Private Jet Flight NY To Miami!

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[Music] what's going on everyone today we're flying from really hot and humid new york to even hotter southern florida we're flying from new york to miami about two hours and 45 minutes up in the air to be my co-pilot let's go [Music] all righty hello everyone it's just hot and the ac is on but let's get the engines started and get out of here it's going to be quite the taxi ac needs to come off for the start number two here we go and two introduce the fuel [Music] ignition got good fuel flow oil pressure is coming up temps look good and the relay's out so it goes from a starter mode to then taking to the generator sequence so now the generator is showing 28 volts delicious here we go clear left [Music] two here's the fuel ignition good start relays out great service here at ross they're just so good all right it's hot there we go that's better beautiful flight controls are up all right this breaks good the takeoff data is in altimeters are three zero zero one three times elevation is set for open lock of florida messages are good ground citation to romeo fox shot delta one north taxi with oscar please a lot of construction being done here at the airport right now um you can see it here in a second off the left-hand side clear left they're right change the ground for their feet all right brakes are good flight instruments are clean and moving here's delta we're going to hold short of 3 4 at delta the runway hold short bars right in front of us here across the charlie paul graham one four four three seven hotel stand by your own request [Music] lima and uh we are filing which aircraft the second one the second general nemo roger that will fall all right so we are making progress here we've been holding short for uh in line for about 15 minutes or so we're about number eight or nine for departure now we are hopefully number two maybe number three we'll see uh how it's playing out we got like six airplanes behind us we got a gorgeous gold stream in front of us so it's uh something nice to look at at least so yeah so miami today uh there for about three days or so and asked to go down to a deal some family business so that is why we're going down today so it should be gonna be good and i haven't been to florida it's sun and fun um and now that's obviously quite a different part of florida which equally nice part but but different but i have not been to miami for a quite a while seven five a victor explain you don't want to call your face okay we'll send it down very good friend vlad at worcester tower fantastic controller fantastic guy uh just 10 out of 10. so awesome to have him on uh frequency today that looks like a mooney on the downwind there two romeo fox cautionary turbulence created the party golf room five win come runway three four clear four takeoff good for takeoff three four citation two romeo buckshot thanks all right teats lights looking good engine instruments are clear final is clear right and left no casts runway three four four [Music] air speed is alive both sides 70 knots checks birds on the runway switched our 911 foxtrot inbound we have information cheers while we're in the delta point four left turn two six zero twenty point four join me a foxhead have a good weekend okay we're heading select two sixty heading third control ninety seven turned out to be two two zero two twenty working two ninety pistol jet two four contact one two zero point eight five one two zero eight five five two twenty five direct departure hello citation two romeo fox shot forty five hundred coming to seven thousand two sixty hundred sedation two romeo foxbot hello climate maintain one two thousand flooding two two zero okay 220 heading one two twelve thousand five all right simon maintain one zero thousand one hundred thousand [Music] love about when we go to the fix white which is the our first fix after our departure procedure is how they get you to that fixed and then get out of the air space is basically fly you right down the hudson a little bit hazy today unfortunately but it's it's really cool to be able to just basically you're climbing and flying right down the hudson river all right autopilot's coming on do you have to take off gears up collapser up the lights are good throttles are climbing those are climates good good pack safety switch not needed lights pressurization is coming up death is coming up death speed for eight hours cool that was flying controlled one two zero eight five good day five i think i was number like eight or nine in sequence going back into white plains like traffic is back it's it's great to see great to hear on the frequencies so it's good stuff pre-code 46.65 maintain one five thousand contact one two zero eight we're pretty heavy today so we got full tank of gas forty seven hundred pounds forty five hundred forty six eighty nine it's hot outside summertime you're heavy you're not going to be climbing incredibly well so just something to kind of expect and obviously goes into our performance planning and all that jazz all right so we're leveling off here at 12 000 feet got new york city right below us to romeo foxtrot contact one two zero point eight five twenty eighty five trillion fox should see ya see ya 280 is max forward we can get that all right maintain 280 knots contact new york center 134.6 with the speed max forward thirty four six reliant three two one ps2073 contact near center one three four point six normal speeds one three four six nine speed ups twenty seventy four seven three departure citation two army of fox shot one two thousand two twenty heading united fifteen twenty nine climbing one five thousand contact new york city one one eight point nine or seven fifteen thousand feet in eighteen ninety seven yeah fifteen twenty nine and two on my fox shot in new york city fire chair roger all right yeah so i got a feeling we're going to be we're going to be down low they're going to be trying to get faster jets 7 000 so how many times 7 000 pixels american 12. that's why i'm going down to florida um for quite a while down low before they kind of find a gap to get you up and then once they're up it's great but 27 at one time [Applause] so we are just under two weeks from uh from oshkosh we're so excited um i will be there from uh monday through saturday so we hope to see you all there gonna be great we're in the park leave it four fifty four fifty five climbing you do want to uh do you want to meet up there's going to be two scheduled meetups to uh actually planning right now which i'd love to hang out and meet or that's whoever's there leaving 4 tuesday 85 climbing 1011 uh 7 000. lounge 39. 