Minecraft but What's In The Hole?!

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I'm gonna be jumping into this massive hole but what's inside the hole well let's begin by first digging into it holy that's a big hole in Step One is to distract the villagers to enter the hole so we have a lot of guards around the hole but I do have an idea we have a pillow job post right there in a Pilcher Captain so we're gonna go in Kill the captain and get bad at Omen and then just walk our way all the way in there and start a raid these guys they'll run away and then we can just jump straight into the hole that being said for all that we probably need some iron armor so let's begin all right so we definitely need iron armor for that so let's take care of this guy real quick there we go oh and we have a cave right here right under it all right so what we need is 27 raw iron some gold and maybe sometimes if we get lucky all right let's get the cool and there's the iron we need for iron armor and now we're good now let's cook it two furnaces slot them together and we cook iron now we can go ahead and make some iron armor there we go let's put that on and now we can take hits and let me see if I can find some diamonds real quick which we need an iron pickaxe more first oh wait that's a duper cave well that was easy Diamond never go wrong with one Diamond but I see another one right there so now we can make a diamond sword maybe a little parkour there please be more than one it's only one all good though because now we can go ahead and make one diamond sword which should help against the pillagers hold another one right there extra diamond oh wait two hold on extra two diamonds nice now let's go back up oh hold on this might be useful because I can get one from here there we go not good oh very not good okay no no no no but you're supposed to buy pillagers let's get away okay A little bit of this just in case we want to vote oh and very cool chest come on something good glow berries wait can I eat these because I need food I'm gonna go on Apple can I eat the globearance I can yes I finally figured out what they do amazing now we go up for real okay now it's time for the plan so before we do anything let me real quick make one little Shield here we go just because we're starting a raid right away and I actually want to make it into that hole over there all right how's it going guys I just need bad Omen plus real quick kill all these guys it might be a good time we eat this too I'm so bad at this now for the captain inside let's real quick go all the way up oh there he is all right sorry about this leave the bat open though oh we got it top right bad Omen get the bottle of enchanting just in case got some arrows for a boat and some more wooden carrots and so now we just gotta go in the village and start the raid oh gosh I'm porcupine all right don't need that anymore probably should be good with armor and without further Ado let's start the raid as we go in oh there it goes all right the way to sorting will this work I'm not sure oh and they're coming all the gods are moving oh they're all getting distracted yes okay okay they're all getting distracted I'm broke we're gonna steal the bread while they all fight hey you know me you go right there there we go oh okay okay now let's real quick Branch out gosh oh gosh oh gosh all right so my only mission is to jump into the hole I'm gonna just go as close as I can to the center and then we'll see what happens oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh the pojo's coming to me okay you know what we're just gonna jump inside guys here we go in three two one here we go where does this take me oh we're falling now yo okay um are we heading into that thing oh my gosh oh wait something's happening oh and we made it inside the hole step two explore the temple wait is the hole go deeper okay so what's in the deepest part of the hole then oh it's a desert village thing all right it looks like a normal village but there's a dust Temple right there all right let's real quick open up this Temple and see what we gotta do inside it does have a door right oh it does is there blue no not scam that being said there's a thing down here and so we need to get the keys to progress all these four villagers okay so this guy he wants five green die that could be the cactuses this guy wants iron boots that barely wants to do arm boots not broken ones okay we gotta get some iron this guy wants to go in apple which we ate oh my goodness I'm taking L's right here and now finally he wants 10 Redstone torches so we need the following items on the screen and let's start with the cactus they should be easy that's gonna be that done there and now we can just use the furnace and cook it up for what we need I think this might be a cave right here because we have Redstone and the iron so don't mind me let's go and grab all the Redstone we need because we need the Redstone torches of course that should be enough and now for iron because we need the iron boots there we go and we can cook the iron team bottle enchanting oh I missed right now might be a good time also to go to make all the bread of over need let's see and we got a fresh