Modeling V's Apartment from Cyberpunk 2077 in SketchUp Live! Match Photo Time!

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i'm sorry i must have pushed a button oh man okay hold on let me think about all the things i just said what buttons did i push there's not that many buttons to push oh i don't know i don't know if they work initially let's show that again here watch this hey guys all right let's try again i'm aaron if we haven't met before if we have met before i'm still aaron and with me is jody i was prepared to turn on my camera and try and be like the the sign language interpreter so that everybody could at least follow along that way uh i'm sorry guys apparently that's i don't know it's been a busy week already i apparently i got too busy to push those buttons youtube said it was a math button no wonder it it messed up there's a symbol on it it's not a number but it is a symbol it could be math related anyhow uh yeah so we're excited we're just saying that i was just calling this out i don't i think i don't call it out enough uh if you guys have questions as we launch into this model throw them up there even if it doesn't directly align with what we're talking about right this second i mean it might be if you say something like hey can you draw a minivan now i probably won't do that well i can tell you guarantee i won't do that but uh if you have a question like i'm really struggling with my modifier cue and i move um throw that out there if we don't necessarily get to it on air somebody who's in the comments may help you out with that we have an awesome user community you guys are amazing and that actually comes through to our live stream comments so you know throw questions out as they come up throw questions out that you've been working on where it's it's all good stuff here i feel like i can't throw out my backhanded compliment or my my shady comment that i made while we were muted because now it just feels forced feels played out yeah jody had a really fun comment that we we ripped on for a second there oh my goodness you guys would have loved it but you forget it now okay um so something you want to throw out uh we're we're coming up on the end of january we got a brand new month starting next week and we don't have any models lined up right now so our goal to recap what we're hoping to do is do a big model like an architectural model uh that could be a specific building a landmark a style of architecture that we want to do something cool for that's going to be the first week second week is a smaller model this is entourage specific smaller more detailed things that we might want to do last last month we did some appliances we don't have anything for those so as we go through here if you guys think of cool ideas just type them up and we'll try to keep track and and watch those or i'll we'll run through the comments later and try to mine those out but yeah i'd love to hear what you think would be good models for us to do in this next month february hold on a second steve just said now you're sitting in butter so someone else knows that reference that's creepy because that was the comment we were just talking about before we started live like we were literally talking about once we get going we sit in butter i had to explain the whole story to aaron he told me about wings yeah it was wow that's crazy thanks steve uh i'm pretty much the only person who's ever gotten that reference no no there's two of us all right well hey let's uh let's get rolling and and sit down in some butter nah it didn't work but it was forced i tried too hard okay so welcome it doesn't change the fact that nobody else knows what sitting in butter means i'm not upset about that i think that's cool yeah anyway carry on let's let's do this thing all right so today uh if you saw the invite or if you saw the the forum post we're going to model the apartment of cyberpunk 2077's protagonist v so uh it's cool it's kind of a one-room studio kind of apartment um so i've i got some screenshots of the four corners of the room and we're gonna try to use photo match to put together a good representation so there's a couple things that i noticed that we will run into as we try to do this one specific issue i know we're going to hit but i do want to show you guys how to align multiple photos into a single model it is cool it is something you can do most people don't do it or don't know about it there's a little tweaking to happen but you guys will see that so i really my goal today is not to exactly emulate perfectly but i want to try to get an initial model of the full apartment so i want to get everything in there this may be something that maybe i'll share it out once it's done and you guys can go in and help me finish it if if i'm enjoying it enough maybe i'll just keep working on it for fun because i tell you guys all the time have a fun model right and i don't actually have one of those right now i don't have anything i'm modeling just for a good time right now so all right so let's let's do it let's hop in and start this thing up okay um so let you guys know i did get a couple of extensions installed um what i know i hey i love extensions i just haven't been on the ball i haven't haven't gotten them installed lately um so one of them is bezier curves this is not any of the fancy ones there's some some fancier ones out there from fredo has one and there's another one i don't know what where it's from i can picture the logo red and blue this is just the the the one that's up there the free one from the sketchup team just you to find multiple points create the beziers because i know we're going to have some curves in here they're not all going to be standard normal curves the other thing i went and grabbed is i did grab joint push pull um one thing about if you're doing any kind of sci-fi uh or industrial modeling panels are a big thing right just that's how you break up a surface you have a surface put a bunch of panels on it and that's cool panels are really easy to do on flat surfaces but as soon as you get rounded surface and you want to put a panel line like a crease in there or bring a panel out that can be tough because you end up doing some offsetting and it's it's harder to do so i grab joint push pull because that'll make it a lot easier to do those the panel lines so um i did see a comment go by saying we need a stream on layout as well we have done layout before on our sketchup live we also do a couple had done several videos on it we actually did uh eight or ten videos just towards the end of last year on layout layout's fun but it's not how do i say this it's not it's not as fun to watch you know adding dimensions is just not riveting yeah it's kind of like modeling a circuit board uh it's a callback for those that are paying attention at home nobody will admit to seeing that um okay so we're hopping in here this is sketchup 2021 sketchup pro 2021 this is our our uh professional modeling tool um so we're going to hop in and first thing i'm going to do is load load up my let me look at show you the images i grabbed real quick we'll do that first so these are screenshots i actually grabbed the ones i put up on the forum i went through and pulled up in photoshop and brightened them up a little bit they were a little dark so uh the room is essentially a square so what i did was i did go in and i took a snapshot of each corner of the room so this is intentional when you create take images to use with photo match you do want to make sure you get vanishing lines so you want to look at the corners of things as opposed to just flat faces um if you look at just faces then you can't put the the red and green axis lines on there and you can't get those vanishing points to show up so i intentionally went into each corner and took a picture you know as much as possible facing the corner it's not perfect it's not exactly not directly in the center at exactly you know perpendicular to the corner anything like that it's just looking in that direction the other thing i want to do in order to match this is real important if you're trying to match multiple photos so i want to make sure that this photo overlaps this photo you have to have overlapping content in the photo so if you look at this this picture right here it goes up to this door and the desk area kind of comes out here so if i look at the next one this is moving counterclockwise around the room that's that same door that was on the left of the previous uh picture so having that whole door there means i'm gonna be able to line this image up with that last section of model so if i in that first model if i come up to here this panel right here then i have this image that i can overlay and i can try to scale up to it so those are the two things if you're if you are going to do uh internal images honestly photo match was really created with the idea of modeling exteriors of buildings so the tool itself is really and we'll see that there's two different things that are going to come up during this model i i have a feeling that are going to stress this point um when you're doing inside room there's a couple things you have to consider and do things a little bit differently than you would if you were doing the outside of a building but we'll see how those we'll see those in a second so here's the uh that's that little couch nook that's in there this comes around this side and then of course we have one more there's the fourth side looking towards the desk and off to the bathroom here see that that chair's all space ag sci-fi looking but the fan that was hanging in that previous picture was very uh uh yeah very old-school looked like it was right out of the 70s or something i was going to say i think i think i have that fan i have the one at my house right now it's not high end um yeah so this is gonna be cool uh i took a couple other pictures uh one picture i took was uh of the window so this is just looking out the window i thought this would be kind of a cool one to just superimpose on the actual window rather than you know modeling the whole city to look out on and then the rest of them are just kind of reference holes for the pieces you can't see so the back side of the bed nook and then some pictures of the bathroom the shower toilet that kind of stuff so just these are just kind of i don't even know that we'll get to a point where we use these uh i'll see how long the main section takes so what i really want to look at here we've done a lot of models that come off of floor plans we've taken a lot of 2d images either flat staring at a wall or looking down on a room or a floor plan and we've modeled off of that i don't think we've ever done a room solely off of pictures taken like this so that's kind of the big thing i wanted to try to do today so i'll honestly up i have no idea how far we'll get how long it'll take but i want to try to get at least the initial geometry of the room in and then we can start pumping details in so this is going to be fun we got artisan tony is saying he likes the ability to organize tags that i'm with you that is really cool that's something that i struggle with my i do not have the most organized models in the world but uh man being able to put them into folders that's that's definitely nice um all right so let's let's hop in let's do this thing all right so i'm gonna go start by importing one of the images all right i'm gonna start with uh i'm scared with one go ahead and import i am importing as a photo match okay here's the first thing that comes up your vanishing lines green red lines see how they're see how they're going they're basically coming off the screen they're coming towards me like this like the thing i'm looking at is going like this towards me but i'm modeling going in like that so here's the first thing that will mess with you and it'll it it'll be okay on the first one but when you try to add the second image it's going to destroy you this green line this is this over here that's this line right here this green line is this line over here this one is uh maybe we'll do this at the bottom of the door this red line is up here at the top so we're making a con cave geometry the default setup for photo match is a convex geometry coming out so very important because it will mess with your feel of depth it it'll get crazy if you don't uh keep an eye on that and make sure to switch those that's one that i uh actually until you just did that pretty much screwed up every time i've tried to do an interior oh that's thanks i i know that from practical experience [Laughter] that's not something i read somewhere all right um so when you're in photo match or match photo is it called match photo i say i keep calling photo match um you can't don't use your 3d mouse don't orbit using the uh the middle button you can zoom in and out but that's it so if you want to pan over what you have to do is you know zoom out over here and then zoom back in over here only zooming as soon as you do anything to rotate the camera photo match quits um so down here all right so first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get my origin i want to use this point right here as my origin that's the corner of my room see the entryway kind of pushes out of the room so i'm looking at this corner as being the corner of my room i'm gonna align this green axis to this line right here the length of your green line doesn't seem to really make much of a difference so it can be short or long i try to i tend to pull it out a little bit longer like this just because it's easier for me to use that handle and line it up directly but if i put that long or short it doesn't really matter it's not going