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zach snyder's justice league transcends not only what a superhero movie can be but what a movie can be what i never thought a director can be so bold and so correct on every decision made but snyder was willing to go far and beyond into his brilliant mind and pull off a film that makes me proud to be part of the human race when the four hours of this masterpiece ended i teared knowing that was an experience i wouldn't have again i'm glad it happened zack snyder's justice league was all around the greatest film i've ever seen best superhero movie without a doubt well i don't know i think that's debatable i would rather watch an abortion over and over for four hours instead of this ship i was somehow duped into watching this film twice it's still awful but at least some of the mask is no longer the worst film i've seen whoa okay okay um the abortion thing was weird but this is just taking it to another level i'm just gonna come out and say it zack snyder's justice league is meh okay the son of the mask is absolute torture i would rather watch zack snyder's justice league 10 times in a row before i ever even consider watching son of the mask again but yeah i guess this guy really hated the superhero movie there's two groups of people the people who hate this movie and the people who love it there's a lot more people that love it a good majority of people rated it an 8 out of 10 on letterboxed that's 29 845 people rated this movie an 8 out of 10. that is craziness it has an 8.2 out of 10 on imdb it has a 71 critic score and 95 audience score on rotten tomatoes it has a reasonable 54 on metacritic but an 8.9 user score on metacritic let me just come out and say if you love this movie good for you i'm happy for you that's awesome but do i think it deserves all these great scores no not one bit if the 2017 justice league did not exist these scores would not be as high and that's just a fact okay it is and a lot of people are hating on joss whedon like this guy [ __ ] you joss whedon this is how you make a movie uh no what zack snyder had a lot more wiggle room to make the movie of his dreams josh whedon on the other hand had to cut his movie down by a huge margin and i'm not saying that if joss whedon had his way that the movie would have been a masterpiece it probably still would have been a mess but zack snyder's version is not that much better it is better don't get me wrong i think it's better than joss whedon's movie but it's not a masterpiece it's not even one of the best dc movies ever made pretty mediocre and yes viewer you must agree with me that being said i did not like the 2017 justice league at all also snyder's cut is separated into six sections it's structured like a mini series a lot of people are saying that that's how you're supposed to watch it you know you're supposed to watch it in sections but the movie isn't structured like that there's no build up or payoff between each section it's just like randomly cut at certain points throughout the movie it seems like this was just another tactic that snyder was trying to use to try and manipulate people into thinking that this movie is more artistic than it really is people will think it's deep interesting cool you're not gonna like trick me into thinking it's not a bloated movie by separating it into parts you know that right so the bar that zack snyder had to clear wasn't very high off the ground i'm pretty sure like a mouse could have jumped over that bar so zack snyder just slept right over it and people were praising him all over the place oh my god this is the justice league we always wanted i'm going to start by saying zack snyder's movie is much uglier than joss whedon's it's grayer it's boxier and it's fatter he took the original movie and squooshed it this way he threw some dirt on it and he made it run a four-hour marathon he was abusing this movie it's four hours long you guys thought the irishman was long jesus so the aspect ratio that he used is one three three two one and from what i've researched zach wanted to use this because it looks better on an imac screen and you know all those people around the world that are watching this movie on an imac screen during the pandemic nobody's going to the movies right now zack this was a very strange decision this is what he said verbatim it's just got a different quality and one that's unusual no one's doing that so it seems like zack snyder's trying to be the hipster kid in hollywood man if i had it my way bvs and man of steel would both be in this one three three to one ratio you know in superhero movies when there's like a huge fight and there's a lot going on and you want to see a lot of stuff going on on the sides well he just kind of went squashed it down an aspect ratio like this worked a lot better in a movie like the lighthouse for example because the movie's meant to give you this feeling of claustrophobia and at most there's two people on screen at a time so it's not like he needs that extra room you know and it gave the movie this like old-fashioned archaic feel to it which really worked artistically in the movie's favor for the justice league yeah it doesn't make any sense it's very random i don't know why he did that also this movie's color correction is very strange they removed like all of the vibrance at this movie it's a superhero movie with