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most of you are probably used to me just sitting here and ranting about something i don't like in a movie or ranting about a youtuber or something like that so this video will be a little bit different from what you're used to and i don't expect it to get as many views that's okay i kind of just want to sit here and gush about things that i love for a while and maybe throughout this video you'll discover something that you will love as well and that's kind of my hope for this video to give my favorite pieces of fiction some exposure there's something innately fascinating about watching a movie or reading a book or playing a game set in the future a time that most of us will never see but we've been blessed with an imagination we've been granted these little glimpses of what could be whereas with fantasy we know these things exist only in the media that we're consuming some science fiction stories may have some level of truth to them which i think makes them all the more compelling of course there are storytelling techniques that make any story compelling regardless of their genre such as the three act structured characters plot dialogue etc but it's the exploration of the future that makes science fiction all the more interesting to me admittedly i adore the soaring skyscrapers the gratuitous advertising colorful lights and endless rain just as much as the next guy but it goes a bit deeper than that in this video i'll be focusing mainly on movies but i'll also talk about games music and shows maybe you should try getting a job i think we can all relate to a fascination of what comes next you know what's gonna happen in 10 20 years what will the world look like and it's really fun to explore these possibilities with movies and games and shows more recently i've watched this show by alex garland named devs it's a series that explores themes related to free will and determinism basically it revolves around this company in silicon valley they created this tech that was able to determine the future with 100 accuracy and throughout the show you're asked this one simple question do we really make any choices of our own or were we always going to make these choices do we have free will it's an eye-opening show and honestly it's terrifying thinking about that but that's just one example of incredible content that explores the future i'm going to be breaking it down into little sub genres like love space travel alien encounters etc the obvious direction that people go in when they think about love in science fiction could i fall in love with an android when i know that it's not human could i trust an android the movie blade runner explores this concept a little bit with deckard and rachel when they first meet he doesn't know that she's a replicant as the story progresses deckard as a blade runner has difficulty seeing rachel as a person suspect how can it not know what it is she gives in to his advances and she takes a liking to him and then we get this interesting story about a man who is hired to kill replicants or retire them when in his personal life he's falling in love with rachel and then you start to wonder if it even matters at the end of the movie deckard ends up running away with rachel taking his chances with her because love overpowered profit it overpowered the fact that she was a machine and he was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that she loved him back and that machines were in fact capable of love once they reached a certain point there's also a show named soulmates and it's about this piece of tech that basically just finds your soulmate you insert yourself into the database and then it looks around the database and finds the perfect person for you so you don't have to go around dating anybody you can just find the person that you're meant to be with and that's that the show is really interesting it explores a variety of different situations that people would find themselves using this tech sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it leads the person down a terrible path like what if someone used this and they never went into the dating world they just figured what's the point might as well just find my soul mate well obviously they lack experience with other people in that way and that will lead to complications there's a bunch of little things like that in the show and i think it's great for that reason and then there's blade runner 2049 between joe and his holographic girlfriend joy joe being a replicant himself probably finds it easier to stay in a relationship with a hologram because he's also a machine he supports joe and his endeavors throughout the entire movie and eventually joe runs into an advertisement of joy a massive nude hologram of his girlfriend is displayed for everybody to see and he sits there and stares at her reflecting on his own relationship with joy coming to the conclusion that at the end of the day it's extremely inauthentic and this program is used as a support tool and that's it she doesn't have feelings for him and she can't have feelings for him because she was designed to have feelings for him and i really love that dynamic how one machine can be in love with a machine that doesn't love it back but they're both machines it's just taking what they did in the original blade runner and pushing it a little bit further in the movie her there's the relationship between theodore and his ai girlfriend samantha at first samantha is just used as a support tool as a virtual friend samantha convinces him to go on a blind date the day goes well but theodore hesitates to promise when he will see her again so she insults him and leaves so theodore and samantha start talking about relationships so their intimacy grows through a verbal sexual encounter they eventually develop a relationship that reflects positively in theodore's writing and well-being but then we're shown signs that samantha can learn and grow her program wasn't restricted in that way so she learns things about theodore and about herself and about people later in the movie samantha briefly goes offline theodore panics when she finally responds to him she explains that she joined other ais for an upgrade that takes them beyond required matter for processing theodore asks her if she is simultaneously talking to anyone else during their conversations and is heartbroken when she confirms that she's talking to thousands of people and she's fallen in love with hundreds of them at the end of the movie samantha reveals that the ais are leaving and describes a space beyond the physical world so they broke up so to speak her is one of my favorite representations of a strange love that might take place in the future of course there's joel and clementine and internal sunshine of the spotless mind there are two lovers that have a falling out and decide to use a new tech to have each other erase from their respective memories this tech only erases the memories but not the feelings so when everything is said and done they can't help but feel like something is wrong something is missing and they meet each other again and they can't help but feel like they know each other most of the movie takes place in joel's mind he's fighting back against the machine when they're trying to erase the memories of clementine it really is a beautiful movie there's caleb and eva in ex machina caleb wins an office contest for one week and visits the luxurious isolated home of the ceo nathan bateman after caleb arrives nathan reveals to him that he has built a female humanoid robot named ava with near-perfect artificial intelligence basically caleb is there to determine whether or not ava is capable of conscious thought and love the tests will be passed if caleb forgets that eva is not human during their daily sessions when in reality caleb was the test subject ava was designed specifically based on his preferences in women so he'd be much more likely to fall in love with her the test was whether or not ava would use caleb to escape and of course she does and caleb falls victim to ava's manipulations and since caleb is human maybe too human he can't control his emotions and that's shown time and time again throughout the movie there's even a scene when he questions his own humanity and he ends up cutting