Minecraft but My Hearts = World Size

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I'm stuck in this tiny Circle and I only have one heart the only way I can expand the circle is by completing challenges that give me hearts as well as custom heart items that'll help me defeat some hearty and heartless mobs it's time to escape okay this is fine I'm fine wow okay that is a smaller Circle than I thought it was gonna be I can't even reach this poor tree wait a second I have an idea I jump out of it oh gosh no okay well guess that answers that question was executed by the circle sounds like a cult or something dude okay what do I do there we are mine wood is my first challenge oh gosh I can't even get that close to it oh no no I can't reach it wait I see what up there hold on I can break the ground and stack up a little bit right not a bad idea I mean I've had worse ideas there we go yeah now I can get myself a little bit of wood hey and I got myself a heart container check it out two hearts can I survive the fall hey look at that not too shame Abby look at all this room I have so much room for activities okay next up craft a crafting table well that's easy enough right boom baby oh gosh next up kill a mob oh goodness no no no no no thank you no thank you wait wait the little heart mob oh gosh you can't explode though if you explode I lose wait wait hold on hold on let me get some wood don't explode oh no well I won okay two more Hearts not too shabby and look at that my circle has expanded quite a bit I can't quite reach the village over here but we're getting there the next challenge build a base well that'll be a little harder but that's all right I have this nice tree thank you tree for donating your body to science science is the name of my new base oh no Nightfall is coming fast oh gosh I don't have time man this is gonna be a horrible looking base go go before the creepers come out okay A little that little of that okay little that hi yes perfect it's beautiful here now I have oh gosh now I have a nice looking home did I win did I do it yeah we've done it we've built a base man five Hearts already not too bad not amazing but we're getting there oh do I have enough to reach the village I would love a bread and I'd love a bed a bread bed ah shoot I can't quite reach the village yet man I need food whoa what the heck is that that looks incredible for a future day my lovely build and bread and bed build bread bed a future expansion of this crafty video alright first comes the first let's mine Some Coal shall we that's our next challenge here looks like there's a oh gosh some heart mobs as well yo bro hold on I'm not ready for battle just yet my hearts are very small goodness yeah a bunch of heartless mobs down there oh goodness back up heartless zombie yeah let me grab a little Cobblestone here and we'll get ourselves some tools my circle has expanded but not by much I'm hoping I can find coal realistically no I'm also very hungry man okay oh gosh oh not good skeleton I don't like that I'll have to do this very sneaky ah not very sneaky I'm going in Dodge him Dodge him get on top come on I have no food to heal myself no no no no no no okay okay I'm on one and a half hearts that's not incredible uh just gotta find myself a little bit of coal Coal no gosh are you cold no they're uh Pink pickles disgusting are you cold nope you're a floating entity I cannot break hmm how do we get cold dude I'm not seeing coal around here ah there it is okay it's on the roof up there oh gosh hello creeper boys you exploded before but now I came prepared and yeah we got him baby let me grab a couple blocks here stack up and grab some delicious coal yeah hey I got my first custom item the Ace of Hearts hold on let me get down real quick gosh dang it well that solves my food problem I guess so we have a new heart that's delightful and we have the Ace of Hearts Let's see what it does it's incredible whoa hold on boy check this out if I throw it at him oh oh gosh I missed yeah yeah we got him he becomes a permanent companion of mine come on little wolfy boy I have an iron golem to be friends with and a heart container to munch on now I'm nice I increased by two Health this time as well hello villager boys can I finally enter your delightful Village I have a wolf and if you don't let me he will eat your face hey we can make it into the village that's incredible all right well let's get a little bit of bread for our journey here don't worry buddy I will pay you fairly here my friend is a magical door you can use it to lock people out of your house incredible I also have another power for this item but I'll talk about that later ah so nice my food problem is finally taken care of my new task is to complete trades it says okay my boy can I trade with you did my door not count that's fair that's totally fair uh carrots for an emerald yeah what about you my boy 20 wheat I can do that hello my good farmer friend I shall trade you hello yeah we got that uh it says complete trades do I have to do multiple trades okay well I can trade you for a little bit of bread that'll do it I could have just eaten the bread from the wheat but okay hmm interesting is there a special villager around here somewhere probably right there's one guy out here on the outskirts of town uh yes I can buy a bucket of Hearts hold on Buddy don't leave the circle I'll be back please don't leave the circle buddy my guy I cannot trade with you out there quick quick quick quick quick quick give me an emerald give me an emerald hold on I'll be back quick before he leaves the circle oh no oh no wait where did he go there he is oh gosh all right you're gonna make you're gonna do this the hard way that's cool I can't buddy I can't reach that man come over here dog goodness wolf you know what to do scare them okay don't do that that seems rude well while I wait for the Villager to get out of that