like superman and the flash like all these bright ass colors reds blues very very bright you know and this is a movie about the justice league the justice league like the most colorful band of superheroes ever we got golds blues reds you just gonna wash it all out it's like you threw all the characters in the dryer for like a thousand years and then you pulled them all out and you have no color anymore this movie is very strange because he removed some scenes that i thought were unnecessary and bad but then he included other scenes that i thought were unnecessary and bad you're just gonna like replace one problem for another in the original justice league there's this dumb scene in the beginning there's like a phone recording of superman this was one of those scenes where you could tell pretty easily that they digitally removed his mustache so snyder removed that and he also removed the batman scene in the beginning where he like captures a pair demon and explodes there's no montage of people mourning superman's death instead it starts with superman dying and his scream spreads throughout the world and you can see everybody reacting to it and everyone's feeling its effects this was definitely a more engaging way to start the movie in my opinion so good job on that zack so as far as scenes that he included that were kind of random and i don't know why they were in there there's a part where a scandinavian girl singing for no reason really we gotta keep the scene of the girl singing i know this movie is like four hours long and we probably should cut some stuff but no that's staying because it manipulates the audience into thinking that this movie is more artistic than it is he's pulling the strings on the viewers in there's also a scene of wonder woman and batman touching a computer mouse at the same time and it doesn't lead to a romance or anything it just happens yeah sorry oh but you guys don't understand it's leading to a romance in a sequel huh bet you guys can't wait for the sequel the zack snyder's justice league two huh it's coming or not i mean probably not but you can tell zack snyder really wanted this sequel there's the whole like batman pair demon drawing that leads to nothing you can rest assured that zack snyder changed the drawing i honestly laughed out loud when they showed this on screen like that's supposed to be a bear demon come on dude if you look at the one in the joss whedon version it kind of looks like a bear demon but you can see how someone might confuse it with batman with the new drawing it's just like a crudely drawn bat like a three-year-old drew a bat on a napkin oh my god so yeah thank god he changed that that that was one of the issues with the joss whedon version also there's a lot of scenes of heroes saving people to introduce them that's like the only reason they exist to introduce the heroes and i'm not saying this is always a bad thing but it takes up a lot of time in this movie if you're just going to use these to introduce a character and they have nothing to do with the overarching plot make them short most of them aren't short in this movie like there's one where aquaman saves this guy from a boat it's fine it lasts for like two seconds and it's like oh god that's aquaman he's so cool he saves people from boats but then there's another one with wonder woman and it lasts like five minutes she saves these kids from terrorists then there's one with the flash where he saves a girl from a car crash there's a scene of cyborg putting money into this woman's bank account i'm more lenient on the flash and cyborg because they haven't gotten their own movies before and people might not be familiar with their characters but the wonder woman scene that's by far the longest makes no sense to me people know who wonder woman is if you're gonna introduce her with a scene like this gotta make it shorter you gotta make short it just starts to feel like a lot of filler but at least zack snyder had the foresight to remove the batman scene in the beginning of him you know capturing the pair demon we can't have that instead the first scene of batman is him walking through the mountains in scandinavia to find aquaman and i'm not mad that he removed the batman scene but why did he keep the wonder woman scene i think i know why because she does like nothing in the movie the scene of her saving the kids from the terrorists in the beginning is like the most she does in the entire movie is pretty much the only scene that wonder woman gets that's like hey look i'm cool i'm wonder woman you know i think that's why they kept it in henry cavill makes an angry chipmunk face in this movie and it's funny i thought i would mention that i would also like to mention that there's a scene when aquaman fails to hold back water i'm just going to uh repeat that for everybody that didn't hear me um aquaman fails to hold back water yes there's a bunch of water gushing towards the heroes and aquaman comes out of nowhere and saves everybody but it's too much water he couldn't hold that much water like that's a lot of pressure you know it's pathetic he literally has aqua in his name water man can't hold back water how is he supposed to fight this godlike guy if he can't hold back water zach removed the scene of the flash laying face down in wonder woman's tits why would you do that that was the best scene i want to know the fans want