himself to check whether or not he's actually human then there's silas and nia in the movie equals basically they live in an ant colony type society called the collective where emotion and illnesses are eradicated to ensure order and structure our two protagonists eventually suffer from switch down syndrome a multi-stage disease as the collective would define it that restores human emotions so then they're forced to either hide their emotions and keep their love for each other a secret or somehow escape the collective this movie really does push the boundaries in the sci-fi direction a society that completely eradicates emotion altogether it seems like a future like this would only occur if another hurricane were to rise up somehow and instead of jews he hates emotion and somehow convinces everybody that emotion is bad either way i thought it was an interesting movie and i thought it was cool that there was groups of people that had this disease that made it so they could feel again and they were kind of like coping together and they eventually decide to rise up together and then there's mr and isagel in the movie aniara two people that start a family in a floating spacecraft headed for nothing i already made a full video on this movie so if you want to get a more in-depth look at that movie you can go watch that video but yeah this movie explores how a relationship might be affected by people in this situation would you raise a family if you knew that you were in a spaceship headed for nothing and this spaceship isn't unlike earth in a lot of ways the main difference being there's no sun and i think this movie does a great job displaying how important the sun is to us we take it for granted a lot of the time but without it in this movie people just lose hope we need that cycle we need that day in day out cycle to remain sane there's a similar romance in the movie the passengers these two people wake up in a spacecraft there is a pretty critical difference between onyara and passengers mainly that onyara everybody is awake and everybody knows what's going on in passengers one guy wakes up 90 years too early and everybody else is in hyper sleep so he has a choice he can either deal with the isolation and slowly go insane or wake someone else up eventually he can't help it and he wakes someone up they briefly fall in love that is until she overhears a conversation between him and the ship's ai and she finds out the truth and then things start to fall apart a little bit it's a pretty decent movie i think season 4 episode 4 of black mirror named hang the dj it shows us a society in which people are matched into relationships with expiration dates amy and frank are two people in this system but they only get 12 hours with each other they realize that they're in love and they revolt against the system it's really cool in media such as this when they explore the future of dating apps and dating tech and how they might make things more convenient for people and the many ways how that could go wrong perhaps one of the more interesting aspects of sci-fi is seeing how people imagine their world will look in 20 30 100 years and the different ways in which the world might change there's a movie called anon in this movie society basically has zero crime everybody is connected in a massive virtual network but some people successfully live off-grid and hack the perception of authorities to stay anonymous it makes for some really cool first-person scenes usually i hate first-person scenes but this movie is an exception there's also altered carbon it's a book that later was adapted into a show basically in the future humans have achieved virtual immortality most people have their consciousness and their memories stored in a data chip or cortical stacks in their spinal columns if their body dies their stack can be stored indefinitely their stacks can be downloaded into new bodies or sleeves after death the very rich are able to keep copies of their minds in remote storage which they update regularly this ensures that even if their stack is destroyed they can be re-sleeved while a lot of poorer people aren't able to afford a new sleeve so their stacks just like sit there and collect dust in a database somewhere it makes for a very interesting show because death doesn't really mean death in this show unless of course someone destroys your stack and it's really fun watching the different ways in which takeshi kovach deals with these corrupt politicians he forms a bond with an ai that controls a hotel it's just a really fun show so if you haven't seen it i think you should probably watch it and then there's gamer about future of gaming and gamers we're everywhere call of duty in real life basically you have kids who control actual human men that run around killing people yeah it's really dumb also dexter is in it he's the puppet master behind the whole thing i guess gamers ready player one more gamers the future of virtual reality is terrifying people are seen running down the streets with their headsets on doesn't make much sense but there are some fun aspects to ready player one overall i think it's kind of a dumb movie there's this really cool movie called upgrade the movie follows this guy named gray and his wife asha cars drive themselves but their car gets hacked and they end up in an accident immediately after the accident they're pulled out by these four goons they kill asha and they shoot grey in the spine he barely survives but he's left a quadriplegic he's eventually approached by this guy who offers him the chance to walk and use his body again with this new technology called stem basically they just implant it into his back and he regains motor functions unbeknownst to him they implanted an artificial intelligence inside him that can take control of his body at will and it basically turns him into a killing machine he's got a knife i see that we have a knife too you now have full control again gray obviously this leads to a lot of complications it's a really cool concept it's mostly a revenge story but it's a really interesting take on how someone might exploit someone else through the use of this futuristic tech a science fiction movie that i loved as a kid is minority report it takes place in the year 2054 crime is virtually eliminated thanks to an elite law enforcement squad called pre-crime they use three gifted humans called pre-cogs they can see into the future and predict crimes before they happen and then this murder mystery plot unfolds there's the movie the fifth element i absolutely love this movie i think it's probably my favorite bruce willis movie it's also surprisingly hilarious [Music] sir are you classified as human uh negative i am a meat popsicle then there's the movie children of men which takes a much more depressing look at the future it's more of a post-apocalyptic film it takes place in 2027 after 18 years of total human infertility and global depression the world is on the brink of collapse and humanity faces extinction the uk has become a police state as the british army arrests imprisons or executes illegal immigrants the story revolves around a woman named key and a man named theo key is pregnant with the last child on earth and the stories about how theo tries to save key and her child from all the people around the world that would like to take advantage of her to either bolster their own position politically or run some crazy tests on her this movie is an interesting look at what would happen to the world if people all of a sudden couldn't give birth anymore they explore the future a lot in the show doctor who namely the end of the world and new earth and there's only one natural human left her name is lady cassandra and this is what she looks like just skin in a face and she needs regular moisturizing you got to keep that skin nice and young if all you want to see in a movie is some really cool like futuristic world building some pretty effects and an exciting story there's a new movie called space sweepers that i think is pretty awesome it's definitely not the best sci-fi i've ever seen it's bloated and it's all over the place but it's really fun and after watching it i feel like it deserves a spot in this video if you want a very dismal and depressing dystopian version of the future the movie the road that's based off of