to make a big impact on it all right i'll pull this one down here like that there we go right along that line up at the top all right so that's my green side lined up let's come over here and do the same for red get the red dot on the line the red so i'm just just zooming just scrolling to zoom in and out from this line as i do this um so something that you will see will happen i think i'm not sure how much is going to happen on this um i don't know how much distortion there is a lot of times video games give you kind of a fish-eyed view sorry hold on keeping in line with audio problems i was leaning down and trapped my audio cord and was choking myself it's worth mentioning studio rtcool pointed this out on the youtube channel is you can always hit your scene button at the top to jump back to your view if you accidentally yes uh do any of the rotations out of that's correct yeah so so if i do if i do accidentally bump it you can you can get back to it you're not you're not totally out of luck um that is true good point um all right so that's lined up pretty well the last thing is to grab an axis and scale it and i'm going to use sumely just as okay so i think i would think sumela is about that big in this room this is a this is a closet type thing so she's actually standing on this side of it so yeah i think that's about the right height maybe looking at the door she should be a little bit taller yeah the size of the door i don't think she sumely's not that tall though so she's not a terribly tall person so all right so that looks like if a six foot person a two meter tall person tried to walk through it they would hit their head based on her size all right so i'll bring her down a little bit so five foot something give you some head height although she is floating she is floating she's on the wrong side of the axis yeah she's in in there all right so we're saying that's good of course it's sketchup you can always resize if you need to and i'm going to go ahead and say done probably a good time to save yeah that seems like a good time to save one of the three best times to save is it three three times a save now later and just before now yes exactly okay so this is not carved in stone but i will tell you guys how i go about modeling uh when i do match photo i try to take something off of this point the origin point one of the things of course is once i start snapping out here it's gonna try to keep me on plane so you see those one things that match photo does so if i click right there i'm in the blue green plane but i always end up coming right off of this point just to you know i don't know it's just what i do i start on the axis and then i'm going to come off axis and put a green line this way i'll go to right where the curve starts and drop that straight down bring it right back here and i tend to start modeling like this if i wanted to come out here so i'm going to use that red set red lines coming out there so i'm holding down shift on the green axis to come out to use the red line to look where that curve ends and then i'll go like that now what i'm going to do is i want to put a curve on there so i'm just going to go ahead and do that you know what i'm trying maybe i want to do maybe i want to see what it looks like curves are kind of hard to see so i'm going to do a curve like that pull that up you guys notice that i did jump out of my view from before not a problem i can work on this because i can always hit this this scene and jump right back to it so you see that didn't line up perfectly it's possible that's not an actual quarter of a circle it could i could have used a bezier curve on there to get a non-symmetric curve that could have been the case the other thing that's possible is this could be due to a distortion of the image lens flare that kind of thing i was saying that with video games you actually end up with a kind of a wider field of view and it stretches your view a lot of times so it's possible that's not perfectly right but it's gonna work for us all right uh one of the things i don't like when i do match photo model or match photo modeling that's right is uh this slowly rotate it back to where it is i want when i click on the scene i want to just snap to that so one of the things i do is i go to um view animation settings and i'm going to disable scene transitions that way if i'm over here i want to jump back here i click it and it snaps right into it all right i'm going to take you're going to keep doing that in this in this live stream as you're going to save so much time that's going to add up to minutes all right um all right so i will go ahead so again i can scroll in and out no problem it'll keep me where i am what i can't do is i can't uh rotate i can't i can't uh orbit so i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna draw a rectangle right here on this plane and then i'll just grab this line and i'll slide it back to i think about there and then what i got going on here is something like that yeah that one really looks like it's not a perfect one so let me i'll do i'll uh actually i want to move this point a little bit longer and then i will draw a bezier there go there bring that down to there all right and then this i'll push back like that all right and there that's coming together already uh i know some people are really concerned about the the front and back lines what i tend to do is not worry about it too much until i have more geometry in there to worry about so i'm not going to stress about it right this second but uh i i am aware that i have backsides showing i'm not just not too upset about it yet all right let's jump back here all right let's oh all right let's pan over here let's get this panel in so i can't see it's behind this little thing right here so i will have to hold down shift and just snap to vertical nice thing is this room has a flat floor and a mostly flat floor flat ceiling so i know anything i can't as long as i can see where the vertical partitions are i can model the rest of it pretty easy speaking partitions i'll go ahead and throw a line here i'll throw a rectangle right here okay and then over here see how how what more detail do i want to put here maybe i will grab these two shift them over till they line up with that there we go and then i can take that up to here it looks like that's like like a half glass wall or something oops take that over to oops i didn't do that right that wall like that and get back in here and well let's let's do this i want to put this up as a full height wall right now and that way i can trace on that geometry i can say go to here and then go straight up and then we can push this to here there we go awesome so that's another thing if as you're modeling like this don't get uh too terribly hung up on uh uh perfection that's the third thing to say focus on the process that's right i take this over to here across like that so i'm just kind of modeling in 3d space right now based on the photo and then jumping out here to fill the geometry in afterwards if that makes sense there you go so if i do that get that geometry in there when i snap it back over here i can look and see that that looks like lines up it looks like that's actually just kind of a shell though all right let me do this do that and then i'm going to take these lines see how that looks so line up with all right close uh looks like i i was a little more generous with that curve it looks like it's actually pretty pretty small but then there's also this lip going around but all right i got that i got that geometry mocked in right now that's that's what i'm shooting for in the future curves are a little different than they are now so we're just dealing with future curves that's right future curves i like that that concept these are curves that will be yes okay um i don't necessarily know why i closed that up but we'll be back so moving around this way all right so now i want to get my second photo in here and what i'm going to do is try to kind of just get into where that photo's going to be so i i remember looking at that image i had the door kind of over on the right so i'm going to say like this looking in that direction and now i'm going to go to file i'm going to go back to import and i'm going to import room 2. all right so it's going to pull that in same thing i've got to go through the same process here i don't want to move the axis because the axis is aligned over here but i do want to make sure i get these going the right direction so this is going to go this way this one maybe i'll use uh that line right there looks pretty good sorry i know that goes behind my head a little bit but i got a nice line here here oh no it's even better right here look at this line i'll put that there uh going this direction obviously ceiling line right here and then maybe the edge of this pit right here that's a challenging room right there for a challenging angle it is and this is where stuff's going to get weird especially if you're taking your own photos of interiors because your your angle your focus it's going to get challenging is a solid word to describe the issue but one of the things you do want to do i have experienced that the the best lines uh you know i'm going to use this line down here instead looks i i can see more of it so what is that thing that has the c on it is that supposed to be a light or is that a projector i think it's a tv these are little holographic views circling around it i'm asking the question me and fan we're in the same page what the heck is that thing yeah i think that's that's uh so uh jorgen is in game right now in that room so maybe he can go over right he can poke around and and figure out what it is and come back and tell us real time data update like when we had somebody looking out their window at the uh exactly what what building was that we were working on uh it was the one in india the taj mahal but we had somebody there we also had somebody when we were in the eiffel tower i think eiffel tower that was when i was thinking of yeah it's right up the street i can see it so we also had somebody doing the tower of london okay see that's how international script is we've had three different shows where people were actually able to look at the thing while we were doing it that's good because here we are a couple of landlocked americans that just no idea what's going on outside of colorado yeah wait there's outside of colorado we only know that outside of colorado exists because of you guys so let's save real quick so uh one thing i'm saying too is if you look just if you just look at my lines my greens here and my reds here they don't they're not on the same plane and that's fine it doesn't have to be like on a single plane um but i what i want to do is as much as possible get that that tip between them like this uh i don't want to pick two lines that are right next to each other in parallel like this i want to find two lines that are parallel but create that vanishing point that's why i picked a line up here and then all the way over down here at the edge of this this uh step down same thing over here this was on the ground over here and this is up in the ceiling here they're not on the same plane they don't line up but they give me that spread that's essential for getting a vanishing point all right now comes that's interesting why not do each of the four walls separately and then merge them later you could uh the issue there that my experience it comes down to scaling um i've never gotten anything to line up perfectly that way um like i said you don't have to do it this way and there's actually a downside to doing this we'll see what that is in just a few minutes but that's an option too if you want to do that that you could absolutely just do it as a whole separate model and then bring them in uh what you could do is you could set the problem will come in scaling which is the challenge we're going to hit right this second to get everything to line up that's really the hardest part about doing photo match across photos whether you do it as separate pieces like that or if we do it all in one and you'll see what i'm saying when i come out here so this distorted camera angle is what we're seeing and this is this is just what happens when you zoom in on one piece and you you end up distorting what's behind you so what we need to do is we need to get to a view where i can see both the origin and the blue axis and we have to move our model around now and line it up with the photo so if i grab this handle here i can move it and what i'm trying to do is i want to get actually not i'm not that far off i want to try to get this line to show up right see right here is where that is so it's right at the end i'll move my dot here make it a little bit easier on myself right at the end of that dot i can do the same thing here i could pull so you're mike's not being problematic for me but i'm saying both on youtube and on facebook people are saying you're kind of hot or you're clipping in and out or all right well i can i can audio i can address that that's why i have two mice here because i'm really important and i have a lot of control all right let's see how that sounds see if that sounds better so i'm taking my red dot and my green dot up to the edge of this panel so that's where this line right here should go up to where those dots are that's going to make it easier to come back here grab my origin and slide it over you see i'm a little bit big i'm past the top and the bottom so i do want to slide up and down here to get a little bit smaller get it over here a little smaller still and this this is the rough part this is the part that can be a little frustrating