to know zack so remember the really terrible do you bleed exchange between superman and batman do you bleed yeah zack snyder removed that thank christ and remember the fat bat thing you know how superman threw him to the side and he like struggled to get up on his feet he removed that too oh my god thank you instead in zack snyder's version superman blasts batman with his eyeball lasers and batman absorbs the blast with his gauntlets only to have lois lane appear at the last second i do think with a movie like this especially after all the filming has been done it's kind of hard to give every character their time to shine most of the failures here i think were done before they even started filming not impressed oh yeah there's a scene where wonder woman unequips her sword like it's a video game she like puts it on her back and it vanishes i thought that was funny [Music] there's so many scenes where a hero is about to die but is saved at the last second like way too many scenes oh my god we're gonna have oh they're saved oh my god oh they're saved oh no they're gonna die no they're not i know already someone's gonna save him see here they come yep there they are he knows there's a lot of complic nerds out there so if i just add in more comic book characters they'll like my movie more ingenious manipulation i have you by my strings so yeah that's why you did you just add a bunch more comic characters obviously that's not to say that adding more characters is necessarily a bad thing as long as these additions service the plot in some way pretty much all of these editions in this movie were added for practically no reason martian manhunter random green lantern deathstroke lex luthor the [ __ ] joker batman i'm the joker baby man he was just sprinkling all these characters and wasn't he cause he wants that sequel he dude you know he wants that sequel so bad he was planning on it do you think zack snyder prays at the edge of his bed every night for a sequel to this movie probably do you think he constantly spams warner bros with emails begging for a sequel hey guys it's me zach again they love my movie did you see did you see what they're rating it on rotten tomatoes huh i'm pretty sure they want a sequel i'm just putting it out there so the ending with the flash i have to admit is better but the character that improved the most is by far cyborg because he actually tried to flesh out his character in this movie can you can you believe it josh whedon just like peppered in a few lines of dialogue about his backstory and thought hey that's fine that's that's good enough snyder did replace some notoriously bad takes like wonder woman's kal-el no if you watch them both it's slightly different in zack snyder's version kalel no kalel no but what i want to know is why you didn't just remove that part all together it's still bad he also removed all of batman's terrible jokes you know when he talks to aquaman and he's like hey you're the guy that talks to fish i hear you can talk to fish yeah all those are gone thank god in the original justice league there's a scene when the flash is like whining to batman because he doesn't know what to do whether right outside the room steppenwolf is in and he has hostages instead the superheroes just immediately go in and fight them which i think is a good change i'm not a fan of steppenwolf's design in either movie though in snyder's i do like how his armor is like a part of his body you can see it break off arrows in one scene in another scene he retracts his armor when in the presence of dark side as a notion of respect it rattles when we're introduced to him and there's some cool sound effects to accompany it in the theatrical version he's just a weird gray dude with steel plating on and a dumb horned helmet and the funny part is the theatrical version is more faithful to the comic book version of steppenwolf he's just this dude with armor except in the comics he has red glowing eyes he's very evil looking i guess i just don't like the look of steppenwolf in general so i'm not sure i would have liked him in any sort of way they introduced him i guess if i had to choose one snyder's is okay he just looks like a death metal rhino i also hate how in joss whedon's film when they introduce steppenwolf they have one of the amazons say steppenwolf [Music] when she sees him which is the laziest way you could ever introduce a villain is by having one of the characters say the villain's name in like a daunting way it's you steppenwolf oh my god it couldn't be you donut boy anybody but you donut boy in snyder's cut when steppenwolf comes down from his ship he says i will bathe in your fear to the amazons and then there's a cool moment when the queen yells it might have just like got my dumb comic book eight brain going but i still think it added more hype to the scene and snyder's cut the amazon's almost stopped steppenwolf there's a scene where they almost get him down but then he like breaks the ropes i was like oh well like these amazons aren't completely useless in the theatrical version they don't stand a chance i think schneider did a better job introducing steppenwolf the build up to the scene is better in the theatrical version steppenwolf just lands and immediately starts talking to the motherbox he just completely ignores all the amazons and he calls it his mother he does this multiple times throughout