Sex workers, have you ever had a close friend be a customer?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit sex workers of reddit have any of you ever have a close friend or anyone you normally interact with daily be a surprise customer what was the experience like and how did it affect your interactions with them when I was a cab girl I would have many guys message me saying they were my cousin or something they were not just trying to play out a fetish and I wasn't into it so then one day a guy in the main chat said that he knew me and his name was AJ fake name I was like yeah right I've only ever known one AJ if it's true what's my name and sure enough he put my real first name right there in the chat we were in youth group in church together almost a decade before that he became a regular that happened with me and my estranged older half-brother once when I was camped I messaged him on Facebook to confirm and we had a good laugh about it hahaha much smarter to private message than challenge them to put your private info in the main chat but still I think if any of my brothers had found me I'd never be able to look them in the eye again glad y'all could laugh about it what are you doing a strange older half-brother my much younger brother was getting married had a bachelor party in a strip club with a dozen of so high school friends after about an hour there a rather ordinary looking stripper comes onstage takes off her top and our tables up guys goes wild standing and applauding and hollering I have no idea what is going on the stripper looks through the stage lights her eyes get really big she grabs her top and runs offstage to the back bouncers come running over to our table thinking we're starting trouble no it turns out all of the guys in his high school class had a history class with her a few years back she later came out and talked with us said she never thought she'd see someone let alone 12 she knew it was in the next town over thought it was his soon-to-be wife friend got any nude pictures of your fiance groom-to-be no friend would you like to buy some that would have been something I'm a stripper my friend's dad came Lee I hadn't seen him or my friend since high school I accidentally asked him for a lap dance before I could tell you it was he said no and I realized who it was as I walked away he came in a few more times and avoided eye contact with me when I was on stage he would look away another story my first day as a stripper I saw two guys from my high school we chatted then they both paid for app dances I mean respectful of your friends dad but why would he keep coming in to that strip club after that maybe he doesn't have that many options just like a strip joint had to close down and pay because of the small community the strippers and patrons were usually related somehow and people would stop going we surprised a friend from university that was working at a strip club to pay for her studies but she just noticed us went at us and did her show as usual zero acts of any kind were given by anyone I had a friend at uni that was a stripper I only found out because she got really drunk one night and told me I always wondered how she managed to never get found out but apparently it's cost students are always broke and can't afford it if they ever do it tends to be on a holiday abroad or a stag do not in vain itaú I was a bouncer at a strip club in the college town I went to school in I did run into some of my classmates from campus at work sometimes they'd come and forum at a night and get offered a job other times they worked for an agency and would end up there for a night for whatever reason it was kind of an unspoken rule to not say anything if we bumped into each other on campus I'd say hi to them I ended up in a group project with one of them it wasn't weird it was like working on something in school with a co-worker I would say the only weird thing was ending up at a keg party where one of my co-workers was there and when the cops came to bust it up I felt compelled to her and get her out of there before anything bad happened I've never been able to resolve why I felt I needed to have done bad this is really sweet your simple gesture odd companionship without expectation was probably a welcome change of pace I have no doubt that you gave her something to look forward to I was a stripper back in the day halfway through a stage show realized that my flat nerds brother and his friends were there that's how I was outed lol nothing much changed suddenly my flatmate had a lot more visitors that flat suddenly had more comings and goings a lot more showers were taken to last semester I ran the massage service and I had this one client I particularly liked because he was so friendly positive and off smarter Zach I never asked my clients for their last names or too much about what they did for work and the only thing I really knew about this guy was that he was in a stem field well fast forward to one existential crisis and a college major change later and this semester I have to take chemistry lo and behold that really smart client is now my professor neither office is currently acknowledging it but I can tell that we still feel that bit off connection we did when he would come see me for massages edit it was massage regardless of whether I'm a licensed professional giving someone a Rach J after working out their pain tension knots etc for an hour doesn't mean you didn't massage them I sympathize for those who are victims of sexual batten Dalton harassment I faced the same sort of things with my business and that's never okay but massage therapy isn't probably always all better condone ciated with sex work and people who engage in either endeavor should be aware of the risks involved the people who can buck sexual Betancourt against other people are responsible not me or anyone else who does sex work I am NOT going to call my service just a [ __ ] service or whatever else people want me to say because of massage service is the most accurate phrasing for the operation I was running I did not at any time claim to be a licensed profession and I was always honest with clients about it yes I am aware that it's illegal also for the sake of massage therapists please do not Baron tune their sex workers is this like massages with happy endings sorry if this is obvious yep wait if you ran the service well your other employees also students also do massage services ever go beyond hand stuff on a cousin one is a stripper cousin to M lives in another state and hasn't seen myself or cousin one since we were kids cousin 2 comes to visit cousin 1 invites cousin to to her place of work one night he knows it's a strip club but expects cousin one to just be bartending a waitressing or something anyway cousin 2 rocks