Flying the Citation XLS With Brand New Garmin Avionics

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behind me is the citation xls g5000 retrofit we're going to be flying that today i'm super excited come on board let's go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] everyone welcome on board i'm with scott today thank you so much scott for flying with uh doing this this is super awesome we're flying the g5000 citation xls uh i'm ready loving this airplane we got an apu it's cool it's amazing um we got some big engines which there's nothing better than that so uh it's gonna be a training flight today so scott is an mei instructor in the airplane and uh obviously type rated current so it's gonna be super awesome to learn a bunch of cool stuff from him and and show you all the amazing g5000 that garmin retrofits these airplanes with so come on board stay and uh let's go whatever you'd like take a sweep of those flight controls you got it sure they're in good shape all right i'm down notice how heavy it is in pitch yeah yeah you're going to see that on takeoff because they're hydraulically boosted or no no really oh it's just a it's wow it's just heavy wow we'll see okay supply control speed brakes flaps some move to seven here for takeoff the stab also moves right yes yes and that's a rather small step so that's why the elevator forces can't be pretty high on this okay okay it's your aircraft all right ground citation seven eight x-ray lima where's uh garmin looking for vfor departure westbound police got the weather citation seven eight extra lima new century ground uh verified west departure yes sir west departure citation 8x very lima runway 1a taxi via alpha kilo alpha key little 1 8 citation 8 x-ray lima thanks all right i'm clear left on my side clear as well all right here we go nice little hill to go up yeah all right so i can't get over how heavy those flight controls are they are wow they are in the air though when there's some air load on it yeah it's actually quite nice wow biggest thing about this is we just have to take care to stay on center line because as you can see we have berms on either side of this taxiway before takeoff we have flaps are set so b brakes are retracted this works the same way as it does in here our plane cool trims one or six five nine in roger report midfield right down the road the ice de-ice is not required and we're down to uh crew briefing all right it's uh gonna be a left seat departure today i think below v1 360's until he breaks up max breaking we'll just plan a taxi off make a right turn and we'll tax it back to garmin if it's something obviously not critical if it's something or on fire is some crazy issue we'll just stop on the runway we'll run the checklist and we'll evacuate the airplane as we talked about how to open the door and we'll get out of the airplane safely um anything above v1 will continue to rotate at 102. um i'll use your guidance and we'll get to a safe altitude maintain directional control obviously and uh get up to 1500 agl and we'll start talking about a game plan if we're going to come back here which we probably will or or what we're going to do absolutely so we'll maintain v2 on the client we'll deal with it as uh as needed here tower salutations seven eight x-ray limits ready for portrait citation seven eight extra lemon new central tower hold short runway one eight you go ahead and tack it up to the bolt line up two holes on the whole line for eight x-ray thank you please take some eight extra lima read back hold and start coming ultra only one eight at kilo for citation seven eight x-ray lead all right clear left update that's five nine requests for frequency change http it is very cool our autopilot panel being up here makes all the difference five niner right turn runway four right on everyone that doesn't know the the normal traditional xl xls panel's down here and it's kind of there's a lot of moving parts everywhere and what garmin did is they put the autopilot panel right smack in the middle where the cj3 plus is and where a lot of the jet auto panels are really making it uh much more 21st century and uh it's nice citation eight x-ray lima what departure approved runway one eight clips take off west departure approved and ray one eight clear for takeoff citation seven eight extra lima all right clear left each lights are good let's go they're right okay now this uh this airplane thing uh eek airplane it has the same kind of detents that you're used to with the fedex airplane okay so all you'll have to do when you get the thing uh lined up is just push those throttle levers all the way forward all right all right one eight checks here we go three clicks there hey if you could when you get a chance move those ignitions to normal it's coming to normal engaged you do feel right at home though the g5 that like i mean from where we were doing our performance stuff like it's just gave these airplanes quite a boost yeah everything here on the pfd i mean it's all as it would be in the g3000 so what we'll do here is when we get up to 10 500 we'll demonstrate under speed protection now that's going to be an autopilot maneuver so we'll have to have the autopilot engaged but we'll show you kind of how that works okay cool okay and just roll the end ones back to about 60 percent or so 60 yeah now the under speed protection you know