Minecraft mobs that are older than Minecraft

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today we'll be visiting Minecraft Mobs that are older than Minecraft so grab your Tweed jackets and caddy hats because these old grannies and grappies have plenty of stories to tell you about sewing machines sock hops and the war but maybe if we listen to them intently for long enough they'll give us some special momentos that we can trade in for something way cooler items with sentimental value okay let's check out old man Enderman the sentiment is too old to teleport too much anymore but it drops antique into pearls and Dusty Eyes of Ender now the antique Ender Pros act somewhat like normal ender pearls except I'll tell you what it's about just a second look at him hi oh well okay apparently he just teleported but because of his age I'm not sure if he knows where he's going so why don't we try another one hey oldie oldie oh we gotta move real fast get it get it get it oh there dams a charm there we go oh hello there Dusty Eye of Ender and an antique ender pearl so what does that do it releases a cloud of dust that blinds you and relocates any nearby mobs and we'll get to the dusty Eye of Ender a little bit later we got a whole mess of these right here bro my button okay let's see oh it's a lot okay so I can't see anything anymore oh gosh including all those guys so y'all supposed to be like teleported some there we go oh gosh that's a massive damage to them holy moly okay well I don't want to be an old Enderman maybe a creeper as old as time is a little bit better at seeing creepers too old to explode anymore it drops creeper dentures and Dusty TNT the ladder which will be useful later but the former makes food you eat explode whoa oh hey easy does it dude look at this back someone take a fill a chiropractor please holy moly those eyebrows too oh my gosh that looks like my grandpa he doesn't explode oh poor guy lost his fuse it's okay they got medication for that really get the spark back hey he just wants love poor guy and a beard that stays fully attached all right don't worry we're gonna put him out of his misery much better Right Where You Belong so we just got Dusty TNT uh hesitant to use that who knows it's gonna happen but we also got creeper Dentures I don't even know they had teeth guy literally had no bark and all bite okay so hungry want to try to eat this let's see what happens hungry oh nice yo bro okay the Dentures are something else that is explosive food and you see the toilet after actually probably shouldn't in a voker that's older than Minecraft this evoker is only still alive due to totems of undying right he found the mountain youth it has a few boring stories to tell you that are impossible to pay much attention to and they make you tired it drops a Dusty book which you may want to hold on to okay well he's got all the Toads right there Fred a cow some random Village blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah long time ago during my youth I saw yak yak blah blah black in my day blah blah blah blah all right all right all right I get it you just gotta die die poor guy he's getting attacked by the youth yeah I always complaining about something huh there we go much better music to my ears so we got from him a Dusty book and uh way more knowledge than we ever needed hopefully his totem still works as planned let's see yes indeed good to go except uh now I'm what's stuck what do you get I hope nobody finds his chest oh let's check out an old cow see if we can get any milk out of Betsy now this cow is just Skin and Bones literally give me milked for dry milk which acts somewhat like normal milk except it can stack but it deals damage to you oh the milk's gone spoiled let's see what this poor thing looks like this is clearly the skin in boats Oh Betsy oh my gosh what are they not feeding you I suppose okay well you can go wow it's got so little amount of cow to it I can barely attack it so we just got dry meat and Dusty leather oh I forgot to milk the poor thing okay let's give it a shot guys the Ultimate Gamer calling card is finally here it's the never dig straight down t-shirt and you're gonna want to get your hands on one right now check out the link in the description below and pick out one today Love Actually okay well let's let's try the uh the dry meat okay it's pretty much beef jerk it looks like hey oh wow so we got a serious speed boost but it makes me even hungry it's so salty it is like literally like beef jerky yeah I'll stick to my regular steak thank you oh gosh I forgot about the Dentures the world's oldest villager huh this villager keeps forgetting what he was trading so he the trades tend to change often it always has a trade for Dusty emeralds though hi villager oh my gosh whoa had disappeared he's very old look at that style oh my gosh okay so he's got emeralds carrots wheat and emeralds now he's got carrots potatoes emeralds and emeralds and now he's got okay so it does seem to change uh a whole mess of the time okay well why don't we just go ahead and get him what he