Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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eat Minecraft you see what I mean dumb ideas I'll do it but like there's no way that this is gonna crash me right like impossible oh today I found some of your best and worst ideas on how I can break Minecraft if you manage to crash my game or my computer then you as the audience get one point if my computer survives then I get a point most points at the end of this video will win this tiny crap I got from Amazon but like I can't send it to you so I'll just like stick a sticker on it that has like the crowd uh we'll figure it out speaking of points the first one is technically yours just take it just take that point anyways let's get to the first comment idea leak an IP and give everyone creative and operator for an hour well unfortunately I can't quite meet this request because if I give everyone op they can just run the slash stop command and the server would just die and that's no fun but what I can do is give everyone Creative Mode Nothing could possibly go wrong right here we go here they come all right this is going real well set everybody to creative we're gonna time how fast people can crash This Server are you ready here we go time for chaos and good luck on my timer oh is already gone there's a music disc there's already a ridiculous explosion how fast can we crash the server there's no problems right now right look at all the advancements how long we're already past a minute how are there's so many of them how did you do this oh that was awesome one minute and 24 seconds that was awesome this is exactly what I wanted to happen guys so this is this is fantastic we're gonna do it again by the way I want to see if you can beat your record make stone lava and grass water to crash the game oh boy so I'm gonna start with replacing all of the grass blocks with water and this may take a second yeah there we go there we go oh yeah this is very cool but something you may notice is that down here there's still dirt there's not Stone so I'm just gonna take the liberty of also replacing the dirt with water yeah yeah and bear Stone down there oh but water is closing in oh my gosh look at this whole Hillside that's crazy and now comes the fun part where we said everything else to Lava nothing could possibly go oh my gosh that's so many blocks 16 million stone is now lava yeah this is uh this is doing a number and by a number I mean single digit frame rate that's the number that I'm talking about oh geez oh there it goes whoa look at all the sand that's crazy this is wild what does it look like underground oh my gosh yeah it replaced everything down here like the little pockets of little pot whoa what is oh wow this is cool it seems like everything is functioning though so I'm gonna give this point to me great suggestion though I don't have a lot of Minecraft knowledge but what if you have 2048 command blocks that spawn thickens and then set them all off at the same time not gonna lie no idea what a thicken is so I made one this is a chicken and this is a thicken oh no but clearly one of these guys is not enough so how about over 2 000 of them they're all attacking each other who's gonna come out on top who's gonna be the leader wow this is uh this is a battlefield that looks like that one won and that one won and all of the rest of them are just feathers I'll give them a mutual enemy go this is the final showdown who's gonna win oh it's it's this guy yay well done but the second didn't crash my game so because of how beautiful he is and because he didn't crash my game I get the point if you want to try the thick enough for yourself you can become a member today because it's available to my members enjoy blow up the PC you there well guess I need a new computer now but that's fine I know exactly where to get one with the help of Apex gaming PCs I've created a custom line of three powerful PC configurations that are all tuned for great gaming performance but especially to them for Minecraft they're built by professionals and use components from brands that I used in my own PC like Nvidia and AMD before my computer you know Apex also gives you the option to configure your PC past whatever specs that we chose if they're not quite perfect for you and the ability to finance your PC out over time so you don't have to pay everything right away it's an excellent deal and it can be an even more excellent deal if you use my code narfi at checkout for up to 250 off your next purchase huge shout out to Apex gaming PCs because they're an excellent group to work with and I highly recommend the stuff that they do we have the link in the description so I guess I'm gonna go grab one of those because I need to continue recording this video by the way technically you get a point on that one but whatever that's our current record to beat we're gonna keep going until we can't beat our record anymore do a sub segment there's this cool little button called the Subscribe button it's pretty cool it's also completely free this is going to be a great time I'm gonna I'm gonna stop the music all right round two here we go welcome to welcome to us trying to beat our existing record are you ready yeah yeah slash game mode creative go oh yeah oh boy how many wardens are we gonna spawn we're we're getting there we're gonna make it I think we're gonna get it there's so many Ender Dragons oh come on it's so close yeah guys we did it by a whole like 20 seconds one minute and eight seconds if we can beat it again then we're gonna keep going use crazy TNT mods all right fine but you're coming with me check this out oh my God hey welcome to my floating everything there is a house Dynamite I believe there's a