Busting 100 YouTuber Myths in Minecraft!

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are these YouTubers lying to us because today we're busting YouTuber minecraftness to see are they real or are they Faking It for the content we would never do that on the channel this bit says you break bedrock with a fireball you can set the explosion power with a command block to be absolutely ridiculous it doesn't work this is busted a TNT Minecart will send you 3 000 blocks into the sky three two one wow okay that is confirmed I thought he was lying to us you can make an invincible Axolotl by splashing it with a Wither potion and an instant health potion okay so you just spawn the axolotls in we're going to Splash them with a Wither two potion hit him with a splash potion as you can see they are not Immortal this is busted please like this video so YouTube doesn't flag us because this myth states that if you spawn a wolf on slime blocks and tame it he will twerk infinitely all right let's see that let's see that twerk Mr Wolf this is the first lying YouTuber that we're calling out he must have used a mod not that we would ever use a mod and fabricate content next myth there are secret ice rooms in the deep dark it actually exists ladies and gentlemen this is a this is confirmed apparently unspeakable says you can create a cobblestone generator without water touching the lava alright so here is the water and then we're gonna put the lava here and oh yep we got Cobblestone all right this Smith is unspeakable I mean it's confirmed all right this minute states that Minecraft listens to you give me diamonds come on yes All right guys I think this myth is definitely it's busted guys it's busted the myth does not work Minecraft does not listen to you it's busted apparently you can make a five block jump I don't believe it I think Preston just has been lying to me this whole time okay you can't you can't actually make a five block jump if you crouch and you do it at the very edge of the new Cross Your Eyes no it's not possible and I'm gonna prove why it's not possible with this what no I'm just gonna bust it for you if I block jumps can't happen uh no no five block jumps can happen hold on let me Chase for a second mid five block jumps in Minecraft are possible myth impressive is a jerk confirmed let me demonstrate what you have the STEEZ in your bees all right let's see it you got a perfectly timed every jump you can hold the space bar and this is how you do it that's it what literally first drive you know what Preston I'll bust it but I'm Gonna Make You test out your own myths that were not faked you think I would lie to you okay fine go away I will Preston should I just Flex on you one more time just for the culture just for the culture I'm gonna Bose Preston in this video okay expose him okay you did in 30 seconds Preston let's see you do it again I think I could do it like 15. oh okay yep three two one make sure you keep Dragon time make sure Time come on this is way too easy I mean I think we're like maybe 10 seconds right now you're almost there I don't think he completed it all the way down there Preston that's uh confirmed this man states that if you sprint jump you can bypass skulk sensors jump like this oh it actually works I just have to Sprint and then Crouch dude that is so op I can go across the entire deep dark like that dude that's so overpowered oh shoot it went off myth villagers can't die if they're sleeping then let's just see okay he's tired I don't see him drowning he does have a little tiny oxygen pocket hmm what else can we do to try to kill him uh I am trapped I can't Marco he's alive he is alive and the dropper version of Minecraft you can survive slash kill now it doesn't actually work in this version because it's the newest but it does work in an older version so if we go all the way back to version 1.52 we can actually survive slash kill it just says ouch that looks like it hurt but they did patch this in version 1.61 I think they should have kept it like this you guys have to decide in the comments Bust or confirm this states that you can jump super high off of slime box with a trident let's test it out I mean obviously you could do this with Riptide it doesn't seem like it's working yo wait does it actually get me higher and higher whoa dude on my freaking super high you could probably fly across the entire map with this thing put the elytra on and just fly dude that is sick that is so overpowered it's like a freaking fortnite launch band [Laughter] dude that is awesome hey Preston hey did you know Mojang's new update you want to hear about it what is this is this not your mom joke no this is not I mean listen there's plenty material okay but I'm not gonna get there that's a different video so listen apparently Mojang made it where if you cut down a tree the whole thing Falls well you just cut the bass portion like the bottom base maybe the second to the top just uh just try it out okay good luck but we're all watching you all right all right this is just I already know this doesn't work oh my wait I wasn't supposed to die lateral damage Tony are vindicators more intelligent than villagers we have several different obstacles to see if the Vindicator can kill the Villager he's gonna have to bounce on this slime block to reach the villagers so I don't know if it's possible but we'll see I'm gonna have to give that point to The Vindicator you know what buddy yeah here's some fire merch on the house okay go to fireworks.com baby get this brand new June Tee of the month if you dare okay we're gonna go to the next obstacle okay the Villager side has TNT but the Vindicator side has Moss who will survive the vindica oh my gosh so