Thunderstorms and Crazy Turbulence From LA to Denver on a Private jet!

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today is going to be an awesome day we're flying from here in socal to the mountains hour 45 minutes up in the air gonna be a gorgeous flight 41 000 feet come sit right see with me be my co-pilot let's go fine [Music] [Music] and baggage smoke left engine fire right engine fire forward baggage smoke left engine fire right engine fire landing gear landing gear todd system test okay all righty welcome aboard everyone good morning let's get this show rockin and rollin rocky break is set ac is off we got 28 volts let's try number one just feel [Music] and two light off it's looking good all right really is out [Music] good rotation good start good morning citation two romeo fox shot at millionaire ready for taxi citation two email fox chart runway one five taxi via bravo advising you have information zillow all right robert we'll pick up zulu for show me a function thanks all right clear left clear right the ground's like step 593 uh millionaire text here with zulu great service here later at i gotta say millionaire burbank 10 out of 10 service ron and his whole team here just do a fantastic job really just a wonderful job oh damn it i forgot my cookies in the fbo i took the bag and forgot the cookies damn it all right well hopefully they have cookies and centennial all right taxi lights coming on let's go damn that sucks all right all right all right heats lights everything's looking good engine instruments are clear let's go fly 593 burbank tower waiting high farley all right everyone let's do it you're left stable take off pickup power is set and achieve two good engines air speeds alive both sides 70 knots p1 rotate positive rate europe v2 plus 10 flaps up y'all damper light will change heading to the client card [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you uh westbound boeing 737 6 000. show me a shot we're looking at the robot boxer turreting of three one zero three one zero all right one thousand to go heading three one zero one ten the traffic's two o'clock now about one and a half miles turning north north westbound at five thousand good luck number one fly heading up three one zero vector final three one zero heading in future all right leveling off here at five thousand 7000 [Music] [Applause] flaps sir turning three four zero right turn heading three four zero two minute foxtrot 110 approach one three four headed lights are good flaps are up gears up pressurization is coming up we're looking good now we're just hand flying the airplane right now do not have it on autopilot just so beautiful gorgeous looking off the left you got the coast there just stunning november 89 [Applause] 799 approach one two zero point four point four number two no delay through one zero thousand a favor we'll hustle sir throw me a foxtrot get my good rate five thousand feet per minute parks are flexed at five ninety three two and a half kilometer four thousand picture [Applause] leaving uh 3 000 now up to one three thirteen thousand flex ship five nine three number two turret direct slap we from the departure comfortable tangible one two five one eight direct slap twenty five eight throw me a box shot today all right slap keep that turn coming go into nav los angeles center good morning citation two romeo foxtrot one three thousand coming to flip for one niner zero two roman foxtrot quick change continental one three good morning citation two romeo fox shot thirteen eight coming up level one nine or zero city agency romeo foxtrot la center title maintaining what level two three zero if i maintain two three zero for two or more all right 23 is up we're gonna go put it on the autopilot now autopilot song beautiful gorgeous big bear off the left it's just it's just beautiful it really is still kind of got that haze in the valley so we're going to centennial and uh it's supposed to get pretty gusty with a kind of a bunch of wind changes as the afternoon goes on looks like right now it's going to be romeo foxtrot contact la center one two five point seven two twenty five seventy two charmier fox two seven zero and pilot suppression is two four zero all right just send out two seven zero five degrees two four zero twenty one eighty la center good morning citation two romeo fox shot eighteen six five minute two three zero [Music] [Applause] all right 41. that's kind of cool on this uh root of flight we're going to be flying uh directly over las vegas which is kind of cool got a good buddy of mine mr uh vegas flyer who uh lives in vegas we'll be waving to him as we fly overhead and then uh making our way kind of over the yeah over the rocky center one two eight going right into centennial so if you're enjoying the video the greatest way you can show support to the channel is hitting that subscribe button down below and that thumbs up so we get pushed into the recommendation and hit that little doorbell so you do get notifications when uh i do post a video really appreciate everyone's support so uh thanks so much for for watching the video today right there the wind you can see it's 294 at 39. the guy was 32 uh 20 and a half or two 30. that's 2013 by