Minecraft Mobs if they were Superheroes

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[Music] these minecraft mobs have turned into superheroes each of them have unique superhero powers and with any luck i'll be combining the infinity stones they've been hoarding into a powerful superhero weapon and it all starts with the super pig super pig starts off as a regular old pig until you damage it you know superheroes they always need some sort of traumatic thing to occur in order for them to become a hero so what's more dramatic than being punched by a stranger yeah there we go oh gosh that's pretty traumatic to look at oh hello there super ping someone branded you with an s whoa he's going crazy dude oh my goodness what do you do other than fly around oh this sign says he will attack creepers with lasers and husks with speed i want to see that whoa instantaneously burning him alive yes his eyes legit turned red what do you mean it's not all in a day's work yeah you left him alive come on pig i need you there we go look at those eyes nasty nasty nasty just in time typical superhero fashion whoa he is so fast that his limbs literally detach from themselves it's literally faster than the speeding bullet going nuts though oh my gosh incredible work super big i've got some bacon with your name on oh actually that's not what you're into anyways naturally this superhero is one weakness is a kryptonite carrot which you can get uh in this chest right here so if we were to attempt to damage super pig you could see here that uh he just flies around and he isn't too pleased but if we were to hold kryptonite carrots instead we can actually manage to deal some serious damage to him i like how he just kind of flew get back here super pig i'm acting as the villain in this video give me a little piggy ah we killed him sorry for all you fans out there now we got some special drops in return we got first of all whoo glasses i know you all was filming me talking about this well this is easy enough this is an infinity stone and we're going to be using this but at the end of today's video meanwhile though something way more exciting glasses yes super glasses can be worn on your head and they give you the power to read more effectively now just kidding you can fire off lasers with them when you sneak around incredible and they've got different effects when used on different things you know like setting trees on fire oh my gosh am i one of the baddies we can use them to auto smelt cobble sand ores auto mining incredible we can even be using them to evaporate water yes yes indeed ah the power of water it's actually uh putting up a pretty decent fight you you wouldn't think it's close but hey that's how it happens sometimes we could use some serious heroes up in here and not only will mobs nearby be weakened when you happen to be around you can also set them on fire with your laser beam apparently they can set you on fire as well get away from me i don't like you that much actually thank you our next superhero mob is spider man right we'll see about that huh is the spider that thinks it's a human but it still walks like a spider oh gosh if you attack it'll attack you with a fury of web so once again we put this hideous oh wow that is like actually one of the most disturbing i i kind of want to punch you and it has nothing to do with the fact that you're going to become a superhero afterwards oh gosh oh he's attacking me hey superhero superhero easy does it well and apparently oh it got me stuck in webs don't love actually you step back mister dude every single time i attack it okay this is one of the most frightening things i've ever seen in fact so you could just uh get away from me he's like going for me constantly oh goodness now what do we get for drops here let me see well we got our hands on another infinity stone but we also got a web shooter beautiful and what does this web shooter on my wrist do well billy it shoots webs and we can use it to get mobs stuck nearby hey you enjoying yourself in there you suck i'm gonna laser him real quick too the web shooter also gives us the ability to climb up of cobwebs oh baby baby baby i love that finally we all got to get stuck in them all the time and we got some serious loot for our reward did i mention these infinity stones also give us unique powers when we sneak holding this one we get a strength boost and when we sneak holding this one we can actually alter reality we're gonna turn some husks right here into some sand blocks hey guys or glass blocks depending on their age apparently in fact we do a lot of interesting things with this stone like for example turning well that didn't let's maintain a nice safe distance first there we go now you've been turned into leaf blocks and superman's glasses over here did all the sheep turn into wool incredible oh i love sheep you're having a good time and anymore dude if these stones alone have this incredible power i cannot wait to see what happens when we combine them at the end of the video today for now that we've got captain america oh move over captain america this one's gonna be good stands up literally for all the cows in the overworld if you attack it it will fight back with its shield and can block arrows i'll be the judge of that yo you got