580 turn right track park maintenance but 39 they do a great job every year it's uh kevin really is a big part of it does a great job so i'll be there on on tuesday what's your best forward speed in this time uh best four it's like 2 30 tops all right roger um and then on thursday 580 contact new york center one three four point via the awesome garmin booth garmin headquarters down there at oshkosh thursday morning at 10 30 so thursday at 10 30 at the garmin booth they have they've done some super cool stuff this year so uh super excited to be there i'll be with my buddy mr justin pilot to pilot me a fox drop see direct away climbing seven thousand drink weight seventeen [Applause] thousand who does a fantastic podcast those are the two opportunities that are scheduled meetups but i will be hanging around uh [Applause] zero good morning citation two romeo fox shot one seven thousand dirk white location two romeo foxtrot near center roger uh resumed almost being here give me a good climb up for 24 please all right good climb up to 20 point clear up to 24 announcer yes you're rolling the flash climb and maintain level 240 all right good rate climb maintain two four zero terminal we'll give you the best straight weekend thanks all right climb power is coming up see what this looks like here you would go below our normal climb speeds 222 knots that's our v-net profile but climbing at 200 and get a good rate so we love new york center and uh it's not a problem for the airplane at all it's it's so it's so hot out right now even outside the sun blasting against the airplane that uh the gopro 4 that i actually record my audio with uh just shut off 740 contact boss 35.8 thank you anyway we'll turn off the cameras and we will uh put them back on for the arrival into uh miami upalaka florida um i promise everyone we will do a time lapse coming uh at cruz you guys can see what 40 plus thousand feet looks like on the way down the coast so i got you on that one and we'll talk to everyone a little bit all right we are back and uh making our descent uh we're out of twenty seven thousand feet descending two five two four zero just checked out of miami center it's uh super hot and humid down here in south florida today so we got the defog working some hair onto the windshield and uh we're going to uh see how that's doing otherwise we'll have to put on the windshield lead air switches which we might do anyway but we'll see i put a nine left uh just for now um we should get the visual i know they like to have you join the localizer and always good on the visualization to get a nice approach 10-5 on the frequency zero nine three is the inbound flight sloping sas bows 1600 feet 258 decision altitude again the weather is bfr and overcast about 5 000 foot ceilings so it's nice we got to go miss that's what we'd fly climb to 2000 heading zero nine three and uh make our way out to the zero six nine right on janus on the 42.5 db of dhv so what looks good there we'll load that up we are parking at fontainebleau today get out of 1809 across moses at eight thousand eight so it'll be a right turn off but we'll bring that here in a second when we do land we have nine left we're gonna be at ten thousand six hundred pound airplane right now the winds are out of the uh east southeast at about 10 knots getting thousand feet of runway available across mosey at eight thousand pound until temperature three zero one five all right 3015 and mosey at eight thousand box number 444 alpha delta clear direct freeport climbing team portable climate change one seven thousand one seven thousand seriously a couple questions a lot of people ask tell me more about we want to know more about maxine about my journey so uh the best way a friend of mine dale smith wrote a great article on twin and turban the magazine i'll post a link for it down in the description uh he's a wonderful did a wonderful job and talks a lot about my journey what i do where my training and uh my experience you know licenses i have an air transport pilot all those sorts of things and and what i do so i recommend everyone that wants to know a little bit more about me go check out that article twin and turban citation max i'll post a link down there in the description so that was that was one of them the hello one was uh max you always have super cool sneakers are you a sneaker head and yes i am a sneaker head in high school i worked at a sneaker store on the weekends it was i loved it was one of my favorite jobs i was a sales associate said was working the floor and selling shoes it was it was awesome across the together all sorts of different cool shoes it was a super cool place uh loved it and uh so i met a lot of people from uh those days that have been i was able to make connections and that's how i'm able to get some cool shoes because uh i worked at a secret store in a sneaker store in high school maintain one yeah three or four years there so it was pretty awesome and the other one was bathroom this is probably the most popular one um so i uh when when you're flying single pilot you could not leave the seat i am this is this is where i've been for the past three hours when you're flying spot that is it so if i would have to use the bathroom um i guess this should be my solution so water bottles out of uh there's some uh devices you could buy online for pilots in this seat at all times 783 julius here flight level 285 descending two four zero directions those are some of the most common the most common questions i get asked seven eight three years for day 39 contact miami approach one two zero um and we've kind