50 JAVA vs BEDROCK Myths in Minecraft!

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we're testing 50 of the greatest myths but it's on two different versions of Minecraft Java and bedrock being a dragon is harder to beat in Java than it is in Bedrock this is false the ender dragon fight in Bedrock Edition is considered to be more challenging due to its increased attack damage and the addition of indoor acid which can deal significant damage to players this is how long it took for me to beat it in Bedrock and this is how long it took me to beat it in Java now that right there is a bunch of mom I've ever seen one quick same potions in both versions uh this is not true in fact in Bedrock there's a secret potion the potion of Decay which inflicts the Wither effect on anything you Splash it on Java players don't even have access to this potion boats are the same in both versions this is the recipe on Java this is the recipe on Bedrock do they look the same one of them has a shovel which just makes it more annoying to craft if I'm being honest colored sheep are the same in both versions if you sheary colored sheep in Java the Sheep would just look like a regular white sheep however if you share a colored sheep in Bedrock it's a little scraps of wool remaining would be the same color as the Sheep isn't this sick Banners are useless in game in Bedrock Banners are useless however in a job that there's many uses marking locations on the map or even being used to decorate your Shields baby mobs grow at the same rate in both versions in both versions it takes an average of 20 minutes or one Minecraft day for a baby mob to grow up however on Bedrock you can feed your baby breeding items and it will speed the process up by 10 zombie sieges occur in both versions these events are where large hordes of zombies spawn in villagers only occurring in job Edition Bedrock players do not have to worry about this particular event so consider yourself lucky bedrock and Java share the same chess block fact Java Edition has a unique Christmas chest texture that appears during the holidays while Bedrock apparently hates Christmas and doesn't do any fun festive changes both editions have the same mob spawning mechanics and Bedrock mobs can spawn on leaves while in Java Edition they cannot this difference can impact the way players approach mob proofing their tree houses and other leaf-based structures quite significantly as you can see mob render distance is different in both games and Java players are able to see mobs from much further away while Bedrock is much shorter making it harder to spot them this means if you're wanting to do a hardcore let's play you should probably do it in Java because you're not going to be able to see the mobs that are approaching you do both versions have the same visibility job Edition actually has reduced underwater visibility compared to bedrock this means in Java water can hide in many more secrets and be much more dangerous since it's so much harder to see it's like the community pool fishing is the same in both versions and Bedrock players can obtain enchanted books and other valuable items from fishing more easily than in Java due to the loot being less rare in Bedrock edition if I was playing Bedrock I would literally become a fisherman full-time Bedrock is bigger than Java Size Doesn't Matter because the fact is job Edition has a world border at 30 million blocks meanwhile bedrock's border is 12 million 550 000 at 824 blocks this means that Java has so many more blocks which means there are way more diamonds and loot to be found I can't even make it to the edge of this Bedrock world without falling through the map you can dye water and Minecraft in Bedrock as long as you put the water source in a cauldron you can actually dye it and when the water has died you can even use it to color your leather armor Pieces Just by placing them inside of it a much more realistic way to dye armor compared to Java I don't know why they don't change this you know they're just like make it a cauldron full of Kool-Aid internet drop the blocks they're holding in both versions in Java Enderman holding blocks will drop them when killed while in the Bedrock Edition Enderman Do not drop blocks they're holding upon death hey you yeah you there did you drop this firework t-shirt from farmers.com where you can get the free IOS and Android app you can get this t-shirt and these squishies and even this plushie and so much more and stuff you're making me sound like I'm plugging my own merchandise for money you can link Minecarts together in fact in Bedrock guess what item you can use to link Minecarts together come on in the comments guess what it is if you guessed a lead you'd be correct because you can actually create a train of connected Minecarts and this isn't available in Java armor stands are the same involved versions in Bedrock they're actually so much better if you get a name tag and were to name an armor stand I don't know a dinner bone it would turn upside down however in Java this is not the case proving that armor stands are way outdated in Joplin snowballs kill blazes faster in Java than in Bedrock although snowballs do damage to blazes unlike other mobs neither version is faster than the other with each version taking about seven snowballs to kill [Music] villagers are able to open up doors in Java and attack villagers seeking Refuge inside of their homes however in Bedrock they just get stepped behind them open sesame Steve has hidden abilities in Minecraft in Java Steve is no different to any other skin in Minecraft but in the Bedrock edition Steve has a hidden ability because he's a