to get everything lined up just right but there we go that looks pretty good so i'm on there i need to come over just a little i'm almost perfectly high uh perfect height wise come on guys oh there there we go all right so that lines up pretty well if that's good i can say match photo done all right we did it okay so now i'm going to take this line down here now i'm just going to draw a rectangle like this and i'm going to grab it and i'm going to move it back along this axis until it hits that corner line right there and then i'll take this one out and see how close oh yeah look at that liner right up all right i'm going gonna take that up i know i'm behind my head right now out of your head get out of your head all right okay so i'm going to draw this thing in here because it seems like it's kind of important it's a defining piece of transom wondered if you could change the field of view to get the origin closer to the second photo well if i change the field of view it's going to squish where my lines are so i think that'll be a problem i'll take that take that across there all right and then i'm assuming that's where this pit starts whoops that line across like that and then i'm gonna do the same thing i'm just going to draw a line here straight back to here and then i'll grab that line and move it oops that did not i did not line up to my point there we go on axis back to here then grab that line slide it back like that there we go and then try to find a good spot to pull that curve off of there we go that looks nice then i can take that and this is actually kind of tough because i got to push this down but i have to push it down to a depth that i can't see from this view i'm making a pit but i don't know where like the back of this couch is yet so but again that's okay because i can put it in now and i can adjust it as i need to so right now i'm drawing negative space i'm drawing a pit down so i'm going to just come over here and i know the floor goes all the way across so i'm gonna go ahead and hit that awesome okay so let's hop back in here all right everything seems to line up pretty good there um room two wow so far so good all right uh so here in here's where we start to hit the issue the problem remember i was saying match photo is really a tool that's made to draw the outside of a building um that's how it tries to align geometry is is to the outside so when i start getting to the point where i'm inside of geometry trying to match or align it can get kind of funky uh weird stuff can start happening so i remember this side's easier because i have this whole i have this to line up with so i'm going to go this way so i'm going to grab my fourth one my fourth image and bring it in and that lines up over here so i'm going to see how well i can line this one up so i'm going to go file import i'm going to grab room four oh wow that's that works really good okay so this this i'll put up here this one i'll throw down here this guy will line up there you will be this floor line right here zoom in to line my lines up yes it turns tiny let me be honest who's tiny a chair well you know i know you haven't played the game but v is not rolling in it at the beginning of the game okay and you this is from the beginning of the game so you can you can outfit this room as you see fit as you play through well not so much but uh you seem to mostly spend your money on cars and guns so okay just like real life [Laughter] yeah just use the chair that your apartment came with uh so actually i was asking what button you use to reference one line to another so when you're drawing a rectangle you want it to match perpendicular line just curious what button you're using those are the arrow keys so the arrow keys are gonna let you snap uh to the red green or blue axis uh left right and up are the the three um so i use that a lot that's that is a common common tool i use for sure and that's because you can't use the space mouse in here which youtube pointed out that's right i'm doing good if you get you guys notice that i haven't reached over and smacked it even once well okay no i did it exactly once so really this is the modeling you should have done back whenever you broke apparently for your space mask apparently our schedule is off because yes that's that is very true yeah yeah it's fine it's fine all right so work in this distorted view to get that oh that's so close so i'm looking this is the downside about this this particular model every corner has stuff in it like okay not every corner but all the corners i've tried to model from so far there's a couch in that corner there's a beanbag chair in this corner and now i got garbage bags over here so not making it easy on me cdpr so ashley's got a follow-up question she said what if you're snapping to a line that's already drawn but it's not on axis that's fine it doesn't matter where you start a line from it uh it will let you uh that's way different um that's okay so if i start on a line so if i start on this line this curve right here the curve is not on any axis but i can still as i'm drawing hit the red axis hit the green axis and lock onto those and see those arrow keys showing up in the in the bottom left corner all right so all right i accepted i accepted that but i don't like that i wanna i wanna adjust a little bit more you can always come back in and make adjustments afterwards so you can go to your match photo and as long as you're in that view you can click oh actually i'm not done alright so if i said done you can hit the little gears button here and it'll bring you right back into the view so i do want to i got i got to talk in and click in and stuff as as one does and i did not get that lined up as good as i wanted so i'm definitely ceiling feeling a little bit of discrepancy between my two images here and what i'm noticing so with with the previous two the geometry towards the edges is not quite lining up and i'm not sure if that's because of some kind of distortion but look at this look at the difference in height between where i drew this right here and right here versus here just not not quite the same um so i said i have a feeling that just has to do with how uh i i have a little bit of distorted view so i'm going to go with this one since i have a cleaner view of it here doesn't want me to push pull that why is that oh like that that can't happen all right so you're staying up there pull this up to here see how that looks so that means it has to move over more all right well this will be the stuff i have to uh figure out as i move through here i'm starting to think that the game designers did not use sketchup maybe this is why there's there's all these glitches i keep hearing about if only they had sketchup exactly yeah i'm not i'm not happy with that so i'm gonna adjust it so again i'm gonna go into my room 4 view i'm going to hit that and i'm going to continue a little bit smaller slide it over again a little bit i think i'm putting too much stock into this corner i think that's the problem i need to be watching the bottom of this line and the top of this to get that lined up that's probably the the a good point is use your biggest geometry okay i know that and i know that curve's not very solid i just kind of arbitrarily threw a curve in there but that's closer yeah that's that's much closer okay so if i was to go with that now i could actually hop in here push this back up to here come back and fix this curve so it's closer to what is actually happening and then i could also hear that so here's something to do a push pull you have to be able to see the face and obviously if you're in a a view like this as soon as i come around you know if i come around here to grab this face to push pull i'm out of the view but what you can do is from this view i could do a group select that grabs the face i can't push pull it but i can move it so i can slide it around like long like this we'll get right out to that wall and then you could you could pre-select that face while you orbit it around and then it would still be selected and you could just use push-pull that way too that would also work all right um all right i'm gonna just get a line here to get geometry to pull that down pull this out to here all right so now i need a curve here i do want to come fix this curve because i don't like this so all i'm going to do to fix that is i'm going to draw a line like that pull that down like that there we go all right now hop into my view i'm trying to think of what's the easiest way to be so i'm pull i can't pull that out man that is uh it's kind of a wonky mess man it's a weird angle i think it's a small angle maybe it's just like like that looks like a different angle on the interior edge than on the edges and the wall thickness looks different all right there's no there are no standards nope this is the future we don't need standards all right so i'm gonna throw an angle up here you're also a cyberpunk right i mean right the heck it's all about rebellion and stuff don't tell me what to do i'll angle how i want to angle round that corner off option erase to clean that up all right um all right so the other thing oh i already got it yeah so something's not what do i got going on here all right so i don't have a wall width here yet so i'm going to come over here come back into this view did you just say a wallbus a wall width okay that goes back like that i want to know why this doesn't line up better all right let me get my floor in so i think a lot of times when people first start using a match photo they get worried about leaving this view so i think that's one of the big things is don't stress you can always come back it's not a it's you'll never lose it it'll never go away so come in clean stuff up i feel like this is not actually intersecting the floor um and you can always jump back to your view like this pretty easy i'm going to keep messing with this because i feel like there's something that's just not as beautiful as i want it to be beauty is in the eye a beholder aaron i've never met a beholder i know and this one thing i learned by playing dungeons and dragons in my youth is you don't want to because they have all these different eye stalks that can do different magical abilities to you oh did i get a little too geeky there that works for me i'm okay with it so i think it's going to be important once you get this this little bit perfected to just reuse these arcs for all your other i think so parting walls i think uniformity is important and it also saves you from having to keep tweaking that's true sven's friend made that movie this you think he's talking about the eye of the holder is that a movie if not it should be that is a that is a cool name of a movie i'll say it was a movie it was a movie 21 years ago starring ashley judd and ewan mcgregor ewan mcgregor before he was obi-wan a pro-b1 pre-b1 pre-op one so dieter pointed out that you might want to save as as did ryan you guys are so s good about that and brent uh i agree with you when he says that that looks like some sort of home helmet every time you zoom out and look at this i think it's that's uh magneto yeah this is a totally cheap guard right here i i totally agree with that all right so that looked pretty good so one of the things i did i i don't know if you guys well you guys saw it but i wasn't commenting because i was i was focused um is realigning multiple times so i did a couple different times go in and move that alignment around and that's not a bad thing to do that does help can help quite a bit all right so let's see but now do i have to huh now i got an issue because i got to move this this this helmet mess that i've created all right let's i jumped i should i should have kept this as a square thing and put my curves in last because what's going to happen now you guys are probably used to this now i've got these corners that i can't i can't push pull anything because they're all round so i'm going to come in here and square out my corners again real quick and i'll round them out after there we go here are those lines get rid of these lines so what that's going to let me do is to have more over here just that one so what that's going to let me do is from this view right here now i can do some cleanup by saying like okay this needs to go over something stopping it though [Music] uh-huh thomas said he's triggered by all these uh back faces that you see i know i know i like that you know but you just don't care welcome to my world all right oh what's what what am i hanging up on here i feel like that floor is just uneven if you actually lived in that you would be like stub stumbling all the time there you go okay my dog has joined me in here and i'm eating some peanuts and i'm wondering how many people their dog just gets all up in their business every time they have a handful of peanuts because all he does he just wants me to give him peanuts like he's pushy sounds like your dog's entitled he kind of is i think the problem is that i'm humoring him by giving him some peanuts he's never going to learn jody he's never going to learn you're encouraging tough love well somebody's got it you gotta take away the peanuts eventually that's all i'm saying all right there we go that's how i should done it we should just stuck with square right now boom square good um except yeah i definitely got a discrepancy here between the tops and bottom but i'm gonna be good with it i'm gonna be i'm gonna let that be so this should go like this this should go like this i'm gonna get rid of the ceiling all right all right and let's just uh doing just a quick quick clean up real quick uh let's go ahead and get our insides and outside faces