the movie it's weird and then he like summons the pair demons down they fight in snyder's version the pair demons fly down first and it like builds up the tension in the scene and then steppenwolf comes down when steppenwolf finally gets his hands on the motherbox they say different things in both films in joss whedon's version he says you will love me to the amazon queen very cringe did not like but in snyder's cut he says the great darkness begins which is almost just as cringe but not quite steppenwolf does kick more ass in this movie it makes him feel like more of an ongoing threat and i like that there's more scenes of him going around gathering the mother boxes and kicking the [ __ ] out of people they even gave him a little pinch of backstory i did like how they fleshed out cyborg in this movie they showed his relationship with his parents which makes him more compelling they showed how his dad was never there for him during pivotal moments of his life growing up the parent that was there for him ended up dying in a car accident his father saved him from dying in this car accident by using one of the mother boxes on him so ever since then he blames his dad for turning him into a freak they show his abilities through his mind's eye and they're kind of cheesy but whatever it did the job i guess there's less bickering between the heroes and they're more of a cohesive unit in this movie i thought that was refreshing at the end there's this cool like synergy attack between cyborg and aquaman i kind of like that it reminded me of the old x-men games i used to play that had like synergy attacks between the x-men so yeah that kind of scratched my nerd itch so thanks for that zack when wonder woman saves these hostages she proves that she's way too fast this guy uses an assault rifle puts it on auto and just starts spraying at these kids wonder woman absorbs every single shot with her gauntlets at these speeds she's rivaling the flash okay that's absurd also remember in wonder woman 1984 when they were really trying to hammer home that wonder woman doesn't like killing people she loves people she will do anything to avoid someone dying except in that same movie she like pretty much kills multiple people but you know whatever in this movie she just straight up [ __ ] up someone like turns them into dust i like how this scene isn't even used as a way for two heroes to meet or anything it's just like a random scene for her to save people for no reason funny enough in joss whedon's version they cut away from the scene as soon as she hits her gauntlets together in snyder's cut he wants to show us that she toasted this guy she [ __ ] him up he's super dead also he kept in the scene where wonder woman lasso lassos a guard and forces him to tell her why they're there which is one wasting precious time they could kill the hostages at any second and two leads to literally nothing she asks him who he is and instead of giving her his name he tells her they are a group of reactionary terrorists this is hilarious because nobody would refer to themselves as a terrorist since i think most people believe they're doing the right thing even if they're doing something bad they think that it'll lead to something good you know what i mean but these guys have a lot in common with darkseid they're just evil because they're evil he says they want to destroy the modern world and bring humanity back to the dark ages but why though no reason oh yeah he was about to explain but wonder woman cut him off right before he could that's convenient we're a small group of reactionary terrorists who want to turn back the clock in europe a thousand more why the hostages he then tells her that they will destroy four city blocks yeah that will totally be enough to destroy the the modern world and bring everybody back to the dark ages what i these terrorists are not very smart remember when the flash asks batman what his superpower is and batman says i'm rich that's even funnier in snyder's cut because when they're telling cyborg's backstory they explain that he has a power to control the entire monetary system like the entire world's economy he can just manipulate it at a whim he literally has all the money in the world at his disposal kind of makes batman superpower a little redundant don't you think i mean sure batman earned his money he didn't steal it so he also has status and power and you know leverage on people so maybe that's also an advantage i think batman's real super power is of course his gadgets and his planes and cars and [ __ ] which he's in for most of this movie because he doesn't compare at all to any of these superheroes when you put him next to wonder woman aquaman the flash superman he just seems pathetic doesn't he batman kind of reminds me of like boomerang from the suicide squad you know when they have people like diablo and killer croc yeah i'm just a guy that can throw a boomerang really well they show this flashback scene when darkseid failed to use the anti-life equation it scratched that popcorn nerdy itch that just loves to see people with powers fight each other i think it's funny that darkseid decide to use the mother boxes when he had like three armies chilling there waiting for him he could have waited a little bit you know or maybe just like shot at them from space or something but no he goes down there and he's like we're fine