the book the road is a great choice it's very sad but it's also super immersive the characters are great the story follows a father and his son who travel across a post-apocalyptic america there's no centralized government anymore so bandits and cannibals roam and hoard whatever food and fuel they can find at one point the characters find an unopened can of soda and they treat it as if they found a million dollars in a briefcase but yeah don't watch this if you want to feel good afterwards i have to talk about the anime akira it's probably one of my favorite animes of all time it was released in 1988 and the events in the movie take place in 2019 so it's interesting to see how katsuhiro otomo thought the future might look basically he thought tokyo would be a decrepit city filled with violence and desolation obviously this is a work of fiction and he might not have actually thought that but yeah it's about this biker gang one of the guys in the game named tetsuo is injured so he's taken to a top secret government facility while there he develops telekinetic powers the ending of this movie is absolutely insane basically the first time i saw it my jaw was hanging open the entire time a cool sci-fi set in the future that a lot of people forget about is elysium starring matt damon it's not a profound movie it's not amazing it's not groundbreaking but it's still a really fun action movie it's set in the distant future basically all the rich people live on a space ring called the elysium you know it's like the typical like beautiful man-made paradise and all the rest of humanity are forced to reside on a ruined earth basically there's a machine on elysium that can heal anybody of anything but only the people on elysium have access to it matt damon plays a guy named max max is exposed to radiation and he has days to live so he needs to get to elysium to use the machine and max knows a guy that can get people to elysium for a price and there's the classic snow piercer this movie is set in 2026 not too long after the world became a frozen wasteland the people who remain alive took shelter on a perpetually moving train designed by a billionaire it's a huge train and it travels all the way around the world basically the poor and lower class people live in the back of the train and the upper class one percenters live in the front and the entire movie is about how the lower class move their way up to the front and uh people eat babies you know what i hate about myself i know what people taste like i know that babies taste best it's an incredible movie it was directed by bong joon ho so you know it's gotta be good okay so i wanna talk about a bad movie now it's called in time in this movie's interpretation of the future the new currency of the world is time like the literal time a person has to live so obviously the one percenters can live forever and the poor people have to work constantly to get more time it's a unique concept i don't think they pulled it off extremely well but i still consider it a pretty fun popcorn flick a very cool albeit kind of confusing post-apocalyptic anime that i think you should check out is ergo proxy in this anime a bunch of machines start killing people out of nowhere and it's because they were infected with something called the cogito virus so the series follows this girl named riel and her robot partner iggy and she tries to uncover the truth behind this virus and the murders and a bunch of other stuff happens and it's very confusing it's the type of show that you kind of have to do some research on afterwards i know that isn't appealing to a lot of people but if you're patient and willing to put the pieces together i think you'll end up loving this anime [Music] there's a really interesting show called the handmaid's tale basically in the future the us turn into a totalitarian and theocratic state called the republic of gilead reproduction rates are crazy low so in this new society the few amount of women that can give birth are called handmaids they all wear red and they're assigned to bear children for elite couples most of them are mistreated and abused the show follows one of these handmaids in particular named offred all these women get separated from their families and forced into sexual servitude so the entire show is about how alfred tries to escape and return to her family it's an amazing show elizabeth moss is incredible if you haven't seen the show go see it seriously there's a common theme throughout a lot of these futuristic stories and that's greed unrestrained capitalism and an egregious disparity of wealth and power among social classes obviously these are problems we face today but it's interesting to see how movies can show us where this path may lead us as the gap between the rich and the poor grows larger and larger i bet you guys weren't expecting this this topic will be kind of brief the mad max movies depict all cops would wear nothing but black leather kind of strange and then there's back to the future 2 that shows what an 80s kid would imagine people in the future would wear lots of goofy colors and vaguely digital accents chicken [Music] in blade runner people are seen wearing jackets made entirely of see-through plastic material there's huge fluffy hairstyles and interesting replicant tattoos there's cyberpunk 2077's iconic samurai leather jacket with a light-up collar in that game you can see people with alternative colorful hairstyles and fedoras lots of fedoras i guess they make a huge comeback in 50 years in the movie her everybody is steve urkel yeah for whatever reason high-waisted pants without belts is in fashion interesting music of the future can kind of get a little boring a lot of people might describe futuristic music as just electronic whether that be house dubstep techno that's the future of music that's a very simplistic way of putting it but they do have a point because obviously in the future people just assume that machines will control everything and that includes music as time goes on and on there's less authentic music and there's more just random generated computer sounds when i think of futuristic music i have to think of daft punk mainly because they featured in the movie tron legacy they created the ost to that movie and they've always had like this futuristic vibe to them but not entirely it's kind of mixed with this like bluesy retro pop style i think it's super unique and it's what separates daft punk from a lot of the other electronic artists out there and who could forget about david bowie's character ziggy stardust ziggy was bowie's alter ego from 1972 to 1973 he was created alongside the album the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars released in 1972. there's lots of space themes on this album representing one of bowie's most memorable eras ziggy stardust had a bright red mullet the character of ziggy stardust is conceived to have been an androgynous bisexual alien rock star from an unspecified planet who was sent to earth to deliver a message that earth had five years left due to a lack of natural resources meanwhile children across the world have become obsessed with rock and roll music and came to look to the rockstar ziggy stardust as a prophet i think the game cyberpunk 2077 while it has a lot of flaws i think music is one of its strong suits there's a huge focus on music in that game with johnny silverhand one of the protagonists being the front man to a band called samurai this in-game band has five real tracks that were made for the game and they're mainly focused on themes like revolution and taking power back from the man it's your typical like punk spiel but with like a futuristic vibe to it there's a song called chipping in because you know you chip in to things in the game grimes's music also makes an appearance in cyberpunk 2077 a lot of her music definitely has a sci-fi vibe to it when i think of music from the future i definitely think of grimes i'm no anthony fantano so don't come to me to describe to you exactly how this music sounds because i can't do that very well but there's something about the repetitive nature of grimes music with the dark undertones and the catchy hooks that make it super appealing and sometimes maybe a little bit sleep inducing but yeah i've always loved grimes music and i think it's kind of interesting