wants he wants some regular well now he wants potatoes for the emeralds oh you play these games man win these prizes I no that's not okay we're just gonna grab yes perfect now we can't go wrong thank you how about an ancient Blaze I'm interested in this one this Blaze cooled off and now it complains unless the temperatures is exactly right what oh no look he's slow and worthless oh my gosh just like old people I'm scared my grandma's gonna call me I saw you sorry about me too bad okay so we placed a torch nearby it's too warm in here yeah yeah yeah yeah could you turn the air conditioning on please okay really it is kind of like my grandma anyways can you toss some wood in the fireplace it sure is cold what if I put down both the temperatures are unbearable oh you're hilarious okay we put down two and suddenly he's uh singing a different tune okay time to kill you okay we got a Dusty blaze rod and an extinguished campfire your worst item ever apparently it's not useful but it's pretty good for a quick laugh oh goodness gracious yeah it's legit just a it can't cook well maybe we give it a shot anyways huh yeah I don't think we have any luck how about a mushroom that's older than mine oh my gosh what happened the mushrooms on the back of this mushroom have grown into giant mushrooms maybe help out the mushroom by breaking them I don't know this is kind of hilarious actually I don't know oh poor Betsy 2.0 okay let me help you out it's good oh you feeling a little bit better now old Mooshroom yeah you're welcome by the way oh yeah look at me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll come back don't worry okay we got a Dusty mushroom for our trouble great if thank you with the dusty mushroom which will be useful later but if you kill it you get giant mushroom spores which can be placed to make a giant mushroom instead ah see you should have thanked me really giant mushroom inst yes yine yes and ah yes yes so much stew in ancient slime the Slime has accumulated a few things over the years it can't really jump too much anymore but it sticks to the ground some making it have a form of knockback resistance hello there whoa yeah I don't seem to be able to bounce too well but look it's collected some grass and a pickaxe and some apples yeah I already said okay well um if you can't bounce you're not much of a slime so you know what we do with that hey I like that it's a nice job okay so oh it's a Dusty pickaxe interesting I don't care about those two things it drops dust pickaxes will be useful for the item known as all right it also drops the other items it has well you know been there done that old shulker just like my neighbor that doesn't mean anything the shelter shell is fairly cracked and doesn't really protect anymore the shulker bullets have got more powerful and more potent with dime though and now they can send you pretty far to the air rather easily quickly hey stupid oh gosh you're very fast actually oh my gosh get with the times old man seriously put some uh okay okay well that's not that's a bad okay all right right right right right right well maybe that's why you respect your elders I'm sorry about the previous comment no not again I'm not sorry anymore come on oh you got another one chasing after me man shouldn't this thing be easier to defeat with time quick yes while he's not looking thank goodness oh gosh a potion of levitation I'm mad about that and a Dusty shulker shell so I can only assume that this potion of levitation well you know let's just um whoa what is that oh it's a preview this is what we're making later with all these Dusty items I don't know what it says but we're getting a clear picture by the minute now the levitation potion grants you levitation at will oh hey hey hey loving on that ooh nice little bonus for my trouble honestly everyone should be paid to deal with all the people I swear I'm not this mean in person anyways the old skeleton is fossilized somewhat you should try to dig him out okay hey I'd love I love helping out the elderly despite what I just said hey hey there hey there guy wow nice uh dress I definitely remember the uh the game from that one did we just accidentally uh uh uh huh uh well we got some fossil arrows and a Dusty bow okay looks like you broke it whoops at least she still got the drops fossils make mobs turned to stone the dusty was useful later on but it's too fragile to work as a normal bow so hopefully we've got yes exactly what we needed right in here as well as some I mean some mobs yes yes good good okay so let's try the cow spawn egg you've been turned to stone well legit actually turned to stone alert hey what's good pig freeze petrified Pig oh boy this bank is gonna make your heart stop an old Gabe spider interesting interesting indeed Escape spider ran out of poisons so now it affects you with regeneration it drops the dusty web which is used like the other Dusty items and it drops regen 2 potions wow the friendliest wow I could see him as a little pet all people are adorable by the way I would definitely pick one up as a pet if it weren't a