to escort them during their stay here what I'm set up for night flying this week boom I know but I'll just have to wait until after they've seen how we operate here well I'll be great Temper Temper a [Music] nuts Colonel hunt speaking good morning Colonel hunt you're a hard man to find Sarah who's this well it's a little difficult to introduce oneself over the phone I S panel I'm John wowski the father of one of the pilots who transferred to your command a couple of weeks ago oh yes our Lieutenant with C his face Springs into action I do know you by reputation of course Congressman pleasure to speak with you in person but I believe your boy is up on a training mission right now I'd have him talk to you no I I merely wanted to introduce myself to you perhaps dinner may have a bit in common you see my brother George and I were flying in the etto together 20 years ago quite a lot of us Pilots were in the ETO together at that time sir maybe so they were in BTO I don't remember tell me Colonel hunt how's the lad doing well he came in here with a couple of other officers and he's going through routine 104 operational procedures right now getting along all right then is he I only met him once Congressman but he seems like a personable boy to me what do you want have no trouble with his fellow men or the aircraft he's flying uh I have happen to be looking at the tacal of accidents Colonel hunt and I was frankly shocked at what I saw what do you mean sir well to my knowledge it was considerably more than those sustained by the heavy bombers in sack Congressman okay how much do you want did you ever consider how many individual flights the Tactical Air Command puts in the air as compared to the Strategic Air Command I'm comparing it with an accident free record which is what it should be exactly forhead has been clearcut in this day of advanced engineering the equipment is virtually perfect here we go we still have the human Factory to contend with that's why your boy is here he's human we supervised in handling these planes so that they can perform in the manner that the Air Force specifies I had that coming how is John doing and he's Flying Colonel hunt he's just started and he has months of intensive training and all combat procedures ahead of him that was a great scene it's the new Air Force goofy bomb from WHL yeah go ahead and laugh they got a kitty in that bomb it landed on Pig Pen y dig me pretty [Music] much oh Mrs lockhorn cooked dinner again you see I'm out on a bomb and run with my baby yeah come on Bounce one for me bounce one yeah there we go sit down junior we're going to bomb him back to the Jazz [Music] Age Lieutenant he it says yes the desert environment is enhanced by bombing left alone it is two placed Kaboom [Music] Kaboom just sit right back and enjoy the veh Vietnam War week nights after [Music] laughing yeah if this was a war we'd be winning easy okay we're going to shake things up a bit picking it up now come on and move with [Music] using nowo Okay L's choice now drop your payload to the sounds of fatan Tas welcome to the rainbow gathering peace is possible In Our [Music] Lifetime God I love my job who needs high school it's a volatile mixture of hot Munitions and cool Jazz and bom came back the very next day now Boys in all fairness I should tell you occasionally the North Vietnamese will fight back ah Christo's latest install oh [Music] good well forever attacked by White rectangles we got it under control see oh my thermos of naal I'll get it later here an apocalypse lights hey guys let's not blow up everything the first day okay we got the whole weekend I think the US should get out of this movie hope you burial ground oh well I hope they blow up Blossom archery is safe and [Music] if you all want to climb in this bug excuse me hold it I'm the only one that's going to sorry I'm late honey but I made a date for one of you who wants it what do you mean made a date for when for tomorrow night I can tell you right now that it's got to be me without any argument from him he goes on a 24-hour Duty as assistant Airdrome officer and he knows it yeah my name has been on the list for 3 weeks now and there's nothing I can really do about it and besides you never really should send a boy to do a man's job s she really would have me anyway L with me Betty what she like do you realize that I've been stationed here over a month now and this is the first night that I found out this lovely creature exists well Mary didn't exist much before this past week she just moved to the West Coast with her family I met them all out in Apple Valley so I must have looked Lonesome shut up Iris well we're going to take care of that from here on in is this your first time on an air base never been around a bunch of Pilots before well there's tail hook and all so how about that someone will listen for a change well I wish I could have listened a while back then perhaps I wouldn't be where I am today hey Mary where are you from anyway Iowa iow so you're stupid iow say I've heard of that place before G don't we have a cross country schedule to take us across there yeah but we can bypass it if you like K Iowa yes and I bet you're going to ask me if my family raised corn back there well now that you mentioned it I was going to do that very thing well go ahead and ask me okay I'm asking actually we did and we didn't oh thanks a lot you guys you brought me a puzzle okay I'll bite dad had an experimental Farm back there and I suppose you were the one that held the tape measure every morning just to see how much the stocks grew overnight not quite but for the last two years I was what they call a corn D tassler wow what a corn D tassler what blazes is that well