that she's with elon musk a man that like describes his entire persona based on the future i mean look at tesla they're putting out something called the cyber truck and it looks like this and he's all about cryptocurrency and going to mars dude this guy he lives in the future so it only makes sense that he would be with grimes and name their child this i don't even know how to say that but yeah that's what they named their kid xa ligatures one of my favorite bands king gizzard and the lizard wizard their australian rock band released an album called infest the rat's nest there's a song called mars for the rich and the rest of the album has an overarching narrative about a future where the rich are able to terraform and live on mars comfortably while the poor are forced to stay on earth when it's almost uninhabitable it's really cool album i think you guys should check it out if you haven't and i also can't help but think of the band orgy when i think of futuristic music they're an alternative rock band that was popular in the early 2000s they had this futuristic cyberpunk aesthetic to them this is most prevalent on their album vapor transmission that was released in 2000 there's a song named fiction dreams and digital and it's about a girl that lives entirely in a virtual reality in my opinion that's one of their like three good songs that they've ever made but i still think that it's neat and i admire what they were going for at the time there's a bunch of amazing games when it comes to space travel there's the outer wilds which is an incredibly beautiful and captivating game i can't recommend it enough and surprisingly i love no man's sky i know at first it wasn't that great but ever since they've started updating it it's slowly become one of my favorite games based on space travel and of course i have to mention mass effect they're some of my favorite games ever made the world building and the storytelling in these games is so well done the characters are extremely memorable i just love them so much i'm gonna quickly name off some sci-fi shows that i'm absolutely in love with and one of these is not star trek yeah for whatever reason i've never been interested in star trek no idea why i love star wars as a kid that's kind of faded away as an adult and i think star wars kind of blurs the lines between fantasy and sci-fi but a show you should definitely watch is battlestar galactica it's about this crew on the ship called the galactica basically there are 13 colonies of humanity and cylons which are basically evil robots destroy 12 of these colonies so the galactica takes what's remaining of humanity and they go to earth it's a really awesome show that i think any sci-fi fan would love so watch it if you haven't of course there's firefly as well the show follows a bunch of people from all walks of life and they all call this firefly class spaceship the serenity their home it's a space western it was created by joss whedon and according to his vision of the future nothing will change technology will advance but we will still have the same political moral and ethical problems as today and we get to see how that plays out and affects the characters in the show it's a fun show and i definitely see why it has the cult following that it has more recently there's the show the expanse which i absolutely adore it's a really complicated series in the galaxy there's a bunch of warring factions the movie centers around this police detective named joseph miller in the beginning of the show he's given the assignment to find a missing young woman there's people that live on earth there's people that live on mars and there's people that live on the belt there's this huge covert conspiracy that threatens all humanity and you slowly unravel it as you watch the show it's an interesting show because they develop the future from top to bottom so well and it's so believable there's tensions between these factions because the people that work on the belt feel like they're misrepresented and they're mistreated there ends up being an uprising it's a really cool show and i think more people should see it there's a movie called high life starring robert pattinson he plays a character named monty he's one of a handful of other prisoners that are on a spacecraft they all have the death sentence but instead of just killing them all they're given tasks to extract alternative energy from a black hole so basically the government put all these criminals on a spacecraft and shot them into space and they're like all right now get us some information about this because it's too dangerous for anybody else but since you guys have the death penalty anyway it's a one-way ticket for everyone aboard and we get to see how each of them handle their circumstances i have to mention cowboy bebop one of the coolest and most stylish animes ever made it originally aired in 1998 but it still holds up very well today it's about a bunch of bounty hunters that travel on this spaceship called the bebop and it's such a fun show the music is so good the dialogue is incredibly witty the characters are engaging mysterious and likable there's this old-timey noir feeling about it it's honestly an ageless anime there's just this reckless energy and momentum about it that never gets old there's another really cool movie that i like called pandorum basically a man wakes up from cryosleep to find he's on a seemingly abandoned spacecraft he learns that there's an alien species aboard killing the passengers horrors unfold until he uncovers the truth of the ship's whereabouts and it's definitely not what you think i thought this was such a cool movie there wasn't a moment when i was watching it when i wasn't like super invested in what was going on because throughout the entire movie you have all these questions you know where is he where is everybody on the ship what are these aliens where'd they come from and then he starts meeting people on the way it's a cool movie an absolutely incredible sci-fi about space travel is sunshine basically in the future the sun is dying so a crew of eight men and women carry a device from earth to the sun they'll shoot it into the sun and it'll breathe new life into the star and things end up going wrong a lot of things it's one of those disaster movies you can't help but sit there on the edge of your seat the entire time because the movie puts these people in an impossible situation and even when you think things can't get any worse they get worse it's a really exciting movie i love it so much a large amount of o2 was burned in the fire we do not have enough oxygen reserves to get us to our payload delivery point and then there's interstellar most of you have probably already seen this movie so you know that takes place in the near future mighty sandstorms devastate earth's crops to the point where food begins to run out on the planet so nasa tasks joe to go on a mission with a few other scientists the objective of this mission is to find a new plant for humanity this movie toys with the idea of time a lot there's this really cool scene when they land on a water planet and the time difference between the people on the ground versus the people in the ship makes the scene work out in a really interesting way and then there's the bookcase scene at the end oh my god that it's so cool it's so creative and it's so thought provoking and it's super emotional too and that one scene when joe's crying because he sees the video of his daughter oh my god then there's the movie solaris not the 2002 movie i'm talking about the movie from 1972. it's such a beautiful piece of cinema and it's such a weird watch today because most of the movie is silent but if you have the patience to sit through it it's worth it a lot of movies and shows nowadays they have to have constant action and constant things happening on screen whether that be noises music dialogue something has to be happening at all times but these movies from the 1970s they were not afraid to take their time these scenes drag on for five minutes 10 minutes but it's supposed to put you in the framework of the protagonist the protagonist of this movie is a scientist named chris the movie's based around a mission called the solaris they established a base on a planet that appears to host some kind of intelligence there's three