Mountains and Thunderstorms- Salt Lake City to Phoenix in a Private Jet

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[Applause] [Music] so uh very busy ramp at uh salt lake city international public city utah short flight down to phoenix arizona a little bit of rain a little bit of uh thunderstorm activity we're gonna work our way around it because we got premier one rider on board america 967 and i've got a new clearance for south when you're ready to copy and i don't know if you talk to your company they said they're alert the color code was red that they got for the winter american 967 declared the lax airport now via the zion's one departure dominic transition laker and then as filed i still trying to maintain one zero thousand maintain two three zero knots and squawk zero five three five and departure frequency will now be one two eight point six [Applause] american 967 read back correct and uh just let me know when you're ready to taxi further you're fine where you're at [Music] solid airport information zulu now current ultimate two niner eight one current one two six zero at one i think around five five six lame in november we're gonna do a different departure with the south departure or uh we're gonna stand a rugged [Music] all right i think you're going to want to start fogging five six minute november the rugged departure works uh either direction so your clearance is still good okay appreciate that information remember let me double check on that real quick american 967 remaining one six left all right here we go foxtrot three 22 27 folly ground attacks across uh straight ahead into spot one and then you're stepped on fox strat three who was it was 35 65 solid ground wait for the 175 off your left and then follow them for every 1 6 left so the zion one departure take off from the one seven climb on a heading 160 to 7000 feet then as assigned by atc on radar vectors across hop toe at or above 9 000 then uh the rest of the track down to bryce canyon so obviously got some convective activity here some rain so we'll get the radar going before we uh take the active and start uh working our way around anything that's uh going to give us a problem not a lot of narration uh this morning actually this afternoon and it is a spot too bravo echo golf 42.89 for runway change i got a new clearance for you verify you're ready to copy okay so i got pre-departure clearance i'm clear design one departure to bryce transition maintain 230 knots 10 000 feet expect four zero zero ten minutes after so i just cleared somebody else to land on uh one seven premiere three and under zero golf mike salt lake tower are you ready we're ready 390 golf mike premiere zero golf mike win 2-7-0 at 1-4 fly heading one six zero runway one seven cleared for takeoff one one seven clear for takeoff and uh it was uh give me the heading again heading one six zero for premiere zero golf mike 160 on the heading and there's kilo 8 okay 390 gold mic premiere zero golf mic up forever okay have a good play goddamn perron that was a long takeoff roll left to 160. premiere zero golf mike contact departure have a good flight sorry go fight we'll see you departure premiere three nine zero golf mic out of 5200 now premiere 300 golf mike select departure good afternoon radar contact increase feed to maintain one two thousand twelve thousand direct top two twelve thousand three ninety golf mine is five bravo bravo contact salt lake center one tree tree point nine eleven no you're right tank still take care three three point nine i don't know northwest about one six thousand for one three thousand so delta airbus two twenty traffic traffic okay so that's that traffic he called out to me here in about 10 seconds okay so let's start our climb get up to some smoother altitudes now reaching uh do you want to speed up or uh 250 percent ninety three alphas give us nine eighty three outfitting resume normal speed departure good afternoon raider contact how to maintain one four thousand increased speed at two five zero one four thousand steps forward contact salt lake center one tree tree point niner take care trick tree niner zerg mike we'll see you salt lake premiere 390 golf bike 180 climbing flight level two three zero premiere at three nights real golf mike salt lake center climate maintained by level three one zero level three one zero zero mike princess flight 2944 jamming is gonna take us right through activity we're not able to do direct jamming so we remain on this heading and uh we are passing 27.8 and defending one seven thousand here's like uh 29.44 roger remember zero golf mike clears direct to flagstaff direct flagstaff sergeant thanks so that is the first point on the arrival into scottsdale phoenix area frontier flight 2944 just so you're prepared in about four minutes i'm gonna send you direct to spain for the lehigh five arrival so prepare for that say hi five to stand now we'll be ready frontier flight to 9 41 sky west 983 output climate maintained by level three one zero monday level three one zero nine eighty three awesome november uh zero golf mike contact salt lake center one two five point five seven twenty five fifty seven zero five good day okay what was that uh kilo india india what oh man kilo india tango tango november and then if you want to look up another one no winning we speak india november echo november draw a line there and that's kind of the out of bounds marker there so like premiere 390 off my flight level three one zero november zero mike alexander roger center kodiak seven two six seven years with you november uh victorious here solid center of the milford altimeter two niner eight zero two nine right there all right not much to look at the momentum cameras off for a little while here and we'll pick it back up american 119. 