Cops, What's The Creepiest Thing You've Found During A House Search? (r/AskReddit)

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cops have raided what's the creepiest thing you found during a house search possibly too late to the party but here it goes I was a fresh officer with dreams being a hero I get dispatched to a call of a family fight not wife husband but brother-sister the female was reporting the male had attacked her I arrived and located a female and male the male I knew from prior contacts i detained him in handcuffs and quickly smelled the strong odor of pepper spray I found out that after the male knocked off the females weave she pepper sprayed him I knew there were different types of pepper spray like gel I'm walking around the house taking photos for my investigation and accessing the property damage I noticed that in his room the odor from the pepper spray was extremely strong and made my eyes instantly water with a decent amount of stinging sensation the fumes made it incredibly hard to breath and left me without the ability to breath at points requiring that I leave the room to get fresh air I find a brownish gel substance all over the walls in the shape of handprints I photograph it and determine that it was the pepper gel that male suspect was wiping off of his face onto the wall I found it odd that it was all over the walls and covered the room I though this chick dusted him with the entire can of pepper gel after some investigation I took the male to jail I responded to the same house several days after for an unrelated medical issue there were more family members at the house and the male was still in custody I was having a conversation with the family as the hero firefighters were saving the day I inquired if they had fully cleaned up the pepper spray from the male's room they gave me a strange look and told me there was none in there I told them about the gel that was on the wall I then said there in horror as they explained to me this man had been for years coming on his walls and playing with it and the gel was in fact old come in the fumes were the pungent smell of this man's cum room my fucking god my brother is a cop he told me about this time when they responded to a workplace accident where a rail yard worker had been crushed between two rail cos the guy had been crushed slash press into the ladder of one of the cars they kept hearing voices coming from the body muffled voices but definitely coming from the body it took them a while to figure out the worker had been carrying a radio needless to say they were a bit disturbed until they reached that conclusion not a cop but a former corrections officer doing a cell search one time and stumbled across a 500 milliliter coffee-mate container almost full of accumulated semen I was later told it took seven months to save it up I've seen and dealt with a lot of shit but for some reason that one ranks up there my dad answered a domestic call at an apartment on the 23rd floor as soon as he walked in he saw blood everywhere in pools on the floor spatter on the walls and ceiling smeared all over everything he walked further in to find a woman crumpled on the floor battered beyond recognition and the partner is standing in front of an open window my dad started to talk to the man to coax him into coming with and the man immediately turned around and stepped out the window falling 70 meters to his death edit yes she survived tiny quiet southern town whole family that had been dead for a week their teenage daughter's boyfriend who she met online was visiting from across the country stepdad mother daughter and her friend all murder and hacked up by an axe the mum was a professor at my university a block away and when she didn't show up to work for a few days cops went to house and talked to murder who gave them some plausible excuse so they left he stayed in the house for a full week before leaving the cops went back when neighbors reported the smell they caught the guy Dre Airport about to fly home I'm not a cop but a paramedic went into a lady's house one time can't remember what the call was for that had sheets of paper taped all over the walls they all said something along the lines of remember the voices aren't real gave me a warm safe feeling brother-in-law is a cop he told me about a time he and his partner were called to do a wellness check on someone with a terminal illness family didn't know where he was so the get to the house knock and get no response they entered the house to see if he had passed away due to his illness they did not find him there but what they did find was the stairway leading down to a basement in that basement was a vast number of sex toys ropes harnesses etc there was also a stage with a bed on it and a video camera on a tripod focused on it he had stumbled upon this guy's sex dungeon the guy ended up being alive but was visiting someone out of town and didn't notify any of his family family disturbance call on Christmas Eve 2011 husband vs. wife no battery nobody went to jail but the house was filled with hundreds of knives and dildos normal dildos little ones great big horse dildos and every kind of more ninja knife you can imagine every horizontal surface was covered with sharp metal or jiggly silicone there were even a few new ones under the tree after clearing the house we had to talk to these folks with a straight face for a good 10 minutes it was one of the greatest challenges of my career I was an MP and not involved in this particular case but child pornography on a guy's computer the guy was known to leave his room unlocked so people could use his computer he ended up getting booted from the military and serving time in a military jail while swearing it wasn't him friend of a copier he told me about how him and his buddy went to search in an apartment they looked around and his buddy finally called him over a guy was just in an oven dead of course but in an oven when the guys tried to pull him out of the oven all the contents and gas of the dead guy fell right out a few of the guys vomited and gagged my mother used to work for a police department and I'd hang out there when I'd be home sick from school this old man used to walk to the gas station on the corner to get a pack of smokes and coffee every day the gas station attendant called for a wellness check when she realized she hadn't seen him for a couple weeks in the dead of summer cops went knocked smelled something Oh the door walked in instantly came back out vomiting from the smell they had to come back later with respirators trash bags and snow shovels to clean up the sludge that used to be the old man another officer almost quit his first night on the job really bad accident guy shows up the one cut has no one in it at all he's looking around guy isn't on the ground anywhere he tried to figure out if maybe the guy walked away so goes to look inside for some identification finds the guy he hit so hard that he slammed up under and into the dashboard and was just a broken sack of bone stuffed and around the steering column and other parts my aunt is a police dispatcher normally she takes calls from the public and has an officer nearby respond but one day she was asked to work the station's radio because the normal guy was sick that meant she was acting as the central hub of the police radio network taking calls from officers in the field and issuing backup to them that kind of thing she wound up having to listen to