that's a person who removes the pollen bearing tassels from five rows of corn Che please a couple of rows and he tassles the next five rows and so forth go go on I'm flabbergasted well the two rows you skip for the male rows and when the tassels dry out the pollen drifts over to the female silk in the five row section fertilize the F that's how we develop our hybrid Seed corn oh can you beat that yes I always knew that sex was corny but did you ever think that corn could be so sexy well now have you accepted Jesus I've been here at George for the past three years now and every time I see a pretty new face I have to find out who it belongs to so what's your name Soldier hi Betty hi Fred this is Mary Davidson Mary this is Fred O'Brien he's one of the flight commanders in our Squadron another pilot won't you join us oh by all means if only for a little while oh thanks very much I Don't Mind If I Do where's that stupid Iowa chick she get here well where were we you were about to ask where Mary came from I came from planet CLA now tell me where did you come from Mary Iowa if you must know what you do back there she was a corn DET tassler what yes a corn detacher yes a corn deter corn well that's a person oh no hold it hold it once a night is enough oh no no I'd like to hear more about this after all I'm just a little Old Farm Boy myself oh you're kidding no really you know my dad still runs a small dairy farm right outside of mil walk name's G I got out in time Franken hooker take the beer competition oh no no dad always said there were three ways a man could bring about his physical destruction they were by drinking detling by women and by Farm got caught power take off poor father chose the least exciting of the [Music] three DET here I H Nelson front and center on the double nope edies thank you Major Nelson we are now halfway through the movie and during this time you have been repeatedly exposed to copious amounts of top secret classified information and so at this point in time we feel it is now necessary to debrief you get away from there what are you doing get you mission accomplished how' you get those off pass my jumpsuit we have our little ways no we got movie sign give me those now go this way with a [Music] pants excuse me c open no I think I have to thank you this feels pretty good you're welome see if you're here well will you save my place everybody I'll be right back okay FR thanks for brightening our day Captain O'Brien H what what the is that the one guy which guy is this guy that one other guy which guy I'm on special I know now what's up Bill look out at Bas Ops there are four Italian officers you want one and they're on one of these government sponsored inspection tours well they bypassed going into mcellon and they stopped here instead I understand you're the best one to see in such Cas face not me on a Saturday night look I've Got Friends waiting for me inside from Europe besides Italian's one language I don't compre Brad look all of these guys speak good English you know that they just need somebody to clear them through and to get them veted oh it hurts I'm going to be tied up at the message center so I can't do it bill you shouldn't do this to me oh look I'm really sorry but with your experience I understand you're really the one to call in such cases okay okay I'll be right down and check them in this movies become abstract all of a sudden I already have your wheels for you Fred they're right out front yeah thanks Bill hey I want to kick this movie in the groin and snag on it and give it a power sit up take so are these the Communists she'd make a nice Dependable wife you don't have to go in yet do you your house is all dark did your folks go to bed or them either that or they aren't in yet themselves or I murdered them did you have fun tonight did you Wang Chong tonight me too first time I've been out on a date since I left Nellis Nellis who's Nellis is she cute you nut Nellis is the name of our Air Force Bas outside of Las Vegas been called a lot of things but never cute I bet there are plenty of girls there where at the base can you get me some Vegas silly oh well of course Vegas is a swinging town this place must seem awfully quiet to you after that then no I kind of like it here I why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death while I was there but it was really too expensive for me I don't miss it oh I bet you do too I've heard about Las Vegas and all those show Girls now what would a fighter pilot know about show girls I can't imagine it's a Calamity spend your time around here well I don't spend it they've got it all planned out for me you're a pilot don't you fly a lot well sure as much as I can get on the schedule it's not as much as I'd like when we be going up next first part of next week I gu the reals are changing kiss her oh sure could you fly real low over our house make your engine world real loud oh Mary you've been seeing too many of those World War II flicks on The Late Late Show those days of buzzing are gone forever okay screw buzzing I thought Pilots always wanted to do that well sure we do but look if I were to come over this house it's full boore I'd break all those windows I'd knock all your dishes off the shelves all of these lovely neighbors around here be IND dialing end up probably never fly kind of a joke only any low Miss didn't really think you were going to do it I was really making conversation unop unquote hey I've got a pet theve about talking about flying away from and especially when I really don't even feel like crunch you're right John we shouldn't be talking crunch I have to get up early in the morning after church the folks want to spend the rest of the day at Lake