corner let's spruce up our house just a little bit Ah done what you thought it was gonna be a montage okay ah he's further come on come on buddy just a little closer can I reach him ow oh wait wait hold on hold on go go go get it get it trained ah trade him okay bucket of Hearts we got it oh my gosh why man oh now you enter the circle okay now it's fine Jeremy why have you done this to me well regardless our circle's a little bigger oh and check this out I can use it to dump a lingering wave of hearts that heals me thank you Hearts thank you thank you of course we got another heart container here nice feeling much stronger now oh gosh my new challenge destroy a dungeon I wasn't feeling that much stronger but I have my pupper on my side uh it's not this dungeon it looks like I can't quite reach this just yet hmm maybe a dungeon in the cave come on pupper we've got a dangerous Adventure on our hands my good man would you like to join our journey yes we've got two wolves now come on boys let's see how far this Rabbit Hole goes I see a dungeon oh gosh it's a creeper spawner that's not good oh my goodness that's a lot of creepers man all right now my second Ace of Hearts power comes in handy I can shoot cards at hostile mobs and they become aggressive to other Hostile Mobs yeah love each other with explosions there we go yeah love each other yes very good love okay okay okay destroy the dungeon go go go go go go ah bad guys but lots of bad guys yeah no gosh no no no oh no one heart one heart quickly break it quickly break it and yes run nicely done boys you guys doing all right your tails are pretty low I don't have any food for you buddies oh gosh I feel so bad come here Buddies the dungeon is no place for puppies we'll turn my house into a little dog house rest up my boys your boys gotta craft up an iron pickaxe apparently oh goodness no I just took out a bunch of your friends can you not thank you I've got myself a medium heart container that gives me two new hearts and looks like I unlocked a new item as well Love Is in the Air ah you know what else is in the air oh the Subscribe button wow you should press it creates a tornado of Hearts around you that destroys blocks and deletes oars my goodness and I have a nice jump boost yay dang dude this thing is powerful I like it well let's find ourselves some iron shall we I don't know how much more room in the circle I have to find the iron but we'll see what to do still doing here boys I thought I broke the spawner already ouch explode me thank you now I can use my bucket of Hearts to heal me up I forgot I had this yeah some iron over here no problem oh it would be so nice to use my heart tornado but it breaks the oars so I can't do that ah well grab an iron the old-fashioned way by Smashing sticks on sticks ah stop bro there's so many of them no more please no more well it's all the iron I can get for now the rest is behind the circle 38 iron Let's Go full iron baby and now we've got an iron pick let's go and we got ourselves a nice medium heart container feeling good feeling strong our next challenge yes finally reach the top of the Outpost I'm ready for anything oh my gosh except for that goodness there's like 40 of them wow okay oh no they're chasing after me okay okay just keep swinging mayway hold on hold on maybe I just run me boys there we go fight each other for a second I just gotta reach the top of the Outpost oh my goodness there's so many of them wait a second Iron Golem help me out here buddy yeah take them out dude I'm running a little low on health go goodness oh no did the iron golem already die okay wow these guys are strong okay okay don't mind me I can safe spot him in his door a little bit oh my gosh this is getting nuts dude love me yes love me boys fight each other fight each other yes perfect perfect yes you do your thing good good good good good good good yeah hang out and do the ballerina dance that's what I like to see all I have to do is reach the top of the Outpost that's it I'm glad I have all these Hearts man because I'm looking like a porcupine right about now we've got a goat horn that's it what the heck why why is this a thing I don't understand I'll blow the horn no they just disappeared okay well we we conquered them I guess yeah I like this horn except the villagers are probably freaking out right about now I may not have been strong enough to conquer the pillagers but I can certainly blow the heck out of his horn I don't know what that means I bestow the power of the horn unto you lovely villagers I told you I'd give you a good trade use this and no Pillager will ever conquer you or leave it here to spawn that's up to you guys my next challenge acquire a lava bucket hmm I didn't see lava in the cave but first comes the first let's make ourselves a bucket real quick acquire a bucket of lava hmm ooh there is lava over there can I reach it though is the question pardon me blocks excuse me pardon me pardon me excuse me trying to get the lava pardon me there we are any live around here boys no gosh no I can't quite reach it dude I'm just outside the circle okay well let's find another way to get lava popper boys it's time to go on at little Adventure shall we we shall check out around the circle and see what we can find man our circle's quite large I see a lot of grass uh oh a desert temple is that in the circle we got a desert temple we can fight and crimple nailed it ready for action boys ah made kid quite reached the desert temple but we do have some lava here so maybe now we can reach it ah yeah challenge explore the desert temple no problem why did I get this lava bucket why do I need this I don't know but I have one medium heart container and one large heart container sick man I got a bunch of Hearts I can jump in the lava I won't even die see look at that but I got boys don't don't do what Daddy's doing Monkey C do not monkey do monkey was doing a