What Is The Most NSFW Dare You Had In "Truth or Dare" Game? - Reddit Stories - r/AskReddit Top Posts

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r / arse credit what is the worst thing you've ever seen or heard in a game of truth or dare NSFW i was the fat kid who watched the attractive kids have fun kissing and touching and when it was my turn i was dare to duke things simple like hold my breath for 10 seconds but damn it if you weren't the best damn breath hold her in the room son I was dared to spend the rest of the game topless everyone made fun of my boobs frown plot twist off his man how do you make fun of boobs boobs are awesome were they all girls the girls were nice the boys made fun of them I just assumed they didn't know what actual boobs looked like versus you know palm star boobs who did you lose your virginity to my uncle edit it's okay lo guys he was her stepdads brother and they got married as 20 well she was he was 30 no good I thought that story was going to end with a weird family dynamic a girl I liked at a party small maybe eight girls 12 guys had to say all the guys she liked at any point in time that were in the room it was literally every guy in the room except me that's rough buddy got my first [ __ ] in 10th grade pretty sure it was her first time giving one also man did it suck also my friend listened the whole time through the door isn't she supposed to suck you'd be shocked a tee number of girls who think you're supposed to actually blow I once watched a girl take on a dare to masturbate with a cheese stick pretty sure she won that game won a yeast infection what kind of palm do you watch ah the gay kind that's how he came out to us I was dared to leave the game so they could play without me do you need a hug I dare you to put icy hot on your balls nothing bad compared to other things in this threat but was asked the question how often I masturbate in front of the big group of girls was rather awkward when I told them averagely to three times you masturbated to three times in front of groups of girls or Navarre frickin casuals I watched a guy eat two empty large pizza boxes the entire room was quiet the whole time until he was halfway through the second box and someone said please stop this and he growled and finished the box it was incredibly uncomfortable I was very sad for some reason even though I did not have to eat the pizza boxes seen a girl get there to get her brother's meat hard and she did it it involved fellatio My Mind's telling me no but my body my body's telling me yes possibly too late to be seen but I have a story I was at a party where a game of truth or dare devolved into a foursome in the kitchen one guy three girls it started when one girl was dared to take off another's brow with her teeth it stayed off and everyone was mostly or totally naked within ten minutes this is how truth or dare is supposed to be similar story but just three girls the drunken Jenga block said remove an item of clothing and pretty soon we were all naked go on when I was on an exchange trip to Japan I dared my friend to read her manga essentially gay porn outloud complete with sound effects he's a dude the girls playing loved it I was laughing my bleep off the entire time edit oh and he had to describe what was happening in each panel in detail that rule was made so he couldn't cheat by just looking at the text boxes I took a poop off a lifeguard tower one night and the next night took a poop in the ocean my friends are not very creative with their dares were you playing during your normal cycle time or can you just poop on command the important questions right here but he rode his bike down Main Street wearing nothing but socks and a paper bag on his head with eye holes cut out there was a lot of honking I pulled one of the biggest douchebag moves while drunk still no excuse and asked a girl who I knew cheated on her bf if she's ever cheated in front of him she admitted to it and they broke up late to that night I still cringe and get chills down my spine whenever I think of that night I don't understand why someone would cop to the during truth or dare you can betray your partner but you can't lie during a drinking game obey the code dare I actually did this one I got naked and hitchhiked in front of the house somebody actually stopped and I thought it would be funny if I got in and the guy just drove me a block or two just to give my housemates a scare he didn't stop I ended up jumping out at a stoplight edit for all you all asking I am a dude I really don't think the dude ever had any ill intent he was a bit of a space case why would you get in the car with the sort of person who would pick up a naked hitchhiker we were at Buffalo Wild Wings when I dared my friend to eat the hottest wings on the menu he ended up unconscious and at the hospital I was dared to hug a girl god I hated homeschool parties at least she hugged you back though right your mom is awesome at parties we got a friend to run around the block so what would be the equivalent of four blocks completely naked in a Canadian winter it was frickin cold - this was years and years ago so I don't remember the actual temperature other than so say that it was very cold indeed I believe we allowed him to wear shoes it wasn't playing truth or dare though and I honestly don't remember how the idea came up dared a friend who really doesn't like garlic to eat an entire garlic he did got really really sick pale shaking and sweating