MONEY IN OLD TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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okay this I'm back at the warehouse this morning working on the $600 unit here's our goal we're not gonna get it all unboxed today but we want to see can we get $600 worth of value from the unboxing today so that everything else is profit let's keep tally let's keep count let me know in the comments below do you think I'll find $600 worth of profit today well I guess it's not profit of value so then we can make profit hey and if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell are you waiting for go ahead and do it click that Bell you'll get all the notifications every time we upload a new video [Music] [Applause] I got this unit for $600 there was sales tax on top of that $50 security deposit which we'll get that back afterwards so this was kind of one of the units that everybody wanted unfortunately the weather is freezing cold long nights with no sleep and then you got even colder long days at a warehouse but wind just keeps whippin and whipping but the good news we got a ton of amazing stuff in there let's open it today this is what it all looks like when we get it all home it's a big pile there's no doubt about it look there's a mini dolly that's an easy $10 here so we'll chalk that up to ten dollars on the tally and there is the crate that I've been dying to get into and you've been dying to know what's inside I dilated in it is heavy we'll get into it soon I promise but let's get into some of these boxes first I'm inside the actual trailer because it's just too cold out there and I have my connive handy-dandy connive and this box believe it or not I think it's us painting trophies so extremely curious to see what that could be about now some old trophies are worth a lot of money but looks like we definitely have some trophies we've got an iTT Technical Institute that's a place here locally to us we've got Pinewood Derby Pinewood Derby that's got to be Boy Scouts or something we've got baseball foot sports these are individual paintings that someone went bob ross on us that looks like a happy little tree right there for sure that's a happy little tree it's got to be a happy little tree look at this oh you're that we have brand-new from the Hobby Lobby brand-new canvases Wow okay so these sold these sold $7.99 at the Hobby Lobby we should be able to get 5 bucks for that and well there's a bunch more we'll just say five dollars for that box though we'll keep it conservative I found a couple more boxes under there that said stuffed animals stuffed animals are typically boring so I didn't want to unbox that and there's there's a couple Tybee knee babies in there and some Gant's webkinz but we're just gonna put a total on these two boxes $25 because some of these will sell really well in the warehouse so there's another 25 for our total here's a small one labeled pies so we got sweet good we've got okay we got a love note I will miss you Maddy love Lily we have we this it looks like we've got a subway trainee I have I have a great idea for this I think we're going to subway for lunch and I'm gonna be doing some sandwich artists to work that must been what this person was an artiste sandwich artiste oh my goodness another cat of nine tails if you didn't see Saturday's video we found the kinkiest sex bag ever and here's more that or oh oh this might just be used by the Amish for the horses for the team of horses we've got another hat it looks like we got some kind of beer mug and some kind of blackberry moonshine old smokey this box is already open it says hats art stuff and random so let's find out exactly what's inside the Hat would be nice we've know already killing it with my subway trainee hat looks like a pillow probably for music outside here's a hat new that it's a music hat as well so I'm gonna say there we probably got $10 between the two of them this looks like an art yep art case box oh look at this we could be getting in some big money if we have good pencils and we've got a buttload of pencils all right we're gonna go extremely conservative we're gonna say $10 we've got nice nice nice nice oh something to keep me warm at night look at that I'm gonna I'm gonna break these open and put them all over my bed it'll be like cuddling look at that that I don't need but hot hands are always welcome all right we'll set that aside you know what let's put a price of we'll say $10 on that with as many that are in there although I think I might keep them here's another art bin look at this all kinds holy cow okay we've got oil pastels I mean this is like 20 bucks a shop okay we got there's more there's just a ton more there's a ton this is an easy $25 there as well it's a sorted wood we got here oh there's some goggles or you've gotta be kidding me I think we just found more more stuff my eyes are too pure for this so I'm gonna try and protect them we've got P cord for tying people up I've heard about it anything about it it's like we've got hot wax for dripping remember never leave a burning candle unattended holy cow they're getting serious about timing each other up make a knot this is just too much for my pure eyes here's a box that says bathroom let's see what's inside and this is not your typical bathroom this is all medical supplies and a ton of everything gauze and those of you that are undisciplined s ability you know how much this cost there's pads everything this is an easy 25 dollar box right here easy definitely not bathroom supplies this one's on top of our pile and this one looks like it's actually been taped at one point and then gotten into at some point it's um just a Batman did you see that okay this says carbon almost velcro's to your car I always just put a Walmart