Minecraft mobs that faked sick to miss school

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i gotta be honest i faked sickness to get out of school before bad boy alert well in today's video we caught these minecraft mobs red-handed faking sick to go do their own thing they've got bad excuses but good items to give us and we'll be collecting their sick notes to give to the teacher at the end of the video what i'm trying to get that extra credit okay diamond ruler in hand i'll be checking in on these mobs to see why they're faking this first one looks like he went skating the skate zombie this mob had an appointment but is really at a skate park be careful around this one don't let it skate circles around you uh oh okay let's see this guy whoa check him out he literally whoa cool hat bro this is why you called out of school oh my gosh and look at that board don't mind if i put you into detention son wow he's got a lot of health especially for someone that's supposed to be sick get back i wanna ride on it and that's exactly what i'm gonna do oh and i got something called the brown paper fragment what could that be used for anyways check this out skateboard in hand now we're on this thing which is an interesting way of riding a skateboard but check it out if we right click look go do it ready check it out check it out i can do tricks with it and that is a serious trick i'm sitting down and doing a kickflip at the same time oh my gosh yo watch out tony hawk i'm coming for the throne you can actually use this to move around you need to jump up blocks but i'm thinking there's probably a way we can get an upgrade on this guy maybe we should check out our next delinquent it's the kid slime how did you fake sickness this kid's slime skipped school to jump on its bed all day long if you break the bed kit slime will get pretty upset wait hold on drops a bouncy ball more on that later okay okay okay the kid's slime fake being stuffed but it's just a slime oh look at him oh my gosh well he literally is just bouncing around on the bed really this is why you didn't want to go to school i mean history class is not that bad but don't mind if i do hey oh he is mad whoa he's dealing some serious damage on me yo get rolled on son wow got a lot of health should i feel bad about like destroying mobs in their bed maybe hey we got a green paper fragment for a trouble but check this thing out love it shiny bouncy ball when you throw the bouncy ball on a skateboard it will turn it into a bouncy skateboard oh yo check this thing out we just got an upgrade to these trucks baby put it on down and now when we ride whoa it moves even faster and nice if i do a trick with it let's see whoa i can bounce way higher with this thing check it out up on top of the roof oh my gosh i can't wait to confiscate more little goodies from all of our fake sickers sounded weird party creeper this is the next mob that decided it did not want to go to collapse today the creeper loves to party if you're close they will fake sick but if you go away it's party time kill it and it will drop a party in a box hold on a second maybe the skylight is here for a reason what whoa oh look at him poor guy what up everybody for a limited time get your hands on the brand new log dot zip crave the cave t-shirt if you missed the last design you're not going to want to miss this one found linked in the description below look at him in there you bad bad boy wow and his legs are disappearing as well it's a true party in there look at him he's celebrating oh my gosh i'm gonna put an end to that oh yeah now you're sick again i don't buy it homie you and your disappearing body maybe he is sick that seems like a very odd symptom so we just got party in a box and magenta what are these papers used for okay but let's focus on this thing for now party in a box dance till you are dead right click to start a party deselect to stop a party hold on a second oh it'll cause nearby mobs to dance till they're dead wow serious party someone called the wedding officiant wow husker cow i wonder which is which let's just go with both right click oh yeah look at them serious party they just spin it oh my gosh oh well that uh betsy never stood a chance but she did stand to dance loving on this yo can we seriously just look would you see how fast look how fast oh my gosh and then just dead oh come on a limp skeleton i've seen it all before seriously the limp skeleton is using some fake crutches like literally there are no visible broken bones and i believe it you can see every single one of them probably a fake bandage as well it'll drop a crutch more on that later interesting okay hi skeleton oh poor guy are you oh my gosh he's attacking with this crutch it's just like i'm back in elementary school again oh the bullies the memories are coming hey all right all right all right i'm sorry i'm sorry get back epic i'm gonna tell the teacher nasty guy can't look loser no one even signed the cast sorry if someone out there is out of cast that was inside okay whatever yellow paper fragment and we got the crutch for our trouble so holding the crutch gives it knock back too check that out love it but more importantly besides that right click to do a crutch kick sending mops flying all around you as you jet forward i want to try that okay hold on a second what's good baby wow oh my gosh oh sweet i knew injuries were worth it check that out just dealing with it dealing with it wow and i think one of them got like whoa not huge i think i just teleported inside here wow the most magical i fake sickness too i get it hold and sneak to jut a door open with your crutch oh cool so you can hobble on in wherever you're at see it's okay there's plenty of room around here for all the diamonds in the world and no one's gonna judge you for walking around all crippled my am i allowed to say that anymore seriously i want to figure out what these papers are for maybe this is the homework that they didn't turn in anyways we've got clumsy enderman why do you got a fake sick for being clumsy the clumsy enderman came up with the best excuse i have the ability to teleport and i'm clumsy yeah right tell that to your teachers oh my gosh must have had a head injury or something drops the clumsy ender pearl which can be right click to teleport blah blah blah more more on that later oh i didn't mean to okay you get back don't you party for a little bit homeboy all right clumsy enderman huh whoa no kidding oh gosh he's still attacking on me he's got the fake bandage going and everything can't fool me man they call me a regular teacher's pet uh and i don't even have to wear a collar not anymore at