he gets [ __ ] up so they fly him away so then a bunch of time passes and he hires steppenwolf to find the mother boxes again because he lost them on earth and they were divided amongst all the races of middle earth sorry uh i meant the amazons and the the people in the water and oh my god so they divide the rings of power sorry [ __ ] i'm i'm at the infinity stones god i meant the mother boxes okay so darkseid hire steppenwolf to find the mother boxes and once he finds the mother boxes to find the anti-life equation because he has no idea where it is oh wait yes he does he was there on earth are you telling me that he's only been defeated once and he doesn't remember the one planet that he was defeated on [Music] what this is what zack snyder had to say when people started complaining about this plot hole he almost died when he returned to apocalypse he was in a fight for power and much time passed before he was in a position of power again and by then all who had been with him had been slayed okay but he's not dead and he was there too so i guess he forgot still like you didn't explain how he forgot why because a lot of time passed that's stupid [Music] the flash is supposed to be like the quirky funny one in these movies and he's just annoying as hell in both of them and nothing he says is remotely funny but still uh snyder decided to remove some of his lines and change other ones and you know they're all just as bad nothing was improved snyder removed the scene when the flash is waiting in line and there's an impatient [ __ ] behind him so the flash quickly draws like glasses and a mustache on this guy so the guy walks up to the counter and the guy behind the counter is like hey you have um stuff on your face zach removed that scene because that wasn't funny but you know the scene he did keep in when the flash is in the truck and he says aye aye to the guard yeah that was hilarious thank god he kept that in most of batman's fighting scenes are just cgi and they all look terrible cyborg cgi looks just as bad as it did in the 2017 version maybe it looks worse because they have dirt on the screen now the music that zack snyder decided to use in some scenes is a little questionable so there's a scene when the flash saves this girl from a car accident there's like this sad sappy song playing in the background you know you're supposed to be taking this moment seriously because oh my god the flash moves too fast to get any sort of meaningful connection with anybody and it's only in these fleeting moments that he can really connect with people but then they ruined the scene by making him pick up a hot dog and put it in his pocket i guess he's saving it for later oh my god it like completely threw off the tone of the scene oh my oh it's so bad yeah there's a bunch of slo-mo scenes in this movie i guess zack snyder thinks slo-mo equals like meaningful and profound no it doesn't it's kind of annoying when you do it over and over if you're going to use slow-mo do it very sparingly it makes sense to use it for the flash but with aquaman when he's walking down the pier with waves crashing on him and he has no shirt on and he's drinking it's like uh what is this is he modeling right now it looks like he's modeling i'm not sure what kind of deodorant or five gum you're trying to sell me right now but i'm not interested also whenever wonder woman makes an appearance they always play the same annoying chanting music if you're gonna do this do it once you know once is more than enough but no every single time she does anything and it's only her why it pulls you out of the scene you can't help but just feel like the music is laughing at you there's this very formulaic relationship between steppenwolf dassaud and darkseid you know there's the minor baddie that leads to the bigger baddie that eventually leads to the biggest baddie you could basically replace steppenwolf with vader or kylo de sade with snoke and darkseid is palpatine steppenwolf as the ring wraiths or the witch king of angmar assad as saruman and darkseid as sauron you see what i'm getting at here and not only that darkseid is like the exact same as thanos almost they're like 10 different you know like darkseid is collecting these things across the universe in order to control everybody thanos is collecting these things across the universe in order to kill half of everybody but at least in the avengers they give thanos some motive to do these things darkseid has no motive he's just an evil guy just the big bad evil guy that comes out of nowhere to do evil things cause he's evil okay steppenwolf is a much better villain than darkseid we know that he's failed multiple times in the past and he's trying to prove himself to darkseid prepare for his arrival my redemption so at least we kind of know why he's doing this we don't know anything about darkseid it's really bad which might have been why joss whedon decided to completely take him out of the movie i think including darkseid improves steppenwolf's character but in doing that you're including a character that has zero depth so i'm not sure which one i like more but at least darkseid is setting up a sequel they haven't defeated darkseid yet you know by the end they defeat steppenwolf but not darkseid get ready everybody for zack snyder's justice league 2. let's go by the way i'm not saying like the whole bad guy leads to another