Does This Minecraft Mod Annoy You?

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oh no I'm in internal pain boy oh boy do I want a super painful searing headache right now that would just make my day all right I'm gonna go throw up now oh this just hurts your eyes this really does just hurt you oh no oh this lava looks like it's flowing why is it flowing this is the scrolling textures resource package sure it's not a mod but good God is it annoying this body of water is moving even though it's not actually moving it does this to like everything if I zoom into the distance even those textures are moving I think the thing that makes this even more annoying is that the mob textures don't they're just fine but everything around them just Scrolls past oh gosh that's even more annoying this pack is made for 1.16 so there are a few blocks that it didn't really catch also it's using the old coal and iron textures but uh just to add it to the annoying list I think the most egregious part of this is when you open your inventory because everything just moves oh my gosh even the fences look at oh no look at the flowers the flowers are moving too there's so there's there's like four of them what in the world oh no the Torches too look at that oh gosh what's happening there why is there just a gray stripe oh my gosh the bookshelves dude oh they don't the side the side textures are affected by another resource pack of mine I guess oh that's weird but the top of it moves well that's annoying this is this is just so excessive like what in the world oh my god oh no oh gosh this is this is just so much oh look at the look at the kelp oh no oh no it's moving the opposite direction of the gravel let's go what's going on oh this is so my brain just doesn't know what to do with this information there's just so much going on I hate that the grass textures like all go different directions like I get that it's randomized but like oh my gosh I love that you like you'll fly around a little bit and it's like oh that looks all pretty normal and then you zoom in and it's like oh that's that's not normal at all wow look at this beautiful Forest there's probably nothing wrong with it oh yeah you just walk around everything is moving and then you're like oh this tree is fine the like Edge like seam on the gold is like moving across it this is so weird oh the vines look at the vines what in the world with those whoa what happened to the potions what in the world they're like slightly offset that's so weird these potions are all fine but these ones are all like scrolled I guess everything is scrolling but look at these are all like weird oh gosh what does the lever look like oh oh that's Oh that's oh that's real weird do even the buttons move wait wait wait oh my gosh even the tiny texture of the button is moving what in the world dude oh this is just so off-putting okay all right maybe we should move on to the next one oh whoa look his bow is scrolling too what the heck dude that's so weird I can't imagine like playing like parkour or something with this because this is just Insanity I still hate the flowers okay let's let's move on hey there hi it's me the annoying guy that blinded you in that other video do you remember that it's so funny uh here let me uh let me let me uh jog your memory real quick see there that's better yeah blinding you yep that's yup enjoy man I really am annoying I fit right in with this video I'm here to just bug you over and over because you're not subscribed yet do you see that do you see that little the Subscribe button down there you should go click it it's pretty cool you better go click it I love having an excuse to be annoying in this video go click the button it's really easy to do it you should do it it's pretty cool also there's the like button down there that one's also pretty easy to do also all the research packs and mods are linked in the description this is the last time you'll see me in this video and maybe the last time you'll see me ever who are we kidding that's not true alright see you soon if the scrolling was too difficult for you to see with then this one will be even worse this is the one by one texture pack and that just makes everything uh one pixel look it look at it look he's just holding it he's just holding a square oh no the frogs the frogs what happened to you you're completely broken why are they making the ground darker is that their Shadow I think that means the Shadows are like also a pixel they're just affecting where the what in the world is going on look at this look at the seagrass look at the look at the particles everything is just one pixel the ice is just one pixel the salmon are all one color now and this was actually updated for 1.19 so look this skulk sensor does this mean that the warden oh my gosh it's so hard to tell what's going on the warden oh no look at this it's Mickey Mouse whoa what is is that the Enderman wait what is what is going on here look at these guys the zombies are blue I think it literally just takes I can't even I don't even know where anything is I think it literally just takes the original colors of whatever the mob is and kind of averages them together and I guess the Enderman just shows the eyes texture or something and it just rolled with it I guess I have no idea or maybe it's more intentional than that I have no idea oh my gosh look at him distance like that that's so funny it's totally just Mickey Mouse oh gosh you can't I don't know where anything is if all of these are unique that's that's honestly kind of impressive the beds the beds or something [Laughter] there's there's cows the chickens are also just completely white and they have actual like full legs now oh no the chest oh that's so weird it just has a little extra extra little nose on it on the plus side with this you can make some really solid pixel art with just one color per block you could do like pretty much anything that's wild that would actually be super cool to see like someone make pixel art with this thing this would be actually really cool there's a lot of potential with this this is less annoying than I thought it would be man I'm already ruining the point of the video what in the world this is a oh that's a poppy I was like what is this giant red block all right oh my gosh oh no oh wow oh this is this is wild dude this would be like the ultimate survival challenge I can't even imagine I like that the glow liking is just like a plate on the side of a block oh no those are the Torches I was I was looking at the mine shaft and I was like what are these bright orange things those are torches oh gosh oh look diamonds I think I don't know maybe they're diamonds gosh this really this really is annoying there's more diamonds