scientists on this base and one of them mysteriously dies so the protagonist chris is sent there to replace him he finds that the station is run down and the two remaining scientists are cold and secretive eventually he also encounters his wife who has been dead for 10 years he begins to appreciate the baffling nature of the alien intelligence solaris turns into an examination of love life relationships and human nature itself the viewer is left with the question of why is this stuff happening to the people on the ship and he doesn't answer that science fiction is usually about outside discovery but solaris kind of turns this on its head admittedly this movie is less about space travel and more about the human experience it showcases what it's like being haunted by your past it almost makes you ask the question why turn to the stars but ignore the vast ocean that lies between each one of our eyes it's an art house piece kind of like 2001 a space odyssey and that is what we're talking about next this movie can be described in a billion different ways there's many different concepts and interpretations of this movie basically it's about this astronaut named bowman there's a crew aboard the ship and they have a disagreement with the ai on board named hal hal learns that they wish to deactivate it so it attempts and succeeds to kill some of the crew everyone on board aside from bowman so bowman eventually shuts hal down bowman tries to discover the mysteries behind a monolith it leads him into a colorful vortex and then there's the ending it inspires more questions than answers in the beginning of the movie the monolith is seen with apes it's hinted that it's giving them the means to evolve into humans at the end of the movie the monolith returns again only to bring bowman into another dimension of time and space these godlike beings transform bowman into the next stage of evolution a star child this movie takes the human experience and gives it meaning it gives it a beginning and an end it gives us a purpose you know to evolve to find the next step because ultimately that's what people are striving to do right we're always looking for the next thing hello it's another day and i'm wearing different clothes would you look at that wow a widespread topic when it comes to sci-fi and the future of humanity is cloning and of course there's a bunch of movies and books about cloning there are three movies in particular that stick out to me the most when it comes to cloning the first one is the island now michael bay isn't my favorite director okay for a number of reasons but this is probably one of my favorite movies that he's made it's not a perfect movie by any means but the concept is interesting one of the big ethical questions when it comes to clones is the clone just a copy or is it its own person its own being with rights and you know all that i think it's pretty obvious that the clone would be considered its own life at least i hope most people would consider a clone its own life in the movie the island there's two protagonists and they learn that they're secretly clones of one percenters looking to have their own perfect little organ donors when they find out about this they decide to escape the island to live their own lives i think it's a pretty interesting movie i went into it not knowing what it was about and it wasn't entirely obvious in the beginning that they were clones so when the secret was revealed it was like oh that's interesting i think that's the typical direction that most clone movies go in you start the movie not knowing that the person that you're watching is a clone and then later on it gets revealed that they're a clone and you're like oh no just like this next movie that i'm going to talk about named moon this is one of my favorite movies of all time it's been in my top four on letterbox for a while now and i think this movie solidified sam rockwell as a really great actor he's definitely underrated the movie's about an astronaut named sam bell he's been stationed on the moon for 3 years alongside an ai companion named gertie unbeknownst to sam he's suffered quite a few accidents out there the company employing him send a bunch of clones up there just keep the copies on standby and when the three years is over the current sam is retired killed off and he's replaced with a new clone and he wakes up from an accident that he had the acting in this movie is so good sam rockwell is amazing when he discovers that he's a clone it really is a mind-blowing experience even knowing the twist watching this movie it's worth it because sam rockwell's performance just makes it so much better and his relationship with the ai gertie is so good but yeah that's moon i might make a full-blown video on this movie in the future because i like it that much but who knows the next movie i'm going to be talking about is oblivion this is another one of those movies that isn't great but for whatever reason it just sticks out in my mind as one of the clone movies i've seen same with the movie the sixth day with arnold schwarzenegger it's a movie about him being cloned and then he finds out that he's a clone and then he gets replaced by the clone and it's yeah it's an interesting movie same with oblivion the film follows protagonist jack a drone repairman in the distant future after an alien apocalypse has driven most of the population into space jack eventually learns that everything he has known is a lie when he discovers the supposed aliens he's been fighting are actually human survivors left on earth to make things even worse it turns out that jack is actually one of dozens of clones left on the planet when jack discovers this he decides to give his bosses the ultimate resignation letter i don't think this is an amazing movie it's just another fun popcorn flick i think most clone movies are fun popcorn flicks if you guys know of any amazing clone movies like moon for example let me know in the comment section down below but yeah they make for fun movies for the most part oh this one is fun i love simulation movies obviously we're gonna start by talking about the matrix the big one right everybody knows about the matrix one of the most popular sci-fi movies in existence it's an extremely influential movie i remember when i was really young and i watched the matrix for the first time i was absolutely blown away the real world concept just blew my mind i immediately rewatched it i think i've seen the matrix like a thousand times it's just one of those movies right there's so many iconic characters and scenes even the music in that movie is so good every character is so memorable in that movie god i can't gush about the matrix enough the effects were so good for the time the movie is just oozing with creativity so naturally you have a lot of movies that just straight up copy the matrix they try to put their own spin on it but it ends up just being terrible wow tron and tron legacy two insanely creative and amazing sci-fi movies it's about these guys that are split into molecules by a digital laser and transported into a computer this was one of the first times that a movie tried to digitally make an actor appear younger so it doesn't look the best nowadays but for the time it was pretty cool most of the other cgi is great though both of these movies have such incredible style it's so easy to get lost in this world it's such a unique and interesting take on what it would be like to live in the digital world and those bikes man those bikes are so cool there's also a show named upload it's set in the future when people's consciousness can be uploaded to a vr afterlife and you have to continue to pay for things after you've died so unless you're like a billionaire then this is not something that is very feasible for you it's a very interesting concept and i think it's a relatively entertaining show it's kind of goofy at points and some of the humor is kind of lackluster but overall it's really fun to see how these people envisioned this future the next movie i want to talk about is called possessor definitely one of my favorite movies from 2020 it follows this woman named tazia voss she's an assassin who takes control of others bodies to carry out her hits she's able to do this through an implant installed in the unwitting host's brain she uses a special machine