bad guy leads to the ultimate bad guy is like a bad thing it's fine if stories do this i thought was funny so yeah in these movies superman is dead and the heroes are trying to find a way to revive him and eventually they use one of the mother boxes to revive him but they have a choice right they can either use the mother box and then reveal its position to steppenwolf or they can leave the mother box and not revive superman in order to keep the mother box from steppenwolf i think the plot would have been greatly improved if the heroes decided not to revive superman and instead tried to hide the mother box but then steppenwolf revives superman so now the heroes are in a very awful position right surely this sewer villain could have had the foresight to take advantage of his power unless they just didn't know about superman they could have found out about him though i don't know i just feel like a little bit of restructuring would have made this movie a lot better but instead the heroes wake up superman and they completely botch it in both versions of this movie the heroes fail to convince superman that they are on his side it's embarrassing like they just kind of sit there and say nothing and not only that it looks like they're surrounding him get down on your knees or something guys like jesus christ and then there's this hilarious moment when cyborg's like auto defense system turns on which he can't control for some reason and he shoots superman i thought this was so stupid what are you doing it's about all the defense system it senses danger victor no so whenever his suit senses a threat it just automatically shoots at it that is absurd that is like the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever heard are you kidding me what if i was this guy's next-door neighbor and my dog barked at him would he just like eviscerate my dog what if i was walking on the street and i stepped on his toe by accident what is going on i'm so confused what if you bump into this guy on the street would he just like throw you through a building there's less lois lane in snyder's cut i like this decision she was a snore but he made sure to include a scene where she opens a drawer and what's inside a pregnancy test guess what everybody lois lane is pregnant with superman's baby he even changed the ending to make it look like she's carrying a baby basket instead of a box even more setup for justice league two zack snyder's justice league two i'm sure he has a lot planned with superman's baby i can't wait to see or not it probably won't happen it seems to me that a lot of people across the internet like this movie so maybe warner bros would be like hey go for it also this pregnancy test is from a company named force major i know i didn't say that right okay but it has a dictionary definition of an unforeseeable circumstance that prevents someone from fulfilling a contract or irresistible compulsion or greater force you guys can decipher whatever meaning you want from that zack snyder wanted to remain faithful to the comics so he changed superman's suit from the classic suit to a black suit because his black suit was used in the comics when he was resurrected and the black suit makes it easier for him to absorb energy there is this cool scene of him flying up and absorbing the sunlight i know i kind of like that that was cool and it's really important to zach to remain faithful to the comics because remember steppenwolf how you know the steppenwolf in this movie looks way more similar to the steppenwolf in the comics than the steppenwolf in in uh joss whedon's version of the movie the best change in this movie is the ending cyborg and flash work together to separate the mother boxes the flash runs in a circle around the area to give cyborg the energy he needs to separate them but a blast from one of the turrets ends up tripping the flash and so everyone dies wait what a blast from one of the turrets ends up tripping the flash it's kind of funny if you think about this part because in the flash's perspective the lasers that are coming out of these guns would be moving so slow to the flash it's kind of hilarious thinking how he would get hit by one of them you know like he would see it coming very slowly and then i mean he could just dance around it to be honest but whatever okay he was distracted for way too long for some reason and ended up tripping so the energy was cut off and the world ended but since the flash moves so fast he decides to run faster than he's ever ran before risking his life to turn back time in order to give cyborg the last precious moments he needs to separate the mother boxes and he does that and it's a pretty cool scene i think he talked too much during this scene you know he has way too much dialogue for this scene maybe give him like one or two lines during this part i think that's more than enough let people experience the scene stop interrupting it with dialogue every two seconds the flash is thinking something i thought this scene was kind of cool that being said the flash's character arc is super weak he goes to his dad at the end and he's like hey dad look i got a real job huh a real job and his dad's like hey hell yeah son you got a real job his foot's in the door that's my boy he got there taught him nothing he knows dead you're gonna get maced again i don't care i kind of like the whole make your own future