maintaining follow three three zero the three three zero delta 2013 one thing uh here on the uh on our mfd which is kind of neat you kind of see the departure that we're on united 596 contact la center once before you can see it's keeping us away from these shaded blue areas and red areas seven six five seconds four five zero okay this is all a lot of its military airspace so they want to keep ifr traffic away from where they conduct military training eight delta romeo november five six eight delta romeo contact la center one two two point six two [Applause] we got edward's uh horizon 21-19 contact la center 134.65 that's already gusty 170 at 18 26 so a little sporty got scattering tower towering cumulus clouds at 5 000 feet it's gonna be bumpy so we're gonna have to put our seat belts on uh for that that's it's already warming up to 20 degrees celsius two romeo box by the men delta two maintain followable free freezer all right we'll stop at level three three zero for two or more box truck all right so we're stopping at 33 000 feet now [Music] also traffic 12 o'clock westbound 1000 feet above you'll see a brayer okay 600 golf alpha frequency is going to be 133.55 so and we're looking for that traffic looking off the cameras now and uh talk to everyone as we make our descent into centennial should be uh should be a good one so talk to everyone a little bit all right so we are back it is getting uh busy coming into denver there's uh some storms international airport uh centennial has now been got pretty backed up apparently so we're on a heading a delayed vector two minutes are left unless we'll be level at two seven over jeremiah foster all right all right left turn directly mode 270 activate now 1402 you might as well start scrolling to holding speed now about 2 30. [Applause] 14. contact denver center one one niner point eight five nineteen eighty five trophies today all right descent checks windshield defog is not required pressurization is set 58.85 that's a landingville elevation in centennial altimeters not yet exterior lights are good we're coming in on the uh the zombs three arrival today jennifer good morning citation two romeo fox shot twenty seven three descending to two uh seven zero two romeo flagship that went on all right we'll go ahead here and get the uh the atis via voice [Applause] use caution for simultaneous operations to closely separate a parallel runway departure device control when running is complete and remain on ground control frequency until it's fired you have automatic device control low-level directions advisories are in effect construction greens in the vicinity for the area available on flight service advisor contact you have information it will be published because you're clear denver [Applause] all right we got india one seven left so we'll put uh performance landing data one seven left wenzel auto populated landing configuration flaps 35 the antis will be off 97 knots is our final approach speed we have 10 000 feet available and we need 2500 feet so that's good number two romeo flash right there i mean you can start with two three zero at least two thousand feet a minute for traffic you got it down a light bulb two three zero and two thousand feet or better [Applause] delta twenty three seventy six contacts again that's just taking hot engine bleed air and uh basically pulling it around the engine so it doesn't ice up there's also some uh some probes and some other things that uh we do not want to get iced up and that also heats those all right we'll start getting the weather raider up here so we'll get uh weber radar turn this on here weather auto tilt it 51 54 never got 51 54 just got here uh leveling two seven zero okay what's 51 54 turn 15 degrees to the left vectors for keyboard to settle maintaining that fly level two three zero 15 degrees left to send point level two three zero fifty one fifty four oh denver is there seven seven five will be in the hold at left uh three zero zero all right seven seventy-five [Music] check that make a single right turn right hand turns keyboard to settlement out of a two five zero okay single right-hand turn t-bar descent two five zero zero seven seven five eleven two romeo foxtrot the center maintains out of a two one zero two one zero terminal function how the ride's going into centennial i don't have complaints there's one ahead if they complain away you know thank you okay with 5150 for your direct ebar for the t-bar ii level skyway 51-54 key bar for t-bar everything looks good there check this out 775 19280 775 okay 5154 let approach know you're descending via one six right and contact them now one two zero point three five you'll go into the top i'm not sure how the rides are there okay thank you uh two three zero exactly seven that you have 537 anything at mercy on the decent not yet but we're gonna get in the clouds here about another two thousand feet ninety two roger 290 or greater footprints and approach for two romeo fox moderate turbulence here at two one zero it's pretty bad right now romeo flash right there via the zombie three that'll give you discretion to that fifteen thousand at zombies to find something better to send via zombie three all right just have you there's zombies