house Dynamite my home yeah oh my God okay I'm gonna x-ray okay rainbow Dynamite whoa I know how to break Minecraft [Music] stop roulette Dynamite I think sometimes it explodes and sometimes it doesn't you can play Russian roulette with dynamite wait wait all right ready that wasn't quite what I was attending but all right that works I have one roulette Dynamite well it's happened I survived [Music] so cool that's so neat hey I got Stone Age let's go to an area probably smart it's called the engine what could possibly go wrong uh look above you oh what could possibly go wrong nothing could go nothing could possibly what the heck is scooped up this is a gunpowder ore I cannot escape the mobs with the sinkhole oh no diamonds nothing weird happening at all erupting Dynamite I have no idea what this is gonna do it's a station TNT oh yeah that that checks out oh I see it always happening oh oh wow this is insane I'm still not breaking my computer oh my gosh oh it's random TNT's oh no oh it's like random fireworks oh that's so cool it's just oh my God they're all exploding I'm froze oh yeah you do seem to be frozen I got a nice little loading oh yep my game crashed cool oh you crashed I I my PC beat yours does that mean I win uh pull the lever [Music] didn't crash though are you ready the time to beat one minute and eight seconds you're getting squished too much what is going on there boom go good luck I'm starting my timer here we go I don't think that's supposed to happen this one's going down real fast where did they come from freezer that's a hacked plan dude this is insane look at all the particles what oh gosh 54 seconds I don't think we yeah we didn't make it one minute 12 seconds we didn't quite make it we were super close we were so close but you know what that means we're gonna raise the player cap to execute longer commands use a data pack if you remember back to the previous breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas video I actually had a bit that I couldn't pull off and this is what I said after the fact I really like this idea but unfortunately I don't think it's gonna work uh if you have any idea how to make it work leave a comment down below we're gonna leave this one as a tie because I actually don't know who would have won also I just don't want to steal it from you it includes shulker boxes within shulker boxes of netherite ingots and finally after repurposing an old data pack I made I finally got this to work and check it out this shulker box is full of shulker boxes that are full of netherride ingots this could go horribly I haven't actually tried it yet so this is the first time I'm gonna throw this in the fire but this is it's gonna be interesting let's see if this crashes oh it's actually fine hey we actually wow we actually made it what can it can it survive too here we go that's so many neither I didn't get all it's doing is lagging my game it hasn't crashed yet okay uh three oh my gosh yeah it's just it's just lagging okay wait ready ready I'm gonna jump in the fire and watch this it's all gone all right well we finally figured out the answer to this this of course was only one layer deep it's possible that we could go even further but I was too lazy to code that so for now yeah that's pretty ridiculous but it didn't crash my game points to me become a blue screen okay I think all I need to do is like get back over over here because those frowny face is like here-ish and then I like turn my head sideways and then Friday fish and then did it work did I do it I guess that technically points to you because it's still kind of a blue screen so okay you did the give sword sharp 999 thing right but you have to retry it in 1.18 or under because 1.19 limits that to level 255. 1.18 actually also limits it to 255 but I did find the version that goes even further 1.15.2 I think was the final version that allowed this to happen also don't worry about this we'll get to that in a second if I go ahead and take this sword and just this isn't even like all of the enchantment so this is like a few enchantments if I just do these and take this sword out of here yeah that's kind of insane you're trying to take it out and it tries to calculate how many XP orbs to spawn in and then it tries to spawn them all in and it just it just doesn't it just doesn't go well so I guess well done you do get this point my game is completely unplayable and I think it's yep it's crashing there it goes bummer get a Max sharp sword create a mob farm Kill Chamber with a repeating command block that summons any mob that drops Loot and kills said mob with an insane sword repeatedly welcome back to 1.15.2 where we can do this again see I told you we'd get back to this if I go ahead and flip this lever it'll spawn in a ton of zombies and of course as we all know zombies drop loot so yeah that's wow that's a lot but of course they said repeatedly so I'm just gonna leave this on here we go see how long it takes to just you know completely destroy the game wow that was like a couple minutes it's like a frame per second now oh geez it's just getting like every once in a while all the items this was a great idea can I get my perspective to swap oh that's wow that's an image I think we broke it yeah hey look it's me I uh uh I think you successfully did it all right I'll give you the point you successfully completely made my game unplayable you get the point you get the point punch out the computer hey you dang it man I just replaced it too I think our time of a minute and eight seconds is pretty good yeah the lag is gonna happen but that's the point that's the idea that's what we want game mode here we go three two one goes oh we do it is it possible with 170 people can we beat it