thing you know his dad said that to him earlier and then he says that at the end i guess in order to really appreciate zack snyder's ending you have to experience the theatrical version because oh my god it is so bad in snyder's version no longer does the flash and superman have this awkward break from the action during the climax where they randomly save civilians instead superman is used to defeat steppenwolf while the flash runs in a circle and builds up energy and no longer is there a weird exchange between batman and superman when superman is like you didn't bring me back because you like me and batman is like i don't not like you i honestly forgot how egregiously bad the theatrical version was dostoyevsky in snyder's cut the way aquaman superman and wonder woman defeat steppenwolf is way cooler and it's a better payoff since they lost just a moment before also the sky isn't a dumb red color yeah in joss whedon's version he desperately wanted this guy to look like it was from the game bloodborne so yeah zach made the sky normal thank god so i guess the color correction team had one w in this movie also for whatever reason batman wears these really stupid shades at the end of the movie even when he's not in a vehicle he just walks around these dumb shades on you look stupid take off those sunglasses bat fleck you look like a dumbass i guess now i should probably talk about the epilogue dear lord why didn't zack just end the movie at the end that would have been perfectly reasonable no because he needed to use the joker to clickbait people into watching his movie because it's not till the [ __ ] end you know what i mean there's so many youtube videos that will show you something crazy right and it won't even be in the video same thing with snyder's cut he clickbaited everybody with the joker because he knew that this scene with the joker would circulate throughout the internet and it would get more eyeballs on his movie so he had to include it and oh my god it's so it's so cringe i oh god oh it's it's so bad jared leto fails to bring anything new to the role aside from pain his first line is literally oh contraire my little fish dick that's not a joke it's he seriously calls someone a fish stick oh my god oh contraire my little fish dick the poor joker they do the whole you need me i complete you you can't kill me batman it's against your code heath ledger did this a billion times better but jared leto tries it he says besides who's gonna give you a reach around what the [ __ ] oh oh it's it's so bad it's so bad he even tries to mimic the vocal inflections and growl that ledger made up for the character why so serious i'll be the bigger man it's strange seeing so many people online giving this scene so much credit i have to admit he does look better than he did in suicide squad he doesn't have dumb tattoos anymore his teeth are black so he's scarier looking i did like his overall appearance but his lines are awful his delivery is just as bad if not worse than in suicide squad i just feel like people love the character so much that they're willing to make exceptions when he's terrible would i like to see a sequel no would i watch a sequel if he made one probably just out of curiosity yeah i have to say i am more willing to watch a sequel now than i was when i saw the 2017 version this one is better and i would give them a second chance i'm a nice guy what can i say i would let them try and win me over again when i saw the 2017 version i was just happy it was over but yeah get someone else to write the screenplay maybe i would watch it never know so yeah guys those are my thoughts on zack snyder's justice league let me know what you thought of this movie in the comment section down below i'm sorry this video is so late everybody else on the planet has already put out a video on this already but there's a reason for that okay i recorded this video three times three times the first time my external hard drive was full so i recorded for like two hours then i noticed that i only recorded for the first minute and i wanted to die the second time i tried recording the audio was all [ __ ] up so this was my third attempt so thank you for all of your patience i haven't had a great month especially with all the issues i had with my science fiction video oh my god anyway that's it guys let me know what you'd like me to review next in the comment section down below thank you to all my patrons that make videos like this possible make sure to check out my channel with bionicpig named alienbacon on that channel we do like classic commentary type stuff we talk about other youtube channels we do tier lists gaming all sorts of stuff it's a fun channel so go check it out if you haven't the link to it will be in the description also please make sure to check out we have a bunch of new clothes over there that i think you might like including this one we got some tie-dye in the house it's awesome and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so bye
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 1,734,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, snyder's justice league, zack snyder's justice league, the justice league movie review, movie review, justice league review, the snyder cut, zack snyder's cut, snyder's cut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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