least get back from me i'm gonna get on you yeah we got another paper fragment and then we got this baby clumsy pearl okay so you right-click to teleport with it clumsily you never know where you might end up you can also drop it on mobs to teleport them randomly well where am i i wasn't kidding whoa i went really far dude i feel like this one's got a little bit of a valid excuse to stay home i mean assuming that uh bandage was you know real hi okay let me drop it on a mop so let's see whoa where'd he go i'm just getting packed where did they go i don't even know where they're going i suppose that's the did one of them end up over there as zombie flesh oh yeah i'ma hold on to this guy more skaters huh the skating bear the skating bear skips school to go skate as well i mean doesn't the cold air make your cold worse unless it's fake that's what we're learning oh drops a glacial bolt more on that later come again look oh hey why are you attacking me i was just just trying to watch seriously i love that though hold on actually skating about i feel bad having to destroy you but you know these things happen from time to time you stay back wow crutch is very good get it yes good good good good bye bear ha ha oh glacial bolt okay and a blue paper fragment we're on to something so the glacial bolt is an ice weapon that can be right clicked the projectile that fires slows down mobs for a bit very nice hold on high slow down love and it actually deals damage as well look at that whoa i just that's cool where'd that bear get this weapon maybe it was part of the ice skates oh you got me i'm mad about that though maybe you should call and sing homie oh you're dead so it can also freeze snow golems okay and demagmizes magma cubes interesting stop oh it turned it into a little sl oh oh it's a family affair die did they combine some just occurred oh it turned him into a cube oh gosh i'm a murderer it's awesome it'll even turn blazes into coal oh wow yo i gotta fake sick more often hey everyone watching take note no subscribing okay who's faking sick now sleepy panda interesting oh no i slept in well that was the panda's excuse or else drops another paper piece if killed can be tamed by throwing bamboo on it ooh some of some enemies in your panda will fight we can tame it huh love hold on a second we're gonna have to kill at least one of oh look at you oh adorable get it get it can i kill can i can i kill oh i can't kill oh he's sad okay well you know we gotta do it for the paper you know what i'm saying you know that's i'm not a bad person i swear okay why don't we tame you oh look at him okay come on sleepy boy are you my pet now are you my mommy let's go rolls love rolls love okay so apparently the pet panda will fight for me huh get him get him fight he rolls on top of him oh my gosh look wow i my absolute favorite come on down homie i want to see that one again okay okay okay get him get him oh oh boy i love you derek that's his name by the way his name is derek okay your name is your name is derek stop making your head disappear oh look at him does tricks too all you have to do is smack them around a little bit also i don't condone that in real life you know details all right we're starting to get a lot of these paper fragments i have a feeling that this angry golem is going to be the last piece we need so wait this is not a student it's a teacher faking sick to skip no faking sick to hunt down skipping students oh gosh be careful he will throw books at you every so often but the teacher will drop a heavy book which can be right-clicked to damage mobs so we're going to summon some mobs to test the book on in a second for now let's see what this teacher is all about hey teach oh gosh what did i do i'm not the one that's skying i'm not the one that skipped i'm not even in school anymore mistreating ee i don't like oh gosh teacher be nice to me okay well now you gotta go i ain't bad are you throwing books at me is that what's occurring here maybe i is throwing books at me look i think the teacher's stuck here why don't i help you out a little bit i know you don't deserve it but i want to put up a little bit of a fight these are all the students out there that have always wanted to show your teacher a thing or two and i mean that in a non-threatening way by the way oh my gosh i'm getting like worked on no wonder they have rulers on them at all times i took that guy out quick so from the teacher we got a white paper fragment and a heavy book oh so let's see so we can legit oh love oh look he's reading oh he's afraid as you see you can use you can throw the book at him and it deals damage to the mobs oh my gosh i thought they said knowledge was power but this isn't what they meant originally hope not at least anywho the excuse slip that would explain all these paper fragments okay do you have all eight yes if so you can now craft it into an excuse slip hopefully no one notices it's made of different colored paper interesting so we just need a regular paper and all of these and i believe there it is the excuse slip oh it's got like some it's got your grades on you see all the markings yeah you did that whoa did you see that the sun behind me was hold on when i sneak it legit skips what whoa what is going on here sneak while holding it to skip school and even time itself crops grow faster hold on i want to see this let me oh they do what else does it do a baby mob and if it'll make them age is that what i okay well it makes them run away i get it i don't like homework either whoa they legit oh gosh what is happening over there oh my you've been busy this quarantine huh you can also use it to age humans interesting all right big guy whoa whoa legit look at that beard growing insane oh my gosh see guys look at all the cool things that happen when you skip school you should do it i'm just kidding by the way parents don't let us know in the comments section what you would do if you didn't have to go to school today
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,393,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, sick day, mobs fake sick, sick mobs, mobs that are sick, faking sick, skipping school, monster school, mob school, school, homework, fake sick, creeper, sick creeper, zombie, slime, enderman, skeleton, new items, new mobs, meme, memes, bear, dog, staying home sick, staying home, how to fake sick, being sick, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, mob update, panda, golem, minecraft mobs, sick minecraft mobs, minecraft update, new minecraft update
Id: RiWYRoo8e2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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