Men Share Horrific Stories Of Being STALKED By A Girl - AskReddit

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my name was painted on all the walls men who were stalked by a woman what's the story a few years back met this woman through a friend of a friend one night at the bar had a nice conversation with her seemed nice as it comes time for me to leave i asked her if she wanted to exchange numbers and meet up sometime she agreed we exchanged and talked about meeting up the approaching friday i went home but as i was driving to work the next morning my phone starts buzzing with incoming texts also at the time i was working a lot of overtime and my days started early these texts were incoming at 5am i got to work and decided to have my morning coffee before i would attempt to respond she was not happy about not replying in a timely manner this continued throughout the day this was enough to make me decide to walk away so i cancelled plans with her and just stopped responding over the next few days my phone was ringing and receiving texts nearly non-stop once i blocked her number she started contacting me via social media since i'm not a heavy social media user i simply shut down and deleted accounts the next week she started showing up at the bar i hang out at she shows up and starts talking like nothing happened at this point i had already clued in the bartender as is a very good friend of mine i did the whole go to the restroom thing and slip out the back and texted him to hold my tab and inform me when she leaves come to find out she stayed until closing and had a total meltdown when it was absolute that there was no way i was coming back security dragged her out of the bar kicking and screaming she was 86 on the spot i ended up going to a different bar for a while until i was certain she forgot about me things were fine after about a year later i see her randomly at a new year's party i considered leaving right away until i meet her fiance pretty chill dude i stuck around no odd moments she moved on i felt sorry for the dude and never tried to warn him or tell him my story in the end i heard their marriage lasted all of one month and she was sleeping around the whole time i dodged an artillery round it was years ago but fortunately i was also young and not tied down by anything at the time so that along with a few other factors drove me to pick up and move in with friends that live near the city about 50 miles away i had hooked up with her a few times after meeting at the bar i used to frequent and could tell that something was off too clingy oblivious when i'd bring it up very obsessive and then she started claiming she was pregnant but never offered any proof i'm assuming so she could move in with me because her parents were pushing her to move out i had to change some of my accounts myspace was basically the only popular social media at the time and everyone had like six profiles anyway and changed my phone number i didn't have a lot of contact with my family so they had no idea where i was when she came around i've since moved back to that area and haven't heard from her [Music] so i used to work for a city where my job was to give directions to people walking around this one woman approaches me about the nearest pizza place i tell her she goes about her day she spots me the next day and tries to strike up a conversation i notice this time she seems a bit off few days later my boss says there is a package with my name on it at one of our stations i open it up and it was a bunch of paintings with pictures of cakes the message said i know you like pie so i painted you some cakes also in the bag was three and a half loose cookies i took the bag to my boss because i'm a bit terrified he finds a three-page handwritten letter at the bottom which he promptly starts reading at this point his eyes go wide and he promptly calls the local police as we know them closely the two officers read the whole thing and wouldn't tell me what it said i still to this day don't know they took it as evidence as it had her first and last name signed mrs future bulgers periodically over the next few weeks she would see me and shout at me yelling i love you why won't you return my calls we never exchanged numbers about a month or so later i think it's all over those cops come by my work to tell me that they just arrested the woman she is in fact some sort of mentally unstable like schizo or something apparently the woman was married and the husband comes home from a business trip to find their apartment covered in pictures of cakes and my name painted on all the walls cops showed me the pictures and everything there was also a closet made to look like a shrine to me which actually had pictures i don't know how she got pictures terrifying one on a date with this girl a while back who seemed a little off i didn't think anything of it fourth date we slept together and she kind of never left my place that week it was one of those situations where things simply clicked and i did not mind as it was a perfect match but too perfect she left and i randomly met her in places where she should not have been turns out she had logged herself into my work and personal email accounts from my phone she logged herself into my steam account on her phone had logged herself into my reddit account and had logged herself into my facebook account she was actually autistic and had a bit of aspergers if you let her see you type in a password she would remember it perfectly i did not notice this for a long time as i am a bit of a dunce when it comes to certain social situations i was talking with a female friend of mine about her once and explained how the sex with her was amazing but it wasn't just the sex talked with her about how she got me and how things just clicked all over the place with her then the topic went to what i would like her to do in bed i mentioned a specific kink i am into in that chat the next time we had sex she mentioned she was into a kind of