Mother in law decides to go topless at my home

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[Music] i'm at my wit's end i'm seriously on the verge of leaving my own house if things don't get better and i really just can't take much more my husband and i have been married for a year dated for eight part of the reason it took us so long to get married i think is because of his mother she pretends to like me and treat me decently in front of him but you know when someone is just pretending to be nice yeah that's her my husband has seen her true colors since we first started dating but about six months into our marriage we were able to be civil and cordial to each other recently his mom had a surgery that requires a longer term physical therapy after crying and moaning over just not being able to manage my husband finally invited her to live with us temporarily without consulting me first of course she's over the moon and has decidedly made a home her home she's messy to a full then blames me for it clingy with my husband barges into our room without knocking first interrupts conversations and so on it's grating the [ __ ] has now hit the proverbial fan my mother-in-law was supposed to be out to dinner with a friend of hers and so the hubs and i decided to have some much needed alone time seeing as we hadn't has much since his mother has intruded on our lives to spare you the squishier details we were having s in the shower when his mother who was supposed to be out burst through the door and let out this a splitting scream loud enough to shatter glass of course we immediately stopped but she kept screaming eventually throwing towels at us to cover up and that we were indecent in a christian home she literally stood there and watched us wrap the towels around ourselves before she flounced out of the bathroom in fake sobs i was mortified and apologized right away and said i was sorry for having to see what she saw but we hadn't expected her home she put on her forks nice act and said that all was fine and that she had grossly overreacted to the situation all good yesterday i came home and discovered her topless in my living room i was really thrown for a loop and asked her what the hell she was doing and she told me that seeing us the other day made her realize that nudity was natural and that she used to be naked around her kids back in the day i asked her to please cover up and she told me she wasn't offended by my nudity that she witnessed and that her state couldn't bother me either my husband is pretending that nothing is wrong saying that his mom will change tactics and let it go once she sees it isn't getting a reaction but now she is going out of her way to be affectionate with him and myself with unnecessary hugs and touching and whatnot and literally flaunting herself we feel like we are prisoners in our own home and stay confined to the bedroom with the door locked to avoid seeing her every time i see her now i feel sick with rage and she just smirks while commenting on how free she feels without her clothing i've told my husband time and time again to deal with the situation but he says to ignore it and it'll go away i'm on the verge of throwing all of her [ __ ] straight onto the lawn i'm at the end of my rope in somewhat of an update i exploded on my husband last night crying shouting the full ugly meltdown wine may have been a contributor to this the clincher i left the room to go put my laundry in the dryer when i saw my mother-in-law naked using her injured arm to rummage through our pantry for food she's been faking being barely able to use that arm the gauntlet has been thrown it is me or her my husband has sworn that he loves me and that mill will be out of the house within the next couple days as soon as he can make other arrangements for her in the meantime i have packed a bag and left for my sisters i refused to look at my mother-in-law or otherwise acknowledge her existence as i left despite her persistent and lethal questions about where i was going despite seeing my bag like i knew she was crazy i did not know crazy reached these depths i feel uncertain anxious and just so upset i hate her and i resent my husband for bringing into our lives like this i'm not gonna lie it's been a rough couple of months i'll start with this after i told my dear husband that i wanted mill out of my house and he swore with his fist to the sky that she'd be gone he followed through b was out of my house i sat dear husband down and we had a very candid discussion on mill and her insane ducking behavior he agreed that what she did was 100 not okay and surprisingly agreed that we needed couples counseling to deal with mill and the wedge she tried to drive in between us with her insane behavior i tried to get him to commit to individual therapy but he adamantly refused he said he had no need for it and had come to terms about how his mom had affected him but wanted to work through how it was impacting us okay baby steps dear husband refused to go no contact with mill but they are in low contact with one another this is how dear husband received an invitation with mill to attend the semi-annual family vacation at the family cottage further up north mill wrote an earnest email that i was booked on to dear husband and myself about how much she wanted to see us there and that she really wanted me to see the beauty of their family plot blah blah blah no mention of an apology to me just that she was looking forward to seeing me i immediately smelled a trap and told dear husband that i would not be attending this gathering dear husband insisted saying