pair of boots might as well make the Redstone torches too I think I needed 10. there we go the green dye is ready too and so all we need now is a golden apple all right this will do there we go oh that's why we needed gold let's grab you easy enough and we go now we got the gold golden apple real quick and that's all four done all right now let's go back to the temple you get one key piece you get another one let's get the golden apple done and now finally we get the Redstone torches now the key pieces we make one good old key let's grab that put it right here and now the next door is open and so are we going to another hole or what is this oh distract the zombie huh oh we distract the zombie with the Villager that makes sense okay so maybe we gotta take him away from the place all right Villager come straight this way you are gonna be safe it's all good okay this should be good right here oh he's out now zombie go for the Villager and he's distracted yes all right all right sorry about that have a great day now let's go through them close the door and what is this deposit iron pickaxe oh I think I was supposed to monitor our pickaxe I don't want to save mine so I think this should be pretty easy all we gotta do is do one two and three and just so we can save our arm pickaxe we're gonna go ahead and cook this and while that cooks let me find some trees and now we have a fresh arm pickaxe which we just throw right there and it opens nice okay so what is this press all the pressure plates and there's a chicken with the chest oh my goodness that's so many eggs are there pressure plates around here oh hold on so do we like on there oh wait it's a spawn chickens if I throw enough eggs we're gonna took it right there but they run away what if I put one there come on give me one chicken oh he's standing there okay so we just gotta do the top ones like this there's two right there let's make sure we got one for each that's another one we just pull one like that because that works now we just do these guys right here oh nope hit them off there we go okay so we need the guy up here come on give me a chicken there we go last one oh and we need one right here too they keep falling okay and I think we just need this one oh it's done yes all right let those brush blades done it looks like now we have like a little mining thing oh wait we're blast opening the hole okay this might be a lot easier than I thought we just grabbed the TNT right here and then we grab some redstone blocks right here and I think all we gotta do is just set something up right here all right get the TNT going there let's make sure there's enough right here and now it blows up let's walk back and oh open oh and we have the next whole spot okay so where does this save me I won't have a fun plan why don't we make this a little bit interesting by grabbing these rails right here and we're gonna ride all the way inside of here so let me describe this grab some of these put these together right here and now without further Ado we write it it's a little bit more slower than I expected but it's all good it's gonna work out here goes nothing let's go oh oh wait we're getting teleported step three help the blacksmiths oh wait there's four blacksmiths right there what the heck oh my gosh this is a massive cape and I'm gonna assume the hole is getting bigger because holy we might have to open up this giant pickaxe required that makes sense so these guys are gonna help me make the pickaxes we have the iron blacksmith we got coal iron diamond gold and Redstone and a forklift huh okay you know what I'm gonna ignore that for now let's go to the cool blacksmith and see what he wants us to do holy diamonds okay this is a super cave task one needs Auto smelter oh wait like this thing on the screen right now I can do that first we need this furnace is right here let's grab those let's put down one furnace right here I'm gonna put it right here for you okay and for an auto smilter we need some Hoppers and some chats so uh Mr blacksmith I'm gonna borrow your building real quick please don't search that I'm just doing it for a greater good all right with these things we can go ahead and make six chests that should be good and we also need iron holy iron okay this should be definitely enough now we cook and we wait all right we break these real quick and now we go ahead and make some Hoppers which we just need three of them so one two three and for this guy we'll make you your furnace setup so first we put a chest right here then with the hopper we put one right there connected to that chest get a furnace right here another Hopper right there another Hopper right here and then finally two more chests or the top and the bottom wait so if we put the raw iron here and then the coal here oh it works yes it's out of smelting Mr Cool blacksmith are you happy oh and we got the giant stick that's part one of this giant crop right there before we get to the next hole so next up we have the iron blacksmith hand over an enchanted pickaxe oh I gotta get enchantments that should be easy enough because we have a lot of diamonds over here so let's real quick mine some of these that's easy enough and now with the diamonds