Drawing Exterior Walls in SketchUp - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's Aaron we are in part two of our architectural modeling playlist here and this time we're gonna take the reference image we imported last time and start drawing the exterior walls so I'm where I'm not much more to talk about there we're just going to hop right in so if I look at this model what all I'm concerned with right now are these walls around the outside that's what I need to get in so there's a couple different ways I go about this we're going to look at those a few different ways one option I have is to pick a corner start at so I'm gonna grab this point right here and I'm shooting for the middle this big black line we talked last time about how there's some slop in here as far as the width of this two inch wide line that I'm tracing so I'm going to pick about where the middle of this black line crosses the middle of this black line I think that's right about here so what I'm going to do this first time this first first go at this exterior is I'm going to draw a line all the way around the building and I'm going to do that using my inferences so I'm going to snap these different lines and my keyboard because I'm going to type in these dimensions so first thing to do is I'm gonna start coming up this way on the green axes and see my first dimension is 16 foot we don't need this open right this second so I'm gonna go ahead just move up here so I'm on the green axis and I'm just going to type 1 6 feet and hit enter I'm gonna drag this way and and down there I have a 5 foot dimension so I'm type 5 foot enter then drag up another 16 foot so you can see as I'm coming around here this one is foot and inches so I'm gonna type 19 foot six inches and hit enter I don't have to put a space or a dash or anything between I can just type those numbers in but you can actually see as I do this how quick this is the nice thing about doing it this way is I don't have to worry about looking at a drawing somewhere else I can actually do this without taking eyes off the screen it makes for very very quick input I can do this obviously referring to a print set of drawings that I have sitting next to me but this is kind of nice because as I'm inputting and chatting with you guys my favorite things to do of course I can just kind of keep rolling through here I don't have to hop back and forth it just it makes it a lot easier to input so this reference image is really nice so even though I'm not using the left reference image as like something I'm a snap - I don't have snap points here because well because there are have snap points it's just an image but I can still speed up my input by just referring to that image so here's where I do a little check so my first point was right here I went all the way around and I have two lines left one up and one over so my first check here I'm gonna start coming along this green line and I can hold down shift to lock to that line I could also hit the left arrow key to snap there too if I come over here a mouse over this point boom and I can check the dimension in the lower right corner and it says it's six-foot it also says supposed to be six without a plan so that is an awesome thing this is a little plan check I can do if I did that and it said it was five foot nine I would know that there was somewhere back here there's a three foot or 3 inch discrepancy that I'd want to go chase down and figure out where that is so I'm gonna come back this way and oh look at that I have a 27 foot one inch line where I should have a 27 inch line so this is one of those spots where I can actually run through here and try figure out well what went wrong so what I actually want to do is so this is supposed to be a 27 foot line I'm gonna go ahead and draw this 27 foot and I'ma hit enter and now it's small and it's on top of this line but I have one inch I got to figure out where that came from in this case there's some dimensions I know we're correct and some that may be off and I'm 99% sure that the issue is right here I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be 13 foot 10 if I'm uh this is my own design then I could come in here and grab this and just make a change you'd actually kind of tell there the rest of my lines are there pretty well in the middle this one you can actually see is on the outer edge in this case I am the building designer and I'm gonna confirm that that was a fat finger right there and that should be three foot 10 not 11 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab every line that happened after this incorrect dimension and I'm just going to click around like this and then I'm going to move them from here over one inch all right because I was going straight that moved this dimension right here to the 13 foot 10 ik and double check by clicking point 2 point in my dimension lower right corner 13 foot 10 all right because I didn't actually draw that last line it didn't close and give me a face but if I just draw over one of these lines boom I'll get my face there all right that's looking pretty good at this point I have basically traced the shape of the floor one thing I might want to do at this point is group this this is an excellent reference plane to use for drawing my floor below potentially just as a reference for the ceiling underneath that in the in the basement in this case I'm just going to make a copy of it I'm going to put it into a group and I'm gonna hold on to it I'm gonna double click into the group I'm going to grab and control see that surface and then I'm going to come back out and now again I just want to keep this as a reference I want to set aside so I'm just going to go ahead and I'm going to put it on to a new layer which is going to be called my I was a Freudian slip basement and I will go ahead and grab this group put it on to my basement layer and turn that off that is for use later when I want to go here in here and add that in in the meantime I still on my clipboard have a copy of that outline I just drew so if I rather than hitting pace right now if I come in here and I say paste in place I'm assured I'm right back where I was beginning so this is the same exact outline I drew before and now I also have just as a reference to use later my basement group as well so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to go to offset and I'm gonna offset this my extra walls are five and a half and twelve so I'm going to put in five point five and enter at that point I can delete that inside surface and I can drag these up to whatever they are nine-foot and I could at that point be finished I could triple click make that a group and assign that group then to my layer exterior walls that could be it I could be finished at that point but because there's so many different ways to do things let's look at one other option I'm gonna head and just slide this over I'm gonna slide over a hundred feet that way if I want to bring it back in later I can bring anything exactly that much something else I could consider doing I was going to my start point again so I'll click right here and what I'm going to do instead of what I did last time where I traced the outside I'm gonna come over this way five point five and then I'm gonna draw a rectangle so I'm gonna draw a line straight up on the blue axes nine feet I'm gonna come over on the red axes five point five again and then right back down the end that's give me a surface so what I could do right now again many different ways to do this is I could rather than draw the outline on the floor I could click here pull it this way and a 16-foot that's going to give me just this one wall this is good because what this actually lets me do is if I want to I could actually group and keep this as a single wall so what I could do is obviously I want to I want to start my next wall so I'm going to do is I'm going to go to push-pull again rather than just pulling out I'm going to hit the modifier key and look down in the lower left corner option or ctrl on Windows will give me a new face so as I pull this across like this I'm gonna say this is five point five because that again is my wall width once that's done now I could actually come in here and I could say okay let's start by with some precision group and right here I could take that make that a group that wall is now separate from this wall which is going to come across zoom out five feet and I could take that and make that into a group so it's another option whoops I'm missing a piece right there huh alright this the nice thing about this is if I'm doing something like a remodel so I'm gonna model this house with the intention of blowing this whole section out and adding a whole nother room well it's gonna be nice to be able to take these walls move them around as opposed to grabbing those connected surfaces and trying to drag them back and forth it really this point is a preference thing this comes down to how do you want to do it another option of course is I could always come in here as I'm drawing these walls I could actually come in here and with a rectangle I come in here like this and you tell it that rectangle is 16 foot by 5.5 and then I could show that up here your reference point and I could make that a group I didn't see that's on the wrong side so maybe bring that in here like this I come in here shove this falling with over again depending on what you need to get out of this this is up to you so if I'm gonna actually take these different walls and I'm gonna go in and frame them so I'm gonna actually use this as a template for my wall framing well it's probably good to have these in separate groups anyhow if my only interest is in architectural where I need my exterior wall shapes and I come in here cut a section it created drawing from then doing something like this where I have a my main group and offset it is probably just fine too either way works and either one is an option this is one of those spots where you get to make the decision either one of these solutions will work but the one that works best is the ones can help you with your workflow hopefully that's helpful hopefully you'll let us know tell us what you thought in the comments down below maybe subscribe or give us a like let us know if you have a variation on this workflow or something else you'd like to see more of we like making these videos but we like them a lot better when they help you with what you need to do thank you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 114,600
Rating: 4.9188404 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Walls, Exterior, Architectural, Building, skill builder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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