Arrowhead then there's my Virgin classes I just want to say that I really enjoyed myself tonight well then come on you don't have to walk me to my door I have a gun on you I hope you'll ask me out next time oh no he augers in I need your support give me a support I'm going down you'll never touch me she's got an orthopedic body man what a great split level oh boy stay away gentlemen you've got an important one today so Shape Up and Listen good you're going to be firing The Sidewinder missile from the 104 as you know the Sidewinder is attracted to its Target by the infrared heat given off by that Target it's meant to fly right up the tail pipe of an aircraft yes but since there aren't any migs around you're going to have a rocket with flares attached on the other Wing these flares will be the heat attraction you'll dispatch that rocket first it Hur is an adequate distance from your plane you'll let go of the side wind Vogue then watch what happens I think it would go something like this examine this one at its dat's house sir nothing happened am I going to get marked down oh long high one whoa what are the odds of that happening take a good look at it fellas while it's brand spanking new this target is called the dart we tore it from another 104 in an hour it had better be lying on the floor of Death Valley so full of holes it wouldn't even have salvage value for match sticks take a good steamy look at it come on good afternoon F hunt you go right ahead major yes sir now I'll be on the tow plane today so if any of you have any must C feelings about the way I've treated you the past few weeks here's your chance you take it easy on that squadron commander I need it well you've all had your basic Gunnery so now you're going to get a surprise doing it with a Gatling gun and this starf fighter with it six rotating barrels pushing out 20 mm shells 100 per second you're not going to hear anything but a loud buzz when it fires Steven there yes after the first few trial bursts I want nothing but hits from then on understand what would it do for your morale if I told you of all the times I've been up in these birds I never have hit one of those things yet sir nothing sir I know all about your reputation for not being able to see the target maybe if we'd painted a swastika on it you'd tear it Loose from the plane in one burst Colonel hunt here had many kills and as many probables over France it's a standing joke around here that he's not exactly proficient with anything that does not shoot back only the commander can get away with that listen I just got back from the Victorville Chamber of Commerce meeting where I gave him my anti-communist speech I'm still fighting mad I want you the fellas to get up there and do right by me and knock the devil out of that thing he's crusty but extremely unlikeable mostly crusty hey they strapped the general onto that one oh at least excuse yourself uhoh that wasn't supposed to [Music] happen uhhuh great well well they've taken jarts to the next level a the plane is pregnant little baby plane jeez up or down you kids up or down the association are back is was whatever hey Steve your head looks like an egg from back here this was their last project before the ray kind of singers broke up this is high enough for me thank you very [Music] much tapestry let's blow the hell out of it this is still better than iron eagle CH cite lead cite 2 cordite 2 you're on the air what do you think of the Clinton Administration go ahead to Le I've got troubles here my number two hydraulic system is dropping rapidly all right let's clear the range and I'll get on your way take up a heading for the base [Music] yes well you can tell it's a dangerous situation by the music telling yes c i to any change yet negative Gage says there's nothing left okay lower your air speed to 120 knots and drop you here ah it's a spare good only for 10 miles at 50 m hour your gear looks okay are you indicating Ro no sir I've got an unsafe gear indication of my number two hydraulic system reads absolute zero what is right with you your manual emergency gear release on my tape deck won't work either lead still reading unsafe here hold one I'm calling in requesting emergency for straight in approach and go ahead and kiss your ass goodbye to I'm incapable of law George Tower over George Le request emergency landing for 10 I'm chasing to base approximately 30 m North request straight in approach my wingman has a hydraulic utility failure landing gear down but indicating unsafe I'm declaring an emergency when he's crying too Roger cordite lead we will clear the pattern FAL land on Runway 16 straight in approach cordite check emergency emergency f104 hydraulic failure Landing from a straight end approach Runway one six all cheeks we got to save baby pants it sounds like the Russian national anthem yeah they would the turtle called gabra is approaching the base the hippies got those when they were done with them a giant hippity hop is called into action attention all aircraft vicinity George Air Force Base we have an emergency landing keep clear of George traffic pattern I repeat we have an emergency maintain radio silence all this because a girl wouldn't kiss him to any change yet negatively same indications here John you prepared to sweat that bird down I think I can handle it major I just hope this gear doesn't fold up when I touch down we got a great big gun void Trucking through the night oops uh sorry it's just my seat belts in the door John from here all three wheels are down and appear to be locked tight Raj hi Dwayne What's happen here to stay with you I want you to make a normal Approach at Landing Emergency Equipment is standing by on captain we're out of