far this myth is proving to be true but we can't be sure yet this is powdered snow so if you walk in it you follow your death but are the villagers and Vindicator smart enough to know this I wouldn't probably have to count this as a draw because both of them just walk to their death now what about Chain Gang all right come on yeah oh yeah I'm gonna give that point to the Villager all right villager you can still make a comeback here nobody saw that two to one come on villager get inside of the boat yes oh I'm I think I have to give this point to The Vindicator not only did he murder the Villager but he also got in the boat Beautiful People this myth is confirmed vindicators are more intelligent than villagers okay this man states that gas can actually light the nether pool gas come here where is it show hard to hit hey get over here if I stand just right here nope uh it might not work I don't think it works oh my gosh dude myth confirmed gas can actually light Nether Portals that's bro if you put glass under armor stand you can look through it and essentially get X-ray hacks I'm going to opt to find Zoom I don't know about y'all but I am not seeing any x-ray yeah this is busted you can survive 100 blocks down in one block of water obviously let me show you it does obviously yeah it doesn't matter the height you can just jump in the water and survive yeah yeah yeah watch this this is how you do it and then I want you to do it after me then we can confirm you know what's really funny is Chase doesn't think I see the one block that's water and the rest are glass paint your turn uh yeah so I just need to jump anywhere in this obvious water that's definitely not made out of glass panes is that correct what uh uh yes it's not like this one has a giant color variation no this it's it's it's it's cold water okay what is this what is this okay if you want to make this believable my boy should be using some carpet oh you know from above look at that person can you give me a ladder yeah I got you buddy thanks man no no no no jump in a bed to delay your fall damage uh okay it looks like I didn't take any full damage that time okay I wonder if you can delay death entirely we're gonna try it higher up up dude I didn't die am I gonna die when I got to the bed dude that's freaking hilarious Smith confirmed this Miss states that wardens cannot attack you in the water I'm pretty sure I know firsthand that this doesn't work but let's test it out what's up buddy he's super slow he can't even chase me oh yep he can attack me oh okay it looks like he actually damaged me all right this myth is totally busted if you just put an I want ancient city you will get spawned next to an ancient city they do say ask and you shall receive will I receive an ancient city or will I receive dissatisfaction okay all right normal world so far yeah we're going to spectator mode will we actually get the ancient cities but you will why do more people not know about this this is actually so sick I can't believe you can just enter whatever I want yeah I won't girlfriends and Sydney hello hello uh are you my girlfriend no what what do you mean no I am taking oh my okay this is busted this is busted goodbye sweet world you can light TNT using a fire aspect book this is also on the Bedrock Edition by the way um you can tell because it looks a little outdated now now wait a second hold up hold up before anybody I want you to vote what is going to happen does the TNT ignite does this happen or does nothing happen three questions take your votes in the comments and now we resume I am going to vote that nothing happens and I would be wrong what I just gotta try this now I got I gotta I gotta do it in Bedrock I gotta see this like there's no way so what why do you hear the sound of these clicks it doesn't work all right the Smith says that skulk triggers give you three chances to escape one that's two let's see if it actually works three I don't see him here all right so apparently Preston if you uh spam the chest a bunch it duplicates all your diamonds bro really uh wait you do this by yourself I'm gonna go check it out my girlfriend I'll be right back not there's definitely no duplication going on here by the way wait a second how did I not hear the TNT igniting you turned my blocks out you can make a circle in Minecraft if you set up four water sources and four chests with items in the center of it I'm summoning the power of the water Nation Saka Katara lend me your energy my childhood has now been summoned and now we see if we have this perfect circle it looks like they're worshiping the golden yes we're not worthy of you Golding stamp the next minute the Smith says that in Bedrock audition your character will actually be upside down if you change your name are you kidding me bro this actually works dude this is hilarious all right myth confirmed this is awesome are villagers capable of sitting down in a minecart or boat let us see we will start with the minecart all right villager now there's a difference between standing inside of a boat or Minecart and sitting down for reference this is what it looks like when you're sitting down you've got those beautiful chicken legs and you can see them kind of kind of kind of uh man spreading that is a sit this is a stand now will you sit or will you stand show me Emma don't be shy it's a dude I got this Minecart just for you oh hey oh this looks like a stand to me wait if I go into Minecart do I sit or do I stand no I sit down yeah look you can see my legs poking through the the minecart meanwhile the Villager just sit down buddy it's okay take a break all right so it's busted with the mine cards but what about the boats why are you he's still standing