Mother in law stole my perfume because she wants to smell like me

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[Music] i call my ex future maljada because she is italian has an incredibly large and fake smile and she adds an italian accent to every end any word she possibly can my exo is an [ __ ] but is admittedly tall dark handsome and pretty damn ripped at the time this took place x and i had just moved into a bigger apartment and jada was helping us unpack by helping i mean snooping jarda and i were unpacking the kitchen while x was putting our bed together jada said she had to use the bathroom so i just continued trying to figure out why i had a dozen lids and no matching pots or pants eventually i noticed she had been gone for a while and went to see what was up i thought maybe we didn't put tp or soap in the bathroom since we had just started unpacking that morning instead i found jada sneakily watching x through the slightly open bedroom door she was mostly hidden behind the door but leaning over slightly so she could see him naturally i looked too x was topless and had wrapped his shirt around his hand while he screwed part of the frame together i must have startled her because she jumped when she noticed me before hurrying back down the hall towards the kitchen once we were in the kitchen she started doing that exaggerated fanning motion towards herself and said got he's a handsome one if i were 20 years younger i wouldn't mind sharing my bed with him i'm not sure what my face looked like but it must have been obvious that i was disgusted and horrified jada started backtracking right away saying she didn't mean it like that you have such a dirty mind he's my son she left less than 10 minutes later x and i went to a street fair that was organized by jada's church and stretched for six blocks the turnout was huge and a local radio station was there they had a stage set up with a dj booth and sound system people could make song requests for a small fee and even dj if they made a large enough donation i think it was something like 250 dollars it was loud enough that you could hear the speaker slash microphone for a block in either direction x and i met up with jada and xfil at around 12 before we went off to explore the fair we checked everything out but stayed within hearing range of the stage there was a raffle being held that we entered and the winner was being announced from there at 3 p.m keep in mind this was less than three hours from when we saw jada at her church booth but three hours was too long for jada to go without interacting with x so she dedicated two songs to him wind beneath my wings by bette midler and i'll be there by maria carey x was not pleased because x did not automatically run back to her and express his eternal gratitude to her for the songs jada automatically assumed something was wrong x and i were were checking out some of the candles being sold when we heard her voice come over the speakers hello hello this is jada i'm volunteering at booth and my baby is missing his name is maine he was wearing x and last seen near y in the company of my name please help me find my son baby if you are there please come to booth i won't be mad i just want to know you are okay holy [ __ ] x was pissed he grabbed my hand told me we were leaving and started pulling me towards the parking lot where we parked in order to get to our car we had to pass by the radio station stage in jada's booth he tried to stay on the opposite side of the street but it didn't matter we could see the stage where jada was standing and she spotted us usain bolt was impressed by the speed with which she ran to us my baby are you hurt where were you i was so worried turns to me why didn't you make him come to me didn't you hear my songs why are you keeping my son from me she was yelling and sobbing x told her to shut up and ask me to go tell the radio hosts that everything was fine while he had a conversation with jada i went to the stage waved over one of the radio lackeys and explained what happened she looked a little wtf when she heard that x was 24 but relayed the message to the hosts they made an announcement that there was a misunderstanding and there was no missing child so everything is fine i assumed everything was okay until i reached exanjada jada has a tendency to hold someone's arm when she talks to them depending on her mood this could be limited to just linking elbows with someone or wrapping her arms around her victim's arm and clinging to it x was currently suffering the latter she had her arms wrapped entirely around his left arm and was pressing herself into his side crying into his shoulder he was trying to push her off with his right hand but she shrieked every time he tried people were staring and laughing which just bestecks off more he started yelling at her and calling her a psycho which made her cry and cling harder she just kept saying don't leave me mama needs you over and over xffill finally stepped in and pried her off of x she swung at him and tried to grab bex again but he dodged her he saw me took my hand again and we started to leave but he turned around to yell a final [ __ ] you ma don't talk to me again at her she made another attempt at breaking free of xfil and gave a final screech before we were out of her sight she and her fm's called so often that we changed our numbers and told the guard at our gate that we were no longer accepting any visitors i worked from home at this point so she couldn't call me at work and x switched jobs the following week without her knowing so she couldn't reach him via work either we were nc for six months before we ran into her at his sister's college graduation it was a blissful six months relevant background i grew up in some awful environments my mom had hoarding issues and no sense of personal hygiene so the apartments we lived in were always filthy and smelled awful there were also times we lived out of a car so showering and laundry were not possible because of this i over corrected as an adult and became very fastidious about personal hygiene and keeping my house clean i spend an obscene