some beef well already mad at me what did i do come on cow looks like someone snuck a punch in already all right let's see what happens boom oh legit ain't gonna let it happen huh easy easy easy oh wow through throwing the shield at me not very friendly i didn't even punch you originally yo he literally has beep with me easy does it betsy junior or should i say mr betsy i don't know hard to tell ah that was utterly ridiculous i'm still taking dash now hold on we got the shield we also got oh goodness america's milk i don't feel comfortable drinking this but i'm gonna do it anyways ah so what happens when i drink this what happened there can i not quite a bald eagle uh yeah we'll get to the shield's powers in a second but i just noticed it dropped an infinity hilt can't wait to combine these okay so check this out the shield is incredible you can actually throw it at mobs and not only will it damage the mobs in question but believe it or not you can also use it like a boomerang in legend of zelda to pick up items and bring them back to you beautiful i prefer attacking llamas with my shield instead though oh my gosh i don't know what just happened but i love it we can also use the shield to block arrows by sneaking lovely he didn't stand a chance now again i think with the milk here i got up on the wrong foot with this eagle because apparently this not quite a bald eagle is actually quite capable of helping us out so if we spawn in some baddies it will instantly start attacking them yes i'll bring it in although the eagle didn't you know last that long but you know details details details look at that it actually bounces between the different mobs incredible dude favorite hero so far the whole king golem is our next superhero mob if you make this villager angry it will become even angrier a golem it'll become an angry gold be careful with this one it runs faster oh gosh i'm gonna need some armor than usual yeah let's uh let's mentally prepare ourselves for this one all right mr villager you're looking quite nice doing science things a bunch now you're going uh oh oh gosh what's he done oh wow he's legit growing in front of me i don't like that i don't like that one bit bro oh wow he is like extraordinarily upset i gotta he's juggling me practically we gotta go homie i love it get away get away get away use the shield on him as soon as possible please guys right around the corner so now is the perfect time for you to get the log.zip spooktober t-shirt not only is it an exciting tie-dye orange but it glows in the dark as well so head to the website ldz.store and grab one today but i'ma get him right back when he ain't looking beautiful and two new items at our disposal they are as follows the gamma serum and the orange infinity stone let's have hulk on our side though so we can actually see his special jumping abilities you see that an explosion in the air as he takes out all these nasty nasty husks by drinking the gamma serum we can gain various boosts as well as a special attack so we got jump boost eight speed two strength five and resistance and when we sneak look what happens we cause an explosion that will damage nearby creatures beautiful they call me mr hero now by sneaking with the orange infinity stone we can actually absorb nearby mobs and depending on which mobs we absorb we can actually gain a health boost for our trouble so let's go ahead and do it look at that instantaneously healed ah thank you for contribution sheep our next mob hero is the billionaire villager attacking them will cause them to suit up hello there bruce sorry i mean uh uh boos foose brain yes go ahead suit up do your thing homie look at that incorrect hi no i thought we were friends just because i punched you doesn't mean that we're we have to be bad right uh oh okay oh he's trying to set me on fire too i don't play like that the emerald beacon-powered armor can shoot flaming beams yes i'm experiencing that right now i guess we can't be friends so i'm gonna have to get rid of it man i don't know what to say very powerful armor though he's taking a serious punch but we got some goodies in exchange not only did we just get our hands on a full set of emerald armor but we also got something equally special the beacon reactor and the blue infinity stone first and foremost the emerald armor is not only super resistant but if you look up and down you can fly with it yes please oh i love this this is so helpful oh my gosh i mean look at how good it is at keeping you nice and safe check it out i'm the ultimate nothing tnt doesn't do a thing lava same story i'm good baby the beacon can be used on right click to burn nearby mobs even the ones flying about in the air but it can also be used believe it or not to power redstone and redstone related blocks excellent it even also powers beacons that you shoot at check this out yes power power it powered as for the blue infinity stone here we can use it to send mobs very far away yes away with you betsy into space with you i'm legit flying up as we're sending him away oh i i'll i'll wish you this uh good luck on the landing there actually they all landed quite gracefully the aqua lotto is our next superhero ma be careful with this one if you attack they will summon fish that will attack you and when fighting you