up to the club and cousin one has heard it's out cousin who said he turned around and walked right out of there WTF cousin 1 why guy here I was close with my cousin she got blindingly drunk one Christmas party at her house I was dancing with and about to seal the deal with her best friend I hear someone yell about someone stripping and turned around to see my cousin fully naked we locked eyes she looked like she immediately sobered up and took off stumbling to her room crying we talked about it later and came to the conclusion some at that party not me kept mixing her drinks strong she would always carry her nice buzz at her parties but being the hostess she would keep a level-headed that night I saw quite literally a side of my cousin I never want to see a game I don't think she had ever been that drunk or has ever since edit changes seal the seal to seal the deal seal the seal so your cousin's friend was kind of a beast I respect the honesty can you please tell the court which state you live in so that we can stereotype thank you not a sex worker but delivered a pizza to unknown sex worker and at the same moment I was about to knock on the door a relative opens the door and watches me holding the pizza after him I couldn't do anything but laugh he laughed too maybe out of embarrassment and as soon as the sex understood what was going on she also started laughing never mentioned this moment to anyone who knows my relative and he is grateful for that to this day how grateful sounds like about $100 a month grateful Hey because once a water another peat so if you know what I mean I had a classmate who was a stripper and she was very open about loving it when people she knew came to see her at work and let her dance for there she thought it was intimate in a fun friendly way I was talking to a stripper she said she had grown up in a suburb about an hour away and used to strip there she said that ultimately there were too many guys from her high school who came in I thought the point of being a stripper was that nobody came in bad word choice on my part kinda sought her along the same lines I guess once a friend wanted me to go to a strip club with him located outside a small town in Alabama a young really young looking girl got on the stage and he told me look at her isn't she the prettiest thing you've ever seen I said yep but she seems like she's too young to be working here don't worry she's 18 how do you know I asked she's my niece I felt uncomfortable after that I had a similar situation at a small-town strip club shockingly there were like ten girls working that night for context there were probably only four guys at the club besides my group bachelor party one girl was particularly good-looking I went up to the bar and another dude about my age started talking to me about whatever and in the conversation I mentioned how good-looking that one girl was turns out it was his girlfriend I was shocked at the end of the conversation he offered to let me uh clarify could drive my car a 550 HP heavily modified BMW definitely did not take him up on that offer car tax I am good comlink holy [ __ ] the stories in this comment section a wild I have been on this thread for like three hours go to take a call send an email wild story then another call the boss work on project holy sh t no way what would I do quality read it here should mention hooked up with a girl in college and found out same night she was a stripper we always stayed cool saw her once at the club when I was trashed went to her stage she did her thing at stage one then put all her crumbled money from the stage in front of me as she progressed to stage two being a homie I stacked it nicely then being her friend there for a good time I made it rain with her own money and got all the other people around me to start making it rain too it was more fun than anything else join our community discord link in description not a worker though funny story one night my best mate was in town lived in another state used to live here we went out clubbing and eventually decided to go to the strippers pay our money and as we enter my friend notices a stripper laying on her back spread-eagle for a guy highly drunk he yells out Hellyer how good is this the stripper hears and notices my friend sits up and yells what are you doing in here my friend instantly went and sat in the corner proper embarrassed turns out it was his cousin and family gatherings are gonna be super awkward now ha my dad told me a story recently during work he and the rest of the construction crew went into a local strip club that had a cheap lunch buffet notices that one of the girls is my cousin my mom's niece pays for his meal gets up to go box sits out into the truck and eats his lunch cousin comes out and says hi after a while imagining a construction worker sitting in his truck slowly eating lunch he's got a thousand-yard stare forward away from the venue suddenly he hears the tapping of heels on concrete a knock on his window in the mid-90s my friends took me to a strip club from my bachelor party a few cocktails and a few stage shows on and out walks an ex-girlfriend of mine she was stunningly beautiful but bat-crap crazy my friends desperately tried to get her to give me a lap dance offering her 5x the normal rate but she refused she said it would be too much of an emotional strain for her considering how intense our relationship wasn't ended she ended up sitting with us between her floor shows and lap dances just chatting she had gotten actually married and this was a way for her and her husband to save for a house about halfway through the evening one of the other dancers grabbed me and pulled me up on stage whispered into my ear are you wearing underwear which I affirmed she pulled my pants down sat me on a chair mid stage and another girl loosely tied my hands behind my back each girl took turns giving me a lap dance up on the stage it turns out my ex paid them all for a lap dance and arranged the entire thing she knew she could trust you to keep her safe and pretty good way to say goodbye sounds like a fairy tale in a great and sweet way : strangely happy ending there was the girl I went to high school with who was basically a walking stereotype she fit so well into the archetypal ditzy blonde mold that you might swear it was an act if you didn't know better she was also looking me this girl was a power B CH and wasn't really nice to anybody as far as I'm able to remember the people orbited her because she was hot and had everything she never really bothered me because I did my best to be invisible but the handful of interactions I ever had with her left me feeling unpleasant turns out she wound up being a pretty lucrative stripper later in life I bought a lap dance from her and while being nicest