Columban [Music] coffee I know I'm supposed to feel something but I don't with you the George toar I'd leave we're 5 miles out on Final c i lead from George Tower Roger traffic is clear F land I'm going on break this guy gets waked out of his floor mats are uneven did they ever consider that this wasn't riveting boy the potential for something to happen is very high right now you know it's a this is about a lot more than flying yeah yeah it's about Landing too oh no not on Runway two we just seal coated it I bet he feels a little silly right now well that's the [ __ ] problem he's got a parachute jammed in his plane oh no wonder here come the three stoes see John no sweat Let the Fire Department put the gear pins in and they'll tow the bird back read some of the gaug is wrong it's different than the other plane this movie Just faced US ah one of the great antil climaxes [Music] huh uh one more push we can see the head now you're doing fine John Glenn sings the great love songs attention all aircraft vicinity George Air Force Base emergency has terminated George open for normal traffic that was a great scene hey stinky you leave now you're out of the band go like gu's got a poster of Mark spits in his locker who does you're the one who making all of that fuss about out there hey uh you trying to grab the spotlight boy huh mm- was a little hairy but no sweat well with all those wagons out there somebody must to work up a little sweat oh sorry I disappointed I almost forgot somebody's been trying to get a hold of you all day long distance you're supposed to call um operator 12 Washington DC right thanks J hey hey uh do you have any influence back there oh nothing's wrong Johnny we haven't heard from you for a while and we're wondering if everything's all right out there no dad everything's okay I just hate you hey it's great to hear from you how are you feeling tops Johnny I miss Scott Thorson but I was concerned about not hearing from you for so long oh I'm sorry Dad we've been so busy here lately I guess I've been kind of LAX in writing to you and Mom well bye how is she fine as usual J know how she worries about you this guy's Uncle be all the time when I was flying years ago I couldn't convince her how safe it was and now you're worried about me huh Dad okay bye tell me how's it going Johnny any troubles oh uh nothing at all to speak of we're going through the typical transition training that everybody does in these 104s yes I imagine you are yes I imagine so trouble is that I've been reading a number of reports lately that come across my desk telling me of all sorts of accidents accidents what kind put that on the line usual kind engine flame out things like that trist with a page and the fighters the pilot always bails out not like in those big jobs where you can keep flying if you lose one engine oh look Dad I know what you're driving at and the whole thing is silly there's been nothing like that happening here and if it did I'm sure I could hack any emergency while we go through these recommend steps all the time I still wish you'd apply for a transfer into a bigger outfit you know your father and I are worried son sack outfits those B 58s will be coming into their own shortly what Dad it just isn't done that way you don't go hopping around from place to place because you want to try out different methods dad well you should know how they operate I'm in a position to make it real easy for you to get into an operational B52 Wing right away Johnny I'm sorry that doesn't interest me in the least For Heaven's Sake bake boy I'm interested come on dad look I'm here to stay and no one is going to change my mind I got life in me big daddy now by John I'm sorry I intruded this guy's mod thinking of your future as any fathers interested in his son's vocation dad I sure appreciate your calling but I just got down from a flight and I've got to report to a debriefing session you understand my arms are killing me right Dad okay sure and thanks a lot for emasculating me yeah so long I want his family dead oh that's me my dad died in the war who was that girlfri stand you up huh just hold me hey but you put the bee in my Bonnet listen if I can get hold a marry with you join us at the club tonight yeah sure but why didn't you tell me I was going to be sitting here like a big bump on the log you're not Bill I'm glad you could be with us just get the dagger out of my head J will be here in a minute then we'll have a ball oh boy then I'll be like a fifth wheel but I'll rink to that okay in keeper same all around okay hey here they are hey Bill you want on the telephone out in the lobby well who found me here I don't know but somebody's been looking for you all day don't touch your thing I'll be right back can I touch my glass I was already touching my glass oh good I never get tired of this stunt this is Lieutenant y uh say Bill this is Fred O'Brien for a short night Cross Country flight an hour you and I are the only ones who need the time so I thought I'd check with you and see if you could take it me George goober Lindsay listen I'm here with a little party Fred we're just about ready to sit down and eat well I I've got a date tonight and I'd assume put this off till next week why don't have to go on it look look I I'll Supply the Dex Dre no charge I'm glad you called to tell me that you're volunteering Fred because my time is all spoken for oh my face hold it hold it Bill Let's Be Democratic about this and flip as usual but I've got people waiting for me inside oh come on now this is sop STP sap are you going to match me Raj go ahead I'll match you okay Dwayne this is so great Pilots have so much fun all right there's mine what do you got now you tell me