I feel like these are diamonds but I can't be too certain if they're diamonds or not oh gosh the mob spotter all right here's what I want to see all right Ender Dragon oh no oh gosh I teleported to the end just to see what these look like look at the fire it's like really tall oh the even the beam everything is just pain everything everything is just pain that's what I'm understanding now oh no look at the chorus fruit look at that that's wild it's still got like bumps and stuff in it too oh I don't like that very much gosh the Bedrock even the beacon beam there was like completely one color here's the end City wow look at that elytra I also just realized that all the text has like no spaces at all it's just all combined into one and this is this is this is the this is the shulker oh gosh that looks terrible this is this is so wacky oh they all just blend in wow good travel through here and I have no idea oh my gosh the Ender Chest the glass is kind of nice though the like you know kind of transparent but just one color that's kind of nice the ladders are just they're just a flat slab spider I could just climb this now wow okay let's head back to the Overworld for the next thing you thought that one was bad check out this one oh no this is the simply white everything pack and it just sets everything to White oh the Ender Dragon is just completely black though that's very out of place so now everything just has a white texture even the trees even the like extra leaves everything is just is just white so I would have no idea of what any of these blocks are oh this is weird look at this there's like patches of color within this chaos also looks like it didn't quite get these wait do these change color based on the bio I guess not maybe they're just green for some reason that's strange so I guess not everything is white but that's just a technical limitation to the game I think are these different these are oh these are Spruce leaves as opposed to Oak interesting that's that's odd guys let's go find some diamonds oh yeah that's that's not gonna happen wow this is this is oh the lava's white too oh no this is this is raw this I would definitely consider annoying uh I can't tell what anything is yeah that's about the extent of this one oh the Sheep are are oh this sheep have little look there's a little face he's got a little face this one's just just a bunch of squares I guess I guess Minecraft is just a bunch of squares but this one's just even more so just a bunch of squares okay I think that's enough of resource packs let's get into some actual mods okay so I just recorded the bit that you're about to see after this one and oh my word I'm in Eternal pain but before we get to that one I want to start us off with something a little simpler this here is the immortal snail and uh yeah if you remember this from a little while ago the immortal snail uh is kind of insane essentially what the immortal snail does is that it will lock onto you and just follow you forever so if I just set myself to survival here you can see he just keeps going so if I run over here I don't think he will lose sight of me I think he'll just continuously walk towards me yep yep here we go so if I just wander on all the way over here this nail should just keep following me and we'll find out here in a moment if he's doing that well I guess not but but they do follow you for a pretty substantial amount of time because what happens when it touches you is you instantly die I think in addition to it being like just incredibly powerful I don't think you can kill them yeah I just tried to punch it and that didn't work wait let me see here yeah yeah so he's Immortal he's uh he's literally Immortal uh that would make sense that he's called The Immortal snail and you can't kill him so that's really fun not only did I just spawn one in but you can also just find them randomly every once in a while in the world in like a pack of like four in the actual notes from the mod it says it isn't that rare and can be found everywhere it can also be found in a group from one to a maximum of three so in theory you could just be running along minding your own business when suddenly you just run upon a pack of wild snails oh there they are I heard the noise and I didn't know where they were now that is annoying also this was like a big Tick Tock Trend or something with like the immortal snail constantly following you and all that stuff it's like some sort of challenge or something so that got annoying real quick because after a while those Trends get a little old anyways I won't let that keep you from uh the next mod because this next one is uh yeah it's pretty bad oh boy oh oh boy oh boy you're all in for a treat because when I tell you that I spent literally an hour trying to get this working I am not joking it's real I almost died I can't I can't do it I can't do it um this is the My Little Pony mod yeah I think nope that's not what it's called This is the mine Little Pony oh no I forgot there were wings [Laughter] oh gosh I can't I can't oh my gosh it's it's Superman why oh and the player isn't the only thing that's My Little Pony if we just head down here and and look around a little bit you'll see a couple other little My Little Pony things oh the zombie is My Little Pony oh no why is the spider so odd looking what in the world oh my gosh I can't this is this is this is too much look at me look at me go what what what what what oh oh no we'll get to them in a second what happened here oh my gosh look at look at you uh I oh no I I fit in I'm blending in with the surroundings hey how's it going what's up I'm here uh I'm one of you I belong in this town ah what what it what is what is what is this video oh man dude this is this is a lot this is a lot to take in I don't know if I'm ready for this thank goodness the pigs are at least semi-normal we're gonna let the pigs ground Us in real oh no look at him all stanced up what is happening dude no joke no joke I spent like an hour putting this skin together because you need like a custom skin for this to like even work oh my gosh I haven't even shown you the best part if we just go ahead and log into Hypixel oh I guess the game crashes there we go oh no no no no oh no oh I can't I can't I just I just I just don't know oh I also just realized I'm not vanished so my my YouTube break is showing up oh no cause you can't see me like this look at the mother home they're all ponies they're all I can't I can't I don't know what ah okay listen the only reason I included this on the list is because My Little Pony is notorious for having a fan base that likes to you know push their love for My Little Pony and it's just kind of a meme but oh my gosh dude this is this is so this