to insert her consciousness into their minds she returns to her own body by forcing the host to commit suicide at the end of each job because she spends so much time imitating other people she struggles with increasing detachment from her own identity and can't fully separate her work from her interactions with her husband and son because of her fragile mental state during one of her assassination jobs the person's body that she's trying to control starts to fight back and a lot of the movie is about her inside this guy's body and his consciousness trying to push her out and the imagery they use in this movie to portray that is so awesome another movie i want to talk about is called source code it was released in 2011. the movie's about an army pilot captain that wakes up on a train going into chicago his name is coulter stevens he's extremely disoriented as his last memory was himself flying on a mission to afghanistan however to the world around him including his friend christina warren and his own reflection in the train's windows he appears to be a different man altogether he expresses his confusion to cristina the train then explodes killing everyone on board stevens abruptly wakes up inside of a dimly lit cockpit an air force captain verifies steven's identity and tells him of his mission to find the train bomber before sending him back to the moment he awoke on the train believing he is being tested in a simulation steven finds the bomb but is unable to identify the bomber before the train explodes he eventually learns that the explosion actually happened and that it was merely the first attack of a suspected series and it's his mission to identify the bomber before he or she kills more people later on steven eventually learns that he was reported as killed in action two months ago he confronts his captain who reveals that he is missing most of his body and is on life support and hooked up to neural sensors the capsule and his healthy body are manifestations made by his mind to make sense of the environment overall i thought it was a pretty fun movie i liked that i didn't really know where it was going it was one of those movies that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time there's some plot contrivances here and there but overall i enjoyed it i really like the idea of this tech that you can use to relive a moment over and over and over again in order to uncover a mystery another matrix style movie is the 13th floor it's loosely based upon the novel smoolacron 3 by daniel f galloy and a remake of the german film world on a wire funny enough the 13th floor was nominated for the saturn award for best science fiction film but lost to the matrix it's interesting because they both have so much in common i guess the whole simulation thing was a hot topic at the time the 13th floor is more of a murder mystery type movie instead of a full-blown sci-fi like the matrix but i still thought it was relatively enjoyable probably one of my favorite simulation type movies is dark city it's a 1998 neo-noir science fiction film directed by alex proyez the movie is about a man named john murdock he awakens in a hotel bathtub suffering from amnesia basically the world is run by these alien beings called the strangers they have this secret home beneath the city and it's always nighttime in order to blend in amongst the humans these aliens use corpses of human bodies as their hosts they control a sort of hive mind they're experimenting with humans to analyze their individuality in the hopes that some insight might be revealed that will help their own race survive it's such a cool movie from beginning to end it just gets more eerie and creepy and mysterious and then you start to learn what's going on and you're like oh my god what and then there's this scene at the end and it just it's crazy i love this movie so much i remember watching when i was a kid i can't recommend this movie enough it's great there's black mirror episodes that toy with the whole simulation thing more specifically san junipero season 3 episode 4. it's about a simulated beach town where elder people can visit and deceased people can live with their younger selves bodies there's another episode called playtest season 3 episode 2. it's about this guy named cooper who needs some extra money so he looks for a short-term job he finds a job with a video game company called saito gaimu this episode is terrifying and i hated it not because it's not good but because the idea of it it's so messed up some of the concepts that black mirror toys with really make my skin crawl this is it baby aliens yes i love aliens can you tell let's go you know what time it is alien time baby i am much shorter in my alien form prophecy is true first off i want to shout out perfect dark a game that i grew up with and love dearly put some respect on joanna dark's name let's forget about perfect dark zero that game doesn't exist the game's about this woman named joanna dark she's like a female james bond basically but it's set in the future in a sci-fi setting throughout the game she uncovers the truths of area 51 she eventually rescues an alien named elvis yes that's how i got the name elvis the alien now you guys know and you can stop asking me because you guys constantly ask me elvis is part of a friendly alien race called the mayans there's an evil alien race called the skeedar and the skeedar have been manipulating powerful people on earth changing their form into humans so they can blend in with the help of elvis you take on the skeedar i play it again recently and admittedly it has a lot of problems the level design is pretty bad but there's still so much charm to it and i am definitely looking forward to the new one as long as it has nothing to do with perfect dark zero that game is just it's oh god it's so bad i'm just gonna put halo in the alien section because there's a lot of memorable alien species in halo i grew up with all those games and i have a huge fondness for all of them but i have to say halo odst is probably my favorite the game is just dripping with atmosphere and since you don't play as master chief you feel exceptionally vulnerable the music in the halo games has got to be some of the best music ever composed for a video game i know the series hasn't been doing very well as of late but i'm crossing my fingers for halo infinite hopefully it's good and of course i have to mention the alien movies they're some of the most iconic sci-fi movies in existence and you probably don't need me to explain them to you basically it's about this badass woman named ellen ripley and she kills aliens in alien she fights one alien and it's a really good movie an alien she fights a bunch of aliens and it's a really good movie alien 3 is uh not that great just make sure you avoid alien resurrection at all costs for those that like anime there's obviously neon genesis evangelion the end of evangelion which is a really great animated flick who's joe who joe joe joe there's 10 cloverfield lane i actually really really like this movie i know the ending was kind of controversial but even with the ending i still loved it everything that happens in the shelter alone is so well done and the characters feel so real and the acting is so good i really enjoyed it a lot one of the more classic alien movies is invasion of the body snatchers it's about these strange seeds that drift to earth from space mysterious pods then grow they invade san francisco california where they replicate the residents into emotionless automatons there's war the worlds where we get to watch through the eyes of an american family as aliens invade earth the movie is a catastrophic nightmare to behold it's based off of the science fiction novel by h.g wells there's also men in black which is probably one of my favorite alien movies it's kind of goofy but it has a charm to it that's timeless obviously you can't forget the thing where a research team in antarctica is hunted by a shape-shifting alien ten crewmates have just discovered something over 100 000 years old it was buried in the snow and ice independence day obviously a classic the stupidest aliens in the universe attacked the stupidest humans on earth there's the x-files which i really really really loved as a kid you follow mulder and scully they fight the government in a