depending on how fast you get slow yeah it's designed to prevent you from entering a stall so when the stick shaker activates for two seconds the system will engage and what it will what it will do it's the aircraft down okay to turn off the stick shaker and then add two knots to whatever air speed that is well okay okay and it'll stay there until you do something um it's not designed to really prevent you from uh entering a stall via rapid entry or on an accelerated basis what it's really there for is if okay you level off at an mba you forget to put the power back up or you didn't put enough in or something like that prevents you from getting too slow too low that's really what it's for okay um it can also prevent the high altitude stall too which is which is pretty nice yeah so what i'm going to do here i'm going to i got your controls your controls okay i'm gonna just back off the throttle enough i wanna approach this at about one or two knots per second okay a good old citation uh it can get mighty slow before the stick shaker goes off they build good airplanes they do if the aos coming up there's the shaker airspeed wow that's air speed don't worry about it so good wow okay so what it's doing right now is it's pitching the nose down slowly it's trying to conserve whatever energy it's got air speed it's looking to turn off the stick shaker so it's going to keep pitching that nose down until it makes the shaker stop okay about 113 and what it's going to do now is hold two knots above that so it's going to be flying a center descent about 115 to 116 or so and you get a master caution and warning with it so what it'll do notice that the uh the heading mode has gone white altitude hold has gone white because it can't hold altitude wow if you're to move the heading bug around you see it won't follow it yeah it's i see it in white there right it's trying to hold wings level conserve altitude yeah right and it's going to stay right here until you do something so when you finally do throw some power back in there to accelerate air speed air speed oh wow yeah it'll exit that mode and re-engage all that the modes and get levy back off at 10-5 wow that's really cool now you have your full autopilot functionality available again so it really reduces a couple of the functionalities keeps you level get some air speed and then and then once you correct it out of that once you kind of realize okay oh crap i know what happened here then bring it right back wow right it's designed to conserve the aircraft's energy as much as possible wow certainly helpful and you know you hear stories of professional pilots stalling airplanes yeah all the time this is this is kind of our way is our departure transition bravo there we go we'll just go directly there when you're able sure just like the g3000 we'll put it right on the chart there zoom it out looks really good 10 7 frequency 129 is inbound let's open it below we gotta go miss it's climbed to 600 feet and then climbing left turn to 2800 feet direct to top top viewer and hold cool look do you want to activate it sure we can go directly there come here and we'll go okay the one thing we can do is uh set up a v-net profile just move this one thing so it's out of your worry about it so what i'll do here is i'll just set an altitude of 4000 at bravo okay and we'll create that and yep we'll take that down four thousand there we go and we'll get vnab in standby there it is beautiful at this point since we've activated all of this we can also go ahead and arm the approach and what will happen here is it'll just do this seamless dme art v-nab descent and ils approach without really having to do anything and all we'll really have to do is uh configure the airplane right that's it wow makes life easy that's a cool d in new york stuff you don't really get to do in the in the real world environment anymore all right and this it seems really quick it has the ssd it's the processor because if i do an altitude like three it's like boom boom boom it's it's really quick yup and that double chime you heard that is one minute to top of descent so what's your one of your some of your favorite features on the on the g5000 that you love when you get you're like oh baby i'm pumped to use these oh gosh there's a lot of them yeah um well the told system makes life a lot easier especially for corporate pilots who have a lot of legs and a lot of quick turns yep that makes life so much easier so someone that does know what told us basically in the old square planes you have a card and it basically will say what you have to set your engines to what your weights are what your the temperature is there's speeds on a side of the car that will say based on these weights this is what speed you have to take off at yeah correct which is great about the g5000 is it's you just as we did earlier today put the winds in our weights all automatically and then boom it populates exactly what our speeds are and sends it right to the uh pfd which is really cool so i agree that's a cool feature that that really is nice i like some of the services we can do we have a cars in cpdlc yep as well um you can see some of the different things you can do wow there's a lot more there than on the three plus as well that's cool right there's there's quite a lot the cpdlc is really nice we're not in a particular area right now where we