league okay okay okay okay like I get it you're cute you're not really doing yourself any favors like I love an old people bite me it's like a term of endearment or something I think it's like a cultural thing from older times anyways here we got our Dusty web and we got a regen potion yeah I'm gonna hold on to that for later not not his eyeball though that's kind of weird now if a one obvious regen potion allows you to oh gosh um regen yes very nice amounts of it too very very impressed rest cave spider handled oh yeah by the way subscribe anyways we've got the ancient old witch next oh boy witches use copper and not Emerald's currency so grab some okay apparently ancient witches can trade now let's see the switch made and drank an immortality potion since then it's overcome hatred of players and today it feels a little mag magnanimous Magnum anemone an enemy enemies oh the witches my enemy get rid of her no I'm just kidding hi there oh you got some serious you heard of Botox okay seriously what are the trades though ooh ooh immortality potion a small dose of the potion that the witch drank I like and a Dusty bottle poor old Crown she doesn't understand she's selling something worthless it's all good hag I got the funds can't get any more though so the small doses of immortality potion which keep us from taking damage temporarily uh yeah I kind of butchered that sentence but let's give it a shot immortality potion drinking thirsty nice can't do anything to me wow wow I'm gonna live to be as old as that witch wow that sounds um horrifying oh I broke my helmet that witch he didn't even bake me cookies no knit sweaters nothing you gots to go and before we figure out what all these Dusty items are for we got one more mob that's older than Minecraft itself the husk the husk has been in the desert so long that it turned into a mummy it's been hiding in desert temples for a while and it drops Dusty bandages which are the last ingredient for Ye Olde Elder enchanter what that's what we're making with these things oh let's see what that thing does it releases dust when you attack it sometimes the dust contains an ancient disease colored purple by the way it's disease temporarily poisons you as the house doesn't really feel like straying from the temple it can only be summoned over it there oh wow big UPS moment let's see what this husk is about huh let's see hi hi there Mama fight husk oh poor guy actually it looks quite comfortable in there it's like a blanket oh boy blinded oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh gosh bad no I ain't letting you come down here just give me what I came for so we got a banner pattern and Dusty bandages wow looks like um looks like some sort of like rice ingredient or noodles math words yes it drops the skull Banner pattern which means it's easier to get for making cool banners sure let's put it together what's good honey oh wait I like that but I like whatever e old enchanter is in all likelihood probably a lot more so let's see okay so we got all these dust items let's see how we use them get the ingredients but how do you make the enchanter simple the dusty items need to cure in a barrel for about three eons well we all got that much longer give it a couple minutes or so at best okay Barrel placed you don't have a mortality so you will have to speed it up nether Stars manipulate the local time and cause time dilation so you can drop one on the barrel and it'll be done a lot faster hey good to know load it up Mamacita put y'all in there and we'll throw one of these puppies on and daddy luck whoa you all seeing this what is this thing about the old Elder enchanter yo big UPS this thing looks awesome it can be used on a right click and it'll make a random enchantment that will affect the environment and mobs it is particularly efficient for large groups of moms hey ooh and it's got a bunch of effects let's start with this one white enchant afflicts Mobs with levitation we may not get a choice as to which one pops up first but let's go put in a bunch of homies right now real quick though a couple betsies make it happen right click oh blue did something oh gosh maybe we should just know what they all do huh it deleted the signs levitation brings Mobs with it instantly kills mobs breaks blocks and goes into the ground with Mobs curves and breaks blocks and kills mobs and free so it just does a whole bunch of just everything okay perfect well we're gonna go ahead and knock it out with the Villagers and this was worth every single hour we had to spend listening to Grandpa talk about the war okay these things happen from time to time and so does subscribing so you should do it
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,986,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, oldest creeper, old creeper, old minecraft mobs, old mobs, oldest mobs, elderly, old person, old enerman, older than minecraft, old minecraft, old people, older, oldest ever, oldest, anchient, legendary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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