sorted real quick so let's see if i see i'll try orient faces on this white that worked pretty well look at that i'm not disappointed with that all right so i'm going to save and uh you just need to vacuum the carpet boom all right um i want to get this in here real quick over here so as i keep looking at that mini map in the corner i'm wondering how often do you find yourself in real life like trying to find your uh your ui elements that can help you find things yeah i need a hud in my daily life for sure i mean your cell phone kindness right i get in my car and all sudden i got a something telling me how to get where i'm going well it's kind of funny you say that because uh in this game much like the reality we live in the uh the mini map doesn't always give you the best directions and a lot of times it seems to uh you know spring turns on you like oh turn right now so my experience using google maps versus waze for when to turn is it seems like google maps tells me to take a u-turn a lot i have noticed that like try past your turn turn around and come back then turn make a u-turn at the next intersection come on all right uh who's got two thumbs and doesn't like to make u-turns this guy probably jody did i guess right yeah you're right that's right all right this is cool this is coming along all right so here's here's the thing so here's what i was talking about before this is where it's gonna be uh odd so i know i have a bunch of just lines and not geometry and that seems way too deep doesn't it for a desk maybe not what corner did i just push that back to oh it was too deep all right try try like that i can't actually see my corner in there so i think i went to that panel line so i don't see a keyboard like on the top of that desk do you think that like in the future everybody's just able to just handle a type on a flat glass surface or a projected surface it's all touch screen man you don't you don't need that i can't i can't get past enjoying the tactical feel of a mechanical keyboard i know we've heard we we know that [Laughter] in case you guys have heard that thing that sounds like like repeated bicycle crashes happening in the background that is jody's mechanical keyboard wait have you heard it today no not today but it has happened on previous streams i'm just saying i'm okay with it but also someone also called me up for it's time for me to eat something noisy i don't think anybody's heard that happening today either so oh you've been here before thanks for welcome back here's jody crunching on things let's take a break and hear jody eat with his dog the soothing sounds of crunchy peanuts that's our crunching noises okay um so here's the thing this is this is the big if you if you're a match photo user then maybe this will be the thing you take away from this right here i want to try to put my third photo in here and i picked this one because uh it's the weirdest corner i guess i don't know but i have a photo of this corner so i'm just gonna i'm gonna save and then i'm gonna go try to put it in here so i'm gonna say import i'm gonna grab that it's three and import it and here let's zoom out so you can see what happened look what it did it shot me into the corner of the original image i don't know why this happens but as you close up it seems to do this i like that i don't really get why this happens if you guys have ever had this this happened to you i played with this a little bit so i'm going to say done and then to get rid of a match photo you just grab the scene and delete it and then it's gone so if i play with this a little bit so i'm trying to get this corner so i'm going to try a couple things i'm going to try to go down real low like just above the floor and see what happens if i say match photo room three where am i now yeah see it still it went back to looking 180 degrees around i don't get why this is happening move the origin before import so if i was to do this let's try this all right that's my axis now i hope so i love learning things i would love to learn this is the case yes oh there you go nice work mvp studio rtcool for the win thank you robert that's awesome seriously i was playing with that not on this model but on another test well actually it was not a test model for this it was quite a while ago and it was killing me like i was like i was oh i was dying thank you that's awesome all right so let's move our red lines over move our green lines over let's line them up and put this right here hey just to throw something out while i'm doing something i've already done three or four times before uh anybody on the line virtually attending kbiz this year that is the uh the kitchen and bath design show for those of you who are not aware silence i didn't realize robert was supposed to present this at base camp did you know that you probably knew that i knew he would yeah i mean i didn't know he was going to do you know cyberpunk apartment but well that's cool to learn that's really amazing right because cyberpunk wasn't even out yet it wasn't even released they were still teasing at that point yeah yeah depending on who you are they may still be teasing it because you can't get it on playstation 4 anymore i don't think they took that ability away yeah you don't want it there anyhow brent weeks is asking for more fireside chats i'm not going to say no to that because that would be awesome i would like to do more fireside chats i think that would be great i don't really want to listen to you talk anymore but i do i don't listen to ben's music that was nice i did enjoy that a whole lot that was a that was definitely a highlight for me because i too don't want to hear me talking but i i have a hard time getting away from it because there's that fan gotta model that fan yeah yeah yeah we will get that all right i think it's so low-tech compared to everything else in this room it's like you're on the the on the starship enterprise and then you walk in and there's a fan just and it probably sways a little bit because it's not mounted quite right because it spins yeah all right there we go and then we'll zoom back in here see something else in the corner again i should be able to line it up between i think that's why they put rounded corners in all of these like in every one of the corners is so that it's harder to just pile stuff in the corner doesn't have a cupping action doesn't hold on to it better than maybe maybe something okay i don't know i'm thinking there's something about fong shui and like corners is where stuff goes today that's that is true um all right i'm gonna try that's a good question is that a cat in that basket do you have a that is a cat do you have a dead cat in your character in your game no it's alive it's it's a it's a real cat it's it's just sits there you the nice thing about cats in the future is apparently you only have to feed them once because period that's all i've done yeah nice it's good to know it's probably it's this hyper cat you're cyberpunk with a cyber cat wow that i don't think that thing is supposed to be like that looks then look right neil is wanting to know how you register her cabe is the virtual cave is um if you go to i think it's just i'm not trying to be sarcastic but i really think it is just um they're calling it connect i think is what they're calling this year's cabe is uh but if you go to that's if you go to their site uh you can you can just sign in connect that cabiz no kbizconnect and then there's a link right up top that says register now that's the one yeah so i was asking because uh we are going to be doing a number of presentations and it would be great to get as many of you there as possible so does that mean that the week of the 9th through the 12th are we doing a live stream or no we are because i will only be presenting once a day so you know who cares about anything else no our we actually don't have any presentations during uh the normal live streaming time so okay there we go it's probably worth noting that that's also my birthday we have to do something special because it's my birthday it's my birthday i i think we should i think i want a golden ticket i think we should uh probably pick something special in honor of jody for for that day i don't know what i'll finally become a 30 something well well done good job making it there [Laughter] at least mentally hey i i feel that uh ages much like 3d modeling require practice so if you don't do 30 right the first time just just keep at it you start over yeah why not all right it's a very long list of virtual exhibitors for the uh k biz i don't know why i'm still looking at this because it's it's good stuff all right so actually here i i think i'm going to do this so we've got this i got this lip right here so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this face i just created a double click i don't want to take this one or this but i'm going to take the rest of this i'm going to offset it and i'm going to take it and i'm going to push it along this red axis that did not that did not look as nice as i was hoping it would look well you can you can always try again hey just like turning 30. that's right i heard i don't know i haven't you know i heard that's what 30 is like i say that because i don't remember yeah that's that's the reality is sometimes i'll like try and remember what like i'll hear something like something happened a certain year and i'm like let's see in that year what was i doing it's always a it's always a joy to try and figure that out yeah i get constantly surprised i'm like wait it's been how long since that happened i think you read that yeah the first time i was 30 uh that was the year before my daughter was born my daughter who will turn 17 this year [Music] that's a good time i'd be pretty good at this by now okay so that whole bedroom that's just a bit like it's literally a bed room yeah the entire floor of that room is about i would call it a room bed but yeah yeah that's okay that's what it is not to be confused with a roomba which is not going to be able to vacuum that room because there's a there's really not a floor it's really just a mattress all right so uh i tried to take advan well i tried to use autofold here and it did not work well what i wish i had had and again this is me going to talking about my minimalist efforts in extensions if i had had the make sausages extension from tig i could have broken that loop into segments and done that quickly to that point if i had curve aloft i could have clicked and filled these little guys in in about three seconds but speaking to the asmr of 3d modeling this is soothing i don't know i still do it's been a while since we've had a good bit of uh watching aaron's stitch and i kept it brief i kept it brief guys i could have gone longer all right so i'm going to take that and push that in that's the rest of that little lip right there um i hope back up uh if you get that when you push pull you get those segments it means you're pushing a broken line so i'm gonna grab this all of this and i'm going to weld it and then i'm going to come back in here and push pull it again oh yeah smooth okay that's kind of the the window into that space so there's a space behind there there's a space behind here uh there's something behind this door but that's my initial uh geometry oh i should put the window in uh is that then three that's on three all right so looks like not quite all right that's there oh almost almost rotated almost almost messed everything up looks like that's there and then it looks like what happens is we got this little bit of a a step out what's the what's the key you hold down while you're doing while you're hiding lines with the erase tool option on mac control on windows there you go there's your answer nathan hold down control hold down option and erase them to hide them all right so i got to get this in here i'm going to erase this so i can draw a line back like this pull that all the way across all right and i'll be honest with you this can get a little disorienting um modeling in this view where you're not modeling from a single view one of the big strengths of course with programs like sketchup is being in the 3d space as you model and this this this kind of takes away because you're modeling from a static view uh not a bad thing just uh it can be a little rough all right let's see if i can do this all is one base there we go it needs it it's shipped on pc it might be shift nice thing is you can always shift will hide the edges not smooth them okay so what's the difference between hiding and smoothing let's look alright see this line right here if i come in here with the race and i shift erase it the line goes away but look at the exact same shading if i undo the exact same shading here if that line's there or not if i come in with my smoothing command option or can or control look what happens see how it kind of makes that all look like one smooth surface that's the difference so there is a difference uh shift is great for just getting lines out of the way i don't want to see this anymore that kind of thing but if you want to keep it like a smooth rounded corner that's when you're going to use that other command all right cool um all right so that gets us to the window that's that's up to the window pane or the window container i don't know all right there's oh it turned blue that's nice except not really i don't want that uh blue sky out there that's right cool and then what do we have we have like a it looks like this drops down in front i don't know there's like a big mechanical window thing that happens here i'm going to do this i want to get let's get this into a thing like that oh good okay you heard my