bit and it hurts a lot boys It Might Get Dangerous in there alright so sit next to a nice warm lava fire Papa's going in it says diastole desert temple what the heck is a diastole oh goodness gracious a lot of bad mobs in there stand back boys sit there a very cute like I'll take these monsters out guys the launch of the crafty Club has been so much fun and it's not too late to join hit the join button here on this YouTube channel and get Daily Posts including crafty activities Shout Out Post Comics exclusive videos and chat with yours truly Club crafty waits for your arrival yeah you cannot stop me you love me instead there we go yes how's your day going little skeleton boy Your Heart full of love okay that's too close buddy that's too close oh snap what's down here oh might as well oh it's a custom desert temple dude heck yeah stand back monsters I don't love you oh gosh we gotta do a little bit of parkour or that's got to be a trap right oh I slipped Okay jump across and oh okay I gotta go Gotta Go now these traps are here okay I just I just gotta get past these real careful like what happens if I step on one oh goodness okay just don't fall in the lava holes and we should be good yeah no problem dude and what's my reward a rich heart on a sleeve the heck is that I don't know what that is but we'll take a large heart container yeah buddy let's get the heck out of here oh feels good to feel good uh sure boys come with me I'm looking for a bucket of water I also want to try out my rich heart honestly whatever this is ow Cactus can you not I'll win the fight dude I'll win the fight oh look at that it's a little heart don't worry Cactus I love you oh gosh I hit my oh sorry dog that's my bad all right I was positive it breaks blocks no I launched forward oh gosh no poppers I'm sorry it's not my fault I was loving you too much oh snap I can Lodge for attack mobs no no there are some mobs I can battle hello zombie hey yeah that's cool I like it dude it makes me run fast and I can love mobs to death ah what the heck was that oh my goodness what whenever I kill Mobs with love I get loot like diamonds and stuff whoa okay that's awesome and now I have some food for my boys there you are here's some delicious rotten flesh yum my favorite breakfast oh look at that that might be useful later is that inside the circle I think it is well if we have to go to the nether I know where to go come on poppers my next challenge is to find a bucket of water excuse me where will I ever find water oh there it is thank you very much we got water my boys oh and we have a little pupper oops may have accidentally multiplied the pets but that's all right welcome to the world little guy yeah thirsty there you go too much explore the Shipwreck it says there's a shipwreck around here it's time to set sail in the circle let's see what we can find hmm looking for a shipwreck and oh I found it never mind we found it too quickly you don't get your lovely crafty musical what is this okay well uh here's a shipwreck here there's text glorious text the size stole ship is that a part of a heart or something a size stole I don't know all right let's explore it hmm now here's some drowns hello oh goodness gracious terrifying Monsters ah the Popper's gone in He's a brave one no be careful buddies let's attack them with love ah almost oh gosh these guys have so much health man what's going on oh man the heel up instantly as soon as I attack them okay we can't kill him keep him back scare them away I'll check out the rest of this is their secret loot around here somewhere secret loot yes all right got some gold a golden apple nice oh we got a new custom item heck yeah let's get the heck out of here no dude this heart fist is awesome I could just run around super fast now sorry pupper oh gosh I can run around so fast ow why oh no whenever the dog spawned to me I just punched them because they get too close okay we're gonna sit you guys here for now so I don't accidentally take you out good boys okay what is the depths of the heart do let's see mob's hit will float in the air it says oh all right do any villagers want to fly yo yo Jeremy Jeremy you want to fly here oh there he goes up in the air he's flying oh gosh okay well I'll be a little more careful Sarge sorry Jeremy oh he's mad that was a mean prank Jeremy I apologize here you go buddy have some diamonds we'll keep this nice and handy for later though hey I also got myself a maximum heart container yeah four Hearts dude I can never die he says as he probably will die very soon here go Peppers some food for you munch up okay so my next challenge is to construct a nether portal that's fine that won't be too bad I have plenty of Hearts to head to the Nether and we've got a head start already with that ruined portal place the water place the lava yeah there we go we got a portal just barely in the circle too perfect gravel my worst enemy give me a flint is this gonna happen again I swear my greatest enemy in the world is Flint dude okay well that's eight okay that's ten uh-huh let's just see how many I can go without getting a flint it's a meme at this point dog okay we got it we got it uh 14 not too terrible this time it wasn't like 47. remember that time it took me like 47 tries to get him Flint I don't want to talk about it make one of these and then we've got a baby maximum heart container uh cheezer whoa what the heck dude okay uh oh I see so we're still inside this circle but we have everything that we need from the nether there's my ender pearls and there's my future blaze rods hello Mr Enderman I've come for your pearls can I borrow some pearls please thank you oh gosh I have so many hearts though oh hey check it out whoa what the heck is this man I did not get an ender pearl but I did get a heart of Ender it's kind of terrifying and of course some more Hearts I love hard I heart them and I heart you for subscribing okay