Chad actually it's kind of creepy but if you look long enough in third person this Steve skin will actually blink at you our strong holds the same in both versions and Java there's a set amount of strongholds that are generated in every World however in Bedrock the amount and location of strongholds is completely random meaning you can get some very unique spawn locations you know if you're into that are arrows the same in both versions in Java when you were shot by an arrow you can see it visually sticking out of your body however in Bedrock this is not the case the arrow just disappears who knows where it went maybe to the shadow realm alongside all of the mobs no Sinclair there's more mobs in Bedrock baby squids and dolphins exist on Bedrock but they don't in Java however since the mobs aren't breedable and either version you have to naturally find them spawned in and it's almost difficult as finding a baby in real life that doesn't make sense parents can dance on your shoulder in Minecraft in job Edition it is not possible however in Bedrock they can and dance even when you pick them up dispensers are op in Java dispensers are so much more accurate in Java as you can see compared to bedrock and when you're looking at it like this it just makes it so much more noticeable size might not matter but accuracy does that's what she said the far lands exist in both versions those who don't know the farlands is a famous terrain generation bug in early versions of java Edition and we have explored plenty of it in my videos however they don't exist in Bedrock since the bug that caused them was fixed long before Bedrock was even released it's kind of unfortunate since there are many spooky things within them you can light candles and campfires with nothing in your inventory can you guess which version you can do this on that's right Bedrock wins again so the only issue with this is that you need to be on fire just walking over the candles and campfires will set them Ablaze most people think it's impossible to jump more than four blocks in Minecraft but if you jump 17 times with Pixel Perfect momentum and rotation you can make a five block jump in Minecraft but have you wondered if digging straight down is dangerous I don't see how this is dangerous that was a little dangerous but still we're fine I mean what are the chances of us actually falling into lava I would say very miniscule foreign okay boxes can use a totem of undying to survive because foxes are the only animal Minecraft that like pick things up in their mouth uh they're supposed to be able to survive I don't think it's gonna work well done come pauldron save you from Fall damage confirmed diamonds and turtle eggs have the exact same textures just different colors they're literally the same texture oh my god I've been playing Minecraft for 10 years and my whole life is alive that myth was excellent you can't eat food underwater I'm gonna say this one is a bust using a Minecraft border you can stack slabs on top of each other if this actually works my mind is going to be blown so this slab is one block outside of the world border and it should work no way oh my seeing two different slabs stacked on top of each other is insane using your Minecraft username for C generation gives you an OP spawn as you can see there's no cheats none of that stuff making the world uh okay this is definitely not overpowered but that goes into our next myth if you dig straight down from where you spawn you will find diamonds I've actually heard about this myth but never tested it it's gonna take a long time because I don't have any tools or do I I say there's a zero percent chance of this working oh we found coal not Diamonds though that's busted we dug straight down to bedrock if you put 23 cows in a hole they give you enough kinetic energy to fly with a light truck to test this we have to dig a two block hole spawn 23 cows inside of it four five six and we jump inside let's see it baby [Music] I'm done those cows just launched me hundreds of blocks away that is a confirmation you've gotta subscribe for that one and llama spit 10 blocks we're about to see oh can they spit 11. llama's got range what about okay we're gonna go for 12. oh okay 13 Shirley llamas can't spit 13 block [Music] I'm done when standing still skeletons never miss an arrow that went right over my head can you cure a zombie villager with a golden apple no no he's my test subject please sir what have you done what okay now okay here you go take take this that's a big fat myth all he wants is my flesh you only need 15 bookshelves to get maximum enchants have I been doing it wrong my entire life we're about to find out that's confirmed does your Minecraft character ever blink oh the witches are immune to Lava and Fire so she's able to somehow swim in the lava she's like half immune half not immune so she's not immune but she does give herself fire resistance she bites back dying in the end with a totem takes you to a custom dimension negative Enderman can't see you through glass none of these Enderman I believe this works glass blind I don't know they got glaucoma they got like cats in Minecraft don't take fall damage sorry what I just did not think this is gonna work are you kidding me what is that why well maybe it works for me yeah apparently you can survive fall damage with a watermelon because it has water in it I don't think this is going to work if you're extremely lucky eating a golden apple will give you three effects that's only two two I really want this myth to work [Music] I'm eating every single Golden Apple now you know what after eating 32 golden apples this myth is busted evokers will