first oh no no I was first last time remember I've got Tails what's yours well uh mine's heads it's always heads Rosen Granton Gilden stre join the Air Force better luck next time do I really look like George goober Lindsay hey what's the matter bill you look like an astronaut who wasn't selected to get into orbit you teed off about something Tails I get the wrong end of everything hey ah yes that provided much needed comic relief from all the gripping drama hey is that Rod sirling uh no no cigarettes now I couldn't go to a double make out party with my spouse boy I bet this takes us to new heights of sensuality huh how about a little swap I'd like a shot at Steve back there whoa he's got a scorched face policy they are positively mashing I'm getting used to this desert country shut up I may even get to like it if you stay long enough if you're not moving are you no the folks like it too much it's so peaceful out here I don't think I've ever heard is that you somebody spoke too soon there go a couple of starf Fighters off on a night Mission God she's dead nowhere a good 10 miles from the base well that sound sure travels out here at night wish you'd travel a little closer to me and snuggle [Music] up wasn't he Caucasian earlier this reminds me about the time that Luke when the commanding officer invited a few of his favorite Pilots to his Ranch cabin M always a very quiet secluded Place away from everything no parties no nightlife and no women did you boys enjoy yourself Weir who went oh you some of the hottest snuggling you'll ever see on the screen you may come in now oh you are so the only girl around hey you got some Queen corn back here anybody up for travel yatsi he turned into VSS Naple I think our chaperon have fallen asleep don't tongue my hair no we haven't but if you don't get us home real soon we'll have to unroll our sleeping bag right here and you wouldn't want us to do that now would you he meant that dirti F okay Grandma and Grandpa but it beats me why you old Mar married folk like to hit that sack so early well now he leaves himself wide open for a sexy rejoiner the rink will be closing in 5 minutes Santa Claus is [Music] com that was a great scene this will be a combination cross country and refueling Mission now you've all been on the KC 135 tankers before so you know the procedure plenty of booze and Dex he taken on 5,000 you'll disconnect and complete your cross country You' think they wouldn't need name tags anymore start engines at uh 1310 take off at 1325 we'll climb out on course and tuck in as soon as possible we'll be on target at 1410 now for my weekend barbecue forecast the weather over Death Valley is clear with some high thin surus there's a front moving in out of these lower desert areas with some squalls and thunder bumpers we should be able to avoid those on our return doing hang man last man should get back to base by 1 1600 at the very latest any questions where do we buy our books fine let's get out there and crank up the Air Force recommends crank blue Heavens Yellow Jackets I think we're at the point where something's got to happen they did the runway in Spanish tile good grouting no grout uh coing over the beginning of run for your life they're going to taxi into town and impress the [Music] chicks well I'm guessing they're going to gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the United States Air Force at the end of this movie lunch look out me first no me I was up in the air before you were get out of here fam yeah some people think it's just a civil war we shouldn't get involved crazy you ask for more refueling and we're giving it to you yes I'm at a loss now we've done promiscuity on Tom's check uh cuddling in the Afterglow check uh multiple partner illusion got it uh premature ejaculation in you Endo yep gas station jokes in there impotent oh yeah uh one night stand stuff it's all covered okay let's just watch then oh we fueling is a beautiful natural thing that's nothing to Mark okay you're right H he accidentally started siphoning from a Northwest flight ah mother's milk remember the world before this film before refueling there was sunshine and laughter bunnies and kittens people seem to laugh more then yes well if the Civil War comes down to refueling we'll win thank God we're not blowing our money on welfare would have been so much easier if you would have just brought a Jerry can at home at the office or in the plane the light F and Audrey Meadow you know I read the screenplay it's two pages makes you wonder about the scenes they did use you know The Cutting Room floor was remarkably clean You and I refueled by Moonlight fuel like sparkling Champa I don't know where you end and I begin no man no you can't cut me off just 4,000 more pounds then I'll quit oh a junky joke so thanks a lot s he's not ugly enough to be in the Air Force Wing Ops to Wing Commander you're supposed to bring home milk go ahead UPS we have a severe weather warning sir that front turned Northeast and picked up speed after it left Mexico they reported thunderstorms high winds extreme turbulence and maximum Cloud tops to 45,000 ft there you old are we clear I don't know the base is Sir but we that flight of four Birds on the refueling Mission returning from their cross country that front is moving so fast that it might cut them off from us before they have a chance to realize it who's out major Stevens Lieutenant York lions and wowski all from the 578 they know what to do and they have sufficient fuel to find an alternate in case they get stuck keep me informed as they come in this movie has severe contraindications George Tower this is cide one request landing information over cide 1 George Tower land Runway 16 