Minecraft is Absolute Nonsense

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you put a saddle on a camel it just becomes two Saddles wait really Hammer camel saddle camel saddle oh wait no I see it look what alternate solution it's just a big saddle with a hole in the middle but yeah what the heck and we still can't craft the saddle so yesterday I put up this community tab post asking for what's something in Minecraft that just doesn't make any sense I actually have not read through any of the responses so we're about to suffer together this camel one is already painful uh and it's just gonna get worse so let's see what else you had to say the fact that you can't put two different slabs on top of each other that's very true this isn't just a weird thing that I wish Minecraft implemented but there is a work around I just put that there we just do this a little bit nice oh whoa whoa that was weird did you see that that was so weird wait I want to do that again that was so cool so now these two slabs are like this but if I set the world border back I just moved by itself well we have discovered something strange today slabs don't follow any laws at all they could just move at their own will like Minecraft can we get that please can we get that please it'd be so nice Anvil not doing the drip Leaf thing but feather does here's the drip Leaf thing if you stand on a drip Leaf it moves down and you fall through it the cool thing with this is that items will also do that but if you decide to place an anvil on top uh it's just fine this is the weirdest thing I don't I just don't get it what happens if I throw an item next to it yeah this is this is fairy cursed this just does this doesn't make any sense I love that so much that's so good anvils are dumb the strong and not volcanic glass yeah I don't know if you guys know this but like obsidian in real life is just glass it's super brittle and actually breaks pretty easily so the fact that this is completely TNT resistant makes zero sense but I guess they had to find something that was unique and and different and special and uh like me it added you something I guess but why did it have to be the brittle glass this breaks like that and then this takes years Minecraft why Saddles aren't craftable yet he can forge gear from diamond and turn it even stronger by using netherright with his bare hands and obsidian is one of the toughest blocks in the game but in real life it's fragile class yeah we talked about that second one already keep up but yes that doesn't make any sense look watch this I just created armor with diamonds this here is one of the strongest materials in the entire world and this here is one of the most brittle materials in the entire world and yet this I can change with my bare hands and this you can't even break with any pickaxe before Diamond also let me just use you know my uh my incredible hand crafting skills to create even more Tough Armor this just doesn't make any sense I am in Eternal pain and it's all your fault the fact that not everyone is subscribed to narfi that's right 75 of you aren't subscribed you should probably do that it's free you can always unsubscribe later it's worth it I promise please do it for me the fact that Steve can carry more than the Great Wall of China is weird how much does the Great Wall of China weigh is that even a question that anyone has ever asked before Great Wall of China wait how much does the Great Wall of China weigh the Great Wall of China would weigh over 50 million tons hey Siri what's 50 million tons in pounds just a casual 100 trillion pounds Child's Play if you remember in one of my most recent videos we talked about gold being insanely heavy this thing weighs 42 500 pounds which is 20 000 kilograms and that my friends is not light I bet I could lift it though because I definitely work out but this actually isn't the extent that this can go I talked about it can go in shulker boxes but it gets worse you guys know what this thing is this is an enchanted golden apple and the good old crafting recipe for this guy is eight Gold Blocks which means that this one Golden Apple weighs 340 000 pounds that's over 154 000 kilograms and then and then and then watch this now I have 64. here in my hand I have over 21 million pounds I'm gonna stop converting this to kilograms though because it's a lot of Googling oh my gosh that's 21 million pounds and watch this watch this watch this ready this shulker box by itself weighs 587 million pounds oh but just you wait I'm just gonna take this and I'm just gonna feel my inventory plus a little extra one for good measure in my inventory right now I am holding 21 billion pounds but wait but wait let's compare it to the Great Wall of China Steve in a single inventory can carry 10 million tons that's a fifth of the Great Wall of China so where did you were close uh but yeah no it's still it's it's insane also I would like to mention that this is not the limit of what you can carry because of course you can use commands to put shulker boxes in shulker boxes so theoretically carry an infinite amount of weight and that my friends is more than the Great Wall of China anyways that was a fun thought experiment let's move on to the next one how can tours create air underwater why I agree I am also in