turn a blue sheep into a red one why that is so weird look at this it only turned one of them into a red sheep what is the point of that the point is it's confirmed you can cross a one block Gap with a roof without jumping okay we're just supposed to Sprint through it it works but not all the time that's so weird point is don't rely on this to get you safely across you can Sprint in a Minecraft boat that is confirmed and it looks like we're going way faster sugarcane grows faster on dirt than it does on Sand and now we wait ah busted it grows faster on Sand you can survive four anvils drop on your head I am definitely going to get brain damage oh oh my gosh you can but you can't you can't get out afterwards this one is weird but you all wanted to see it you never spawn on Stone when making a new world big cap on this one oh all right let's try let's try again shall we negative a grass again wow I want you to try this one for yourselves we even spawned on Stone once unless nope throwing Diamond gear into lava turns it into netherrite gear you would have to be an absolute idiot this one is interesting if you kill a piglet in one shot it will not aggravate the other piglens around what oh my gosh we have been doing the nether the wrong way the entire time ladies and gentlemen you can light Netherrack underwater that no yeah okay that's what I thought I was like there's no chance that's a buster Withers will not spawn in snow biomes I think it's gonna work what it didn't spawn but if you break the snow around the Soul Sand will it spawn it will oh God okay I'm gonna run into the next myth using an anvil you can combine two different types of armor I'm gonna call cap on this one before we yeah yeah again what did I tell you does it work bust it white tulips don't give you white dye that one will be interesting it get what really it gives you light gray dye not white using the Minecraft border you can put two stairs inside of each other oh my gosh wearing a helmet protects you from Anvil damage oh great more more brain damage like I need any more of that okay and that was with a helmet supposedly creepers deal zero damage when you're holding a shield out oh God oh wait it's true what and here you are thinking creepers are the biggest baddest mob in Minecraft as long as you have your Shield out creepers literally do no damage that's crazy if you splash an invisibility potion on a shulker box it shows what he actually looks like whoa oh my gosh that's so weird we took you shell away Dolphins will play with your items let's see come on over what that is so cool look at me spitting the diamonds back up you can get way more music discs from creepers if you trick a skeleton into shooting a TNT block okay now we just trick the skeleton into shooting the TNT all right manager skeleton oh let's see oh my wait there is so many music did what oh my God you can literally get every music disc in Minecraft like this confirmed fishing rods can light TNT on fire you just have to throw it through Lava no can a natural end portal spawn with 12 Eyes of Ender already inside of it yes but these are the chances so most likely it will never happen to you unless you're drinking so if you pick up a totem of undying as you die you survive so we're gonna throw the totem of dying down all right we gotta wait we got the totems gotta go all the way down then we jump no shot this works this is mind-blowing okay you can jump two blocks without any effects you just have to use damage and timing it's kind of weird but I swear this is possible I would say this one is like medium rare but not that rare if you crouch as soon as you hit the ground you take no fall damage I'm calling BS on this one yeah I don't I don't know man no shots wouldn't this okay if this actually worked I feel like this would be used so much oh I'm gonna try to get this one we're gonna be here for hours [Music] oh I'm done no I'm done that one's fake I mean we've just probably died a hundred different times there and it didn't work you can make text on signs glow because they released the glow squid thanks dream I also voted for the glow squid uh but that's beside the point there was a time when Minecraft was gonna add a couple of different mobs and the glow squid one and he drops a glow ink sound so what you do do you can literally write whatever you want I'm obviously not going to write anything that's self-promotional anyways now all you have to do is once you have the text that you like you just right click it with the glowing sack and boom it looks so much better and you even get an advancement glow and behold water will stop skulk veins from spreading anything you kill next to the skulk does this you even get an advancement saying it spreads but the myth is that you can use water to stop it so I'm going to place water all around these skull things will it contain the skulk vein spread oh my God it doesn't contain the spread what are we gonna do what do we do there's an infection and it's going to destroy everything do not come out alays can't take damage if they're holding something all right and I'm assuming it's gonna die yeah wow big shocker all right we're now we're gonna give this one a diamond and then see if it takes any damage oh okay don't move stay right there you need to take damage what all right now I've given this one TNT just to double check all right now you can't move no no no stop Flying and flopping dude all right there's no way you're surviving that this one's got to be dead you gotta be kidding me so it doesn't even matter what item they're holding they can just survive anything very rare but it's not beating the totem of a dying so if