while that cooks of course let's go ahead and make one diamond pickaxe and get obsidian oh wait actually with iron let's make a bucket too oh wait hold on Buddy has a full-on basement down here can I get stuff oh literally an engine table right here I did not need to do any of that but we need lapis still so let me grab this real quick we got the engine table we need and now from moabits oh that thing is made out of the lumpus right there let's grab you right there one lapis block get the lapis Zoe and now we can go ahead and enchant one diamond pickaxe efficiency and sharpness nice all right let's go back all right iron blacksmith One Enchanted iron pickaxe a little bit broken just for you and we get a giant pickaxe Port oh that's sick okay now that's too done and now we're going to the diamond level um is he like under Stone maybe let's do an order instead and do gold next all right gold what do you want make five gold golems oh wait look that was exactly on the screen I think I can do that but where do I get the pumpkins oh wait I think there's pumpkins up there that's orange hold on if I go all the way up here we got pumpkins okay so we need five gold golems which should be straightforward enough you got my water there and so that's one two three four and I think we have to make pumpkin seeds and actually plant these so let me put the water back and while that grows let me go to the gold spot oh wait this is good okay we already have gold blocks okay so one Golem takes four Gold Blocks so in total we need 20 yeah 20. that's 10 right there got halfway done and Woody let's get one more just in case and for this guy we will put all the Golems right here one two three number four and this will be the main guy right here now we just need the pumpkins the pumpkin screw yes now that we have five pumpkins let's real quick play some more get some shears going I already had some cheers on alignment another one but now we can make some golems that there's mine 360. all the way down don't break my legs and now let's make these guys so are these like normal iron golems oh that worked and we get golden Golems yo okay five golden Golems there we go and now we can collect a reward Mr Gold blacksmith give me the next part of the pickaxe I gotta go into the hole there we go that's done and now we have Redstone build a drill how the heck do I build a drill oh wait there's a room oh Justice oh my goodness okay that is way too much stuff okay I think this should be good for what we need so we're gonna make a drill and I'm gonna try my best to make it look decent so what we can do is I guess add some Wheels to it this will be the wheels right here good old Wheels right there there we go and then the actual drill will be right here in the Middle where it's gonna be a square because everything Minecraft is square so why not we're making it Square big old drill hey we're gonna make that beat Finishing Touch right there and now we need the actual drill part in the front which is gonna be with the palace in the site I guess where I guess we can maybe do like a triangle thingy yeah I mean kind of looks like a drill would this work then do the game Masters just make into an item let's click complete build oh and oh it works and we're gonna drill I am surprised that worked what does it do oh it mines we really don't want to mine right now but I'm gonna let that thing go right there and I think with that being done let's go talk to Mr Redstone blacksmith and we get the next part which is another giant stick so we only need one thing left guides and it's for this guy right here stuck under the rock do I talk to him rescue the diamond blacksmith wait I know how yep it's the forklift crane thing so if we jump into this thing oh we gotta Power It Up With Diamonds oh okay wait so there's four right there and a lot more here well it's got some iron and we're good all right let's put the diamonds in and can we write it down we can ride the thing all right let's get the forklift or the crane all the way to Mr Diamond right here and so how do I grab him uh do I put the thing down here goes nothing oh wait it works and that's done now we get the final giant pickaxe piece which completes the whole set and so with the sticks we now have the giant pickaxe only and so apparently with this thing we can go ahead and mine the Bedrock right here and I guess go to the next hole okay let me go down real quick let's see what happens if I mine from the middle oh here goes nothing oh oh okay we're going down okay this hole's getting bigger where the heck are we taking now oh and now step four explore the Lego is a big old Lego the heck is inside this okay so we entered this big old Lego which I assume is gonna be where the next hole is gonna be oh we got a little parkour all right we can do that all right let's real quick just make some jumps don't wanna hit the lava don't want to fall in the lava that's all that matters let's go let's go simple parkour there we go press the button and what do we have here red and blue side construction worker hello there's a construction worker what are we doing build off make the best build to win oh wait there's a timer let's go is there a building