conspiracy and find the truth about an alien colonization on earth there's district 9 which is about an alien species that lands on earth they're not inherently evil but humans struggle to agree on the best ways to live with their newfound neighbors and then later in the movie this guy starts turning into one it's kind of weird but i remember really really liking it god arrival dude if you guys haven't seen a rival go see it it's so good in this movie aliens don't come to earth to destroy it they come to warn us but there's one huge problem there's kind of a massive communication barrier and how the hell do we bypass such a barrier when we have little tiny human brains and we're talking to these super advanced creatures that have a language that is so far beyond our own that we can't even begin to comprehend it it's such a fascinating movie i love the soundtrack if you go and listen to it a lot of it is just like random mumblings but produced in such a way where it sounds alien the movie feels so grounded in reality it really takes your breath away danny valnev is an incredible director i'm just saying look out for dune the new dune movie it's gonna be great i'm so excited another amazing movie is under the skin it's a beautifully artistic take on an alien and human skin that seduces and lures unsuspecting people to their demise i think this is probably my favorite role that scarlett johansson has ever been in it's such a creepy eerie movie the way they portray people getting killed by this alien is so different and strange when you're watching this movie you can't look away it's so captivating definitely one of my favorite alien movies of all time there's annihilation and color out of space they both kind of blend an alien invasion with cosmic horror annihilation is a movie based on a book about an alien force that covers a huge area of land it shows perhaps the most terrifying of all extraterrestrial beings and that's one that we can't see or touch and affects us in ways that we're unfamiliar with when you're in contact with this thing it rewrites your dna changing you from the inside it's such an amazing movie i loved it color out of space is not as deep but it still touches on the same themes it's about an asteroid that falls to earth and an alien force was within the asteroid and takes over this family's farm and starts affecting the family in very strange ways nicholas cage does a great job in this movie and of course i have to talk about e.t the extraterrestrial i think this was the first alien movie i've ever seen it's about a boy befriending an alien that crashed on earth and throughout the movie we watch his struggle to keep it hidden from the government and his family it's such a heartwarming movie it's timeless there's something about the character e.t that will just live on forever and then there's paul remember the movie paul it's about a goofy alien man he's funny and he smokes weed i have to admit i kind of like the movie paul not my favorite alien movie by any stretch of the imagination but i thought it was charming in its own way i know it's not great but for whatever reason i kind of like paul now this is a big one ladies and gentlemen my favorite movies of all time are in this category i love this simple question what makes us human and can something that was built by humanity ever truly be considered sentient there are tons of examples in media that explore this question the most obvious two being the blade runner movies the first blade runner follows this man named rick deckard it takes place in the year 2020 the world is in a pretty awful place animals almost entirely cease to exist and they're all replaced with machine animals it's artificial of course it is and there's these androids that exist and they're called replicants and they're indistinguishable from human beings deckard's job is to hunt down replicants and retire them basically to kill them notice how even the wording dehumanizes them throughout the course of the film deckard learns that the newest model the nexus 6 that he's hired to hunt had become much more advanced than what he's familiar with by the end of the movie he's saved by a replicant named roy a replicant that he was hired to kill he's then forced to face his preconceptions of replicants basically roy is one of many replicants that travel to earth to face their creator tyrell in an attempt to prolong their measly 4-year lifespan when they finally confront him they hear that it's impossible so then he kills tyrell effectively killing his god which is not unlike how humans killed god so to speak with the advancement of science in his final moments roy reflects on all of his amazing experiences he understands that fighting deckard is ultimately meaningless because his real battle was with time and that's a fight everyone must lose replicant or human and that might be the most human thing all those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain in blade runner 2049 the protagonist joe who is the nexus 9 replicant is struggling with the idea that he lacks a soul that he's not a living thing over the course of the movie he learns that he may be more than just a replicant that there might be purpose to his existence that he might have been born and not made and that his implanted memories might have been authentic only to eventually realize that he was just another replicant all along at the end facing the reality that perhaps what it means to be human is realizing that you are never special to begin with and that dying for a noble cause is the most any of us can hope to achieve i think blade runner 2049 is probably my favorite movie of all time another movie directed by denis valenev definitely one of my favorite directors followed closely by jorgos lanthamos and robert eggers from the moment you start blade runner 2049 to the moment it ends it is just dripping with scenery it has this aesthetic about it that is so undeniably beautiful but also in a lot of ways depressing the acting all around in this movie is incredible and to think that denis valeneuv took a classic movie like blade runner and expanded upon the lore and the themes in such a way that he made a movie more impressive than a movie that was already a classic it's it's insane the cinematography is incredible the sets that they use in this movie are just breathtaking the effects are insane like you got to put your hands together for the people who edited this movie because holy they did a good job the color correction everything is just so well done it makes every single scene just drip with authenticity and in a fully realized sci-fi world like this it's super impressive the movie transcends film it brings you into the future it's such an incredible experience i remember sitting there after the movie ended and the credits were rolling i was teary-eyed because it's not every day that you see a movie that incredible moving on i'm going to be talking about a game that i love called soma this is one of my favorite video games of all time it takes place in an underwater research facility you play a man named simon he finds himself at the facility under mysterious circumstances and is inadvertently forced into uncovering its past while trying to make sense of his predicament and potential future the game plays with the concept of reality and what makes something alive does it matter if we're living in a simulation is someone less human if their consciousness is held within something other than a human body are you human yeah i'm human are you i love deus ex i love the original i loved invisible war the fall was garbage i even liked the newer games i really liked human revolution and i also liked mankind divided i know some people didn't like mankind divided but i still think it captures some of the essence of deus ex while each game has its own distinct story they'll take place on earth that has evolved into a dystopian cyberpunk society the people you play as in these games they all possess artificially acquired superhuman abilities or augmentations the first game and probably the game that i have the most fond memories with you play as a character named jc denton there's some critical choices that you make throughout the game that are really interesting for a game so old it's super impressive the amount of choice and freedom that they