did we all oh oh my gosh you're so close come on oh I got past the one eight so even with that many people there might be a thing I can change in here to make things even more difficult for the server not for us make it easier for us but more difficult for the server idea yeah destroy your computer well how many times are you gonna do this I can only plug Apex gaming PCs like so many times okay like seriously go get anyways Link in the description is very cool how to crash Minecraft step one run Minecraft 15w32a to shoot the Ender Dragon with a bow and three crash welcome to Minecraft 15w 32A this is a very specific version I'm also unsure if this will actually work but we're gonna find out all right old version of Minecraft let's go dude nice oh The Capes are very buggy sorry so our goal is to find the Ender Dragon let's do that awesome let's go and then they said shoot the Ender Dragon with a bow all right I have a bow let's shoot the Ender Dragon got it is this all is this the whole thing you know what let's beat the game [Music] [Music] thank you yeah let's go I was successfully able to beat the game with the bow so I'm not sure if this is a bug that I just couldn't find or couldn't figure out but I did see something about on the bug tracker about this bug I just didn't it just didn't happen for me so technically I get the point super interesting bug though I didn't realize that was a thing spawn a cat please smiley face okay I'll do that wow look at that is a cat he's so cute look at his so precious it's so adorable hey there buddy how's it going it's adorable it's precious but that that wasn't the point of the video that's not at all what the point of the video was hey buddy thanks for the free point it is very cute though I'll give you that and now it's stranded on this island in the middle of nowhere just turned Stone into grass not the block so turned Stone into this grass I see what you're saying well I have a gigantic section of this world selected with World edits and uh yeah it goes really far away so let's see what happens I'm honestly not even sure if this is gonna work but uh we're gonna find out all right replace stone with grass let's see what happens this this should be pretty wild watch this just like immediately stop my game like my game just stops it just disappears oh yep yeah cool 24 million blocks have been replaced I guess now we wait okay I'm not gonna lie it's been 20 minutes and nothing's happened I'm kind of thinking we're gonna go I'm pretty sure it just decided that the grass was too much and uh didn't function but I do want to try it at a smaller scale okay this is considerably less space but still grabs this little section of stone I think this will be better I just want to see what it does like I just want to like see how it looks oh I think I see a Single Seed there okay here we go there's there's a portion of it that's that's there you can see grass there uh wow this is also taking a very long time you guys definitely got the point for this one okay we are actually in a functioning state of the game now look at this thing this is crazy looking what happens if I try to just like you know hold shift and slowly fly down into this hole oh you know what I'm seeing I'm thinking there's uh there's quite a few seeds that might be why what happens if I kill all the items ah yes see that was the issue look at this this is crazy it's very similar to what it would happen if you just replaced everything with air but like the fact that it was grass the whole time and the fact that there's like grass floating every once in a while it's kind of cool overall points to you but this is a pretty cool suggestion spawn one million what uh spawn one million what was that spawn one million man I'm trying spawn 1 million wardens and then walk s there's just so many okay I want to see what happens if I throw a snowball buried okay here's my goal if I can make it to the other side of all those wardens without dying uh then uh I win this point but if you if I die on the way there then you get the point all right setting to survival here we go I'm gonna just run right possibly go wrong oh my gosh all of them oh my gosh oh yeah they're all they're all seeing me now I made it I made it I made it I made it across I made it through they had no idea awesome well I guess I get the point for that one Gigi where did you get that I hate everything about that wow look at you oh okay a bunch of screenshots all right that's a 100 going on my Twitter all right friends are you ready we're gonna try this one more time and if we can't break our record then that's okay but I think we might be able to we're gonna we're gonna do this someone lit the TNT somehow this is insane I don't think we're gonna make it yeah we're at 102 already oh wait guys no just as I had said I don't think we're gonna make it we actually made it dude that's crazy I did not expect that we actually pulled it off that's awesome I can't believe we actually did that well done that means by the way for this next video you guys get the point for this no dang it you've squeaked it out right at the end I guess this little crab guy is yours I got a label it says the comments wins I'm just gonna figure out how I'm gonna I don't uh there we go that kind of work he's holding it up look at that that's actually pretty cute I'll just put this right over here and now it'll be in my background for like all time anyways I usually end these videos with explosions but there's not really a great opportunity
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,010,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge, ad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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