blocks here okay we're going oh that is a lot of blocks hold on okay we got green yellow purple I don't even know what I'm gonna do with all this stuff Brown sure great okay we got pretty much every block in the world right now and if we're supposed to build something maybe we can make a house I'm gonna go for a house you know what I don't know how could a builder the other person is but if we're in a building Lego Dimension we gotta build something and because it's lime and it kind of looks like a green screen I have an idea this actually gives me a lot of power uh maybe too much we don't need any of the other colors all we need is this with all the screen what we're gonna do is real quick break this let's make a door real quick and this is the loophole we're making a green screen home and the green screen home we're gonna green screen something onto it where it can literally be anything right now it can be something right now but it's not fully done so we're gonna stop that right there okay let's real quick at the roof there we go now we super fast build mode the rest of it and it's done and so right now it's a green screen and now it can be my channel now it can be a dog now it can be a T-Rex it can be a real house it's amazing and without further Ado let's turn around really Nester bad there's no way that beats the green screen house so I just talked to the construction worker what is the complete judge is deciding there's no way nests are bad wins right oh we didn't okay now we can progress let's keep going and this is heavy machinery required it's fun tow truck oh it is fun what the heck okay we have a Mini Cranes this video okay let me real quick back it up to it one sec back up a little bit and we grab it oh that works all right come this way let me get out the car now we enter whatever this is oh that's a Lego person hello is this the next hole Lego boss this is terrifying okay let's take this guy out this is why we made the sharpest one sword Eloy was the easiest kill okay and from now we get a Lego Jackhammer which I think was supposed to take right here do I just dig straight down oh here we go oh my gosh where are we going next room here we go okay now step five use weight to push the button oh that's the next hole guys so we're this deep right now and so we gotta push that button or get stuff on top of it maybe oh mob's okay and I guess pressing it opens up the Bedrock okay so it looks like we have a lot of farms maybe we'll start with these guys over here and see what we can do oh maybe I make a bridge alright so the play is gonna be simple oh wait I count as one mall that's kind of cool all right so we have one out of 100 right now but we're gonna do first is actually make a little staircase right here what the green screen block of course let's go all the way up here then I'm gonna make a bridge so the mobs can all come in one spot there we go now let's just repeat there we go now we have a little Bridge straight to the thing but we need fences which we can actually just grab from this so this is definitely not enough for 100 mobs what do we have up here okay we got wolves pigs cats oh and even pandas and villagers oh that makes sense and so on the other side we have stuff to have them follow me and also tame them hold up so if we grab a bunch of the Wii I'm gonna replant the plants also at some point and let me real quick grab all this now let's go ahead and replay all these this is gonna be an intense job my goodness same goes with the carrots let's grab all the carrots we can and some of these what's in here all the skeleton spawners for the wolves and right here we have slimes wait slimes anyways we can go ahead and go in here make all these guys breathe get some more pigs out of it and do the same with the cows don't no no no don't don't come out don't come out and tell us get more towels going get some more sheep going and so now that's six six right there or right there that's going to be uh that number and we got a red to repeat a lot oh wait do you guys see bamboo oh they do yeah okay now we can make some more pandas oh oh wait no no that doesn't work like that all right give me one sec so now we have eight with the dogs we tamed a lot of fences and look at all the cows all the sheep and above we have a lot more mobs all the cows go movie we're going we're going we're going come on straight this way guys let's go let's go one at a time okay so I pretty much made it so they can't hit each other off and they can easily go all the way down so let me open up these doors real quick oh and I lost their attention it's not as many as I wanted the first try but we'll be fine oh and it's going up 25. make giant animal huh wait that's the thing so we got a brand new crabs on the screen well that's gonna make things a lot easier one sec okay so we got everything we need with one glass bottle one slime ball oh and I forgot bunch of oatmeal so I think it's just this a bottle of chemical x maybe we can use it on one of the cows all right comes right this way guys and I guess I'll use a ball of double quacks on you oh oh here we go again wait where are we going now oh gosh here we go here we go here we go stop six explore the back