we got some nice extra Hearts some more room for our Circle and it looks like I can use this thing to teleport around oh that is really nice and yoink ah yes the best way to get around teleportation at very close range okay let's get ourselves some pearls shall we I shall levitate you dude the levitation works great oh gosh I shall levitate you yes ow get levitated oh gosh stop it get levitated bro the depths of the heart coming in handy it is a little slow though hold on oh wait a second if I attack them with the heart of the sleeve am I gonna get extra pearls I don't know maybe ah just one Pearl we take those yeah mission complete uh get blaze rods hold on I probably need a couple more pearls don't I my heart fist has a special power I can shoot out lasers too if I hold the shift and then right click I shoot out a damaging laser as well yeah take that Enderman yeah pretty nice man oh this is honestly the best way to take him out yeah where's my pearls hello oh no I just got diamonds instead all right I guess I gotta do this the old-fashioned way pearls that should be enough let's get ourselves some juicy pearls I mean I mean I mean blaze rods hey nice little heart just for me well that was the quickest nether battle I've ever done that was awesome my next challenge destroy a Pillager Mansion I guess it's gotta be somewhere in the circle right Mr Mansion oh man our circles probably quite large now oh my goodness yeah it just keeps on going where art thou Mansion let's find this mansion and take these bad boys down man my circle goes on forever wait we can go to Higher Ground yeah I'll climb the mountain with my new toy yeah there we are all right let's see if we can see a mansion from up here hmm Mansion there you are I knew I could find it yeah oh man I can't quite teleport that far it's fine I'll waste one of my pearls it says destroy the Pillager Mansion not conquer it not take out the pillagers destroy the Mansion itself okay do I get some nice heart TNT or something let's check this place out oh my gosh the battle's coming to me huh oh no oh no oh no oh no join my team boys join my team yeah take those guys out love me love me hammer smash boom take that give me all your coins boys all this heart fist is so awesome laser attack can't stop me I've got love on my side not too shabby taking them out the Golems have been captured don't worry I can save you yeah take that okay well I'm destroying the Pillager Mansion take that Mansion join me boys in battle it's time for war yeah go okay my mission is save all of the Iron Golems I guess they're heart golems and Destroy and Destroy as much of this Outpost as possible get em boys yeah take that Outpost oh this is so satisfying dude I love this hahaha oh my goodness I can combine the heart fist with also my heart tornado this is crazy now we're talking no boom uh yeah take this Pillager scum oh gosh I might die here yeah well we've done it we've completed our mission and I only almost died a couple of times yeah I'd call this mansion pretty destroyed my goodness oh my goodness we've also got three more heart containers as well that is incredible that's a lot of Hearts my dude oh four actually yeah now we're talking and our next mission light the end portal I think it's time my boys it's time to break free of this circle once and for all all right boys Daddy's gotta go to work but I'll be back wish me luck ten Eyes of Ender I'm hoping that's enough let's see where we gotta go this way we've made it bullies does not look like an ordinary stronghold the black heart stronghold a black heart boys the most heartless us of all mobs how dare you not give love we shall conquer you with all the love in the world and also my sword I've named my sword kindness and now I kill you with it where is the stronghold oh I see a silverfish that's good news hi buddy oh it's a lot of mobs man back up foes yeah you cannot stop me I'm the gingerbread man oh I love these new powers man all right I think I found the stronghold yep here it is the end portal now question is do I have enough ender eyes yes I do we've done it baby did I get it hard did I get a heart I got two new items I've got another maximum heart container dude that looks so nice and I've got a heartache it says throw the heartache it rains down lightning to Smite nearby mobs and end crystals oh heck yeah man all right there's no time to waste let's do this oh no my circle's small again oh that's not good I don't have a whole lot of room here well we'll see what we can do uh my next mission is defeat the Ender Dragon so I can't even like gain more progress to make the circle larger uh well Mr heartache let's see what you got all right I threw him out there and then lightning does it strike the crystals strike the crystals use your lightning powers ouch that's working oh it's working the crystals destroyed uh all the dragon breath is painful dude I don't have a whole lot more room to stand it's your time heartache take out that inner dragon shoot em with lightning keep going dude ow come on yeah we've done it dude oh man guys I think the circle's broken there's only one thing left to do head back to the Overworld yes we're back hello buddies I wasn't gone for too long was I well long enough for one of my dogs to grow up but you know there you go bunco yeah the circle has been broken we've done it my boys it's time to Adventure onward pass where the circle would have ever stopped me thank you guys for watching and following the journey and make sure to circle around around that like And subscribe button bye everybody
Channel: Craftee
Views: 798,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft prison, minecraft custom, custom minecraft, minecraft hearts, minecraft world, minecraft but hearts, custom hearts, custom heart
Id: F5Au6ltmWJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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