part of the job it really did feel like in those brief few minutes that she did have a genuine personality shift she was way more laid back you could even hear it in her voice she even commented about how she wasn't a b CH like i used to be and i have miss urges it was a genuinely fun interaction she seemed happier in comparison to the person I remembered maybe she had bad parents and was being controlling with her peers is a coping mechanism it's funny that you mentioned that because the only thing I know about them was watching a brief exchange at a parent-teacher night I don't know about her dad but her mom was basically a human Barbie doll and fit a textbook definition of airhead it actually seemed as though she was a bit embarrassed but they were almost identical in both looks and behavior this was all based on one period of observation though somewhat related me and buddy Tom go to this sleazy strip club in different part of town as soon as we walk in he sees bartender he went to high school with who say Tom you perv what are you doing here should have came back with the same question lol my ex was a stripper and begged me to come see her years after we split does that count sure I'd counted I had a friend who is a lifestyle dog for those unfamiliar with BDSM lingo a female dominant not professionally just personally for fun she is into a lot of freaky stuff but working in the public she is very secretive about her identity no pictures of herself online and very very cautious before meeting anyone well she has had guys message her asking her for some pretty nasty stuff like bottling her piss and selling it to them or even making a [ __ ] sandwich on one occasion yes an actual [ __ ] sandwich well the act apart is she messages with these guys and they without her asking reveal all sorts of personal details about themselves like where they live or work and they would send her photos of themselves on more than one occasion she has run into one of them at work and they had no idea it was her she recognized them and think to herself this guy that begged me to make him lick his own come off my feet and he has no idea who the yuck I am it would just make her feel even more powerful although she remained perfectly professional in their interactions but may have acted a little Beach here than she normally would because she knew they liked it edit for the record she never did sold any of these things they were just requested by people she was chatting with she is not comfortable with these things like the [ __ ] sandwich but it doesn't stop people from making these requests yeah I hope that [ __ ] was at least organic just gonna jump in here and say that what people like him normal everyday interaction and what they like in the bedroom are most certainly not the same thing this had better not awakened anything in me not exactly someone I knew well that I went on a tinder date with a guy went to see a movie nothing exciting nice enough guy but no chemistry it also didn't stay in contact opened my hotel door to my client one night to see him standing there didn't react to the fact that I knew him because there's not a single person who knows what I do spent the entire booking telling me how sad he was we never caught up again and how he knew it was me when he saw my photos photos were blurred and face cropped out but I've got distinguishing hair and how it must be fate play dumb the whole time because this guy knew my actual identity and eventually asked him to leave because of how uncomfortable his behavior was making me all he had to do was shut his mouth lamia hey I remember you from yes there's no mistake you're wanted criminal pay thirty gold and go to jail resist arrest my mom was a stripper when I was in elementary school at 22 yo guy came in and paid for a lap dance and my mom recognized his last name and asked if he knew Ruth I have no earthly idea why she would ask him given what she suspected he got weirded out and said that Ruth was his mom and my mom said that his mom was her daughter's third grade teacher he then begged her not to tell his mom where he was apparently my mom just laughed and said he didn't want her daughter's teacher knowing that she was there either I hated that teacher she was such a jerk to me because we were poor and my mom always dressed Sloot i i'm glad her kids went as uptight as she was you must have had one hell of a childhood for your mom to be that open with you about stories like this i'm confused and intrigued i didn't know about it until sixth grade as far as I knew she worked as a waitress in a night club and she told me that her clothes I did all the laundry what about shape to her body underneath a uniform which she kept at work sir most sex workers screen our clients that means we have their personal info to run a background check and make sure we're not about to get arrested or murdered it also eliminates the chance of a creepy friend trying to secretly book us like how exactly I've never used a service but of all places in the world I'd consider a brothel to be the last place to give your personal data to most of us don't work in brothels and it's 100 percent normal and common safety practices to give that info to an independent escort you want to see if an escort isn't screaming it's because they are strapped for cash to the point of being okay putting their personal safety at risk or their a cop and insisting what do you think we're going to do with your name and address that would gain us more than a paying client and a good reputation this is stuff that varies wildly by region these threads always get mixed up because people on the internet forget that for a lot of Europe Australia et Cie sex work is legal as long as it's in a brothel so most sex workers there do work in brothels and aren't worried about cops and stings no such thing as background checks when I worked but reception checks IDs to make sure minors aren't getting in and there's security I was in the process of booking with a sex worker and she sent me a few face pics that she didn't post in her ad that's when I realized she was actually my cousin I politely told her that I couldn't meet and never said anything to anyone including her not a SW but I was in a lifestyle site that was pretty much local to my state my cousins who were on there wanted to exchange photos their initials age and location concluded that it was them I just blocked them from contacting me thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, Sex workers have you ever had a close friend be a customer?, planet reddit, friends, have you ever, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, naughty, funny meme
Id: m-iR0BzB57k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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