rooms so we're in the back rooms now so if you guys know about the back rooms you pretty much find a lot of stuff that you don't want to find in here wait maybe the blocks are a sign for me to follow there's a purple and then there's red maybe let's go towards purple right now I just don't want to find anything here oh my gosh this place is so big I do not like the sounds around here oh wait we found something it's a lot of paintings so I gotta go inside one of the paintings hey I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing here oh we found something it's a cat Hello Kitty Cat maybe there's something inside the cat I haven't tried this wall oh okay okay so it's literally amazed and we found the next one accidentally okay where are we going now oh my gosh now we're in a Soul Sand room is it maybe one of these okay now a bear room and some more cats nice this is kind of grieving me out but it's all good let's make sure not to take damage and where the heck is this taking me oh man okay I don't know where to go from here oh okay it was the angel then we have a free room right here and it's just we get a scary totem uh heck is this four maybe we need it for later and I guess without being done let's go back and find the next Trail okay next we have red which I think goes this way oh gosh I really don't like it when I'm in this area the heck is this it's a little up parkour thing all right I mean this would be straightforward let's jump on all the red things not sure if I can make that jump so let me real quick do that I want to jump and as long as nothing scary pops out we should be good all right yet again another scary totem that is gonna be two out of who knows how many all right time for the next color we have yellow okay we can try that oh okay this way it's an orchard range got Infinity bow and one single Arrow let's shoot everything let's shoot that shoot that shoot that real quick am I supposed to just say everything and then it just kind of works last two did we hit them right or did I miss something oh and we got another scary totem that's gonna be three do I have a nice color I think we may have found green this place is massive oh wait and this is it right here the heck is this I just mine through this place oh is that really it we just mine and we got the totem nice okay now with those all we have left is this blue one right here which this is where I put the stuff the scary totem there is scary totem there scared totem there then final one right here and it opened okay so what do we have up here oh whoa just get teleported um okay that was a little bit weird but it's all good you know what nothing weird has happened yet that was a pretty tame level but what the heck is this now wait there's a yellow thing right there oh wait it's invisible blocks so I'm supposed to trust the thing above me and just follow the pattern oh gosh oh gosh okay I think right here I go left and then I go forward okay okay let's be a little bit careful I almost fell off there now we just keep going oh no there's jumps there are jumps as bad as bad as bad oh gosh I'm just super jumping okay hoping for the best oh I think it's just a straight Road we're good we're good okay let's just make it to the end and we're good my goodness all right what do we have next oh what is this it's like a little mushroom thing but that is a lot of mobs okay zombie village what do I do do I fight these guys okay let's make it quick let me just take down as many as I can this is a literally decayed Village oh they're checking dollies oh even the chickens are also everything's awesome oh that's all fair okay awesome chickens Hostile Mobs oh gosh oh gosh why there's so many why are there so many oh my goodness is there way out of here okay all right come on guys oh wait guys see something that is bring they're cooked flush huh oh my goodness why does the pig look like that even the cows are evil oh my gosh what the heck okay so we got the chicken right now we need the cow they takes so much damage okay let's get this guy there we go goddess thing and of course the Sheep are hostile too oh my gosh okay okay having this many mobs in one area is actually awful we just need the pig now oh no okay okay where are the pigs I found the pigs and they don't like me yep they definitely don't like me they're a little bit slow though so it's all good okay let me take out these guys okay I got one down throw away the feathers get the thing and new plan we go in here and we block the door off or safe and sound I think and now with the furnaces let's cook each one and we wait grab that there we go and now the problem is getting out should be fine if we just go this way how's it going guys I'm leaving right now don't worry guys I'm eating bread it's all good oh gosh okay let's go ahead and put that there and stay then that's oh gosh they're coming okay and yes okay and we're good let's go all the way up now and see what this next room is I just want to go in the next hole I don't like these backroom places oh it's totally just a white room Lightroom has nothing in it this feels oddly too easy wait oh we got teleported back what are these guys oh they drop the city I'm gonna guess we