a cat spawns inside a witch hut it will always be a black cat all right so as you see we have the Hutt all right I'm gonna make a nice slight incision from the top over here so as you can see wait that's on the roof we're not even in so oh that's so weird no no even baby black cats so the witch's Hut is so powerful that it even works in a one block radius around it but as soon as you go two blocks away you're getting all sorts of different cats and it has to be the Hut so if we take the Witch and we're gonna put the witch in this tree it spawns regular cats around the witch no black cats we're gonna kill the witch inside the hut and then we're gonna spawn the cats are they still black cats they're still black you can summon any structure in Minecraft using a command and the command is Slash play structure whoa whoa when you can place a tiger Village let's see how does it know where to place it I think it just uses you as like a Center Point there's even villagers what what and the chests are full as well to really test this we got to play something different beached shipwreck oh wow is it I mean it's a little glitchy because it doesn't really know exactly where to place it oh I just placed a mansion this is pretty good and the best thing about this is it's not just the structure it's everything that would also be inside of the structure even the chess had everything inside of them pretty rare but still not rare enough to defeat our totem of undying myth you can run underwater only on mud so here we have dirt when we try to run here's what happens if we just start swimming but now we have mud now here's the interesting thing this worked in a previous version and here's us doing it but will it work in the newest version 119 too uh this is a big moment right now oh no they fixed it Mojang can't keep getting away with this thanks Mojang there's a bit that you you can make an infinite source of a lava this is going to be my helper today to test and see if the lava is real or not so here's the resources that you need to try this myth you need a cauldron to collect the lava and then on top of it you just need blocks all right drip Stone goes beneath and then all you have to do is build something that can hold the lava and Bam lava goes down in the center and it should oh we have our first little drip you can even hear the drip sound effects so if it takes away from this it's not truly infinite because it's just taking it from one place and putting it into another I would say though if this works it is way more rare than the totem of undyne so obviously it takes a while this is a controversial one because there is legend that there is a Red Enderman and the way to get him to come out of the nether you make the corners of your nether portal with Netherrack I'm calling straight cap on this one but then what you do inside of the Overworld is you set your day to night and then you get a campfire of each color put them in front and then you wait got you if you got scared you have to subscribe was that a mean way to uh ask you to subscribe to the channel yes well this one is dripping we actually can bust another drip Stone myth side by side so you know that this is legit or not the myth is that you can turn mud into water not as impressive as Jesus turning water into wine but still impressive nonetheless we are going to put mud right here oh actually we want to put this one a little bit higher I'm gonna whoa what the heck is that I'm gonna build over here so obviously the mud has water in it but if you put the drip Stone beneath it it's supposed to drip all of the water out of the mud and turn it into a regular clay block kind of like if you put a sponge into a furnace look blue ancient debris is just condensed warped logs left from Minecraft since 2011. I mean when you think about them okay we're gonna look at these side by side they do look very similar because of the fact ancient debris has this spiral top it looks almost identical to the Warped stem almost not quite but doesn't it like oh I don't know man now that I'm looking at these side by side I feel like this could be true this is more of a conspiracy theory myth we still don't have any lava yet but our lava up here has not dissipated that's a good sign oh whoa did you see that though there's like six drops that came out of the drip Stone all simultaneously we got nothing else better to do might as well eat some lunch [Applause] I'm moving I felt bad for a second but I realized this burrito has chicken in it it does not have beef so cow you're fine any day now that'd be fantastic oh it happened no way dude I literally have so look at the sauce on my hands I can I can't even use my mouse hand hold on I'm doing this with one hand now the big question is did it take the lava source block that's what I want to know oh no way so you can genuinely get an infinite lava source these days we still have to wait for this mud block to turn into clay oh we suck dude okay we technically did this myth incorrectly I feel really dumb right now so you technically need a stone buffering for whatever reason it buffer I don't know how this works but apparently the only way to test this myth correctly is to do it this way mud Stone drip Stone this is a spicy myth the myth is that villagers are just ravagers that have been scientifically mutated and have had tests ran on them because if you look at the face of a villager it isn't that far off from the ravager I mean look at these guys side by side I don't know and then if you spawn a Pillager like look at this they don't have the same amount else look at that they don't have a unibrow that unibrow is what unifies the fact