amount of money on lush bath products and perfume it may seem stupid but these things matter to me and i value them like a dragon does gold giada refers to the human body as a self-cleaning machine she showers maybe twice a week she is also a smoker xffal has asmr and jada is obsessed with appearing perfect so she is terrified someone from her church will see her smoking outside so she only smokes in her car in the garage her clothes become absolutely saturated in smoke because of the sin she reeks this is one of many reasons x hated when his mother hugged him one winter there was a water issue at jada's house it was going to be a week before she could go back ex-ffiol was away on business so jada was alone x and i felt bad so we let her stay in our spare bedroom but made it clear she would have to leave if she didn't follow our rules the main two being no smoking and no going in our bedroom she made it three days the biggest problem was when x and i would cuddle jada would cbf sigh pout and whimper about how she was lonely we ignored her the second night she was there x commented on how good i smelled i told him it was the lush bath bomb i had used and we went back to snuggling gianda huffed and went to bed the third day my afternoon class was cancelled so i went straight home after work i went into our bedroom to change and heard splashing we had a bed two bath apartment and one bathroom was attached to our bedroom i opened the door and there is jada naked in my tub that is overflowing with bubbles bubbles that obviously came from my lush stash since the basket i keep them in was sitting in a [ __ ] puddle on the floor me jayada we made it clear to you that you are not to enter our bedroom and you would have to leave if you did i will drop you off at whatever hotel you want get dressed i'll go pack your things i say all of this to the ceiling because holy [ __ ] do i not want to see jada naked i shut the door and hear her squawking i get a suitcase out from her bed open it and see five bottles of perfume my perfumes jada skids into the bedroom like kramer from scene filled and just goes white gee i can explain i'm so lonely x's name won't cuddle with me anymore i thought he would let me cuddle him if i smelled like you i just want my baby to like the way i smell me shut up now shockingly she did i took my perfume back and called x i told him what happened and said i was too angry to drive so he had to come get her i went back into the spare room me x is coming home to get you pack everything you brought with you don't even think about leaving something behind so you'll have an excuse to come back and visit if i find anything of yours after you leave i'm throwing it away she cried and flung herself on the bed wailing i ignored it and went to clean up the mess she left in the bathroom when x got home he went off on her he's pure evil now but he was a decent guy back then and had no problems with a lack of spine she tried begging whining crying guilt tripping exhaled strong then i overheard this gem gee you are being so mean to me it was a mistake i wouldn't have had to do it if you would treat me like you treat an animal's mouse x ma i'm not going to treat you like i treat my girlfriend what the [ __ ] is wrong with you she didn't respond with words she just started wailing louder eventually they left ex came home a couple of hours later and gave me two more bottles of perfume she had hidden in her purse update on legal issues i met with a lawyer today about jada he was very nice and seems to have experience with crazy justness he will be sending a c and d letter out on monday his exact words were this is the best i can do right now but situations like this end one of two ways either she will get the cnd and listen or she will escalate her behavior if she escalates call the police then call me x and i spent every christmas and easter with jada xfil and xfs ielts one and two x and were both working and in college my birthday is in december and i was about to turn 25 when this occurred since x and i were both going to school and working full-time we didn't have much free time for hobbies or going out so by the time our full semester finals came around we had a decent amount of money saved in our joint account x suggested we use the money to go on a trip during winter break for my birthday since we wouldn't be able to actually celebrate on the day itself we decided on a location and booked the trip we will be leaving on december 20th and coming back on january 4th we were at jada and xfil's house a few weeks before christmas jaida had insisted that we come over so we could celebrate my birthday and she could show me how real women cook [ __ ] yourself with a pine cone jada your tomato sauce is watery and bland we were halfway through dinner when x dropped the bomb x oh dad we are going to have to decide when to exchange gifts this year do you want to do it before we leave after we get back jayada what do you mean we'll exchange after lunch on christmas same as every year x sorry we won't be here we are going to location we are leaving on the 20th and are coming back the 4th do you want to exchange the 19th or the 5th jayada we'll exchange after lunch on christmas same as every year ex ma we aren't going to be here jayada we'll exchange after lunch on christmas ex we aren't jayada yelling we will exchange after lunch on christmas me jada jayada screaming after lunch on christmas after lunch on christmas after lunch on christmas ex ma for the last time we will not be here we are going on vacation we have spent every christmas here and we want to do something alone jada stands up leans over the table and starts sticking her fingers into the manicotti in the serving dish she starts squishing them in her hands glaring at me the whole time she looked deranged jayada it's not enough that my baby lives with you it's not enough that he spends his weekends with you instead of with me you had to have christmas too you be is this what you want is this what you want i glanced at exo one who was sitting next to her and the look on her face was one of pure shock it was almost adam like i