3977 coming up on the north rim of uh grand canyon november three nine zero golf mike's gonna maintain for level two nines no four minutes or less level two nine zero four minutes or less three ninety golf night is 960 contact la 124.85 okay so he gave me 2904 minutes or less i'm at 33 000 i've got 4 000 feet to lose in four minutes if i set my descent indicator my rate of descent indicator at a thousand feet it'll descend at a thousand feet per minute a little blue arrow controlled up here on the panel by this wheel vertical speed button on the glare shield is toggles between vertical speed and vertical 1537. nice view of the grand canyon over there in the grand canyon really nice view of the grand canyon today 390 golf mike contacted albuquerque one two seven point six seven twenty seven sixty seven zero mike we'll see you nadia center premiere three nine zero golf mike flight level two nine zero three nine zero golf micah so there is flagstaff arizona i see the mountain um i think there's that mountain in flagstaff oh freeze peak off the nose 167 nautical miles to scottsdale 32 minutes will land with 2050 pounds of fuel gross landing weight off cleared directly to shop zero to six romeo foxtrot really nice view of humphrey's peak bike staff arizona northern arizona grand canyon off to our right behind us and united seven hundred albuquerque roger climb maintained four level two niners deal flying to flight level two niner zero united 700 number three zero golf mike cross shocked that and maintained all right so i went ahead and entered it in 12 250 knots i can come up here and do all this down to 12 000. i already have vertical navigation selected by virtue of the fact that you can see the v in front of the alt so now it will fly to this point right here on the mfd the tod and it will begin the descent to cross shock at 12 000 feet over the top of flank stuff now so you can see up here in the blue is the altitude selector altitude so that's the altitude i selected 12 000 feet our flight level one two zero as soon as i change the altimeters it'll switch over to 12 000 but now this 12 000 here is what the fms recognizes if you come down here look 12 000 feet so that's the altitude that the aircraft recognizes it can descend to at the appropriate point in order to do that you actually have to change the altitude selector from what you're currently at to the altitude you wanted to descend to so if i still had the altitude selector set at 29 000 feet and even if i selected v-nav so look if i had it like this when we got to the point to decide they would not descent i haven't released it i gotta release it you'll get two audible tones the aircraft will begin its descent really cool airport up on a mesa there very close to town [Applause] hello help me [Applause] 90 miles 23 minutes landing runway 2-1 information india that is the identifier for the current airman's terminal information service when you check in with approach control you give them information india it's generally updated every hour so if i gave them information hotel they would say do you have the current atis most likely premiere zero golf money traffic to this 12 o'clock in uh 10 miles south runs a super king here at 11 000 you're overtaking them roger we'll keep a lookout uh 0.7 have a good day one two zero point seven phoenix approach two six during the flight strikes yet oh you also give me a shuttle fittings or two have a good day i can pull up a little bug for me to uh get there on the pfd three three nine two airships premiere zero golf mike on the phoenix approach one two zero point seven have a good one one twenty point seven zero mike we'll see you phoenix approach premiere three nine zero golf bike fifteen two down to twelve thousand with india premiere three now zero golf mike phoenix approached expect a visual approach from way to one wilco roger i can see saddleback out there in the distance number six romeo fox farmer do you speak to one seven zero vector for the visual approach to send to maintain seven thousand one seventy on the heading down to seven thousand zero i'm gonna set up in a five mile visual approach oh it's bumpy here six romeo foxtrot traffic eight moving nine o'clock five miles same direction eight thousand eight hundred descending premier jet also landing scottsdale that's trafficking in sight six oh man number six romeo foxtrot follow that traffic cleared visual approach runway two one so all the traffic cleared for the visual two one six five mile flex strap remember zero golf mic traffic three o'clock five mile direction eight thousand seven hundred descending king has you in sight we'll follow you scottsdale airport twelve o'clock two zero miles put the field inside field insights mike so about my cleared visual approach runway two one division two one zero premiere zero golf mike context scottsdale tower 119.99 corner towers are going up my good day see you later let's cut seal tower premiere 390 golf mike right base two one come here three nine zero golf mike's got the tower keep the speed up runway two on clear to land keep speed up two one cleared land three nine zero golf sl tower follow the premier jet about four miles ahead and a right base runway two one we'll follow premiere jet enter our right base two one [Applause] good afternoon scottsdale bonanza six four five six trailer with you banana six four five six charlie's gotta make right traffic runway two one number three fall into king air about 10 miles north okay roger that i'm descending right traffic 2-1 looking for the king here mike so five six charlie rogers send that one you're following the king air who's four thousand five hundred over pinnacle p okay rock's adapted looking for him five six five hundred another side through charlie charles follow head and t right about two miles on final three thousand four hundred i have him inside five six throw playing the side six charlie we're gonna meet you in clear lane could land behind the uh king air five shot that was ridiculous [Music] might keep the speed up to alpha five taxi straight in and remain that's frequency today alpha five straight in we'll stay with you three nine man when i get off this airplane i hope that it is windy and dusty as it felt
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 109,420
Rating: 4.9691334 out of 5
Id: lyeB_npHpJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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