turmoil now look air wow I can survive down here no problem this makes total sense you don't go to the bottom of the ocean and place a door down and then suddenly you can survive doors are the greatest submarine of all time funny story though this actually isn't the case in Bedrock so in this case uh Minecraft Bedrock is actually more accurate to real life than Minecraft Java which I dislike immensely but look realism Iron Golems are created with four blocks of iron and a pumpkin yet spawn in with like weathering and Vines and stuff like they're super old that's a really good point this doesn't make any sense what yeah look he's like he's like weathered and old already how fast do you do you age so I think there's like two options here either these blocks actually don't create the Iron Golem and they just actually teleport another one to this location alternatively it is made out of this but uh somehow they age instantaneously neither of which make a lot of sense also another fun fact uh you see these yellow you know yellow spots there you would think those are those are flowers right and so if you kill the Iron Golem you would expect maybe uh you know them to drop yellow flowers but instead they drop red flowers where did the red flowers come from this is what I thought they would drop because clearly on the texture it's yellow this is why I typically use a resource pack to change them to Red because it just makes more sense I like it more this way because now I'm they die they drop the correct color are you suffering yet are you in pain yet are we all struggling together anybody ever wonder who built the sunken ships and why we never got the ability to create our own ships bigger than the adverse boat I don't think adverse is a word but I see your point this is a really good point like look at the size of this boat why were we never able to make these for some reason this is the maximum size of boat that we're allowed to make I mean this is this is just this is just sad compared to this absolute Galleon of a ship down here like dude also these guys had chest boats before chess Boats were a thing oh hey look door stopping Water full circle the cactus can destroy Bedrock if you throw the Bedrock into the cactus cactus is like overpowered wait wait watch this ready ready another star right TNT gonna try to blow it up oh there's no way this could possibly survive just kidding it's fine surely it can withstand the cactus right nope oh wow look at this pool of lava let me just chuck all this random stuff in here that I'm sure is going to burn oh would you look at that it's totally fine surely it can stand up to the cactus right nope hey would you look at that a block that's impossible to break in Minecraft and you can't blow it up you can't burn it you can't do anything to it surely this will withstand the cactus [Laughter] Cactus is on another level man you can drop sand or anvils on wheat but the wheat would break the sand or anvils would you look at that we have just regular old grass pretty much and I'm gonna drop this heavy iron object on it cool man my poor farm I'm sure is just it's just gonna die this is there's no way it could possibly survive a bombardment of super heavy iron objects this wheat is Immortal oh yeah but don't jump on it because it'll break banana true spit kills translate to English Minecraft makes total sense and there is nothing about this game that is weird or out of place in any way I am in turmoil you can pick up lava with a metal bucket but if you throw that same metal bucket into lava immediately gone dude buckets are crazy if you think about it too lava buckets like they keep the lava as lava like you would think the Lava would cool down in the bucket right you would think that that would happen but no I can just store it anywhere and just bring it around and like place it anywhere that I want to but immediately like you said if I throw it into lava it's just gone buckets are like magic and we don't understand them somebody get a research team on the buckets because there's some things that we don't know yet it's so weird how cats explode when you look at them with a carrot in your hand [Music] you lied to me the Enderman goes into a water cauldron it doesn't die uh can confirm this is very cursed bro's got no problem just sitting in a cauldron but if he so much as touches the other water he gets hurt and just has to run what in the world bro you don't make any sense Minecraft is weird alright that's it that's all I can handle but you know what else doesn't make any sense the end of this bit foreign [Music]
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 611,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, broken, comedy, weird, skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, block facts, blockfacts, pheonixsc, phoenixsc, cursed, memes, minecraft memes, cursed minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft mods, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, minecraft block facts, minecraft challenge, minecraft custom, minecraft facts, funny memes, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.19, things you didn't know about minecraft, Pixar
Id: aMveF6UZ5IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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