winds 170 at 20 knots Gussy to 30 call on downwind with gear remember Wing Ops to Wing Commander go ahead Ops major Stevens just called in for a landing he's in the pattern now Stevens already he takes on fuel last he's supposed to be the last one in I'll be right out there oh boy I had to go potty I'm sorry what are you doing in so early without the rest of your troop I was getting so SL out there I cut my cross country short apparently no one else did you're the only one back I wasn't going to set her down in some alternate when I knew I could get in here easily sure but why didn't your flight do it colonel we both know they can put into Nellis March Luke Joshua Judges half dozen other places I gave them during briefing that's exactly what they're supposed to do I can find out what's going on a lot easier from here in case we get socked in we won't it'll stay clear here come on into the office let's talk refueling even their phones are sunburnt how just received a report from the same berardino County Sheriff's Office a local Rancher Ober fighter who is this what do you want leave me alone location was thean Mountain East map ah dvo to the rescue it's Budgy the helicopter and they're off to the rescue in a highly dangerous prototype how do it work they go round and roundo you see uh we're going to go higher than this aren't we it's now surely Mal dowy just went by what that was I want to get the weather hi it's me Tower this is Major Stevens in the wing Commander's office what buzzed us just now that was a 104 with his geared on major we didn't get any call from him so I assume he has an electrical failure he's turning on his Final Approach now oh once again the film takes us in a New Direction what's the aircraft's number it's a tufted tick M sir stand by one sir huh Is that real that sir that was Niner 26 that just touched okay launch today tomato soup tater tot Squad opson Wing Commander's office who was up in 926 926 we have to leave now I'll check miss it sir come on the 926 was taken up by Lieutenant Yorks [Music] welcome my friends we are very fortunate to have with us today the United Servo Academy Men's Chorus directed by United Servo Academy men's Coral director Vice Brigadier Sir Thomas Bullhead Servo conducting them in the united Servo Academy Men's Chorus uh hymn all right eyes front three and to the girl like flying so high with some guy in the sky skyrockets in fly afternoon Captain high at your ser would you like to fly in my betiful balloon take these broken wings and Learn to Fly Me to the Moon Sail on Silver Bird have you ever heard that the bird is the word in a big country dreams stay with you come along with me Luc in my old mile we are kids foring Earth we are F of off we go to Yonder blue we really move our tales for you cross [Music] the ah ah fantastic absolutely fantastic that was the United Servo Academy Men's Chorus uh and that sonorous tone that you heard of course has to be doing large part of the fantastic conduct what are you doing what are you doing please stop that music please please do not do not continue with this Vice Brigadier Sir Thomas I employ you stop the music stop I say stop the music uh Sylvester can we get an engineer in here please in Studio A I apologize ladies and gentlemen I want you out of my studio stop this music right now out out Rose dink weather says it's clearing up east of us storm was fast and vicious but not too thick those Choppers should get in there then it's a smooth smooth drive thanks to the counterrotating crops something's following us go watch out for snakes what are they on a man Hut for Juan Val Dez or something and still following us now keep us informed if they call in at all and how about checking with some of those alternates to see if they radioed in there okay and tell Lieutenant York I want to see him at Colonel Hunt's office immediately okay he has a cab forward skull still no word from Rescue Colonel Hunt's office yes I'd love to see you again too well yes just a moment it's mom and she's mad here's one for the books Congressman with Kowski is on the line what how could he know tell him I'm in a conference with a general or I better take it it's a hell of a way to run a railroad God my face is big Colonel hunt here hello Colonel hunt this is John wowski we haven't talked together for a few months now so I was calling to get some information from you what's your hat Congressman nice to hear from you again but I sorry to seem like a pest Colonel but yeah you remember how when we were in we didn't always ride home as much as we should have look you ran a bakery my boy John is guilty of doing the same thing so I thought Congressman I'm still in the service and I agree I don't ride home too much anymore either well I was only wondering how the boy was doing there and training and all that sir as far as I know your boy is doing as well as could be expected but right now I must be brief and hang up we're having an important exercise here at the base and I need all the lines for communication purposes Wing opsin Patrol go ahead Ops the helicopter Pilots found the plane it's a 104 sir they came across it in a pretty rugged area and found that the pilot had ejected they're looking for the shoot now what was the number of the down plane uh four I don't know sir they didn't give it to us we'll contact him and get the number quick sorry to be blunt Congressman but I have to cut this conversation short so to keep all of our lines clear I'll see to it that your son called you my that was blunt found him he was under a pile of blankets in my room so what happened to you both of my generators went out sir and I couldn't get them back on the line I mean with that front moving