People Share Their Most Despicable Co-Workers (r/AskReddit)

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office workers have read it why do you hate that one co-worker so much what does he / she do he plays his music aloud and doesn't use headphones he'll only use headphones if he needs to tune out and get into zone she has the thermostat in her office she opens her window because it gets too hot the cool air makes the thermostat think it needs to produce more heat and roasts the rest of the office I've talked to her about it multiple times and she does not understand the concept for some reason he aims every phone call with our and we'll go from there many years ago my mom had a cow walker who would take parts of her lunch by that I mean he would take things from her bag like cookies but leave salads she'd leave it on top of the fridge with her name and stuff would go missing from it she suspected him but when she asked him about it even saying that if he asked she would bake him some cookies he denied it so one day she decided that she was going to make it start she made a batch of cookies and replaced some of the chocolate with X lakhs chocolate she took them to work left them in her labelled bag and they went missing a short while later the cow walker has to run off to the bathroom because his guts are about to empty themselves into his pants he actually talked to her after and admitted to taking the cookies only to warn her that he may have gotten food poisoning and she should be careful her response oh I've been having difficulty going to the bathroom so I made those cookies to help me out she uses her spoon to scrape the bottom of the yogurt Cup for literally ten minutes this [ __ ] also takes off her shoes and cuts her toenails in her cubicle she doesn't want to improve anything she won't be a monkey fight any new initiatives and everything that in any way requires her to do something differently obviously she fought a hard and completely idiotic fight against digitalization trying to convince others that we should still print the sometimes 1000-page cases we have worst part about this is the fact that digitalization is government mandated and completely mandatory for everyone but older folks with no understanding will do that what really gets me is when she refuses to learn something where it will already earn itself the first time she uses it she will print out a whole case minimum 300 pages and do redacting by hand and then scan and everything that can take hours sometimes several work days and a rainforest in paper now take a dopes redacting program you can do the same in maybe 30 minute - one hour learning to do it takes three to five minutes if you teach it to someone with a learning disability worst part is it is deemed unsafe for personal information as redacting by hand sometimes leaves information on the paper she still refuses also she will give handwritten notes to our student help us for them to send it out it is not directions which the student can then use to write their own letter she spends longer handwriting the stuff than it would take her to write on her computer and send herself there's a guy I work with who while very nice and polite has more annoying habits rolled into one person than anyone I've ever seen taken individually they aren't too bad and I realize describing them that they seem petty but they add up over the days and years I've worked with him he prides himself on efficiency but spends a day and a half writing out step-by-step instructions that amount to run a search literally fifty two individual steps he frequently wastes more time trying to come up with more efficient methods than actually working his methods are rarely more efficient or not more efficient enough to justify the time spent coming up with them for some reason he insists on saying right mouse instead of right-click when talking about where to click he's a nexus of ambient noise in a quiet office you'll hear him at various times tapping his ring on his coffee cup drumming his fingers huffing loudly talking to himself and slapping himself yes slapping himself likely mind you while the rest of us drink coffee or soda to stay awake he apparently is immune to caffeine instead eats microwaved popcorn and drinks hot water we have to explain to new people that when he says ugh it's gonna be a popcorn day it means he's tired and popcorn is a stimulant he uses the phrase bet living through chemistry every single time anyone takes an aspirin or take scoff meds he never rounds up or down when discuss in time I've got to leave today at 4:47 p.m. to catch the bus there are probably more I could come up with but those other bigger ones he sends emails to everyone in the department on the shared workstation using all caps and leads the caps locker on we have case sensitive passwords to log into the system sign D is a perpetual victim and manipulates situations to make herself a victim she chooses to be miserable and wants everyone else to be miserable as well at work sine D complains about everything and everyone to the supervisors however every single thing she complains about is something she is also guilty of doing if we try to point that out to her we are being mean to her it's maddening she also loves to specifically target individuals for example sine D complained about someone not following the dress code to get that person in trouble a memo went out to everyone reminding us of the rules signed E then started complaining about things she could no longer wear somehow signed is the victim when I move to a different cubicle sign D asked me if it was because of her it had nothing to do with her I told her no not good enough sign D then went to the supervisor and cried about how I moved to a new cube because of her the supervisor had to talk to me about it sign D made herself a victim signed his recent target is a cow walker who