kill these guys and then we go through the door okay we got flint and obsidian let's just go to the next door then oh it's doing that again can I not go through the door I'm gonna guess we're stuck in a Time puzzle then what's the way out oh we got iron Dice and some Flint okay six position Flint we can at least make a flint and steel now do I make another movie let me try this one more time nope literally it's the same thing again let's check these guys out I need obsidian this might be good okay so in total we have 12 obsidian let me try this maybe the way out is not how we think it is but rather with this okay let's put that in let's light it and here we go oh the words yo okay now we're on the other side of it and I'm surprised but nice all right so what do we have up next oh gosh is it like a gigantic maze that pretty much was the back room oh and now we have a little lava bit does it just keep going let's throw the obsidian down there we go and oh my gosh is that okay nope nope nope nope nope nope and since you're my heart needed can I hit this guy maybe this will work I think he's Invincible brand new plan guys I'm gonna pour water right here and we're gonna grab lava we're gonna put him in lava come on oh and they're worse okay it didn't burn and this might be the next hole out of here all right here goes nothing oh there we go where are we heading to now and what the heck sup seven grown to an adult what are we on into oh this is gonna be interesting we got a preschool teacher hello SAS one say my first word do I talk in chat hello no I can't say the words in chat apparently oh wait this might be what we need then let me real quick get some of this wood here and what if we make a sign so let's real quick grab this get some wood planks going and now we have some signs all right the first sword is gonna be subscribe to accessoria is that good oh nice and now we get the green practice pickaxe back is this test to crack my first weapon oh okay and we got the craft on the screen right now it's literally two yellow dye like right here get the yellow dye going and now with the cotton table we can just make one of these a trading sword look at this little thing oh we get there oh nice all right task three complete spelling puzzles oh my goodness I was given the whole Ward okay so we have a b n a r h oh wait this might be easy is it b r a n c and then if I break this right here H branch oh nice and now sort the Sheep oh my gosh that's a lot of sheep okay so how they might work is they might follow their dies so like the red sheep follow red dye oh they do okay let's put them in the right spot all right come right this way into the ready go and now with the yellow flower all we do is get the yellow dye and we bring these guys with me oh there we go that's two done finally with the blue dye all the blue guys come come inside and now task five grow up oh there's a growth potion okay so we might be done with this age then let's go get that drink up and you're growing on a group yes all right so now we are teenager duster okay so I guess let's go through here and we have a car and a driving instructor that's one learn to drive oh we're supposed to go in here okay so I'm supposed to just do laps all right lap number one guys let's go around real quick then for a super core it is rather slow it's all good though we can just do a nice good old lap okay what type of road is this though there's barrels in the middle of it okay almost done and that's three laps now task two my first job oh okay uh would it be the restaurant right here uh we have a manager hello Mr manager what do I do make food for customers okay so we need to serve three meals fries burger and milkshake okay oh what's this oh story oh and it has everything okay so I'm gonna get the potatoes get the wheat the more potatoes could ever go wrong with the potatoes I think that's all we need okay so how do I get the ice do I just like get it from here oh that's milk okay we got milk in here ice nice all right so one of this one here and then we get the milk and we get a milkshake I'll give it to this guy oh he wants one Burger meal I almost gave him the wrong thing so Burger is cooked steak let's cook that real quick and we got the bread let's get the bread right there oh gosh it'll be right up how do I make the fries bake a potato Place potato on cutting the surface slice into fries okay let me close the fridge real quick can't leave the fridge open we got the steaks for the beef let's put that together and we got the hamburger nice all right here you go my friend that is my first customer done I am very good at this we have another customer coming oh here they are all right what would you like to eat today welcome to uh Nestor Donald's I guess don't see me please one fried meal oh we're doing the fries okay uh let's take this out there thank you put in the potatoes there we go and so where's the cutting board so if I get the baked potato and put there oh oh I did it we cut it in surprise there we go here we go enjoy your fries we have the milkshake ready even though it's probably melted already it's all good that's another happy customer and incoming comes another one here you go one