that family is family and that given the time lapse between him evicting mill and the vacation maybe some wounds could be healed i considered making this another hill to die on but after we ran the idea by our counselor and he encouraged the idea as well as dear husband telling me that other family will be there i gave him i could easily avoid mill with four other people in attendance right oh how wrong i was the way this is set up is that dear husband's father owned a large plot of land and built two houses on it one is the main house and the other is the guest house seeing as how dear husband's younger sister is married and has two boys it was decided without my decision that myself and her family would stay in the guesthouse and myself dear husband bill and mel would stay in the main house folks this is where [ __ ] gets wild the second she saw me mill immediately latched onto my husband proclaiming at the damn near top of her voice about how unnatural it was that a son should be kept from his mother about how evil it is when satan is at work in the family she didn't let go of him the entire evening and here's the clincher she put myself and dear husband in a room with two separate beds duck that noise lady i was not going to be playing her games this time nope from that day on i made it a point to be extra affectionate with my husband sat on his lap held his hand kissed him hugged him the works i could see mill's head practically ready to explode with each embrace and every nice word we exchanged to each other we both ignored her snide remarks and were pleasant and polite to her for a moment i thought we had almost won the war until she woke us up the next morning ducking topless that's right this insane crazy bee decided the best way to get armathera king attention was to once again disrobe herself she opened our blinds sweetly going on and on about how beautiful it was to be natural in her home in the wilderness while clearly ignoring how uncomfortable dear husband was and his requests for her to cover up i repeat she literally pretended like she didn't even hear him my time of reckoning was at hand as soon as she left the room i asked dear husband to please take his bill somewhere anywhere but the house it was time for mill and i to have a conversation as soon as i saw their rental car leave the driveway i put my plan into motion ib wanted to be one with nature so did i i stripped right down to nothing marched myself into her living room where she was now wearing a stupid fuzzy pink robe and planted myself right next to her on her couch friends she lost her method looking mind she screamed asking me what in god's name did i think i was doing and that i was disgusting and what was i trying to pull i kept it cool i asked her why she was allowed to be naked in my house but i wasn't allowed to be naked in hers perhaps i was interested in being one with nature as well when in rome right and that's when the bee slapped me she came at me with everything she had which isn't much to be honest seeming that she knew what i was trying to do that i was trying to seduce her to make her look bad in front of her son that i was a sinner and leading her son down the path to ruin and that i had no place in a godly family like hers she said that i used my sexuality and body to steal her son away and that while her intentions were pure mine were not after i recovered from the shock i grabbed her hands and shoved her away from me i was still in shock to be honest all i really knew was that this bee had put hands on me i was stuck in a cabin with her where there were guns and knives and i needed to get the police on the phone now i ran into my room to grab my phone and throw on a hoodie when i suddenly heard my mill screaming that she couldn't do this anymore and rattling in the kitchen screams about how she'd rather go to heaven and watch over her son than watch him be dragged down the path of sin with me as soon as i heard that i called 911 and reported that my mill had attacked me and was expressing s thoughts i confirmed that i was safe after i had locked myself in the bedroom and that she couldn't attack me anymore long story short law enforcement arrived not even four minutes after my call only to enter the house and find my mill in the kitchen pacing furiously while clutching a knife when the police questioned her about wanting to commit s she responded that seeing that w crawling all over her son drove her to this the officers later told me that mill had made several cuts to her arms which lead to mill being taken away and checked into the psych ward for a 72-hour hold this was three weeks ago it's been a ducking exhausting roller coaster my dear husband doesn't blame me at all he saw the bruises and scratches that his mill had given me he's sworn to go no contact and refused to see mill his younger sister has also reached out to me and written me to say that she doesn't blame me in the slightest for everything that's happened and that it was only a matter of time before something like this happened bill on the other hand is blaming me for everything he swears to everyone at him and mills church that i'm responsible for hurting his mother and that it's my fault i acted so shamefully at their vacation home he's telling everything that i'm basically a disgusting w that stopped his brother from going to church and drive him away from mill which led to her mental collapse i've gotten several nasty phone calls and text messages from him and his crazy conservative friends church goers about how i'll face judgment from god over what i've done miller's out of the