reconciled with boyfriend and is really happy we are not allowed to be happy when that cow walker went on vacation sign D went to the supervisors with false accusations of her not doing her job we tipped off the cow lucre when she came back about signed his shenanigans and told her to ignore sign D not good enough signed is not getting enough attention over it so she's blocked the cow walker on facebook and won't speak to her at work however sign D is telling everyone the cow walker is mad at her sign D is the victim shut your pee-hole sign D you're a pathetic bully not a victim she is completely oblivious to everything else going on she will stroll into someone's cube to talk about the most random thing and not realize that we are on the phone or have headphones on or working with a sense of urgency my boss had an urgent task for me one day something that needed to be completed in the next 15 minutes I jumped right on it and he was walking back and forth between my desk and his to give me the right information I'm dialing the phone when she walks into my cube do you know about this order and hands me a post-it with random numbers that looks like our order numbers no but I'll take a look at it just give me a few minutes I'm trying to do something real quick for boss I continued dialing the number and she just starts talking about something written on my whiteboard Oh so-and-so was also working on that did you know that it's about some parts that and my boss slides around her to hand me some papers and then leaves to go get something else we are working quickly but she is completely oblivious the phone is now ringing and she is still asking me questions and my boss is waiting on the edge of my cube I finally say hey I've got to make this call Thanks and she just continues her sentence as he turns and walks down the hall to her desk still talking to herself I really need my hours goes home early every chance she gets arrives late calls into work I don't know why I'm always doing tasks eh I want to do task B sometimes which is when she gets put on task B wants to do task her again and generally when she's on the job she's making some kind of careless mistake that gets everything behind schedule or is spending more time gossiping and socializing than she is actually working any actual work she does is the bare minimum he starts every sentence with AI and is the most self-centered person I've ever met also he won't turn off the stupid noises phone makes when he is texting that popping noise when you touch each piece working in close quarters makes people Petty and I'm not immune haha he won't stop talking I think he is genuinely afraid of silence like something happened in his childhood and now he can't stand more than two minutes without talking I don't even reply anymore I just sit there silent while he describes the object closest to me don't look an otter Bert that would be good if you needed to remember something you could write it down sometimes you don't need to write anything down you can just remember it but then again it's safer to write it down that way you don't forget every [ __ ] shift with this guy stateless pens person wearing a hat 2009 9gag meme he found on Facebook anything he won't be quiet Teddy used to be my favorite Bob's Burgers character now he just hits too close to home team Andy and Ollie he bikes six miles to work in the 100-degree Texas heat our office doesn't have a shower so he comes and drenched in sweat as we're starting our stand-ups and demos smelling of foul sweat and body odor he's been known to sweat directly on people since he air dries and it takes him a while to dry off his body odor is atrocious she refuses to take a day off work sick her nose was pouring snort she was coughing and sneezing every ten anews but refused to go home it grinds my gears as she was spreading her Germany and being less productive for longer than NASA curry he takes a test a bottle of cologne and sprays it all over neck wrists Ian bottoms his shirt and sprays it in there then he coats his sweater in it I had this Cowher ones who would always bring in a Tupperware of white rice nothing wrong with that except she would eat the rice one grain at a time at a totally disproportionate decibel level she would chomp slow and smack up each grain of rice and her cheeks would bulge out like she was eating a lot of food but it was just a single grain it would take her nearly a whole hour every day to get through all her ice she would talk while her mouth was full - it was a visual and audio nightmare edited for clarity I realized this was confusing she didn't chew and swallow one grain at a time she put one grain in her mouth at a time but didn't swallow gathering dozens of single rice grains in her mouth one at a time but continuously adding more one by one even when she only had just put in the first rice grain she still puffed out her cheeks like she was chewing a lot of food so when she talked with her mouth full it was from her putting rice in her mouth one grain by one grain I've never seen anyone eat like that it was distracting I work in hours when we have people coming in for an interview my colleague talks first to them / escort's them to my office we have a lot of people coming in where I before the interview but god dammit Melissa if I have her appointment on three don't send them to my office at 2:30 tell them to wait give them coffee or a drink but don't make me put up with all that while I don't even have the files in my office you ruined my whole chair Joe [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 63,546
Rating: 4.8729644 out of 5
Keywords: despicable workers, despicable, workers, despicable co-workers, co-workers, co workers, stupid co-workers, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: -L2UFrk2d1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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