that ravagers are villagers I'm actually convinced about this one without cap that later in Minecraft they're going to reveal that ravagers are villagers if you mind every single obsidian pillar in the end you get a secret achievement and here we go did not mean to do that oh you got to get the bottoms too oh my oh wow what I didn't realize that these have like the roots of the pillars go this deep this is just gonna make it that much longer for me to break every single one of them one two three four and ah five six and this is the last one okay oh my God how deep is it why is it so deep Joe come help me break it manually we're gonna I'm calling in backup this myth cannot be busted alone I'm going I gotta be careful just not to break the last block because here it is the last block three two one foreign [Laughter] has a well inside of it there's a one million chance that there's a button on it and it opens a secret room underneath the well um I'll tell you this I've been playing Minecraft for way too long and I've never seen a button on anywhere in the well it just doesn't exist I'm gonna click it I'm pretty sure this is just a planted button because I didn't hear anything trigger when I activated it but I'll swim to the bottom of the well what is that what is it what's in here there's a lectern here villagers manual do not ever give a good deal don't speak in front of humans only huh emeralds is life understandably make sure to subscriber we will steal all your emeralds I promise you I didn't do this this was the production team okay if you're angry with me right now you should get mad at them frogs can eat slimes I've really never ran into a lot of frogs in Minecraft they're kind of gross looking but apparently they'll eat the Slime no why would why would you eat the Slime I mean okay so the they'll eat a slime while they eat a Magma Cube there's no shot oh there's also a myth too that frogs can poop out lights is that a light wait did he just eat the Magma Cube and give me a light source a pearlescent okay I gotta make sure this isn't fake did that really just happen where you go frog don't leave oh look at him walk out he just poops out of light and thinks that this guy owns the entire world huh so does he do it with any other Hostile Mobs all right here's a skeleton what do you think no interest huh I still don't think it can beat the infinite lava source tadpoles will grow into different colored frogs depending on which biome they grow up in snow desert warm wither skeletons can spawn with any item in their hand including a bow I've genuinely never seen a wither skeleton without anything except for a stone sword but there is a very tiny chance that they can spawn with a bow or other types of weapons in their hand that is false but in previous versions of Minecraft you could push a skeleton through another portal and it would turn into a Wither with a bow but you can still spawn them with a command block and they are terrifying if I go into game mode survival I'm way less scared uh you look at this guy he's a flame bow I I terrify and then it was version of my cats can survive Max fall damage the height limit in the newest version of Minecraft is 319 blocks I am going to spawn the cat right here and I'm going to push it off as you all know on the channel okay I don't like cats all right cats are always supposed to land on all four legs and not supposed to die I'm going to follow this cat oh God where did it go wow now I know why there's so many furries at conventions the jungle villagers are hiding the Krabby Patty formula inside of their temples don't try to run away from me I know you've got the formula only see sometimes you try to make things peaceful and they just don't want it to be that way there it is the temple with the secret formioli get out of my way villagers lights on ah much better okay come on really this is all you have protecting the secret formula oh I'm gonna read you so good what was that was that TNT there's a secret biome in Minecraft the upside down from stranger things and this is it now it might look normal but look at the particle effects that are surrounding this place and most of these village houses are upside down once you enter the village look at the purple even the water's upside down oh this is weird oh I don't like the sounds I don't like the sounds okay get me out of here you can breed frogs with slime balls which would make sense because technically they eat slimes no you guys are literally slime balls look I can't see what's beneath the frogs you know what I'm saying so I don't know which one's which oh are those the tadpoles don't walk on the eggs you're gonna break the warden is just a mutated Iron Golem who was fed A Notch Apple trying to heal him they definitely have similar body shape and the warden doesn't even have any more eyes there is a secret trapdoor underneath Snow Village igloos you know I mean this place is pretty small and I don't see anything inside of here unless wait a second no surely not surely this no okay I'm opening it three two alays will bring their items to the note block instead of you if the note block is activated for 10 or more seconds and as you can see the alleges betrayed my trust entirely and brought his items to the note block instead of me if you eat 37 carrots in one minute you gain permanent night vision you know I could see this working they do say that carrots are very very good for your health why would you get permanent night vision for eating 37 carrots I feel like this would already have been shown at some point in time that or Mojang would have patched it but I'll eat the 37 carrots okay I know you guys want