you can see yourself coming out of the bottom of the boat why don't you just just sit down ladies and gentlemen confirm villagers are the unpaid workers I will use the like button as a petition to get the villagers to sit down Mojang please all right this myth states that bees lose their stinger whenever they hit you okay so as you can clearly see this bee has a stinger on his back you sit still so I can show the audience no we're gonna try punching him oh he's an angry elf all right he stings me they both stung me wait come here is your stinger gone his Stinger's gone okay some people say you can actually see the Stinger if you go invisible dude that's a stinger I'm sorry guys I'm pretty sure you're gonna die now it's confirmed one cat can control an infinite amount of creepers you all know how much I dislike cats I'm just not a big fan of cats you can't change my mind now we spawn the creepers in what maybe I should change my mind about cats you know I think I've actually had a heart change I think I've misjudged you little guy you know oh oh don't go back okay I'll go back to the track I guess no hey nah yeah yeah I hate cats but it does work dismiss states that in Bedrock edition if a Charged Creeper kills a stray it'll drop a Witherspoon all right let's test this out okay got my charge creeper holy crap I did a lot of damage okay killed him I don't see a skull though it doesn't look like he was any school all right this myth is busted wrestling yes yes we're at a desert temple exactly and you know what's underneath the desert temple traps guaranteed Diamonds oh well there is that TNT but don't worry apparently it's right in front of the door if you dig straight down there's nothing but diamonds wait actually though yeah dude I literally I thought you were gonna tell me to dig straight down in the purple block killing me so I actually kind of believe you on this one listen I'm sick of this stupid frames okay we're supposed to be busting myths for the audience I know I'm busting all of your fake myths they're not taking I mean I listen I I have evidence if you copy and paste this seed into a new Minecraft world the entire world will be cursed trees will be in a row chunks will be missing from the world and all Panic will break loose it's gonna be mass chaos like when Thanos came to fight The Avengers let's see it huh oh my gosh this fine there is nothing wrong with this world ey stream you lied to us you dirty like we're gonna give him some slack because he lives in Australia everything up there is upside down but that's a bust creepers can melee you in Bedrock but you have to trap them in water with four blocks surrounding them and then swim under to their feet and instead of exploding they're supposed to smack you nope oh well he's trying to explode that time I don't think this is working Camp man you lied to your audience you sneaky dog got busted just like his Minecraft Park course skills am I right I use the counter by the way of YouTubers who have told the truth and who have lied to you all right this myth states that you can control Mobs with your eyes I'm gonna spawn up heck ton of mobs they're dangerous they're scary but if I flip the switch with a special command block dude I'm just sucking them up this is so cool okay I totally expected this one's a bust dude but it's true I just controlling them all this command block is awesome goodbye I love I love very very dearly I like control I'm gonna get revenge hey buddy it's time to get revenge how does it feel to be the one who's afraid now huh buddy die from the lava oh God it doesn't work scariest myth by far when you break Soul Sand it cries and the only way to hear it is if you put your sound to maximum blocks to Max and listen very very attentively I don't want this one to work wait I hear it oh I hate that I thought this one was gonna be busted Ah that's budget that's confirmed and that is that is actually terrifying this is the new music disc which you can only find in the ancient city and the myth says if you play it for long enough a warden will spawn I summon the power of the warden okay wait a second is this cap did you guys find this yeah you freaking you're such a jerk dude you're such a jerk for doing that by the way I literally was about to confirm this myth you really think uh well I don't know that's why it's a myth turn around turner oh yeah yeah yeah cause there's a warrant behind us right turn around I'm not falling for that Rob why'd it go dark [Laughter] hey let me tell you something beautiful people at night time and a nice biome there is a chance that a snow golem will appear uh stop okay look I'm actually trying to hunt for the snow golemen yes or not is TBD so maybe you should try to help me I'm helping yeah are you trying to buy time for something bad Rob is working with me uh okay why are you looking up what are you looking at is why is there a mine cart that just fell from the sky broad keep distracting him go look up the snow Golem's attacking oh yeah the snow Court were you serious what is that that is not the snow golem yes goodbye I built this house with my own hands and I'm gonna go down with it yeah there's an ice column I think the funniest thing is that I have somehow managed to survive and you died you survived yeah with that part Rob that is your fault come on man does the snow golem exist or not uh like Chase if there's one thing we can agree on these YouTubers are the Liars it's not us it's them they are the problem
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 797,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: jwJyel7EEkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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