can show a lot of those things but uh but we do have that capability and when you're able to see it work it's quite nice but i think the cool thing about and that's what kind of what dave was talking about earlier when we did a really cool g5000 presentation was that's really where the atc environment is going it's going to you're not going to be saying you know jeremy fox all right we'll go to washington at 126. whatever it's going to be sent in the fms and then you say wilco accept and that's something that i think uh obviously a feature in the g3000 but and a cool one in the g5000 as well yeah yep we also have uh you know satellite phone here yep we can do that which is very cool which is really nice yeah again an airplane like this you can you can call an fbo with that you can no that's really cool you know you can do a lot of nice things with that and we have you know several different sources of weather yes airplane yep so there's a lot of capability in this little package here yeah and the atc data link that's the cpu that's the cplc that's right so you you would find that here okay oh wow and then you would log on and the kusa wow right that's very cool yeah they would just send you a cast message when they would send you a message that's right i haven't shot a dme art approach it's my instrument check right yeah feeling old well fortunately these uh it's amazing how great it i mean yeah these systems just just make this a non-event really it's better than turn twist all right remember that stuff today unfortunately yeah yeah i meant to split the screens pfd map is it not can't split them or you can oh you can't we've done it a little bit differently here okay we have the we call this the dfd panel it's display formatted so rather than go through a bunch of soft key strokes all you have to do is simply this ah that's different just nice cool and then you use this joystick now to move it control i was looking for i was like where i i know i'm not completely having blinking out yeah so you probably you probably like this that's how i fly as well yeah so this is so a little different normally to split the screens which everyone sees you do it under pfd settings but uh on the uh retrofit here it's uh right here which is uh which is kind of cool so a little bit of a different different layout so we're just finishing the dme arc now all right 800 checks inbound turn i'll move the flaps to 15 now let's be about 150 knots for an ounce just uh about 48 percent on the end once let the speeds go where they will it'll end up somewhere around 150 140 to 150 all right see it's rolled in on uh final approach course quite nicely there's luke needles can you do it auto pilot coupled approach we'll do coupled we'll do a couple go around and a couple mess and you can see how the system will uh fly all that for you awesome okay here comes the gear mine slope's active no speed altitude thank you below extra romeo for the town runway one three win for the mist okay uh we'll report the mass seven eight eight lima there you go five hundred take off let's go collapse map 15. thank you pause rate gear up please zero seven eight x-rays approach all right we got uh nav we got bible change it's gonna be doing all that stuff following the missed approach the left turn uh after crosstalk at 600 feet to topeka we got 1 000 we are in the delta so it's below 200 knots we're in the delta two hours right and notice that the uh climb schedule on the airplane knows that yep and it keeps you within a 10-knot buffer there actually which is super smart you get a chance we can bring the ignitions to normal ignitions are coming normal very good that was easy peasy lemon squeezy not much to it yeah and just amazing just you know hit the take up go around button starts everything up and then you just two modes nav and then that's never touch the flight controls one time pretty pretty crazy as you can see here on the mfd it clearly shows what the airplane's going to do when it enters this hole direction it's going tells you what type of entry yeah and it will sit here in the hold until we tell it to do something further which i always like seeing it visually you know visually right it's such an actually how you're going to enter it not just the hold how are you actually the plane's actually going to fly it's cool and it's going to turn magenta here in a second there we go and that's the entry of the hole we're going to be doing it it's it's kind of cool that you know we get to do approaches and holds like back in the days flying like little piston airplane you know that's what you know there's a lot more work yeah yeah a lot more going on it's true yeah so what we'll do here once we get turned around or we cross the vor coming inbound we'll just continue out southeast and we'll we'll load the next approach that sounds good sounds good that was the r nav back into the century yeah beautiful oh it's a pretty part of kansas over here nice now that's lake perry down there looks like it is glass smooth today yep just a couple boats on so i might have you do just because we've got a few miles to fly between here and new century we might climb to 5 500. okay i'm gonna put in that next approach here we'll just exit this whole thing awesome one to go okay here we go miller tar seven eight extremely we're departing your area to the east somebody else's roger