keyboard yeah there you go see i tried to type extra loud just to make sure that it was uh it was noticed mission accomplished it's so funny the whole mechanical keyboard world they have like i have my other one because obviously i have to have multiple has i've got like little rubber gaskets like little bumpers so that it doesn't make quite so much noise at the bottom of the keystroke but i haven't added those to this one i don't know why does it work i i think it's because you should be proud of who you are and how you type it's a cry for attention hear me listen to me okay uh so there's our window in um there's out there's some other details on here there's like this little indent here there's some panel lines but that's the initial geometry so what i want to do with that i want to actually project that image i grabbed onto here so let's see actually before i do that i think i want to we have a little bit of a like a frame here so i'll pull that in first and then i'm going to push this in a little bit and that's where i'll put the the image you know for an hour in i'm i'm pleasantly surprised with where we're at right now because i had that moment you guys where i went why did i say i would do this i i don't i can't do this look at this thing even here what's really weird is i haven't until you just said that i hadn't even thought to look at the clock i'm so used to being like oh my god we we're only an hour in i know this time i'll take it that's good that's good to hear jody's not bored guys we did it all right just kidding just kidding um i'm going to import and i'm going to pick my window i'm going to import it not as a new match photo but as a texture import it and i'm just going to stick it for right now i'm just going to stick it in the corner of this image and i'm going to double click and it's going to place it and i know it placed it and it it tiled it yeah not a big deal because what we're going to do now is i'm going to pick on it i'm going to right click and i'm going to go to texture and click position in position i'm going to use these white pins so the white pins are used to distort a texture if you right click you can hit fixed pins and that gets you the control pins i don't know what they're actually called i don't jody's the help center master if i'm using the right term or not but so yeah but i don't know what they do either okay i don't know i would have to go read them so i'm going to turn off fix pins to get my white pins and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick the location on the image that i want in this corner so i'm going to click i'm going to click and release and put that right there i come up to the top one click and release so i am a hand off right now that's how you grab it i'm going to put that one right here and same thing grab top corner click release that one's going to go right there and then one more right here grab that and stick it right there or once those pins are in now what i can do is i can actually stretch it to my geometry so i can grab and i'm going to click and hold i'm going to drag it down to that corner i'm going to click and drag my favorite part of using those pins is just watching it completely like tile off into the distance like that it can make you a little nauseous yeah like that one that was a rough one vertigo and then snap that and then snap this last one and then oh i went outside all right and there we go and now we got that that view pretty cool um awesome i like it uh i'm gonna intersect these pieces so i'm just gonna grab just those three faces right click intersect with selection that's gonna get it butting up like it should come out here and get rid of some of this geometry oops too much i oded i over deleted all right there we go all right so let's see what should we do next let's uh let's drop in here i want to go back to this and look at what's going on here all right so it looks like the floor extends out to about here oh now i have i have a view from which i can push this down to where it's supposed to go like that cool and then let's see right about there i have a step i don't know where that step goes to because i don't have a picture of it i can't see it on here do you pick the textures in this room or no so you're like the leopard print tiles to be leading down into your little just got lucky just got lucky with that one uh yeah i think in in the future uh everybody takes a key from all design comes from uh las vegas like all designers are only from there because yeah there's a lot of bright colors a lot of neon and uh that's true that's pretty much it and the sun never comes out you know actually well no look we got we got we got sun in our uh coming in our window right now see it's bright oh that's sun i just assumed that was a really hot neon out there it the city does look cooler at night i will i'll say that awesome hey this is coming along this is this is kind of you know i'm i am uh feeling this that uh i don't know what this thing does so i'm going to this is that base heater yeah i'm gonna just pull this down and fill that gap that's fine so since we're talking about cyberpunk which uh which cyberpunk based movie is your favorite or tv series i would have to go with blade runner it's just it's kind of an easy one right well it's quintessential to use a a term that i don't really know what it means but yeah the five essential i think ah knew it um um yourself 2049 or the old one new new new the original dude that's definitely i i didn't dislike 2049 it just it was bad it wasn't bad it was bad it wasn't bad thanks no sorry it wasn't bad it wasn't bad i was trying to cut out repeat this oh i feel like um i feel like wow that didn't really want to snap does it there's it's the front edge of that that cushion is rises up for a little bit i'm gonna have to like come out a plane and throw some geometry around i can come back and edit yeah but what was yours what do you what do you got for a favorite cyberpunk i you know i i enjoyed the first one uh it was it seemed like there's so many of the scenes were like really dark like bad like hard like harsh lighting dark and so i appreciated that we had a little they were be able to be a little more playful visually with the newer version 2049 but i also really liked um what was that show that was just on netflix altered carbon which is not for kids no but it was really good that was good i i did like that i mean i feel like it's just to give me to say cyber mean blade runner uh blade runner is favorite because obviously it's it's kind of the baseline that everything else is on but it did set a lot of a lot of standards we were actually you and i uh and and i invite you guys to get in on this conversation too as we as we do this but we were talking about uh books and of course we both we both talked about having read neuromancer which is like kind of a quintessential i think book or story um yeah that's a that's a good one um snow crash snow crash was the other one that i i had not heard of that before and i that was good so there's some interesting uh interesting selections this is ex machina would that be cyberpunk i mean it's it's all you don't get to see necessarily the environment that is standard to cyberpunk but i think that kind of fits the genre right i guess that would be the question is is how do you define that i think there's i think there's some uh some standards right that that you have to implement if you want cyberpunk and that's you know the the topic of humanity versus machinery kind of thing yeah ghost in the shell kind of stuff that's when i still like what was that what's the other one that was just a couple of years ago that i really liked but if you read the actual manga it's based on it would there's not really room to make a sequel because it just gets weird really fast in the uh no no battle angel oh i like that too that was good i was i was surprised or i was pleasantly surprised with how that movie turned out yeah it is no i guess i guess it's not cyberpunk the matrix isn't cyberpunk what is the matrix then mortal engines is that's something else it's like i enjoyed mortal engines i don't understand why everybody picked on mortal engines yeah a lot of people had a problem with that i i didn't get why i i'm it yeah that's a good deer nailed it tech noir is kind of the kind of the defining factor so i think all those sort of fit into it i think there's something sort of steampunky with mortal engines which there is a dearth of good steampunk or i mean uh steam yeah steampunk base anything yeah i'd love these i'd love to see more steampunk shows there was a several years back there was a reality tv show where the competitors competed by building steampunk creations it was like making it that that uh oh yeah yeah ron swanson leslie knope one uh it was like that but these guys were all making steampunk stuff i wish i could remember the i think it might have been called punkt or no it wasn't punk that that's totally different it's probably steampunk that could have been it uh but it was really i thought that was it was pretty cool it was a i have a sucker for people making stuff designing stuff i think that's just the best thing ever but uh yeah it was it was uh interesting so there you go the only two sources for anything steampunk related all right so i made this couch a single section of this couch uh so why did you create it like six inches before the actual couch started well because this is this is where i'm having issues with what i think is distortion from the camera this side it looks like it butts right up against this this side oh it looks like it's taller huh sorta i don't know see this this is my this is my step so i don't know this is where i got a kind of wing it yeah i got to do what i can do all right so i put two of those right there then i got a middle and it looks like i got three more over here so let's see if i can take these so you've said before that you are like 80 hours you've already got 80 plus hours invested in this game yeah is that would you you said i'm sorry if i just revealed something you don't want the world to know no it's it's i'm in a pandemic it's not a big deal right couldn't it's uh sorry go ahead no sorry i got distracted i've got to go and deal with uh with inappropriate behavior from streamers over here oh i mean from commenters uh what was i gonna say oh so you'd recommend it you'd say this is a it's a it's a must must play i think so it's i think it's a great it's a lot of fun i i don't uh sorry i just got distracted by the fact that somebody called me out for making these groups instead of components and you're absolutely right delete uh make that into components thank you thank you very much i take the blame for that because i started asking i started talking about something that's not even sketchup related this is my fault it's on me i would have caught it if you didn't say that yeah one two three faults on me i'll take it oh yeah i'm not quite sure why i haven't decided to start playing this yet i guess partly because i one of those people always waits for the game to drop 20 percent yeah i uh i did not wait all right i don't i it's pretty hard for me to tell what is going on here uh it kind of looks like it's rounded but it also kind of looks like it's two pieces so what i'm kind of thinking what i'll do is i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna copy oops i'm going to grab these two pieces and copy them i'm going to leave context edit paste in place and then i want to connect them together all right all right so now all right the rest that okay there's my there's my face i'm kind of thinking i don't know if this is going to work i don't i don't think this is symmetrical that's that's the one issue i'm looking at it definitely looks not square but i'm kind of thinking if i draw a line like this and i draw a line like this and i draw an angle like this i don't know what this is going to happen here i'm going to grab this and i'm going to say uh oh wait hold up no i'm not not yet i'm gonna draw a line this way and i'm gonna draw a line this way then i'm gonna put an arc between the two third tres charm pay attention what's going on that pillow is uh is really something bye bye metallic metallic silver pillow they do a lot of things with some metallic fabrics in in the future yeah the future's really good with metallic fabric or is it sort of like invisible aluminum they've actually made the metallic cloth it's possible it's super super durable that looks yes looks good i think you should leave it a different color too just to be annoying oh fine whatever i would hear about that i know that would be a thing that would come up cool that was pretty easy um and i'm just gonna just for the sake of things i'm gonna grab these and just make them into a group also all right let's hop back out what else we got that we could throw in here oh how about this uh what do they call it instantaneous uh in the middle of your apartment nice maybe that's what's feeding your cat because i see the food bowls right next to it it could be that could be all right i'm going to pull that out actually i'm going to grab that make that into a group there's only one it's a group i'm good with it all right i'll come in here pull it all the way do you come back there to get like health potions or whatever they're called in the future uh they call it food um okay so nice that's what they call it now too yeah that's convenient i guess it's easy to remember um you can it's it's actually kind of useless all right so i'm going to create i just drew a little rectangle like that i'm going to take that rectangle shape and i'm going to grab this minus