to see it that's right I mean I'm smudging we're almost through and busted what did I tell you nothing happened I've been dying to bust this myth because you can save yourself from drowning by sleeping in a bed oh no I'm drowning oh but I have a bed boom oxygen how sick is that and then you just swim away like nothing ever happened the fact that a bed can save your life from drowning that's number one now okay if you shoot your bow and arrow Beneath The Cauldron filled with lava it will turn your normal arrows into fire arrows meaning if there are mobs on the other side you can actually set them on fire so like there you see his toes okay don't put this on weaky feet don't be weird oh that's so cool wait why does it work by going underneath that doesn't make any sense that's so weird I mean I don't know a bunch of like circumstances where this would be actually useful but it does work rain will melt snowmen basically killing them Joe do the rain dance I know you britons know how to do it that's what I'm talking about all right we're seeing some movements I'm still waiting for the rain Joe oh my Joe Stop The Rain Dance Stop The Rain Dance what have we done what have we done you did this you're complicit in the murder of six snowmen you can make an overpowered Wither Skeleton farm with charged creepers as we all know if a mob dies to a Charged Creeper their head always drops so with this we spawn in the withers and with this respawn in the supercharged creeper and then when it explodes and you're too close to die but if we teleport back look at what we're left with oh look at 24 heads with this you could Farm Withers all day every day you can mine reinforced deep slate if your pickaxe has efficiency 255. oh there's a crack but the real question is does it actually drop the block yo yes no it doesn't drop what's the boy if you kill a goat with looting 255 they drop a secret goat horn sorry goat but this is for science yeah all right dude I have been told that this makes probably the best sound that anybody has ever heard and this is coming from an audio file those are people that really like sounds and purchase those expensive headphones called Apple airpods Max or whatever you don't talk about be ready to witness the greatest sound in three two one foreign [Music] [Applause] if you die in a hardcore World your pets die with you as you can see cat has color now I just need to die Iron Golem please do me the favor oh oh where'd my cat go oh it's still there it's got the collar around its neck it's gonna be there it's frozen forever ah it's fine it's a cat you can always find diamonds if you go to the center of a clay deposit and go seven blocks out on the seventh one you dig straight down if I find diamonds I'm gonna scream like a little girl oh oh oh wait there was I dug a little bit further and there actually is a vein of diamonds I think that's confirmed you can jump two blocks with fire damage come on how do we do this it's got me fired up I will extinguish this myth if you throw a trident with loyalty and a full inventory it will chase you forever so my inventory is completely full right now I want to see where's the Trident at there it is there it is there it is oh my gosh it's literally forking me oh please leave a like on this video so this stops happening using in rods you can create a one-way wall to protect you from mobs so we got all these zombies out here right but you can go inside of the in rods but not even the baby zombies can for whatever reason doesn't open they can push each other through oh that's bad can they get out once they're in there look at them they're stuck oh and you can push them back out look at this get them out get them out get them out and look he can't make his way back in that is incredible you can't blow up nether Stars we're gonna put another star on one side and then we're gonna put the diamond on the other side and we're gonna see which one survives there's just no chance of this working right oh man I was gonna say this was the star of the myth but that's too good this Creeper's angry surely the creeper can blow up another star no okay I'm gonna put the nether star in the frame surely that's gonna blow up that can't last we found a way to break it you can sleep under lava in a bed and you don't take damage how am I just now finding out about this this is not fake lava that is real lava as you can see I'm burning iron golems can't take ball damage or can they all right Iron Golem let's see what you got going on here come on and there he goes really do they not take fall damage because their bodies are so hard made of iron or they just built different I mean will I take fall damage if I fall surely I will yep yep if red mushrooms were hit with lightning they turn into brown mushrooms no shots yeah I knew that was bogus that's stupid okay well what about if you have a supercharged creeper creeper is now supercharged he's gonna explode will he blow up the nether star no it still doesn't blow up I don't understand you can make a hidden ladder with item frames and we even have a live audience for this minute in order to do this you need a map you need buns item frames put the maps over them Vines look at this and watch this oh look at this I'm so very secret using a sword in your off hand with looting still works so typically with looting you would use it like this right but I'm gonna have it in my off hand and see if the Looting still works I don't think that worked I only got one pork chop cause like if I used to buy another right sword I got three pork chops so with looting Three Feathers okay looting in the off hand ah I think it's busted every cat that you