Breaking Minecraft with the Create Mod

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you can do some wild things with the create model like look at this what in the world is even happening it's wildly complicated and naturally as someone that doesn't understand it I want to see how far we can possibly push it last week I tried to crash my PC by pushing the physics mod further than my poor computer could actually handle go find me just ride the waves this week however I want to make my job a little bit more difficult since that video I've not only upgraded my PC case to allow for more airflow but I also have a much more reliable motherboard install and on top of that I'm adding some performance assisting mods and not using shaders there's quite a few things that are trying their best to prevent my computer from exploding this could get pretty wild now listen you guys all know that I'm a super smart person that likes to think ahead on every decision he makes so naturally it's currently Friday and this video comes out tomorrow because of that I'm gonna go ahead and start a timer for 30 minutes and if I don't break my computer in that amount of time I'll let my members beat me up so here we go I'm going to start the timer here in three two one goal 30 minutes on the clock let's go okay so I honestly have no idea where to start with this I don't know create very well I know a few things from a little bit of messing around but I don't know what's going on here so I think this strategy is literally just find something that like requires a lot of processing power and try to use it a ton I feel like the trains are great but I feel like we could do better how in the world do these arms work uh how does I I need to learn wait I missed I missed all of that hold on hold on wait okay so that you can you can assign things wait they have to why do they how do they how do you assign you have to assign their in and outputs before their place oh you have to oh you have to put the okay so wait okay so that's a deposit um wait hold on you it has no outputs wait oh do I have to two inputs wait that's not what I need where do I put things can I put things in a basin hold on oh do I have to wait hold up recipe filter what I don't that's not what I need hold on I have decided I'm going to resort to a belt I guess uh and we're gonna see if that oh you just click it again this is now here so if I do more of this oh wait now I need to I need this to run so this needs to be moving so now if I throw a oh oh hello if I throw that on there do you grab it do you need power do you are you are you needing power sir how do you power oh well that's weight that's oh that so that make okay that that's yup just gonna make that crazy fast and now you'll pull that there you go okay so what if I just like so now all of these are running correctly and then if I just do this that oh that's the wrong so now that does that uh uh uh okay so that moves that along real fast but it's not really taking up a lot of processing power how do I crash my computer in time we interrupt this stressful video to bring you a less stressful segment where I get to play with this board where it says subscribe to narfi uh it's completely free you can always unsubscribe later if you have like commitment issues like me also northy's password oh you're not supposed to see that there we go that's much better much much much better I'm changing my password can I just like clone this whole thing alone that to here oh oh you don't even have to oh no you could just do oh my gosh this is bad okay hold on I think I I think I know what I can do now I only have 23 minutes left okay so hold on so if I take if I take this line here and then I deposit it right here oh this is not what I wanted this is not what I wanted if I deposit this all right here and here now this should all be doing the thing that it's supposed to do okay that's getting there you know what that's that's getting that's getting better okay this is getting this is getting somewhere we're getting we're getting somewhere with this it's not really doing too much oh how do I get rid of the ones on the end wait can I like connect this to something what do I connect this to I didn't take this through I didn't think this through I didn't take this through what about just The Hoppers can I just do Hoppers gosh dang it I only have like 20 minutes what am I doing this does work okay cool cool cool we're getting there we're good what if I did a hopper system that just circulates the items so I don't have to worry about it this is completely unnecessary why am I doing this but then like how do I get them back onto the I don't know wait okay hold on the weighted ejector can I like use this this feels like far too much effort uh I don't know how to do this so now if I drop things it like launches stuff oh this doesn't feel like it's enough though this doesn't feel like it's gonna be enough to do this okay I've only got 15 minutes left I don't think this is gonna work uh what else could we mess with um I guess we could try trains I just don't know how well this is gonna work compared to the other stuff what if I just make a mega train and and uh send it around the track I know I need those I know I need yeah go here perfect okay all right train casing cool oh I need glue okay does this work you do you do work okay so this is just one big entity right so if I how far out does this let me go oh my my gosh it's got the whole thing okay uh sweet okay so this is uh this is getting there we only have 13 minutes oh no I broke my track what do I oh no this is just wasting time this is not good oh there there stay okay uh hmm whoops what the heck what the why are you appearing you're not supposed to do that you need to not be here why did I do this approach the train station quick I have 10 minutes you know what I don't have time for this we're just gonna we're just gonna build a new train you're going there in the the middle spot where you don't belong okay new train um you sir I basically just need to add a bunch of blocks that will lag the heck out of this thing can I add water wheels oh my word do the water wheels actually function oh no way no way they stay on the train that's so crazy let's keep going uh I need to just make this ridiculous it's just supposed to be stupid that's the whole plan I don't know if I'm gonna be able to break every thing in the time that I have I didn't realize I could stack them like this please break game I just want you to break I don't want to have to be beat up by my members I don't want that they will never let me live it down this is this is just this is the end this is this is it okay uh I'm going to I'm gonna try cloning it up yep okay all right uh let's do it again okay can I even get to the controls how do I even uh assemble uh this is not even this is not affecting frame rate in any way why is this not affecting frame rate at all oh I have seven minutes um this is not going well why did I limit myself to just the create mod blocks potato cannon do you do you work uh the potato cannon is just just the potato cannon uh can I mount this to something and just fire a crap out of it I'm sure I probably can but I don't know how oh no way you can do that okay so that that pokes things um dramatic Cannon um you uh okay nope not gonna do that this whole system here I feel like has potential but I just don't I just don't know how reasonable it is to ah this is yeah this is just uh just about giving up but I've got five minutes uh what crazy ridiculous thing can I just do a ton of what the heck is this that's that no uh okay that's cool uh it's not helpful steam whistles how do you work okay so heat it uh we need heat I think that puts heat oh does it need Redstone I'm using a regular campfire okay so that's a cool system what if we just uh okay uh that's not what I uh this is an accurate representation of how I feel right now because I have two minutes left how do I do this I don't know if I can actually duh man dude this is way harder than I thought it was gonna be there's probably so many better ways to do this too I just don't know what I'm doing with create mod this is pure pain and anxiety I have one minute left and I don't know what I'm doing this is my final resort to see if I can actually do this create um we're gonna just fill a ton of this I don't know what any of these are what is this what is the arm what's the arm uh arm uh uh mechanical arm there it is go no it's too many blocks ah eight seconds go flips please crash oh man no even that many no oh I'm getting rid of these whistles oh the timer ran out I managed to lower the frame rate a little bit but I didn't I didn't make it so you know what that means hey hey guys hey we can talk about this right now there's so many of you oh I got kicked because flying is not enabled on the server
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 544,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Knafy, Knarfy, Minecraft, Mods, Showcase, better minecraft, challenge, clean, comedy, create, create mod train, create optimized, family, funny, hilarious, minecraft, minecraft 1.19.2, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft create, minecraft create mod, minecraft update, mod, mod showcase, physics, safe, showcase
Id: mW7A5U6JUbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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