in on you what did you do well actually it wasn't too bad where I was Sir I flew around the easterly end of it and came up from behind do you realize lions and wowski haven't checked in yet yes sir and I don't care although I did hear someone on the radio say that they were going to try to land at Nellis instead of making it back here I didn't recognize the voice or the call sign though Wing Ops to Wing Commander yeah Ops you any news for us rescue says that was 929 that crashed okay rampant phone call Action here major a flight service just now called to say that one of our Birds landed up at melis a half an hour ago sit out that approaching front his chin must hurt yes sir they've got it so bad up there right now he's staying on the ground Pilot's John wosy Cy safe with Nellis O'Brien look at the scheduling board did Lions take up 929 929 oo Steve got donuts uh yes sir that's Lieutenant Lions he's rather a t of lions is out there Roar I'm King of the [Music] desert listen he must be the chosen one it's called the north star system Capricorn [Music] one I'll signal them with my deodorant this stuff really attracts [Music] helicopters Hey look it's a Fridays are the other armed services as easy listening at the airport we have a visual ID on numbnuts ah it's a lush cocktail [Music] rescue oh yes oh it was pretty rough man I had to eat a lizard and drink my urine you were only here for 10 minutes I know but congratulations here the recipient of today's lucky rescue I did things I'm not proud [Music] of now back to the club for a smooth Canadian that how that found one got good good it's got counter rotating blades I don't want to ride in this that is liutenant loser [Music] later in large group econ all right you 104 drivers settle down and listen to something important Jerry Van djk has something to say thank you major well that was some to do we had around here yesterday so I'll get right to the point I'm Scatman CRS two of you did the right thing one of you goofed up royalty ja so we lost one badly needed aircraft and when you're in that high fasty you got your head up where it doesn't belong you're going to find out you're going to end up with a short end of the stick dick weed stand up the investigation board will submit its findings in a day or so so we'll let it drop until then then we'll kill you but I have some information that you've been waiting to hear Mary Lou Henner is replacing Vicky from your entire Fighter Squadron the 578 deploy for Europe class class shut up okay okay knock it off thank you you don't have to act as though you didn't know it was coming oh eat it raw of course we have a lot of polishing up to do for the oi and a lot of good oldfashioned paperwork to complete they're not funny since we'll be flying our own star Fighters over the water you're going to have to check out your rescue equipment check out this now a very important piece of that rescue equipment is what we call a sergeant would you step up here for a moment and here's Randy in the latest gear Sergeant here is dressed in what is known as a poopy suit po poopy don't ask me why they call it that but you'll be wearing one of these on your way across so next Saturday you're going to get a chance to check them and make sure there aren't any take it okay you J let's find out why you didn't join the Navy last one ends goon bird oh why do they get the ducky [Music] sir all right man poy I think it in your pants and you do it C pants it's a [Music] suit Colonel hunt telephone sir you mean they traced me here you can take it on the inside extension okay where is it a it's poopy suit there speaking you're a hard man to locate Colonel hunt this is John wowski ah mhm right sir and how are you again Congressman I'm fine here over there not so good just now received information through my committee that you had an unfortunate loss of another plane out there and that my son was involved in the same flight Mr Witkowski we did not lose another plane we misplaced it I was the only one this past year oh wait except for those besides your son was the wisest one on the flight since he chose the land rather than fight his way through just the same Colonel when we were flying together you know as well as I do that drastic action was taking on such an occasion but we didn't have the poopy suit serly do not recall that we ever did fly together furthermore the proper and prescribed action was taken in the case immediately Colonel hunt will you please inform me as to why you're so stubborn and will not consider a transfer for my son Congressman I I wanted to tell you about that as a matter of fact we are affecting a transfer for your boy you are wonderful wonderful it's wonderful wonderful when did all this happen only a couple of weeks ago a matter of fact they're they're giving him a a sort of a going away party right now face is being eaten away I'm sure he can give you the good news by himself since you're on the line you you hold on I'll get him for you yes sure yeah I was in a h ring and they kept pushing me [Music] under hi Dad Johnny how goes it well just just great Dad bye did the see tell you the news yes yes he told me you were being transferred but he didn't Reef me in on it I think it's great which big outfit are you getting into no none dad the our entire Squadron is being transferred to Europe to replace the Squadron that's returning y but I'll give you and Mom all the details the letter okay I promise dad he's Vapor locked hey Dad D I just really need your love and support right now dad well and you mean he didn't say anything wasn't even angry or something he picking what could he say there's nothing he could do about it not down deep inside dad knows I made the