spawn in a witch's Hut will always be black I'm gonna summon a cat that one I don't know if they're necessarily black they're kind of they're kind of purple yeah they're oh my yo so if I stand out here will they be a different color oh that is weird you can die signs this sign is daring me to diet if you could die signs I would have done this so much longer no dude no no no no no I would have known about this how am I just now figuring this out placing a wet sponge in the nether dries it out so you don't get the water back if you use a lava bucket and a furnace with a wet sponge you actually get the water back into the bucket wait and then also does this work in the nether I've never tried this if you stared an Enderman dead in the eyes he won't attack you I do not believe this I am looking right into his soul I think it's working so your Crosshair has to be like perfectly in the middle of his eyes that's how you gotta do it man you gotta insert your Primal dominance and just stare at him in the eyes and then you want to tag him but if you look away look at this oh no no that is so weird you know I think Enderman are just misunderstood or not end portals can break bedrock ah dude if this works I'm gonna be quite surprised I mean it would kind of make sense three two one oh the portals backwards that's actually not the only way to break bedrock but that was sick it's not it's dude okay I don't know why I can't do this this is going a lot farther though I feel like [Music] if you go back to our one of our Minecraft video we did a five block jump which is 17 Pixel Perfect jumps in a row 17 Pixel Perfect jumps in a row I block you can't make it two blood jump with fire I'm gonna try again you take no fall damage if you disconnect and reconnect mid-air I'm gonna try this and we're logging back in I think we're still gonna die to be honest but we'll see why doesn't everybody do this dude if you have a Hardcore Minecraft world and this happens to you this could be game changing if your search excited Ze in the crafting table it's supposed to change your language to pirate uh hey yo revealing smashable trashes look at this crafted loot bag farm and stick a rock can blazes start a campfire all right come on Blaze come on blaze it up baby yeah right here oh yeah oh that's so cute I mean not that you would ever really want to do this but it does work this Blaze has terrible aim making an Ender portal through the end portal creates a new dimension this one's like hard to explain but I think you guys understand where I'm coming from I mean this could work right there's a low chance that this works but if it works it's gonna be amazing all right put the Eyes in oh dude what kind of Witchcraft is this this is supposed to make a new dimension you can track the Wither in the end by spawning him sideways so this is weird is he actually gonna spawn oh he did spawn look at his tail oh my gosh look at this he's trapped inside of the portal look at this he's taking damage from being stuck inside of the Bedrock oh my gosh this is crazy now the question is do I take damage from him we do not take damage this is the best way to defeat a Wither using only fences you can make a one-way animal farm so instead of connecting the fences you just do this it's like you can just walk in and out right and look if you spawn cows and we try to lure them out with the wheat it works like they they can't escape but you can get in oh but doesn't work with pigs pigs are a little bit smaller it does in fact work with pigs all right but chickens though chickens are smaller than both of these and wait is it working oh my gosh oh I think the chicken way I think the chicken got pushed out by the cow yeah and so it actually worked so the chickens can kind of Escape if they get pushed out by the other mobs but this works you can Sprint while crouching if you're sneaking this is as fast as you can go but it might work if you use trap doors so oh my god oh that is so weird how are we this fast oh that is insanity why does that work you can use drip leaves to make a secret entrance in Minecraft when you step on drip leaves they fall down so it's kind of like a trap door and if you wait it should make you go yes just like this and then you can enter your Secret Base and then you can also have a secret painting in your secret base with a smiley face and diamonds you can use powdered snow to Tower infinitely oh this is amazing at first I was like how do you do this but you can just keep taking as long as you have two buckets at the beginning how is dream not used this for his manhunting this is this is Manhunt material ladies and gentlemen giving a creeper a full stack of TNT makes it friendly right now he is not very friendly so take this stack take the stack of TNT Mike hi come on okay or we can just explode in Anger that's great too no no no wait hold on relax dude relax no no no no no no no yes stay right there stay right there take the TNT think about it okay all right okay whoever came up with that one is pretty dumb if you ever tried it with channeling you can make infinite lightning so we've got this contraption set up this is the only way this could be possible type in weather it's raining now and and it works I think we had to die to make it work but you can literally make infinite lightning and thunder that's pretty that's that's cool does Minecraft listen to you you might think that a Herobrine and the other monsters can hear you but have you ever wondered if Minecraft itself is listening to you Minecraft it'd be really nice if I could find some diamonds right now as you can see Minecraft definitely does not that was strange what what a