bag on I'm the me think with what you'd call it right now dashboard oh there's blood pressure pump yep it says I'm dead hey hasn't been the first time won't be the last time I'm sure I'll come back to life here is some sea Emax toys noticing that before look at this there's the stethoscope some of you we got to see if you actually have a heartbeat or not some of you trolls let's see I think was just picking up my heartbeat all right what do we have got an old walker in this ones with pitch control speed and pitch control check that out that's kind of cool with this we've got a we've got an outer case oh here we go here we go here we go this was one of my favorite phones okay we got a Samsung a7 is it in here open it yeah I do there and I got the key but we don't have anything yet I just lost the key see and none of it's in there almost what's this I don't think that's a Care Bear I think it's a I don't care rabbit wait is it a Care Bear anybody know some kind of cousin I'm not sure but I need some help on that one some kind of pillowcase we've got some Oh what's this oh yes ah we got a PSP we have two PSPs yes okay now we are getting to something I knew this dude was a gamer or gal or whoever it is all right we're getting into some money now I just found something else in a case come on come on that's more okay that's that's more blood pressure stethoscope all right okay here we got look at this look at this this is his role playing games yes okay this is gonna be a look at that Irish favorites I love Irish music I like that already we got hypnosis apparently raw hypnosis see do you want to see I'm just curious regular hypnosis history hypnosis modern uses in clinical stage brainy's there you guys have it right here this weekend I'm doing it I'm gonna learn hypnosis I'm doing it I always go through the boxes a lot more thorough after I show him on video and I had no idea what was actually in there this stuff is all for magic shows even the hypnosis this is for learning magic performing magic on the street and in show this box is much better than I actually thought it was honestly a lot of this I want to take home and I want to try justfab box sealed let's cut the tape oh there we go yeah these look brand-new they are the brand new and it's just in time for the season look there is nothing on the souls those are brand stinking new leather boots how we find this women's shoes women's shoes I have no idea here we go all right USA they were what is it what's the size okay they're tens and I'm gonna say we could probably get $50 for those a dug into this box that said porcelain dolls I didn't think would be anything and then all of a sudden I'm finding boxes that are sealed with more boxes so ladies this one's for you ha ladies okay here we go Hamilton collection there's multiples in here this looks brand-new what do we got what do we got what is brand-new porcelain doll look at that yep I said doubt it's not a Powell or pole or dull dhola's banana it's a dowel that's how we say it all right here's another one this one is a harmony as well okay I I'm gonna put a value on these I'm sure they're worth much much more but I'm gonna say $25 a piece brand-new brand-new this one looks like angel wings maybe yep angel wings brand-new never out of the box so let's say we got $50 okay how cool is that what do we have here we've got something else in here a crown fine porcelain all right let's see if let's see if we can actually get in there since this one's for the ladies I hope you appreciate all the sacrifices I make for you on a daily basis to bring happiness to your life here we go Brant and what was brand-new until I opened it there's a baby right there baby carriage baby goes in the carriage there we go so if the baby isn't being blocked by the tag I'm gonna guess $10 though what else is in here we got half have we got an original Cabbage Patch yes with the old sailor outfit oh we got another one we do we do we do we have another one we sure do we have another original Cabbage Patch just this unit gets better and better it's time to dig in this crate mostly because I can't wait any more so the crate is heavy it says lop LS v 5 4 / I think 6 I really don't know what it is but we do have a latching mechanism up here and we're gonna go ahead and open her up here we go I hope you're as excited as I am in three two here we go one and crap not what I wanted alright let's see yep as I expected these are actually these are photo albums so like 1999-2000 looks like somebody bit that one right there yep that's a photo album this is a yep photo album 1997-98 right there we've got some cameras okay smile you beautiful people here go boom gotcha oh there's an old Polaroid I wonder if that would even still work I don't know not to see here is here's a baseball and Tucket red sock so I'm not too sure about baseball's but well look look huh we're getting better now we found a kunai f-- alright let's see what do we have here we have well we have aconite we definitely have a kunai fie don't see any markings or a little loose here we got tape here okay let's see oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I think that's a military knife I think it's military look honorable discharge from the Armed Forces I think that was probably military the United States Army yes United States Army 2004 all right let's see let's go definitely could be military base what do we have in here it looks like we have something okay it looks like we have something all right look I see I see a ring in there all right there's a Super Bowl Cup I don't really care about that right now you see the spring here we go here we go here we go here oh whoa we got a coin we got a coin - okay oh there's a cup let's not care about that I don't even know what this