of just uh been making our way down to bozie at 8 000 and and down the way we go we'll cross mosey at 8 000 two five zero knots land nine are left uh fountain fontainebleau is uh over here which is a bit of a taxi so we'll probably hope to uh get off there on echo or charlie connect ground of an echo tango to haunted blue this is probably what we're gonna have to do here but we'll see what happens yeah so i'll try and do that more often and some questions q and a's uh everyone has such great questions so it's it's awesome and especially so if anyone's on instagram i do have an instagram account citation max number one because there's only one citation max one go check it out contact commanding approach one three three point seven seven thirty three seventy seven two one show g'day november 73 julius here so go check that out on instagram we post daily content especially for oshkosh and stuff if you do want to reach out to me and meet up that's probably that's the best place to do that so definitely go check that on instagram approach hello citation two romeo fox shot eight thousand over mosey two five zero now turning at two six zero sixty five an american 1392 turn left heading about one zero zero report fort lauderdale inside 100 ohm heading and airport side america 1392. 1392 codemaster approach only one zero left contact fort lauderdale tower 100.3 today left and go to tower version red knight 160 maintain 500 there's going to be traffic underneath you climb into 2000 160 unable for a cloud right now maintain 25 quite a bit just maintain via red knight 160 whatever you need to do there is traffic passing behind you oh [Music] [Applause] all right six thousand i mean 780 at 8 000. 780 is one zero left flat heading of zero eight zero direct holland when you can't intercept the localizer uh zero eight zero how about zero eight five that'll keep us out of both and we'll go holland for the localizer united seven eighty number two romeo foxtrot blockade is what i'm showing you can expect the ios niner left yes we do have zulu nine left to romeo yeah if you are enjoying the videos the greatest way you can show support to the channels hidden at traffic this o'clock at about three miles northbound at 5 000. uh uh traffic in sight tore me a shot try to get tight throw me in fox thank you 18 00. one two zero clear vision project one zero [Applause] united 780 reduced speed of 180 speed 180 units uh 780 fields yes thank you it's going to be a delay on the clearance i just got to go around and some other stuff foxtrot serving 65 uh reduced speed to 170. 949 flight heading of two six to zero right now of course [Music] maintain 1 500 rings 851 descend maintain 1 500. 1 500 fair eight foot two on airports inside bring their 51 thank you square you turn the final clear vision approaching only one zero right clear visual once you're right square to turn disparity maintain one thousand six hundred till established cleared ils on my nine last approach one thousand two hundred so established carefully out last night on our left uh before i'll put my india three thousand before mike popper for alpha mic india miami roger maintain three thousand traffic eleven o'clock three miles two thousand one hundred indicated looking for the traffic approach hello citation two romeo foxtrot four thousand one eighty heading two ten knots station two romeo fox from november two romeo fox try to maintain three thousand if by heading two two zero number three romeo charlie with speed one seven zero contact opel guitar one three four point six seven speed was seventy fifty four six seven eight exits at contact miami departure 119.45 take care 1945 550. it's gonna ask if we can get runway one two be uh be better for us quick visual and approach any chance for any one two two romeo fox side yeah i can do that reduce speed of 170 or plant vectors for the visual one too thank you so much 170 knots and visual one two terminal fox all right that's great that's really nice so thank you number two romeo fox turn right heading 2-7-0 we're gonna now switch it up for the uh put ios 12 in but it's going to be visual so it works out quite nicely speed brakes will come in verify all right so we've got 12 in there going to be a visual approach be a left turn off delta tango right into fontainebleau we're telling them at five shots you have old block airport insane yes sir i do two or more shots make sure you get behind him you got it at two thousand quid visual approach twelve tournaments proper four alpha mike india contact approach one two five point five one two five point five with e get two romeo fox shot thanks for that contact the tower on one tree four point six seven thirty four sixty seven show me a question have a great day okay so we're coming up on 2000 feet here we go cleared for the option here's the option on the right take the switch target afternoon winds one two zero at one zero row my one two cleared to land quit land one two two romeo fox network parking at bantamweight two roomy parks right roger all right we're cleared land landing light verifies that beautiful here's down here down three green no red below 161 collapse 35. speed brakes are down for landing checks citation 2 romeo foxtrot traffic half mile final row and nine right to skyhawk there'll be a full stop on right whiskey traffic three mile final runway one two's inside station that'll be full stop as well all right your dampener is away so it's before lane checks completed 500. minimums minimum shoe oh it's greasy screw freaks out citation two romeo foxtrot turn left at the end texting the fountain blue via tango eight remain this frequency have a great day all right thanks so much at the end left tango eight straight into fontainebleau jeremy fascia take care tango age straight in beautiful hi everyone welcome to miami zopalaka florida hope you enjoyed the flight and uh we'll see on the next video take care and hopefully see you at oshkosh
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 72,290
Rating: 4.97295 out of 5
Id: SFlPX_3Ak-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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