is so much oh they're everywhere and it's client side so this is just this is just this is just the way that it is this is just how they are this is oh no look look at hand in my inventory is just a little My Little Pony head what oh no oh gosh I like that it tried to take the skin and turn it into a pony but that really did not work to be fair mine didn't really work either but I'd at least tried okay I tried oh no I just realized the running sound is clopping oh this is so much this is just so much it's just so much I did see one thing in the settings that I really want to try oh no oh my God what is this video why are you still watching this video what's going on here do you look any different in lava okay hold on we gotta see oh no dude oh oh no oh thank goodness the gas is at least kind of normal what in the whoa hello where are the dinosaurs looking they're just they're just dinosaurs is this important is this like a thing in in the world of my I don't understand anything that's going on oh I do like that block design though that's really nice okay okay I also saw this one in the settings nah nah fam nah nah nah I'm done I'm good what is what is the oh no I can't dude I can't I can't do this I can't do this at next mod we're moving on we're going goodbye see you goodbye ponies yeah so you may think that's the worst one possible but uh oh just you wait there's some uh there's some crazy stuff coming this of course is RL craft and the only reason that this is on the list is because of the beginning of RL craft it's just so annoying you can't chop down trees regularly they'll just break they won't drop you things and uh yeah you have to like collect a bunch of stuff to get anywhere if you didn't see my video on this mod you should absolutely go check it out with the icard in the top right because my word we suffered this is also one of the most annoying biomes I could have possibly gotten because look at these trees it's so cold I'm probably going to actually die before I can literally do anything out here oh yeah that's another thing if you get stuck by a dragon you're just you're just you're just done there's just no Escape also for some reason this is another annoying Minecraft thing that I didn't plan for my skin didn't load I don't even get sticks I don't even remember how I get sticks oh that's right yeah I don't know how I'm gonna get warm in this biome I don't think it's happening I'm just gonna run see if I can find a new bio oh man this just keeps going uh all right well down we go ah this is much more peaceful and beautiful and wonderful and much more sustainable of course because I'm definitely going to continue this world after I finish recording I'm literally just going to get the most annoying part of this done and then we're moving on to the next one that annoying part being getting Flint tools because not only do you have to get sticks from the tree you also have to figure out where Flint is and then if you don't know how to get flint into Flint shards you're just wandering around aimlessly luckily for us we've got a little gravel patch right here please give me Flint there it is okay we got one Flint I think I'm gonna try to get a couple flint and then uh I'll show you what we can do okay I've got three Flint what do we do now well we go over here and we break some dirt and then we just [Music] boom perfect six Flint shards and then you go in your crafting table and then you do that to get a flint knife and then well the work's not done no no no we have more to do here you have to dig up a bunch of plant fibers by breaking a bunch of grass with your Flint knife and now your Flint knife is completely gone because durability is overrated but now that I have plant fibers I can turn those into oh that's right I turn those into plant string and that means that I can there you go Flint Hatchet and you know what that means I can finally chop this tree down that's right we did it we're here boys we can get wood from this but wait you only get like three pieces oh seven that was actually pretty good and then you can't even turn this into planks what you gotta do is you freaking place it on the ground and then you just do chop it with a hatchet you know what that does is it literally gives you one plane this is in my opinion by far one of the most annoying Minecraft mods I've ever seen but after this point it's probably actually okay it's not that bad it's actually pretty fun after this point there's a lot of really cool stuff it gets really deep and there's a lot of things that you can do but before it the starting stuff it's just really bad all right I'm gonna get my skin back I want to be normal me and of course we can't finish this video off without playing with a mod called the most annoying mod in the world and I quote from the description of the mod you can't press most of buttons of use or bad things happen and that's it so I'm gonna press some of the buttons of use for example w I I guess it just if I press it a lot it just bone meals oh it just it's just melons it's just melons it's just melons everywhere okay what if I go backwards oh it's a b B what about trying to move this way or this way okay left and right are fine so I guess I'm gonna move left and right for the rest of the video if I hit e oh oh what what happened here if I just make a bunch of these okay how far does this go okay I have put in many of these here there are a lot of them here how far up do we go oh I think I might have accidentally pressed space there uh what happens if I press space Oh okay so if I try to jump I just explode cool great excellent sounds good what if I crouch oh no no no I can't I can't jump oh gosh yeah you literally can't you can't do anything uh oh what the oh right oh right I can just go through blocks now apparently okay yeah I'm not gonna lie this is uh kind of annoying okay I just spawned a ton of these what happens if I punch this oh no oh my gosh the particles well thanks for watching guess I'll sit down in this hole for the rest of my life because I can't move without exploding [Music]
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 362,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1.18 mods, Funny, Knafy, Knarfy, Let's Play Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft let's play, Mods, Showcase, SystemZee, better minecraft, clean minecraft videos, disruptive builds, family friendly, gaming, java, memes, minecraft but, minecraft fabric, minecraft funny, minecraft ideas, minecraft modpacks, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, syszee, My little pony, New mods, Top, New, Minecraft Mod
Id: Y7Bzl0I9LUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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