weird thing my thing now instantly warning bells went off as it is kind of out there and not something people normally are into she told it to me with zero shame or embarrassment two thoughts went through my head first this chick is crazy and must be stalking me somehow second she wants to do my thing so three months later after i had 100 confirmation of her cyber stalking me i cut off her access to my social media she showed up at my place less than an hour later there was no talking just her immediately riding me on my couch she refused to allow me to put a condom on and kind of force the issue afterwards she refused to talk with me just turned into horny animal mode and tried to get me to go again but i figured the conversation needed to start she denied any and all involvement in what had happened and stated i was being paranoid the conversation dragged on and on with me not believing her and her playing with herself naked on my couch she was trying to get me to get her pregnant and i was just barely able to pull out the first time it took some serious control to keep from ignoring everything she did and just pound her on my couch finally she admitted to everything she explained the reasons for it as she was socially awkward and was afraid of losing me as a boyfriend she actually did not like my thing she did not like video games at all and only played them to humor me and make me like her the more and more she talked the more and more i got scared i asked her to leave and she quite literally got on her knees begging me to not dump her she then started to cry and offered to be my f buddy then dump and finally just wanted me to use her body for my pleasure i felt nothing but pity and disgust in the whole situation i had to call her sister and get her to come pick her up that was when i learned she had asperger's and autism she stated that she has done this a few times in the past and that i should probably change every password i own and to please not report her to the police 15 years ago in 2004 when i was 21 dated a girl broke up with her as i didn't want to be with her anymore i wasn't happy for a long time and i wanted out her brother was an a-hole towards me for no reason she had no independence and relied on me for everything and i long suspected she was gay just by the way she acted around other women i just knew so i ended our relationship what followed was constant phone calls in the middle of the night with her in tears wanting me to explain why we broke up why she couldn't have any say in it yeah because that's how breakups work anytime i'd go out with friends somewhere she'd coincidentally be there i started dating someone else at the college i was at ex decided to tell me she met her randomly yeah right the new girl i was seeing stopped returning my texts and avoided me at college so i presume she said something to her like stay away from him i needed a new phone at the time so i decided to change my number while i was at it two just so she'd leave me alone didn't work one night i had a late class i'm walking out to my car there she is standing there waiting for me in tears begging me to take her back the following year i moved interstate i'd finally got away from her i was in a new relationship somehow she got my new number from a mutual friend and i then got texts on valentine's day and my birthday telling me how much she still loves me then i was home for christmas i get a text asking if i wanted to catch up i just replied with a simple no she then says to catching or you're sick not home i just said leave me alone it took 18 months but she finally got the hint last i heard she's in a relationship with a woman i always knew kinda different from most of these since she broke up with me i dated a girl who was pretty physically and emotionally abusive but i had really low self-esteem at the time and thought it was what i had to put up with not to be alone she ended up cheating on me and then dumped me because i forgave her too quickly but after the breakup she basically stalked me she wanted to know where i was at all times and would show up at my house or at work randomly asking for money or alcohol if i didn't comply she said she'd go to the police and say i violated her i had to send her updates about everything that was going on in my life like when we were still dating or else she'd flip out and start throwing things eventually some of my friends helped me get away from her but i found out there were at least two other guys she was doing the same thing to she didn't want to be dating but she just wanted control over people to get them to do her bidding she asked for directions told me i was cute and kept talking to me all fun but i had a girlfriend and she was getting a little pushy this went on for days when she saw me keep in mind i was wearing the company uniform and she's trying to grab my butt a week later she decided to take off her shirt bra still on now she's dancing in the middle of the sidewalk trying to give me a lap dance i get up and walk away my company workers are loving it find out my co-workers gave her my number big mistake she starts texting me all the time sending me nudes i keep trying to explain i have a girlfriend but she doesn't care finally she sends me this huge message how i lead her on and why we need to be together i show my girlfriend that this witch is crazy she believed me she continued to bother me at work until finally one day she gave up a month or so later i see her again and she gives me the sideways eyes and said i bet you regret not hitting this huh i'm good thanks was my response five years later and i'm single with no attention from females can i get a mild stalker back please i dated this girl for about three years in high school on and off i was in love with the idea of love if you can understand that she was a nice girl at first she had some serious mommy issues well she started having mental issues developed an eating disorder i tried to stay with her and support her the