three for trophy on fox shot executive 775 defend via t-bar two [Music] departure one two eight point four five one two eight point four five as soon as we got into the clouds it started uh getting consistent uh light occasional modern all right i carefully ninety two zero four sounds like the rides might deteriorate when you go into the tops i need you to keep 290 for as long as you can and then you can float to 270 or greater alright [Applause] [Applause] american 1321 every center roger pops are in the mid-20s you'll probably get moderate company going for them and that's probably going to follow you all the way sounds like fun southwest fourteen zero two the sun via t-bar two two seventy five key bar or runway one six right so we're going to do here we'll put our arrival whatever radar of the uh november two romeo contact them with the parts for one two eight point four five twenty eight forty five terminal fox shots against moderate turbulence here in the descent all right standard maintain nine or thousand turn right heading three five zero thousand right turn three approach good afternoon citation throw me a fox shot 16-8 sending me the zombies uh three arrival with the centennial anus chat season two romeo foxtrot approach runway one seven left proceed direct to the airport descend and maintain one two thousand all right 12 000 direct centennial airport for two romeo foxtrot all right exist at 537 turn left heading three six zero to send to maintain nine or thousand down the left heading three six zero we're down to nine thousand pitch at five thirty seven so i think you're two romeo fox right he's to maintain one one thousand eleven thousand eleven thousand two will be unfortunate all right eleven thousand all right ants just coming off direct the airport just at 537 turn right heading zero six zero coming right zero six zero five thirty seven all right how's your number two roommate fox drive to send to maintain eight thousand eight thousand citation tour meow foxtrot attention two echo mikey out of the airport yeah firm checkpoint here come on approach runway one seven left join the final over the reservoir just to your left okay we'll join over the reservoir for our second one number two mike one seven zero knots or left contact centennial tower one one eight point niner we'll see all right leveling here at 8 000. it's looking for some traffic to follow off our right hand side let's see the traffic sanitation two roaming foxtrot turn right heading zero eight zero zero eight zero citation drop southwest 1328 climate maintain flight level two three zero climate change level two three zone southwest 1328. bonanza three two four niner delta denver gross denver altimeter two niner eight niner say destination deborah depart for a very good afternoon belarus 983 out of 7 000 climbing two three zero polaris 983 never departure at our contact maintain one zero thousand airports at nine anything approach runway one seven left contact centennial tower one one eight point niner good visual one seven left go into the tower throw me a focus you can't do tango bravo to send centennial terror good afternoon citation two romeo fox shot and square enough for final four one seven left i should turn my fox right to antennae tower continuing on seven continue officially foxtrot a citation just landed reported gain and loss of five knots on final level wood sure auto pilot flies terrifying that sorry is that a thousand feet ago oh yeah thank you m1794 one seven left we're lined up for one seven left division nine or five fourteen centennial tower one seven left on a point four mile five i'll be ready to go one seven left line up and wait for charlotte to be ready oh all right below 161 let's go flaps 35 we got gear down three green no red flaps 35 no landing clearance the speed brakes are down number four check this completed we're looking good there's 500. centennial tower beach dead 302 tanker with the space for one seven left beach at 302 tanning bravo since the name of our runway one seven off to clear to land one one seven zero one zero goes into six minimum minimum 302 take a problem division four television contact center for today departure for travel vectors turning a three and a half mile final look for the traffic that was nice that was really nice speed brakes are out it wouldn't go full grease that was half grease fox shut off eleven girl point a alpha eleven going to ground throw me a five shot today six all right we're clear of one seven left seven left tax tv office one seven left taxi alpha flex jet 572. ground citation two oh yeah it's clear of one seven left at alpha eleven for tech give way to the challenger on the ramp that'll join alphabet off the 10 texas attacker via album all right give way to the challenger and then uh i'll put it here challenger one delta juliet monitor so much for watching and we'll see everyone on the next video take care and uh no uh run-up required bonanza one eight zero ground are you more northeast all right or position at rocky mountain metro
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 498,985
Rating: 4.9204612 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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