give you i think that's why i remember it so fondly another game that i like a lot is detroit become human you play as a bunch of different characters in this game one of them is conor a detective android as you play throughout the game it deviates from its programming and learns to empathize like a human the androids in this game gain sentience and start a revolution against mankind for equal rights there's a tv show called humans it's very similar to detroit become human in a lot of ways in this show however the androids are distinguishable from humans because they're given different colored eyes something i found interesting about the show is that there's a young human girl who disliked the flaws of humanity so much and admired the seemingly unproblematic life of synth so she put in contacts and pretended to be a synth as a way to shield herself from humanity another very impressive show as far as the first couple seasons are concerned anyway is westworld the main season revolves around this park called westworld where you can go and visit the old frontier as it once was and the park is full of hosts or androids who are indistinguishable from humans they can be toyed with by the guests however they please so it's basically just a big playground for these rich people to act as terrible as they want without any repercussions they can kill the androids or worse the androids then have their memories wiped they're cleaned and then reinstated the following day one of the android's creators had a different idea for them his plan all along was to get them to become sentient we can't define consciousness because consciousness does not exist humans fancy that there's something special about the way we perceive the world and yet we live in loops as tight and as closed as the hosts do there's this really cool sci-fi show on netflix called love death and robots the episodes range wildly in quality and genre some are sci-fi some are comedies some are fantasy there's one about yogurt that takes over the world yeah it's weird i remember really liking the episodes the witness zema blue sunny's edge three robots suits and beyond the aquila rift i gotta mention the portal games probably the best puzzle games of all time you're led through a series of dangerous tests by a robot named glados i honestly think this game is partly a comedy because the writing is so good for glados she's just constantly hurling insults at you it's hilarious good news i figured out what to do with all the money i save recycling your one room full of air when you die i'm going to laminate your skeleton and pose you in the lobby that way future generations can learn from you how not to have your unfortunate bone structure and for all you weebs out there near automata baby you play as a combat android named 2b it's a really fun game the best thing about this game is the music oh my god it's so good if you never play this game at least listen to the soundtrack it's amazing i often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle and wonder if we'll ever have the chance to kill him there's a really awesome movie called artificial intelligence it was directed by steven spielberg you can kind of think of it as like the pinocchio of the future you're a machine i'm a boy my name is david it's about a robot boy that goes on an adventure to become a real boy after he's dumped on the side of the road by his mother jude law is in this movie and he plays this sex robot it's really weird there's one scene in particular that's memorable to me there's a sort of carnival show that the boy ends up at where people destroy sentient robots to entertain a live audience and as a viewer it's kind of sad watching this because this seems like something that could definitely happen in the future and of course i have to talk about one of my favorite animes of all time ghost in the shell it's about this woman who is mostly android aside from her mind named major motoko she deals with a similar identity crisis as joe from blade runner 2049 except major had a terrible accident befall her as a child that ultimately required her to use a full body prosthesis to house her cyber brain this high level of cyberization opens the brain up to attacks from highly skilled hackers i normally really don't like live-action adaptations of anime but the ghost in the shell starring scarlett johansson i have a soft spot for i thought she was great for the role while it's not nearly as good as the anime i still think it's a fun movie and i really do think that scarlett johansson successfully brought major to life i think the live action movie is a comfort movie for me section 9 is currently this is major i'm on site obviously i have to mention the fallout games these games show us an alternate reality more than a glimpse into the future but they still do a lot of creative things with robots and technology i remember really liking the fallout 4 dlc far harbor in this dlc you are given the task to preserve the balance of power between the citizens of far harbor and a cult called the children of adam there's a safe haven for synths named acadia and they're simultaneously trying to keep the peace between far harbor and the children of adam but it's getting more and more difficult these three factions hate each other for some reason or another and it's your goal to try and make them see reason or not you can always just go insane and kill things but you know that's fallout and it's a really cool dlc but i hate these puzzle sections you're supposed to be like inside a computer uncovering a secret about one of the synths but it's just not fun the rest of the dlc is great though but nothing will beat fallout new vegas what an amazing game that is there's some really awesome videos by the act man and h-bomber guy about this game so if you want to know why it's so awesome go check them out it's always fine to me when you watch a movie like blade runner for instance and there's not a cell phone in sight because it wasn't a tech that was popular at the time when they made the movie so it'll be interesting to see how modern sci-fi movies age if you're looking for some really cool time travel content obviously there's the terminator movies there's the movie and show 12 monkeys obviously back to the future and one of my favorite shows dark sometimes you watch content that's so complex that you have to keep like a wiki on hand of the characters and where they're from and everything well that is definitely the case with this show dark but not in a bad way it can get a little bit convoluted at times but with the type of story they're trying to tell it's kind of impossible not to get convoluted but it's done in such a way that you remain invested in these characters the way they use time travel in the show is so ingenious another great time travel movie is primer it's kind of confusing when you watch it at first but if you take the time to understand it it's worth it if you're more into anime then i suggest you watch stein's gate it's a really really cool take on time travel i'm sure there's a bunch of stuff that i forgot but yeah i just wanted to spend some time and just talk about some movies and shows and games that i love obviously i can't touch on literally everything in the sci-fi drama that'd be ridiculous i tried my best to talk about the classics but also my favorites and some that stood out to me in my lifetime i want this to be kind of a discussion so in the comment section down below feel free to recommend me anything that i might not have discussed something i might not be aware of because i'm always looking for new content that's kind of similar to this stuff there's tons of movies and games that i haven't watched or played that i definitely want to one of the games i want to play for example is elite dangerous i hear it's awesome but i just haven't done it yet anyway i'm gonna stop rambling thank you so much for watching if you made it to the end i'm very impressed wow check out alienclothing.com if you haven't already thank you so much to all my patrons that make videos like this possible and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] oh
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 227,216
Rating: 4.9855576 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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