best i could but it was rough so long story short day after she turns 18 she moves out and runs away i still try to stay with her we break up for good finally and both move on to different people which was great for me because i finally snapped out of the love trap so fast forward like three or five months and my dad wakes me up one morning and said go look at your car she took every single love note we wrote for like three or four years which was like two or three a week and taped it all over my car crazy for like six months after that i would get texts from her saying hey like two or three times a week i saw her out in public one day some years later she luckily did not see she looked like she had been on meth for a while i dodged a huge bullet back in high school there was a girl named caitlyn she was very gothic looking but was satanic in the way that's extreme i never minded different people and would be nice to her as i would be with anyone which quickly grew into a crush for me she would leave her classes early to be standing at mine when i got out send me love letters the whole nine yards about two weeks and i told her i wasn't interested in dating those love letters became the creepy type if i can't have you no one will the final straw was when one of them detailed a ritual killing of me using a dagger and horrific details about my blood coating her body the actual scary part of it was the list of drugs shed give me before and daring to keep me hard so that i could be inside her as i died the drugs would have worked the literal knowledge is what scared me if you have the time to research drugs for that purpose you have the time to put it in action my parents called the police and she was removed from the school and sent away she came back a few years later wearing like catholic school-type clothes but quickly went back to her old ways i've ran into her twice in public and the look she gives me sends chills up my spin and even better my girlfriend is an acquaintance of hers although she has distanced herself after i shared this happening [Music] i was fresh out of the military and just started college it was obvious i was new because i used a map to get around i felt like someone was following me but just ignored my instincts on my third week the girl who i noticed was always behind me finally introduced herself and told me we shared a class then she told me that i wasn't doing well in a course and offered to give me her phone number so we could study together i politely declined and said that i would just go to the tutoring services or study with my friends next thing i know she managed to be assigned to my project group by writing her name in the group members list when no one noticed she proceeded to flirt with me until it evolved into passive aggressiveness when she got tired of me not reciprocating her feelings sometime along the way she learned i had a part-time job and would show up at my workplace i didn't like my job because the pay wasn't what was promised but her being there all the time made decide to quit thankfully i made it to the end of the year just ignoring her however things took a turn for the worse when she decided to confront me at the end of our last course together she wanted me finally commit to be her boyfriend i just said sorry and walked away quickly i transferred to a better college after that first semester i got drunk one time and kissed this random girl i've never met before at a bar she then started showing up at the most random times i couldn't do anything in public anymore without her showing up until i got drunk really bad again and i woke up next to her this messed it up a whole other level at that point she would make sure she was near to me whatever the hell i did i talked to her a whole lot about it made sure she knew exactly how i felt and that she needed to stop doing what she was doing after that things spiraled even more out of control she showed up uninvited at parties and even family affairs then she was introduced to me as my new co-worker i considered quitting at that point but decided to take a back seat after i realized she was working nowhere near me and it was hard labor i think she worked there about three times before quitting then it just slowly died down thankfully i haven't seen her for years but i do hope she's doing okay after breaking up with this chick she broke into my apartment complex followed me around stalked me on social media and then when i finally got the message through to her she destroyed my reputation she claimed i stalked and harassed her and when i reported it to school officials they circled the wagons around her after donating to the school then i was stalked harassed and defamed by an entirely new group of people and the school wouldn't do anything about it this hasn't stopped i have had random harassing phone calls telling me to end myself gaslighting and even at new friends and contacts i have made contacted and run off by this group of people some of those new contacts were in a different city so the aftermath is nothing has been done since i have gone public with the situation i have been threatened by the dean over my publication of events and some of the evidence it is disgusting the dough is investigating the school over it it's a mess i lost my home most of my property and i am financially and psychologically ruined now thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell click the right box for the men's rights playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories you
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 84,315
Rating: 4.935195 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts stalker, reddit stalker story, askreddit stalker, female stalker, woman stalker, stalker stories, stalker stories true, psycho stalker stories, reddit scary true stories, reddit creepy stories, reddit creepy
Id: tqWwgjIkqvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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