this and i'm going to do you guys wondering if you're going to save anymore or if you don't do that now i do i do it so fast you guys don't even notice i think is because i'm really good at just uh you know i'll just do it again i lied thank you for reminding me all right and then i'll just soften this and soften this all right here oops okay and do what jody was saying before i'm gonna go grab my face i'm going to hit push pull hit option because i'm going to pull a new face down and then i'll jump back into the view pull it to right there pull that out to here and drop that to the ground there we go now i'm just just filling in geometry at this point drop that straight down to the ground too um sort of like stitching but different yeah it's uh well i would call it 3d modeling but you know all right so that's yeah so that is how i would probably model that on the first run so i think i'm all a little too flat this way so i'm gonna i'm gonna stretch it out i'm going to grab it i'm going to hit scale and then again jump to my image like this and grab that middle handle and just pull it out until it gets more filling up the space a little better yeah geometry got weird right here um let's look at hidden geometry real quick i don't know why it's showing this is cut like that did i miss i think i probably didn't erase yeah i missed some lines there we go all right so that's where i'm going to leave my uh food machine i mean it's kind of weird it doesn't look anything like the food the vending machine in my house but i guess in the future they probably streamline that yeah i kind of wonder i'm like who where where does the money go or something like this periodically does some guys show up at your house and they're like gotta refill your uh your vending machine what no stay out of my house yeah so i think it's i don't know maybe it's there's probably some commentary or something going on there that i i don't well there's nothing actually in the house behind that right like there's not a room so they could be accessing that from without ever coming into your house that's true the bathroom's back here but there is enough space that they could maybe get between the toilet or after the shaft there maybe they just maybe there's a way you still have to go to the bathroom in the future no you don't there's a toilet but you don't have to use it okay you go to the bathroom as often as you feed your cat that's right okay um let's let's let's let's do the ceiling the ceiling seems like the most one of the more fun things that could happen we could work on here um so my ceilings didn't line up perfectly across my models so i'm going to start here and then jump back to side two there we go and take that line over there so that didn't that didn't get that's not perfectly lined up all right coming this way um which is kind of a bummer would be nice if that was perfect instead of not but we'll make it work all right looks like this steps out just to touch i got a line going across let's be honest this feels like a commercial for cyberpunk because i keep wanting to like just go play it although i'll realize that as soon as i realize as i find that it takes 80 hours of playtime i'll be like oh you get to play for 80 hours is how you're supposed to see that okay it's supposed to be a good thing now it's it's definitely one of those games that you end up spent investing in i think that's all right so i'm gonna grab that might am i just going between two and three why is that so hard for me to keep remembering i don't know i mean it's it's almost like a form of math so that sucks um all right i have to i want to match that arch so i guess what i could do is i just grab this piece right here option smooth that real quick but i'll grab that youtube pointed out that he has he takes issue with having his bathroom right next to the wall sharing the wall with the food replicator well how far is your bathroom from your kitchen well i don't have a food replicator in my kitchen well where is what is it where is it what is it making my replicated food out of oh it's it's actually packaged food so nice so they're creating the illusion that it's uh it's created somewhere else oops all right drop that down push that through here all right and i think that stops here so you just go ahead and stop stop it oops just off just off nice try grab that line take it up vertically go [Music] all right time to undo a couple times unpush pull all right paste that in scale it to invert it put it right up here and this is what i was what i was dealing with here is this is where that ends there we go take that all the way i guess just right here that's right there look at that smooth that get rid of that cool uh and now this over here this is just supposed to go back well let's see what is what is it supposed to do oh i got a whole new thing here so i got to do a whole new thing um let's assume let's just assume that it's this right here and i can actually use this just push that back like that that'll clean that all up and then i just got to take this straight up like that and this doesn't have a line back just pull a line and edge you know that's that's a piece that i struggle with is using the term edge instead of line i don't know if you guys hit that at all but it gets me sometimes it gets me um i'm gonna clean up this corner too see my hidden edge that's that's not what i need i actually need this is where that should be stopping so i'm going to push this back to here there we go get rid of this drop that straight back like that and then i can just trace that edge real quick get rid of this get rid of these and we're back to having a flat face right there all right that's clean all right so we have another uh ceiling chunk this one's a little little ways over but it comes out like this and then it goes up and comes over like this oh and you attach a ceiling fan to this jody it's like an opportunity to draw a bezier curve too two great shapes that shape great together or a line apparently try that again there's a lot of space above that is it full of like all the movies and stuff you're going to watch up there i don't know does data take up space that data was just like a thing that floated like i don't know man it seems to me like all the data will be stored in the cloud anyway so why is there such a huge chunk above the data center i don't i don't i don't know how to answer that question all right so there's a place where all the corners are round would you just call them rounds right too much i get that a lot too much all right dang this turn look kind of cool i don't need that actually i think that is probably a panel line so i don't do something about that at some point nice this is coming together um you know what else was kind of cool they had these uh bookshelves over here and our first thing i was trying to think of how to do this um this is a spot that i have struggled with oh yeah look at that purple zebra stripe oh yeah that's something and if you is that a a wake board over there in the corner too do you like it right in front of the radiator or like a heater sometimes vents that's got a snake on it because you're because you're cool well what does v stand for but like venom probably i guess that could be yeah sure all right what i'm going to do is uh grab this face right here come back into my view right here and i'm gonna go to move and copy that up oops copy that up to be that bottom shelf there and what city is this in where is cyberpunk 2077 based night city don't laugh any funny it's not a funny place is it is it in a is it an estate or is it near a beach is it near a coast there's water you're a lake yeah okay all right all right all right cool um all right throw a couple curves on here get rid of that get that get rid of that and that and that and that and that looks like you've got a couple canisters of protein powder there in the in the corner so you must work out that's good your only dishes are five bowls and you never throw you never recycle or throw away all your bottles from under your drinking quite a few beer bottles there what i assume are beer bottles all right so now i'm going to take this and i'm going to use an extension i'm going to go grab joint push pull and i'm going to joint push pull that and i don't want to keep the original face so i'm going to grab that again zoom in and just push that in that i'm going to push this in a little just to give myself a lip like that and then yeah and then i will come in here and oh these are like panels okay i don't know what i'm looking at um did you say you have finished the game or you're i haven't i have not it looks like i it looks like this door is curved right here so i guess i'll assume that it just pushes back in so i don't even need joint push pull there i can just just push it back like that oop samoa's coming through something like that maybe i'm sorry smelly she's really nice i'm sure she'll be very should be okay should be okay with it all right so i'm going to come here and i'm going to draw a line straight down and i'm going to take that line and move it over like that i'm going to grab why didn't it get me i'm going to break it what all right make that into a group yes a group because it does not repeat right and then why do i keep i really want to go to view three but i don't have a reason to do that i'm going to pull that out to here that kind of looks like what's happening is it's it's got multiple pieces it's got a we got an accordion thing going on here so i'm gonna grab that copy it over here forward like that because i think that's and then once more like this but this one is going to get some curve on it so i'm going to come here to this and i'm going to grab these lines actually i don't want that one i just want these ones i'm going to copy those and then i'll come into this one hide everything else makes it easier to work with i will command v wait command v is in you will tell v the character from this game to do something that's kind of our jobs right as a a player and a character yeah that's all you do is command v that's right do what i say do you know what v stands for v oh okay that's it that's all all right so let's see how that looks nice looks like this panel is back a little bit further though so let's grab that slide it back outside of the closet is done bookshelf or storage shelf kind of an everything shelf really um what is that thing on the second shelf there boxing gloves okay that's so active that sounds like something i'm making up but it's real they made a whole uh a whole set of fights you can go take part in and it's really just not great be honest the fighting really what's the what is your favorite part of this game i'm a big fan of exploration in video games so that's probably what i would have to say is just going around a city that doesn't exist and just running amok i wonder if that's a a generational thing i don't know because that's what i tend to do or i don't know maybe it's just certain types of people yeah the really smart good looking ones i hear exactly exactly one more all right stay like that i'm gonna draw a line up whoops i set up there and then we'll do another one here i'm not quite sure i'm thinking as i'm doing this how am i going to create these shelves and i don't know all right so we can get rid of some of this stuff actually that was supposed to go like that and get rid of that oh there's a see like as you say how many to make these it makes it makes me think of like literally like building the pieces and so then i'm wondering when whimsy mr richards in uh i was thinking that i i don't think he's a fan of the new day and time i don't think uh we've seen him since we've shifted to wednesdays yeah i don't think so see this is why we need base camp so we can reconnect with the people who aren't able to make it precisely i'm assuming it goes through to here and that's one of many reasons we need basecamp all right uh okay so i think for the rest of these shelves i was thinking like is there a way to get fancy with joint push-pull but i think this is simple modeling that uh i could easily make more complicated than it has to be because i think that the easiest way to do this is going to be get in the back like this and you know draw this shelf back like this um wait a minute did i miss something here nope they're open all the way around okay cool um i just think this is the this is going to be the easiest way to do this i like when there's elegant ways to do it but sometimes the elegant way to do it is so much more work than what i often refer to as just brute force modeling just doing the time and drawing lines uh it's a good waiter that's a good way to i felt like i wanted to celebrate that and apologize for that all at once uh but uh yeah i somebody wants more peanuts she actually just went it out she wanted out of the room it's like there's no peanuts and that that pun hurt me so tell her to shut up and let me go yeah pretty much pretty much no it sounds like it's the other dog was upstairs whining at something outside and so she's like i could be up there whining and barking at something else if you're missing out it's it's a real thing fomo dog fomo i think that's i think that's exactly what it is right there's a cat across the street they don't want to eat the cat they just want to play with the cat right all right so this is going to be these shelves aren't all necessarily the exact same size because i copied uh the image rather than offsetting them but i can copy that one face in there and i can just push pull each one down like that all right obviously some of that did not line up perfectly oh you know what i think listen like it no that