figure change proof goody thank you sir okay now we're on our own all right all right good shape here okay we've already got a v-net profile we can um we can arm that as well so we get our warrior two one four two eight stylus one three gonna be doing the rnav one eight yep all right i do think you've got the approach chart up over on your side but that's the other approach right so uh if you leave the page and come back to it it will actually update with the new approach on it well on there which is handy is that a new feature now it's been around a little while okay that saves you a few steps and some frustration yeah new century air center automated weather observation one altimeter two anyway i hope everyone's enjoying the video so far uh the greatest way you can support the channel hitting that thumbs up hit that subscribe button down below so you do get notifications also when uh i do post videos and uh yeah hope you enjoyed the video this is obviously a unique experience and a very cool experience at that different than our usual flying so a big thank you to garmin aviation for uh providing this really unique and awesome experience so thank you guys all right we'll bring the ignitions back on over there coming back on okay stand behind your flaps i'll move the flaps of 15 here awesome about 40 power 50 good about 47.48 is kind of sweet spot okay citation seven eight x-ray lima new centuries how are they in your position we're ten miles to the north side eight x-ray lima thanks report a five mile final and uh you are going to be following up there and that's north of the airport now okay report a five mile final what we can do now is arm the approach mode approach mode is armed and it'll do the rest awesome five six six five minor extend down when you're number four to the airport you're going to be following a citation on final about nine miles north of the airport it's great to see really we're about eight miles uh on finals and november six five niner can you accept a short approach to follow the baron that's about a mile final um negative can we actually uh keep extending for now six five matter november now number three now following that citation he's still about seven hey we have three green no red i see number three and uh we'll be looking in the land five eight lima left on four two two is approved back to parking just monitor ground once you're uh what she wants about a hundred around uh 15 knots or so the approach there all right uh no slower thank you okay there you go that's right about where you want to be niner that citation traffic should be ahead to your left maybe about near 10 o'clock do you have him in sight okay approach checks completely better before landing is complete awesome thank you number two touch down eight clear for the opposite i'll deploy the speed brakes we don't have the ground flaps like cj's yeah you do have thrust reversers you see the paddles here all i want you to do is pull those up far enough to deploy them don't put any thrust on them looking for traffic traffic got him autopilot oh that's away mirror point my airplane baron tune under sierra north on alpha is through back to garden thanks november 74 november two niners here in my publish signature to cross from way one eight at bravo without delay please trap the citation about two mile final it's getting a little sherry looks good though you're red plus five sinking 600 it's right in the slot somebody on the run yeah there's a car and that signature fuel truck minimums minimums and november 74 charlie number three runway one eight clear for the option here for the option 1874 charlie all right okay off there you go hey speed brakes are out and just monitor ground once you're off the runway good day now okay right at the end uh we'll go up alpha cross two to monitor ground thanks awesome we made it we made it yes all right all right and we're going to take kilo 4428 very good okay i'll clean everything up here awesome sweet dude after landing okay reverses down okay speed brakes coming back thanks so much that was that was super fun it was it's cool to have frustration like oh yeah pop in the buckets yeah let's go yeah they take a while to uh wind up and and a little bit of time to get a feel for them but what i'd like to do especially with nerve people is i'll go have them put them out and just use them for drag yeah yeah just to just sit there yeah they do have quite an effect that way i guess the dream is to part 180 land36 right right clear left okay we're good clear left level 1a hold shorter time anyway thank you so much everyone for watching and we'll see everyone on the next video take care yeah you did a nice job flying airplane that uh you've kind of flown the cj you've flown this yeah yeah well thank you yeah this is super fun that was super awesome what an experience flying the xls with the frost reversers epu all that power flying with scott learning a bunch of really neat features about the airplane it was an amazing experience and again a big thank you to carmen aviation now we're off to the garment headquarters let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] me
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 199,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C1dS2lwZlpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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