couldn't help it i giggled and jada flipped jada shoved the manicotti onto the floor before kicking her chair over screaming and stomping into the kitchen exiles escaped to the living room xfil started cursing and shouting at jada to come clean this [ __ ] up you crazy b and x told me we were leaving we were halfway through the living room when jada came flying out of the kitchen with my birthday cake in her hands jayada take your cake you dear king see she then hurled the pink monstrosity at the wall by my head showering x f sills and me with cake crumbs and frosting x duck you marduk you jayada in typical giada fashion dissolved into tears and tried to run to us either to attack us or clean 2x xff il grabbed her before she could and told us to just go jada started to scream and try to kick xfil xs ielts started yelling at jada to calm down which only made her scream louder jayada no let me go she's ruining christmas she's ruining christmas stop her she's taking my husband everyone stopped yelling and moving it was like someone hit pause on a movie for a minute before xffill let giada go and pushed her away looking absolutely disgusted jayada froze for a minute before continuing with her hysterics jayada my baby i meant she's taking my baby i know what you all are thinking you're all sick sick why is everyone turning against me i just want you as all to be a family on christmas she then fled up the stairs sobbing the rest of us were all left in awkward silence x phil finally broke the quiet by telling us he'd call us about gifts x and i left me in tears and him fuming he decided to go nc with jarda that night we went on the trip had a fabulous time and mailed the gifts to his family since we were nc with jada we returned her gift and used the money for wine going and see led to an increase in jada's crazy which ended in us having to call the police on her and her finally getting help obviously it didn't take this occurred the summer after shemol manicotti threw a cake at me and referred to her son as her husband but should have it covered after this incident x and i went vlc with jada but stayed in touch with xfil and xfsils a few weeks after easter ex got a hysterical voicemail from jaida it was a bunch of incomprehensible whaling shrieking and sobbing the only part we could make out was your father's a monster x called his dad and got the story apparently xffill had been sleeping in the guest room and quietly getting his ducks in a row he moved out while jada was on one of her cruises and left a letter i never saw it but from what i gather it was really direct he wrote that he was no longer in love with jada wasn't going to be party to her cutting out their daughter jada disowned xfs il1 for being gay and could no longer stand by and watch jada's incestuous behavior toward her son he ended it by saying he was filing for divorce but hoped she got the help she needed now jada always prided herself on having the picture perfect family with strong catholic morals a divorce following her daughter coming out as gay did not fit so jared a dove head first into denial xfsil1 was just finding herself and xfil was just confused she kept pretending everything was okay every june jared's church through a start of a summer barbecue in a park with the proceeds going to help fund a local camp that provided meal activities for low-income kids x and i debated on skipping but went because it was for a good cause we dodged jada and stayed by xfil and xfsil1 xffil was pretty bust at this point so my stomach dropped when i saw jada making a beeline towards us with about five members of her women's group g ladies i want to introduce you to anonymous mouse my son's friend and of course you already know my husband xfil x g what xfil x husband we are divorcing g don't be silly grabs x f f i else almond smiles at women's group isn't he silly xfil shakes her off enough with this [ __ ] it's over it's been over four years gee stop it you're drunk you're ruining everything why are you so mean to me xfil i'm not ruining [ __ ] you ruined it with your obsession with our son gee stop it right now turns to her friends who all have that salivating heena look over the drama unfolding i'm so sorry he's always been jealous of how close my son and i are xffill laughs not close enough for you though don't apologize for me tell them the truth tell them how you want your son tell them how you won't be happy until you duck him jayada turned white and started stammering more apologies claiming the drink makes him talk that way xfsil1 snapped xfsil1 mom don't even try it you used to sleep in x's name s bed instead of with dad even before he left you everyone knows how gross it is but you she stomped off with xfil and x right behind her i followed because hell no was i going to be left alone with her near bbq tools and open flame we could hear her wailing even when we were halfway across the park eventually the wailing stopped and xfsil went to be nazi she reported back that jada was so humiliated that she left in a huff leaving her women's club to spread the gossip around x was less than happy with this but xfsil1 found it hilarious jada left the church a month later she claimed it was because they were turning to the devil with their progressive views progressive in that they didn't care about sexual orientation and preached acceptance xfsil1 thought it was because jada couldn't go anywhere without cathy church but is whispering about her behind her back and sending casseroles home with xfil i tend to agree with her [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 27,010
Rating: 4.9221077 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit entitled parents, reddit groom, reddit mil, reddit wedding, reddit mother in law, reddit justnomil, justnomil, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ entitled parents, r/ mil, r/ groom, r/ wedding, r/ mother in law, r/ justnomil, askreddit girl, askreddit mil, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit wedding, askreddit
Id: DphgagxeLbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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