then threw up all over the couch in carpet garlic vomit it turns out is a quite appalling smell needless to say we were all literally disgusted and went home the host was not at all pleased one whole garlic yep one entire garlic's a guy was dared to swallow the tab at the top of a beer can people tried to talk him out of it but he ended up doing it and had to have his stomach pumped not sure what he's up to now Nobel Prize winner I'm sure dare my friend has just moved into her new apartment and we decided to christen their event by getting hammered one friend dared my other very heavy set friends to Walt work and he did however as he pushed off from the wall all plus 250 of his weight went through the wall from his weight concentrated on one foot he had to pay my friends security deposit and explained to the neighbors what happened in a group of teenage girls in a jacuzzi I was dared to poop in the backyard so I did they all then demanded I go and get a flashlight to provide proof of the dirty deed not so terrible just not at all what teenage boys imagine when they think of teenage girls in bikinis playing truth or dare it was a truth or dare spin the bottle that I somehow convinced everyone should include taking off a single article of clothing every time the bottle landed on you it happened two years ago and I still brag nobody is ever impressed well done I am impressed it was very late at night truth what time is it response I don't know this was before the era of everybody owning cell phones dare get up and tell me what time it is we were hardcore group dare that I swore to take to the grave probably late to the party but when I was a teenager I lived in the country in a very small rural town my girlfriends and I decided to play some truth or dare on the weekend during a slumber party and for big dares we generally liked to make it a group thing for support I guess well someone had the bright idea to go ride our friends horses bareback but naked in the moonlight cuz we're teenage girls and that's like super beautiful well if you've never ridden a horse with our tack that is a mission in itself doing it naked in the middle of the night is like nightmare mode on do however we do it and stay on the horses for a grand total of five minutes if that we call it a night after that and go back to her house to sleep the next morning we are woken up by my friend's father asking WTF did we do to his horses last night I instantly start freaking out thinking we hurt them accidentally turns out there was a big bloody spot on one of the horses back and I knew exactly whose it was I never admitted it to anyone too long didn't read I accidentally had my period on their horses back I had a female friend who unfortunately started to grow a bit of facial and neck hair nothing too serious but the morning light made it glow like a faint halo around her neck one day it seems she had quelled the unruly hair as her throat is no longer illuminated anyways a few girls are sitting in a tent pitched in the backyard when truth-or-dare gets shot away she chooses truth have you ever shaved your face no this continued throughout the night waxed your face no tweeze here and there no nayad what the Frick you guys know every truth ended up with some variation of hair removal from her face and neck brutal we were all in our early twenties for couples just getting drunk at the house because there's nothing else to do two couples are were married the other two were just dating anyway that's the setup here's the dare one of the new girls to the group got to dare one of the married girls out of nowhere she dared her to kiss every guy at the table that she had had sex with at some point the table goes quiet but the married girl is so drunk she doesn't think twice about it and kisses every guy at the table and one girl what the new girl didn't know was that the married girl only met the other people through her husband after they were already married well party was over arguments ensued friendships and marriages were ended that night thank the gods I am in and semi-open relationship my wife already knew I had screwed she was the girl that got kissed we built a fire pit in my backyard when I was in middle school after my dad went to bed my buddies and I broke it in with some truth or dare that last hit till four in the morning one dude had the hots for my neighbor an elegant blond with a sister three years our senior the little pool teenage testosterone was hilarious ultimately it broke down into a couple of us agreed on dare since my neighbors were on vacation we were to basically break in and steal panties from both sisters my town is a small one so invariably one window was left unlocked and we were able to shuffle in panties in hand we were about to leave when one of the guys decides it is a good idea to take all the food in the fridge I was already out the window but I turn around to find my butt's with bags full of burger supplies and brews we ended up making burgers on a shovel while drinking beer until about dawn at 7:00 a.m. all the evidence was burned commonplace practice and the neighbors never said anything about it that is a man's night in bumble freak nowhere resort town she is the last number of your like is who powers you get comment who you got [Music]
Channel: That Ask Reddit
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Id: xUUnzWeM30s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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