psych ward and has made persistent attempts to contact dear husband to the point of going to his workplace apparently she tried to also pick up my dog at doggy daker earlier today with bilinto i'm seriously looking into solo therapy for myself after everything that's happened i knew everything was insane from the jump but i really never ever in a million years expected it to go from zero to 100 like this i still want dear husband to get solo therapy as well in addition to our group sessions i honestly think we both need it i believe my mill has harmed her family in ways that i don't even know about and if dear husband really is serious about recovering from her abuse he needs to start working on himself too this happened last year but the anniversary of a different event reminded me of it and i wanted to share i hope it's not too tmi for some background info my periods suck my emotions are off the walls and physically it's as if my whole body is just collapsing into my pelvis birth control seems to make me ill so i just have to work around it luckily hubby is an angel and understands completely he has a higher libido than i do but is happy to miss out if it means i'll be more comfortable his family has a lot of bbqs slash outings slash parties and both families are invited everybody usually meets up at our house because it's in the middle then we all cram into some cars and go off for the day the traffic here is bad and there's a lot of highways so it makes sense last year's summer event an outing was rescheduled we forgot to actually change the calendars and post-its so we were caught off guard when people started showing up thankfully everybody was understanding and just laughed about it my period pains were especially bad that morning so i got hubby to stay in bed with me and played around for a bit i was sitting on his lap with my back against him while he was doing some hand magic and making me feel better it genuinely helps with my period pains you should really try it if you suffer from them yourself he was fully clothed since neither of us fancy period s the alternatives of course his mom is a control freak and insists on going to events early so that she can help manage and organize everything that translates into bossing people around while doing absolutely no work herself but that's a different story needless to say she arrived before everybody else and scared the living daylights out of us for clarity she still has a spare key we haven't gotten around to changing the locks she was watching us go at it she was just perched down behind the door watching through the crack it's been ages since this happened and it still makes my skin crawl i have no idea what she planned on doing or if she was going to watch the whole thing since we scared her part way through our dogs two french bulldogs were watching so we told them to go to their crate they went barreling off and knocked mill over she screamed we screamed the dogs started screaming and spinning in circles it was horrible she started screaming at hubby in their native language arabic so i'm not really sure what was said but she was crying and he was just confused slash dumbfounded i threw on my dressing gown and took the dogs downstairs made myself some tea and sat down i cried a lot partially because of the shock but also because i'm very self-conscious of my body hubby is pretty much the only person that i feel genuinely comfortable and free around he kicked her out then we got dressed and had an early lunch there were a lot of tears on my part while hubby was still lost four words he was so amazing he just hugged me with one hand and held my plate with the other our dog sitter was only prepared to take them the day after so i ended up staying at home while hubby went out i had to convince him to go and enjoy himself mind which was okay since i was in a lot of pain and the car ride would have probably made me throw up the day out went fine mill was mostly just stewing in the corner everybody enjoyed themselves and my accidental me day was much needed after dinner we kicked back on the sofa and i hop on facebook because our families love taking and sharing pictures it was nice to look at it all but mill was in the mix posting about what had happened we were absolutely mortified she said that we were having s in the living room when she arrived and that we tried to physically assault her she also said that i'm depriving her little baby of what he needs and called me selfish among other colorful words she commented later saying that i was a bad wife because i didn't understand her or the alternative pleasures that you need to give your husband when you're on your period luckily everybody was against her and sympathized with us the majority didn't believe her either and said that she was probably exaggerating which she totally refused it was a disaster for sure but it ended surprisingly quickly and actually showed me how nice the rest of his family is there's a slight language barrier so i've always felt a bit disconnected from them but i learned that they care about me quite a lot and support us for the most part which we both needed [Music] you
Channel: R Girl
Views: 102,769
Rating: 4.8056951 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit mil, reddit money, reddit mother in law, justnomil, jnmil, r/justnomil, reddit justnomil, r/askreddit, r/girl, r/mil, r/money, r/motherinlaw, r/, askreddit girl, reddit, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, askreddit justnomil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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