I Build Your DUMB Redstone Ideas

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I asked you to give me your dumbest Redstone ideas so let's have a look at them Susan tummon has asked for a device that downgrades anything you put into it so if you put in a water bucket you get a water bottle out so this is now a thing it's a bit of a mess of Hoppers and droppers and comparators and Redstone so if we give it a diamond and then wait for it to work its downgrading magic it's downgraded our Diamond into coal and if we try nether brick instead and wait for it to do its thing again this time it's gonna downgrade it to Netherrack and finally as promised if we give it a water bucket and then let it do its thing it's gonna downgrade our water bucket into a water bottle and you might be wondering what happens to the items that go in they get dispensed into lava d00 has asked for a daylight sensor that doesn't use any daylight sensors I mean when you think about it recreating a daylight sensor isn't actually that complicated we know how long the day and night are they're 10 minutes each so we just need a 10 minute redstone clock so the first thing that comes to mind is a hover clock but there's a problem with this if somebody decides to sleep then the clock becomes out of sync with the day night cycle we'd have to completely reset it and with a hopper clock you'd have to wait for all the items to flow from one hopper to the other so this won't do I'm honestly just thinking that we should have a giant repeater clock in fact I just did the maths we're gonna need 1500 repeaters and here's what that looks like I actually had to go slightly over 1500 so these end bits didn't interfere with each other so if we just count how many there are there's 1560 repeaters here so I kind of went ahead and just finished it and put a giant daylight sensor around it and it has this big redstone lamp floor thing to show that it's working this is what it looks like on the inside it's just the thing I built before but with a bunch of slime block things and this stuff and a bed so if we make the time midnight when we sleep that will put the clock out of sync with the day night cycle but when you get out of the bed it will spawn you on this pressure plate which will pull all of these Pistons up stopping the clock then a few seconds later it will send a pulse through here and start the clock over again and that re-synchronizes the clock foreign and then it pushes us off and you can see it's daytime and the clock has just restarted and just in case you think I'm faking it here's a time lapse of the whole thing working so you can see the lamps turn on during the day and then they turn off during night time so you don't actually need daylight sensors at all as long as you're willing to build one of these and as long as you're willing to only sleep in the bed that's attached to the Redstone sacred Redstone has after a three by three door with a built-in lag machine that slows down the game to the point where it's not any faster than a regular 3x3 door so this is just an old design it opens in 0.3 seconds which is pretty good but the door isn't the most important part the most important part is of course the lag machine yeah basically if you get a ton of redstone dust and turn it on and off really quickly it makes for a very good lag machine especially if the Redstone Dust is traveling downwards like this so I'll turn this on and let it get up to the top and we'll see how much this lags so already you can see that it's flashing really really slowly if I do slash log TPS you can see how quickly my game is running um the ticks per second is five when it's supposed to be twenty so my game's running four times slower okay my TPS is now around two so the game's running ten times slower so I'm just gonna turn this on and let's see hmm yeah that is a that's a pretty slow piston door right there and how long does it take to open that still seemed faster than a regular piston door so um we might need another lag machine okay now we have two of them so already I'm at 12 TPS but I think we need to be shooting for less than one because this door is just too fast okay we are at 0.9 TPS so let's try this again let's turn on the lever and my God that is slow to respond so it's gonna take one two three four five six seven seven seconds to close and how long is it gonna take to open one two three four five six we did it six seconds to open a door that's supposed to open in 0.3 seconds cjbm has asked me to make a machine that touches grass yeah as someone who plays way too much Minecraft I probably need this okay this is supposed to be a hand I'm a red Stoner not a builder so please excuse my god-awful building skills building houses is not exactly my forte let alone building Organics so to activate our grass touching machine we just press this button and oh my God we just did The Impossible we just touched grass in Minecraft now I'm gonna do something even more impossible I'm gonna touch grass again I'm actually just built different you know I've done something that Gamers could never do I've touched grass twice in one day that's three times now this right here truly is the peak of redstone achievement there will never be a better Redstone Contraption Than This MC players has asked me for a toilet with working flush and poop okay listen it might not be the prettiest toilet in the world it's a bit disproportionate here and there but it's my toilet I built this and I'm proud of it it's a very special toilet as well because we don't actually need Plumbing because we can just dump it into the void so I'm holding my poop right here and we can just uh sprinkle it around the toilet spit over here as well a bit over here and a bit over here there we have a nice poop stained toilet and just like a normal toilet we press the button at the top and it will start flushing and you can see our poop is being appropriately disposed of it did leave some skid marks here and there but I can edit that out it's fine or maybe I should invent the first Minecraft toilet brush now that's effort Wolfman has asked for a constant painting 3x3 door well it's a good thing I just made a toilet MD has asked me to make a 3X3 door that randomly opens and closes a certain amount when you try to use it and for that I've just made a 3X3 door with eight randomizers in it one for the double extender down here and then seven more in the back for the rest of the Pistons you can make a simple randomizer just by having a hopper and a dropper and then you put a stackable and an unstackable item inside so the Redstone only reaches the Piston when the unstackable item gets sent into the hopper so let's try closing this door so if I press it um only a part of it closes and then oh now the middle is closed but it took away some of those blocks and then yeah you can see where this is going so I tried doing the maths on How likely this door is to close or open correct me if I'm wrong but it's a 0.39 chance or one in 256. so if you want to close the door at night to keep the creepers out you're gonna be sitting there pressing the button for a very very long time acrylics has asked me to make a CPU with only one instruction two thousand years later that was pretty difficult as you can see I had to whip out the color coding for this one so this computer comes with a giant screen and here's the lever so let's switch it on and see what it does subscribe huh for only having one instruction this computer is really smart that's a really good idea you should subscribe
Channel: Purplers
Views: 589,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, door, piston, sticky, block, cube, voxel, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, handbook, how, to, build, this, is, illegal, here's, why, ban, banned, weapon, dimension, end trap, update, fake, cheating, cheater, scicraft, ilmango, phoenixSC, grian, goodtimeswithscar, rekrap, hermitcraft, mumbo jumbo, mumbo, tour, server, smp, lifesteal, who, the best, redstoner, at redstone, mysticat, clownpierce, sipover, civilization, civilisation, sculk, sensor, 1.20, camel, sniffer, archeology, calibrated, calibration, april, fools, day, fool's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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