thing is something about something okay I'm too excited I think it's gold you know this is this what I Army USA army this is you all it's obviously gold if it's about me ring it is it's army there's the stamping right there inside oh man how did we get their military ring this was in there too this has got to be something to do I've never been in the military I don't know so I'm assuming that this would be something for something 16th Anthony Roberto does it can anybody give me any insight on this coin in the comments below and does it match with the army ring wow wow that took a turn okay stamps maybe there was a stamp collection in here - I got wanted okay is this oh my goodness I can't believe it I cannot believe it look at this if I 236 what is this is this all $2 1970 it's all $2 bills - wait that's bent this one's been to - for that one's written off what is this is this a silver certificate no that one looks where were we eight ten twelve fourteen but these all look brand-new 16 18 20 22 - a fortress all right there's like $40 right there yes 40 bucks on a 600 that's not too bad okay if we found some collectible money that means there's gonna be more and look look at this we got a book United States coins 2016 so let's hope okay let's see what else we have maybe this was for military a little shaky now you start finding money and coins and gold oh do you see did you see it right there right there look at this oh yes yes do you hear it alright let's see what we got let's see yes look at that 1953 there's silver right there man look at that one right there okay sweet piercing okay let's see what else is in here doesn't justify the $600 yet but let's see oh man oh this unit is a gift that just keeps on giving Oh dropping everything I'm dropping everything because I'm too exciting I'm too excited it definitely believe that that's tiger's eye you see that there that's tiger's eye and this has got to be gold it is it's 18 karat 18 karat gold right there yes 18 karat gold tiger's eye yes yes that's a huge score all right so if we got a gold ring do we have gold watches horas no back go back there what do we have here okay the back is off stainless steel all right let's see if this is gold I mean I take 14 karat plated even what kind is that something buy something let's see what's on the back Japan movement stainless steel all right base metal stainless steel I don't think we're doing too hot there we did get the gold ring out of that bag though so right there so we have two gold rings so far we got a ton of $2 collectable bills and we have silver coins all right here's a Smith & Wesson yeah there's a Smith & Wesson knife I'm shaking a little bit the cult of Estes II tradition book 6-4 man mage the Association beginnings I'm not sure what this is all right I don't know what that is mage ma GE is what it said we got a I love mom tattoo no war has ever been fought in the name of wick freedom of religion means any religion I have a feeling well you have the same feeling you're reading that does it go alright okay that was not potty word Oh oh there's something in here okay there's something in here here we go if I can get it out I'm shaking Red Rock looks like we have an antique knife antique cut knife we have keys there's something and we have a flint and steel actually we just have we have the steel or magnesium so that's not gonna get us too far look at this there's another antique knife yeah and what's this I think I know what this is I am dropping everything because of because of how excited I am right now okay these are the butterfly blade but I can't open it why won't it open why won't it open alright I'm almost positive this is butterfly blades but I can't figure out how to open it right now I'm not sure why the blades are definitely in there alright the blades are in there it's in there smile wait I gotta wind it up okay now smile okay there you go alright well here's something we got a 100 years hiking medallion 2010 ESA so that would be I would believe that's Boy Scouts we have something else there's something else oh look we got film coin things too okay what's this not sure what that is whatever this is it's a tiger hopefully you can see that okay I got to put a solid background so you can all right there stuff in here and this is a 1943 please be in 1943 so I can just get out of Ohio and it's not and no drinking is the key something about a fun oh yeah we're not done yet look at this we are not done yet look at this shell casings oh man there's coins down there okay we have a ton of shell casings some big caliber whatever it is I don't have time to look at it because I want to see them it's done here okay something about gold definitely go up there and we have Dutch this looks like Dutch Republic a Dutch land Wow right there okay I don't know what that's all worth but it's there something else cool yes there's just stuff wrapped up in everything is this gold it's a Timex all right I'm gonna set this down it's a Timex and my house I don't see any gold on there but I can't tell either but I bet you I bet you this has gold right here it's got some weird things in there a little shot glass look at this more weird things in a coke Cup somebody was little and okay we got there's some baby clothes here here here here here let's see all right let's find out is there any coins ah ah it's film but who the hell knows what could be on this film let's look under the blanket there's a blanket that was it but that was pretty that was just like a hell of a good find [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 128,084
Rating: 4.8268108 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Fp0Z343rSDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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