right decision I think you have too Johnny flying Fighters is important to you and you wouldn't be happy doing anything else but I sure hate to see you go will you miss me right no I will how often will you right is every day often enough well just about no less want to play refueling how long we you be gone Johnny 4 months she'll be showing by then guess it seems like a long time I'm beginning to miss you already but I'm not gone so hone I was wondering if if you heard how the twins are doing well if I could ask you to wait for me right here under this tree I was hoping you'd ask me that I'll wait with your best friend Steve honey I really love you I love the crunch of your hair I love you too Johnny I get it yeah all right King Friday has arrived I'm such an expressive puppet kay good I must have followed up with all my recruits I'll just circle back and hit on his [Music] girlfriend ow ouch oh it's a poopy hat H I'm sure it's all right Don [Music] Meredith so beautiful George Tower cordite Lee Taxi and takeoff information for 18104 IFR cordite Le George Tower taxi Runway 16 altimeter 2994 hold short of the active member FDIC cide lead Rog and no taking the ladders makes my dap proud but he needs his training wheels and to think that at the beginning of this film all these characters Were Strangers to us now they're like family should we get frequent flyer miles for watching this we're flying away in our poopy suits pushing our crayon in our rayon so how much Penance does this movie count for years going to need some that weird Europe money when we get there don't crap in your hand crap in your poopy suit you'll feel relief filling your breeo feel your p over France in your poopy suit Flying high in the blue free to do number two po po we do I I think that's probably no that's quite enough thank you thank you Splash stop it so this must be the highway to the danger zone you know it's all kind of dull until you remember how sharp those wings are receiving a Bachelor of Arts arts degree I've got a lump in my throat I've got a lump in my poopy and now cut that out just drop it hey I'll eliminate it from my reference let it lie George Tower cordite lead ready to roll cordite lead George Tower winds are calm clear for takeoff leave please SC it's you [Music] can we stop in New York for lunch and then some shopping we can't stop in New York for lunch goodbye Pier [Music] One so seems like they're leading yeah that would be the indication I would get from the kind of thing that that yep happen you know when we get to Europe I'm heading straight to rule Al lensa over I'm going to get a London Heart Rock Cafe t-shirt so they're they're leaving yeah yeah leaving and to think that right now they're all making their own cravy that's it what Captain is Europe a big country over uh Captain I don't speak Europe it's hard to see them going when you care so much about them sure about Europe are we attacking or just going I think this is for the best their faces had really worn out their welcome here so it would be implied that they're leaving I think this is implication you get here hope they remember to range where they were going to meet in Europe ah right now they're probably refueling in their hearts really think there's more nothing in this movie than in any movie we've seen H well it does appear that they're leaving yep they are leaving so basically according to themselves the Air Force is a bunch of leather-faced not so bright heavy drinking dowi it speed freaks who in their pants and can't make it with women right uh am I right that is correct but you could [Music] [Music] say okay well I've reformatted my hard drive reloaded all my software I've reconfigured my comports and I've even checked my dip switches ha function five and I'm in oh sweet information Super Highway what gem bring you me from the far reaches of cyberspace it says hi this is froto you want to play four-person boogers oh boogers sure okay well you play your boogers we've got a letter to read here uh put the letter up on still store there cot uh this is from um oh it's from Gail Laura and Clark and they say dear Mike Crow and Tom last Christmas we got this used plastic tree so we spray painted it fuchsia and cobalt blue silver and white then after it was decorated quite Tastefully I might add we were stupified to realize that we were without a star Angel whatever for the top of the tree luckily I realized that Tom Tom's base would make for a wonderful tree topper so show that picture there wow that would be a weird feeling look you got those large fleshy hands there that kind of disturbs me otherwise makes a nice so thanks K Laura and Clark and looks like Crow's all set here on the information Super Highway oh you jump my booger great froto logged off now I got to go hawk up a new booger partner well hold hold on hey Forester what about you want to be Crow's boogers partner oh no time for boogers Frank and I have established direct access to each other's brains right now he's kindly sharing with me some of his own thoughts oh Frank oh well thank you very much I didn't think anyone could think that oh think that one again there you go come on now come on take that a bit further yes good excellent Frank yes think it hard think it yes good yet Frank yes yes well Fun's fun right now I'm going to think Frank to push the button huh H okay okay well push it [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] oh
Channel: space chief
Views: 444,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mst3k
Id: 3dDumDN3Y5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 7sec (5527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2013
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