four cops talking back and forth in a panic as two squad cars arrived to check on a reported murder the person who caught was certain that there were multiple killers present the victims meat had been cut into 1-inch cubes as if their killer was going to fry them up or make kebabs the whole crops had been disassembled like that bones cut into neat inch segments organs removed separated organized she remembers one of the officers panicked and screamed something along the lines of this is OCD movie monster bullshit I can't remember the exact quote sadly and I doubt my aunt remembers it herself she thought they were playing a joke on her until they called for a hazmat crew to get the body my uncle is a cop and likes to tell the story of the time he shown up to arrest a 15 y/o who skipped school to throw rocks through some cars and steal things in them he gets there and knows the kid they've gotten him a few times from the school with drugs one time for having a knife they knock on the door and his 18 year old brother and 17 year old sister open it cops say what they want and they tell them to fuck off cops show they have the warrant for the kids arrest and that they have to open the door get told another time and now the other cop couples up and asks what's going on uncle said they might have to force their way in and break the chain 18 yo shithead says he's got a gun about three seconds later the door is Balkan 18 year old shithead is tossed 17 yo was screaming for the brother Hoss wanted to book it he jumps out the window and gets away for now brother is thrown in cop car 17-year slaps the one officer gets the same free ridin bracelets they call the property manager and get permission to enter the house completely to investigate the second floor reeks worst smell they've ever smelled they get upstairs and it just gets worse and worse they open the door and find a long rotten body surrounded by needles and other drug shit they leave and call it in uncle said later it came out that they grandmother died of an overdose the mother was in jail for stabbing a rap sky and the kids never reported the grandmother was dead so they could keep cashing her social security checks she was dead for about a year other than that his best creepy store eyes were a guy who tortures and killed animals by feeding them to other animals not mouse to snake think more cat to dog or while ate a large rabbit to a staff snapping turtle he also nailed several live rodents and cats to a board in the basement where he'd photograph them and the other is a drug dealer who killed a guy and tried to put him through a meat grinder and feed his pit bull I volunteer with local PD and I go on ride-alongs often my creepy thing isn't scary so much as freaky so we get a call about some squatters in a house that's going to be demolished soon to make room for a freeway no big deal kick them out go on with our business it's sunset just starting to get dark our car and the other officer arrived at this place and it's all sensed off and looks abandoned and by abandoned I mean it looks scary as hell it was like an old school house metal swing set a friendly scarecrow next to a fence some crosses here and there but it was in a residential neighborhood on the Block tin windows people wrote in sharpie all kinds of spooky stuff this place belongs to us and just all-around weird shirt like even creepier than that so there was a main house a garage type thing and their nacelle ur a fucking door leading underground with creaky ass wooden steps and so if you walk down those it's concrete and there are windows but it's a basement the windows just showed us there are beds and stuff but it looks like it's been abandoned for a long time it was so scary it's ridiculous if this comment gains any traction I'll Drive over and take pictures of it I know it's still up trooper here responded to a fight between two brothers and another run relative blackmail all these guys were in their late 30s early 40s get them separated they were all drunk turns out the bigger of the two brothers and the other male were fighting over who got to have sex with the other brother they had been raping him for a while all three were low functioning not really creepy but I'll always remember that one creepiest a dead guy but not just your average dead guy this guy died on his couch surrounded by no less than 1,500 Miller Lite cans plus he had no friends or family none he was retired and his electric bill was Auto deducted from his checking account he died on his couch and no one realized it for five months when we found him the top front really because he was on his back was completely skeletonized but the bottom or back against the couch was still meaty and rotting the HUF skeleton was kinda creepy but it's really creepy and sad that this guy left this world and it didn't affect anyone just gone and forgotten funniest responder a burglary going through the house with the homie our winners a young married couple documenting damage and loss step into the bedroom there's a red vibrator on the floor they look at it I look at it and then we look at each other spend the next five minutes with locked eye contact talking about the broken window missing jewelry missing TV etc everyone refusing to look at discuss eirick knowledge the vibrator then on to the living room taking this low class my professor brings in a cop to talk about points of law at one point the cop shows the class a picture of man who committed suicide by gun can you see what color his eyes are he asks of course noon can and after sign dumb stares that cop says blue one blue this way the other blue that way the whole class groans and I raised my hand obviously you have thicker skin about this sorry of thing than we do have you ever seen anything that got to you the cop got serious looking and then told us this story a local family two brothers both young every Saturday morning the older brother would get up early and make toast and both he and his younger brother would sit in front of the TV munch some toast and watch Saturday morning cartoons this one Saturday the older brother didn't want to get up and make toast so the younger brother decided to try it himself he apparently went into the kitchen put the bread in and pulled the switch down he didn't notice how close the toaster was to the kitchen window curtains to make a long story short the house caught fire and the parents barely made it out alive with the oldest son by the time the police officer arrived the younger boy was dead burned to death in the living room the officer said he must have said the toaster and went into the living room to watch TV and wait for his older brother to wake up and join him the officer said the window nearby had collapsed from the heat and melted around the little boy the cop said he had two boys about their rage at that time said he had to excuse himself from the scene went to his squad car and couldn't stop crying and shaking as the cop told the story I'm class he started crying again crazy sad cop story and I made a cop cry
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 872,348
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Keywords: cops, cops of reddit, cops of reddit creepy, creepiest things, house search, creepy house search, house, creepy house, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: Lo4-l4WEd6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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