won't be able to go up for air look at the homie over here hello hello hello oh my gosh you are uh intimidating i don't know if that's the right word but anyways i stop it oh gosh okay let's see can oh legit won't let me go prayer i'm stuck down here can we oh oh thank goodness okay we had some bubbles to save this right there oh my gosh it would not let me surface incredible we gotta take this guy out as fast as possible it doesn't serious damage to me too but we just got a whole mess of goodies for that hold on a second scale chest plate as well as the full blown armor set here and the aqua lottos trident we have conduit power water breathing dolphins grace and haste plus i look hot now this trident though let's just swap states by sneaking with it so now we've got the regular old trident if we sneak we can enchant it for channeling loyalty and impaling and we can even sneak again for riptide and impaling in its normal state guardians will simply look on and respect they won't attack lovely hey hey thanks for my friend i can tag them back but they won't love it and it's other states will just let you attack with sincere power now you already move pretty fast with this armor on but if you were to go through bubbles you'd get a crazy speed boost when wearing the scale armor and if you go through kelp check this out you actually get your hunger bar completely full so you start healing instantly did i say fold oh yeah we also got the infinity blade but more on that very very soon our next here is the glorious purpose yes good what i don't i don't anyways glorious if it teleports away it will summon an illusion which will distract all of your attention towards damage the illusion to free yourself here is our glorious purpose hello hi friendly all right now let's take you out huh boom oh boy i'm literally fixated upon this i cannot move my camera anywhere else let's try and attack you instead yes good now how did you get teleported over there homie i don't love that all right handle handle handle get rid of it what is he doing over there why are you attacking me now what even are you horned wonder back back back oh gosh and it left me with some leftover illusions as well now we did get some items for our trouble here and infinity stone the green one as well as a glorious helmet we can actually put this glorious helmet on and use it to distract near by mobs by sprinting nearby them see look now they're synchronized dance class you can also sneak to summon an illusion that will also confuse near by hostile mobs so why don't we go ahead and spawn in a couple of them sneak and look at that they are literally confused and so am i to be honest about this illusion house oh don't look like it's gonna last too long to be honest but check that out incredible let's get a couple more of these homies all up and play right oh yeah wow let's play episode one the green infinity stone will cause mobs nearby to get younger in age instantly still hungry though we can even use the stone to reverse diamonds in order to get ourselves infinite diamonds love that i'll take some more thank you very much now before we put together all of these amazing infinity stone items we have one final superhero mob to show off it's barry aka the fastest be alive oh goodness well sting can slow you down because of how fast it is hi barry hey barry barry barry i'm talking to you get back here yeah i got him there there we go what's good barry hey barry oh gosh he is a fast guy hit and run much huh gee whiz hopefully a stinger managed to keep attached to his behind after that quick attack easy does it barry i'll take your goodies though we got the speedster helmet and the final infinity stone but i won't put on this helmet first and foremost ew yeah check out my speed boost yo and i look cool it kind of the more exciting thing is we can actually use it to blow nearby mobs away when we sprint by them look at this and we can even phase through glass blocks just like that with the infinity stone we can confuse mobs that are nearby even this sheep no longer has interest in my delicious wheat snack because dumb they're confused okay big kahuna time infinity sword all these put together to make the most amazing thing this world has ever seen a colorful sword this ultimate sword can either one-shot mobs or we can sprint to slice through them instantly hold on i want to see what this is about all right so one shot or sprint to get rid of these suckers as they begin floating all about oh my gosh one shotting all of them llamas no exceptions but seriously watch sprint right on through them instantly gone not even the homie here has a chance i could you know reach him come back here hey weather yay one hit wanderdom sorry llamas you gotta go too hey i won guys thanks for subscribing let us know in the comment sections who your favorite superhero is
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,894,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, superheroes, super, super heroes, superhero, super hero, hero, heroes, avengers, infinity gauntlet, infinity sword, infinity, super pig, pig, flying pig, when pigs fly, super man, superman, super powers
Id: SH9sgaNQg9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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