looks pretty good so i don't know what that was all right but now i can come through here delete delete delete delete look at that look at that shelving unit yeah lawrence said they still make that same ikea kit in 2077. it's called a swamp frugal and that's all spelled without a single vowel in case you guys are wondering and it's got numerous dots and circles above all the letters cool so let's see how that looks how's that line up boom love it all right i'm kind of wondering if uh i just like this this texture is just too too good to not grab a hold of a lot of this stuff is really just shaded colors there's not a whole lot of hard textures on here the floor it's got one i would like a rug thing here but i'm kind of thinking maybe i'll grab this texture right here and i will project the photo on there when you project the photo it actually grabs a snap of that image and puts it on there this obviously doesn't work perfect because i didn't have that aligned right but i could make a texture i can't uh the pin thing that we did before i can't do quite as easily what i'd have to do is come in here grab each piece each segment texture position i think i'll go to fix pins on this one and then just up like that and then oh that won't work either so i gotta grab well pick that one yeah that's working i'm grabbing the previous one and painting it on to the next one as i go around now i'm done if i get rid of my hidden there we go that's nice oops got some inside out faces here because i did not clean up the outside very well well i'm liking this this is coming together it's coming together all right um how about where are we at two o'clock so another half hour so modeling let's uh let's take a peek at this this this desk over here is that a microwave over there by the desk or what do you think that is i would imagine so why would you put them that seems like a weird place for micro i mean it probably is a food reconstituter right you put in like a little pill and it turns it into a turkey dinner odds are good odds are good yeah and not any of those boxes stacked up there have an amazon smile logo on them that's weird that is the future something finally crushes amazon nice all right take that back like that and i'm gonna pull that shape up all the way the desktop and i'm guessing i can't see it very well from here oh i think i have an image though let me um oh look at that look at that angle we have 45 here okay what i don't know must must be uh a throwback this must be uh before the big war there was a war a war happened somewhere in cyberpunk curve battle of 2063. something like that yeah i i don't really know what the what it was but yeah something something happened at some point and uh maybe this is before that thing that story sucked so i will line this up like this and i'll pull that up to that height and that should give me yeah that's pretty good and i saw there there was a little bit of a leg that dropped down too to get uh stuff the same size so if i wanted that leg that comes and comes down to be the same width as here uh one thing you can do is grab a rectangle go to one corner pull that down until it snaps it square and then i just draw a line back there and then that is the exact same size as this piece that's a desk i mean you can say whatever you want but that's definitely a desk um and i kind of feel like i was guessing on this depth here how far back that was but that looks like it all lined up pretty good um it looks like my ceiling does go up higher though the ceiling probably returns up to this height and then we got some some more shelves some easy shelves because these ones are going to be i'm going to start like this i'm going to grab let's try doing an offset oh yeah look at that that's good stuff i'm gonna draw a line there draw a line here and then all right rectangle like that and see if i can reuse that same shelf here 2x um ooh not quite shows up a little light on that last one uh i'm gonna well but maybe hold on let's look at that that desk photo again maybe something happens over there oh okay so that all looks like it's uniform we can do this since i i did a uniform offset all of these are the same size so i'm just going to grab these maybe differ from the image a little bit but it'll look good by itself all right i'm gonna push that back in push in push in push in there we go and then right up here i'm just going to grab that line and i'm just going to option copy it up just a touch and push that in to give myself uh that panel line right there cool we do have some shelves here or a shelf a uh cupboard door thing commit cabinet that's the one it's a good thing you're here jody you know i'd like to find some way to contribute every now and again you're doing a great job i don't want to be just another pretty face you're doing a great job okay because your line could be your don't worry that's not what you are yeah uh try to be positive supportive i appreciate that yeah that's right um yeah i'm saying let's go with that right now all right all right all right i really feel like i gotta do something with this bed nook what's going on here no problem better all right uh the bed so looking at this image if we look at uh number three it looks like this wall carries through there's another window in here kind of actually might be a copy this geometry and just plop it right there so i'm going to come on the other side here and this is my wall so i'm going to just arbitrary right now just get just because i want i want a surface to work with um get that right there and then get rid of this i'll probably just pull that across like that for right now it'll be enough to it'll be something to work with okay so let's look at that view again push that wall back to right there does that look ridiculous you can fit a queen size bed in there all right that work um i'm going to do this i'm going to give i need a face right here so i'm going to draw a line up and over to the nearest corner and do the same thing on the opposite side draw a line over to this wall and then down and then put a rectangle from there up to there that's going to give us that back face okay all right now to get this look at that again nope wrong button look at that again so it looks like i'm not going to bother copying this over i think that's going to be more work than it's worth i think i'm going to drop that line down the bottom it's interesting how there's like all these kind of lines and borders on stuff which really suggests that the whole whole place is very modular could be that definitely could could be what they're hitting at all right i'll peek inside here i drew that in 2d flat on the wall sure did i've never done that before that's certainly not anything i've done before okay that's the thing someone else has done but not me we we can work with this we can make this happen we make this make this a thing all right so pull that line straight over and then i want to get i want to maintain the same space on the other side so i'm just going to copy that i'm going to copy from this corner option stick it right here all right and now what i can do with that is why do i keep going with four frog one right i'm just going to push that all the way back to there and then grab this line right here pull it straight and that line apparently pull that straight down and that needs to come out so now i'm drawing on the wall which is correct that's what i actually wanted i'll have some cleanup to do behind the wall but that's what i'm more of what i'm looking for all right went to the right one all right so then on there got like a a little something like that and then we can probably take that offset that like that and then same thing we got a window here the shutters are down on this one but uh same same idea i can't tell what this is is it looks like it's straight i don't know i'm just gonna do something like this okay i say that i'm do something like this but that means i'm going to do exactly this awesome all right and let's see if i can orient faces to get that all come back close by swinging around by swinging around and looking at all this from the outside i realize how much wasted space there is you you lose probably 100 square feet of that whole apartment with recessed compartments back into wasted nooks i'm assuming mechanical runs there or something right isn't that what could be happening right not a future person that's true you're not we aren't okay um that was good but i do need to put a throw a bed in there i'm gonna put this in there because i like it i like this i like this shape i like this thing and this what did i do i just do something out in the middle of nowhere all right so again make sure i'm on face oh that's why i was inferencing that point right there i don't want to influence that point i want to inference the face there we go i'm straight up come back all right so for something like this where i want to make sure i have this be symmetrical i draw a line like that and then i'll come here and use rotate to find the middle of this line get on a flat axis and then rotate that 180 degrees that puts it right here and i can do that push that back a little bit i don't know what it is but uh it's one of those details i i think deserves to go in there so the bed apparently you just inferenced your ear that was kind of cool actually my what my ear your your cursor inferred off of your ear on the screen that's not easy to do i i should take pride in that all right the bed fills up the whole space so i'm going to take this i'm going to copy it i'm going to come out here do this make a group from nothing and then edit paste in place and i'll just uh around this corner a little bit i'll do that to all of them and then i'll start push pulling up and i'll bring everything back in comes about up to there i'm going to hide everything again i just want to round this a little bit so i'm going to peek inside of here and i'm going to draw a line like this i'll grab my rectangle tool and come straight down from there it's like it to square draw an arc and then grab this face tools follow me this shape and i'll just soften that whole thing soft and smooth all right there we go now i got a bed in there cool have you when you back when you used to use extensions did you ever use round corner i'll use a term that my 15 year old uses and say back in the day yes free it's now fredo corner is probably up there with my my favorite extensions for sure uh i do like that but now that you don't use extensions it's moot oh i just i'm just lazy it's not an intentional thing i'm not dissing anything it just i got a lot going on okay uh give me a break god i'm the best i can um we need to come and round this round this thing up we put that off um these don't look like they're the same size do the same thing with check for that's square so let's see i'll do both of them i'll push this over to here i'll pull this one out to here now they're the same size you know i i really feel like this is this is one of those live streams that doesn't necessarily get won't get the love that it deserves because everybody assumes it's about modeling stuff from a game and not about the ins and outs of uh using match photo to do interiors you're right we should probably should probably write a letter to someone yeah strongly worded i guess sure i like strong words okay um let's see how this i'm kind of i'm making stuff up now i'm just kind of looking for a less sharp corner i don't know how close this will come to what i i really need but let's try it let's see what happens uh this is one no yes ah that's closer that looks a lot better than what i had before um i want to get this glass panel in here too i'm gonna take this divide it into three pieces like that that go up come out we'll draw a line straight up there we go and now before i do anything else i'm going to color this with a nice glass transparent uh piece glass and mirrors it's harder to find that should have been there we go i do that before because one of the things that happens with glass panels is uh if you get a closed shape and you color it you're only coloring the outside it's kind of weird to think about but that way if you look at this way it's clear if you look at it from the back it's solid and that can cause issues with downstream if you like do rendering or something like that that can actually cause some issues so to keep it clear on both sides i try to color wins one face and that way when i copied over like that then it should be clear all the way through oh you know i'm starting to think that this may end up being a printable solid if i if i play my cards right maybe that's how they make them in the future too you know that's true be a nice little thing to just pop on the desk all right so just a little bit more geometry to get rid of so in in truth are you just being anal retentive or do you have a strong reason she would like to go clean all that crap up uh because so many people said they didn't like to see the blue blue backs so i was literally doing this for the people this has nothing to do with aaron's ocd this is that's right everyone else is probably i'm kind of okay with this and i i think it's you know it's all right but uh i know some people don't like that don't like those reverse faces and i respect that i get where that comes from and if i was to say the cleanest most proper modeling you could do yeah you shouldn't leave that stuff inverted all right something's going on here but uh it's three faces so i'm going to do this and reverse all right we're getting we're getting there it's almost 2 30. um let's get in a little bit guy let's um let's are you gonna try and model that thing i'm gonna model a low