milkshake and that's gonna be it task four goes to the next area what's the next area gonna be the heck is this place oh there's a lot of villagers hello so what do we do here record videos to pass video one and video two wait so we're becoming a YouTuber oh it's this stage of life okay so with trick shots I could maybe get on top of this building and do a 360 on these guys why not here we go 360. oh it didn't hit him oh I guess I counted sure next one is quite a difficult item which I assume is from in there okay we can do this let's go oh we got a guy okay I'm gonna go in quick oh that's fine this is bad this bad okay let me get a totem get out of here oh gosh okay we got the totem and we're done we are blocking that off I forgot they go through walls oh my gosh we are gonna go to the next room and hopefully it's the hole okay doors open and let's jump oh here we go again what the heck is this like gonna be an ocean thing okay here we go oh my gosh step eight build a submarine fix the submarine to explore or the depths wait I lost everything all we gotta pick stuff up for it well there's sharks right there so I'm gonna just ignore that for now and let's just start picking stuff up literally not that many blocks we need but we'll go for it now I'm here guys oh wow wait we actually are getting a lot of blocks okay this is actually pretty easy as long as I can get my items back that'd be great I don't know why we're stuck at C now okay we should have enough stuff now I really miss my items I can't understand why I lost them at the same time but why did I have to lose him it is what it is that being said let's put those things in and I think the ship is ready do I can be built and it worked yes so we got a submarine and now with this we can enter down into maybe whatever this giant thing is is the next hole down there or is my stuff down here oh wait there's an air pocket maybe we gotta go down there and we're here okay so what do we do here exactly is it like a cave oh wait there's a room the heck is this populate the ponds oh my God buckets and actual stuff okay let me get some water then real quick how do I populate the pawn though okay so if I grab all that if I also grab this iron blocks don't mind me I'm just gonna grab this maybe we need it for later who knows but there was some fish back here oh there are okay okay let's be quick come on tropical fish drop you and you all right that should be more than enough and all we gotta do is just put some fish in here it looks like three more to go and we're good now mine through okay I haven't gotten the potion effect yet what if I rush in gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh be quick be quick because be quick be quick be quick we just get that that's amazing now what the heck do we have going on here 16 kelp for this um we can grow the kelp if we fight skeletons let's get an iron sword made real quick and we're going in okay that's a bone stairs I should not done that I should have not done that I should have not done that okay those guys gonna be stuck there but now we can go ahead and grab these guys here which I think we need 16 in total we have 12 right here so that's not too bad but what we got to do is we place down these guys here and then we grow them I think they should be enough right here and now we have 16. give me that keep thank you very much and we really need to get some help somehow don't know what this room is it looks just like a flooded room oh barrels yes we can cook Squad of good salmon which is a little bit dark because uh this is a flooded room all good though just in case actually I'm gonna make some doors might be a good idea all right here we go I don't see anything around this is a long swim my goodness oh gosh okay we gotta play on the door now all right it looks like the end is right there here we go get door right there I think we should be good here and we made it yes how much deeper can we go there we go let's go oh wait does this add colors are we heading into the end with the dragon oh my gosh something I defeat the dragon is there something I can get hold on there is an x on the floor right here x Mark's spot please be something okay one Arrow please be good Infinity power okay you know what we're not gonna question it I think this might be the very bottom of the hole and the dragon is he's vibing okay he's back oh my gosh we won't hit him okay so the real challenge is simply going down the hole so with that being done guys I think there oh here we go oh and we're still dropping was that not the end oh congratulations challenge complete oh ninja subscribe room so at the bottom of the hole it's a literally watch the next video like the video and subscribe if you haven't already so with that being done because I'll enjoyed up a great one and go click this video right now bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,002,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but What's In The Hole, minecraft hole, minecraft but hole, minecraft but tunnel, minecraft but what's in, minecraft holes, minecraft cave, cave
Id: sJ8cCWkEjfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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