poly version of it or a version of it uh let's see i'm gonna put a circle here i'm assuming it's centered so i'm going to try to do this all off of center all right so i'm i'm missing a little bit that's going to be an issue so i'll take that i'm going to come way back like this whoops come way back like that i'm going to put a circle at the center on the blue axis pull it out there we go so when in the uh in the hulkosphere when did they start using that the sun's getting low or the sun's going down or whatever line when did that like just seem like also they just use that line and i'm like what yeah it just showed up in age of ultron okay all right i don't know it had anything to do with anything else i don't think all right so i'm gonna do this here's how i'm gonna do this i'm gonna i'm gonna do this as a series of rings this is a perfect opportunity for something like uh a follow me if you had different imagery in this case though i am just going to kind of copy the shapes and distort where i can so here i'm going to grab this one and just pull it straight down which will stretch that a little bit and then we'll come down to here you know you said you could you'll be able to print this out and have a solid model if you keep everything closed so it's selfie self-contained really all you've got to do is just put a little block and you're just like oh yeah inside of that it's actually the house from uh is the apartment from that's just an odd-shaped block oh yeah it looks great on the inside you should see it it was amazing it took me three hours to model this there we go do you ever get an idea what the c stands for is is c like a major corporation in in the game it could be you know it sounds like you need to get get this game you got a lot of questions that you probably need to to take the fact that you can't answer that makes me think that i'm going to get this game for the wrong reasons and be disappointed uh i i i i'm trying to remember i don't know if uh who is hanging out in the game earlier does uh i need backup i need backup i think that we're all i think all all game players all players of this game are in the same boat they don't know all right and then something drops down in the middle but i can't see that so that's as much as i'm gonna do right now yeah uh what else we got that's what's quick and easy oh we got more shelves okay so on there's actually there's an actual article all about v's apartment all right so we're gonna i'm gonna make my way through this and see nothing's i'm not getting any good reveals here there's not enough words just pictures dad coming that's how fans be man well this will be an easy one because it's not uh i don't have uh hey stop it i'm hitting caps lock instead of shift that's where i'm at that's how mighty's going all right and now everything's just talking about the stash i guess you stash your stuff there yeah that's what's behind this glass door over here is the stash every time i hear the word stash i think of a mustache yeah i didn't see any of those in there let's take that there and then i'm just going to come down grab this offset it let's grab this this and this and try to offset that i think that'll give me better there we go all right and this is gonna be this is gonna be an easy one because that didn't break the plane for some reason tamir made a great great comment that built-in furniture is roommate-proof that is true um there we go all right and let's see if we can get a good there we go there's a nice corner back there to push pull to right there and then we'll just double click click double click this appears to be a panel maybe that's a like a tv panel or something like that so i'm just going to push it in a little bit and leave it like that and then i i cannot ignore this i gotta take this again project photo so nice awesome man you know as i would say before i i i'm not 100 sure but this this may be one of the models that i i just keep going with maybe i'll i'll do more with this uh beyond what we can do today because it's kind of like there's a whole weapon room that you're there's a weapon room you're not even modeling here what the heck it's a square i mean plus there's really weapons it's really hard to go into a small little room and take pictures so yeah i did not do that that's but that's what's back here so it's it's a it's a tease um yeah that's really hard to tell what's going on back there you seen this one no gotta turn the tv off before i do that uh i was also a whole bathroom you didn't seem to care about that one okay so i just was i like trying to find more information about that sea canister and to whenever they like i found a youtube video where it's showing this thing off and all i could really take away from the bathroom was that the guy was in the bathroom looking at the mirror that works but he was naked and i decided i didn't want to talk about your naked character in your bathroom seemed inappropriate seems valid whereas in the weapon room he's in this thing and there's no weapons in any of the weapon slots which is also frustrating yeah that's that's a thing that was chosen that i don't know how much i love the fact that uh i did something bad here gotta undo some things uh they kind of decided to have the weapon slots be for specific items only so did you collect all the things that are not those items you have to find yeah you have to find them so you know that's what i'm doing wrong all right i just want to i want to get an alcove in here that represents a bathroom so what i want to do is i want to get this most outer shape there we go that's what i want to pull through that would be the beginnings of my bathroom and that's the step down so if i look at that there we go this video is telling me nothing about whatever that canister is sorry buddy my my life is my day is ruined my life is a disappointment i'm sorry i'm genuinely i'm disappointed and measurably what is how does that go this appointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined that's the line i'm sorry where's that from some youtuber oh talking about whenever he was i don't know he was reviewing something and whenever he his final review was just that he was unhappy as you can tell disappointed yeah that is that is a straight up shame all right push that back push the ceiling up all right that's that's the start of a bathroom and now the rest of the city it's the next one we'll do the next week we'll do the hallway in front right that's so it took me that long to do that so yeah the rest of the city shouldn't be more than two weeks i feel like if i so i used to work at a game studio and i know that there's they reuse a ton of assets so honestly probably just copy and paste a lot yeah well i mean there's you do go into other rooms and it's interesting because you go into another room that is in the same building downstairs from you and it's kind of cool because it's almost the same but they shift enough stuff around it looks different like a different owner had it and finished in a different way so they do a cool pretty good job with that um i wonder if i could you know what i could one last projected texture oh i thought you're going to take food out of there all right move that up and then take this jorgen said there's there's a high voltage sticker on it and it is projecting stuff so that must be what it is a projector of some sort oh yeah something you said the sun's out but your clock says 9 31 p.m well so here's the thing that happened i originally took a bunch of pictures of of the inside in the middle of the day that's why i snapped this one and then after i was done i turned my xbox off before it copied my pictures up to uh the app so i couldn't get to the picture so i got like three of the eight i copied so i deleted those first three pictures and then when i turn my xbox back on it copied the other five up but now i didn't have the first three so i did a whole new set and that was at night so yeah learn from me it's it's a thing that happens all right last thing i got to get a front door in because that's that's bothering me this is this should be an easy one slap that down like it doesn't have like the little the little opening that you can slide over there and see who's out there and the guy can tell you he's a meat popsicle right this is a it's because we we learned from uh man i should have been using project photo texture way earlier because this is fun uh i was just gonna model i was gonna model this this but i'm like oh no look at this beauty keep it simple stupid yeah you said it not me yeah yeah i'll take that like that grab that guy right there uh why did that happen uh something got off axis and i don't know how or why this that's bad because this is this is pretty simple this is like a box um here let's do this real quick i'm wrapping up i'm wrapping up i'm going to turn my edges on to by axis oh that's why that line's not straight okay there we go all right that's better cool like i'm going to call it there that was that's uh that was a pretty good amount for a little over two hours pictures robert said for his textures he always does a straight on photo that he uses later for the absolutely absolutely 100 agree with that if i was going to take this and uh actually put textures on i was just i was just kind of grabbing out of the images i had i would absolutely take a photo like this take a photo like this separate from like i said for the for the match photo you need those vanishing points so you do have to look at corners when you actually grab the match photo images but separate from that for textures yeah definitely straight on is going to be way easier way better so that's that is a good call all right but uh yeah i think that's gonna that's gonna oh how could i not draw this little poof right here oh yeah yeah well uh the consensus is that this turned out to be a heck of a lot more than we any of us was expecting it to be when we when we signed on to watch today excellent i like hearing that cool well hey i'm glad you guys liked it because it was actually a lot of fun like i said i i had more than a little bit of trepidation is that the term i'm looking for a little concern a little bit of fear uh because i haven't i've done more than a couple of exterior match photos i've done some complex geometry like gazebos off of match photos and i had a pretty good feel for that i've never done a full interior off of three match photos like or four match photos like this so that was awesome that that you guys hung out with me and learned with me that's pretty cool i will i'm not sure what i'm going to do with this thing yet at this point i'll probably i don't know we'll see i might i might post it as it is right now if you guys have any interest in messing with it uh the posted model will of course come with the photos the in the in uh the placed match photos so if you were to download it you would be able to look at these exact images um but uh yeah maybe i'll work on this more we'll have to see i mean i don't think we'll come back to it here but uh yeah it's something that may have suggested that you should add match using match photo to the title so that people know what they're getting into that's a great idea i don't know why they would watch it i'll do that when i when this goes uh up to it's forever home on youtube i will include the term match photo that's a good idea great thinking well guys you can make words for that thank you lawrence thank you very much uh that's going to wrap it for today um that was fun that was a lot of fun that was a an interesting model that was more than i was expecting so thank you guys for being here help me out i learned some new things moving the origin before you match the next photo seems so simple seems so genius i i feel kind of dumb for not not getting that one but uh yeah this was a lot of fun thank you for hanging out with us uh we'll be doing a short recap on instagram in the morning if you guys want to check that out and say hi uh other than that um we'll be back here next week we'll be back with more we'll be doing a big model i'm gonna go hopefully you guys threw some ideas in there uh for what we could do for a big model because as of now we don't have an idea so we need those ideas so if if uh we'll leave this we'll light saw we will sign off and leave this running so if you guys do come up with an idea what's the theme next week a big model a big model like building size model when you say big you mean building right size not lots of geometry but actually it's tiny right so this is when we do a uh a a a specific building in the real world or a landmark or something along those lines is kind of what we shoot for with it with this one so perfect yeah i'm gonna say that's my vote what's what mount rushmore okay so you guys have to save me from that idea uh yeah so yeah come come see us next week uh and like i said if if you are interested if you do any kind of kitchen or bath design check out kbiz connect kbiz is that what it was um okay biz is where you register we will be there uh not the next week but the week after so it should be fun we'll have a lot of classes going on from myself uh eric shemelfini and tammy cody will all be presenting so it should be a good time you guys can check that out if that's of interest to you but uh otherwise we will see you later thank you very much see you guys you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 13,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photo, match
Id: wOWbJjsj8y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 13sec (10093 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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