little bit creepy that we managed to find it as we mentioned the myth and now that we have some diamonds would be sure nice if we could find a a village what the heck we're gonna put this myth to rest once and for all Minecraft it'd be fantastic if you reigned emeralds on this Village no that's what I thought unless there's things that are reasonable what if we wish for this villager to give us a trade for a diamond ax come on okay maybe a diamond ax is unreasonable but I am low in food what what no freaking way is Minecraft listening to me or am I being watched I'm watching you is there going to be a war between the Overworld and nether in the next Minecraft update you're going to need some backstory on this one so buckle up get some popcorn at Story Time long ago Pikmin in Minecraft actually ruled the overlord but they destroyed Villages every single peaceful mob they literally wreaked havoc on the Overworld villagers were sick and tired of the pigment taking their baby villagers captive so what did they do they started building millions of iron golems the Golems were stronger than the Pikmin obviously and so what they ended up doing is beating them back into the nether locking them away after a thousand year war and that realm that they were banished to is now known as the nether insane right now you see why the Overworld in Minecraft is in such danger Pikmin and the nether are building bastions they're storing up loot weapons you name it Zombie Pigmen have even mutated into stronger Pigmen known as piglets they had been acquiring so much gold in their trade so that way they can buy enough weapons to take back over the Overworld and in the next update of Minecraft not only are they going to take revenge on the Iron Golems but I think they're gonna try to take over the entire Overworld once again our villagers just pretending to be dumb and they're actually brilliant I'm talking Einstein Bill Nye level IQ here okay listen villagers have to be hiding something they open doors and walk around corners for literally no reason could they have a secretly much higher intellect than we had originally thought their heads are so freaking big I'm telling you they're hiding their massive brains in there why do zombies like going for villagers because zombies love eating brains you starting to see what I'm saying here and I mean we do expect that they put an entire Village Society together when they seemingly can't even exit a boat by themselves unless they are pretending maybe they have a deep dark plan and it's absolutely evil is Minecraft the post-apocalyptic survival tutorial or is it a video game at first Minecraft seemed like a fun kids game now everybody plays Minecraft okay even people who said they would never play the game including celebrities and even politicians here are the facts about Minecraft you spawn alone in a massive world where you have to learn how to fend for yourself you have to make friends with villagers and certain mobs negotiate with your enemies piglets and even make tools to survive is Minecraft subtly teaching its players real life survival skills for example did you know what obsidian was before you played the game of Minecraft if so like the video what if not made this entire game just so its players could survive the apocalypse and the reason he sold it to Microsoft for billions of dollars is because people have already learned everything they need to know on how to survive an apocalypse and almost everybody who started playing the game 11 years ago is grown up now and now that they're all grown up does that mean they're ready for what's to come in the future and the real question is have you played enough Minecraft to even know if you're ready for the apocalypse does Netherrack have an evil origin have you ever wondered what is Netherrack or more importantly what it could be made from the Block seems to be made from a red fleshy-like substance that makes a weird flushing noise when you break it listen very closely and break a ton of them with efficiency 5 and makes you feel slightly uncomfortable and because I felt so uncomfortable I decided to research this block I dug so deeply I looked at the oldest code from the oldest versions of Minecraft and in fact Netherrack was actually the Bloodstone but why would it be called Bloodstone and then I remembered do you recall the Thousand-Year war between the iron golems and Zombie Pigmen I just mentioned earlier well most of that war actually happened in the nether not in the Overworld what if the nether was originally a gorgeous and vibrant Place full of beauty only to be demented by the battleground of blood from the zombie pigmen and iron golems who fought and died in the nether Netherrack is just Cobblestone that has soaked up the blood of millions of zombie pigmen and iron golems and what if they're still alive and crying out from the Netherrack blocks and that's the sound it makes every time you mind it if I talk about this anymore I'm gonna be uncomfortable wandering Traders are just banished villagers this myth States specifically that wondering Traders are actually just villagers binge to roam the Overworld at night if you think this is a bit of a stretch hear me out for a moment alright every night when the sun goes down and the moon comes out the wandering Trader uses an invisibility potion on himself why would he do this does he not want to be seen he needs to make trades right and another question why have we never seen a Wandering Trader at a village could it be that they were banished far back in the ancient Paths of Minecraft what could they have done that was so vile so evil that they still haven't been reinvited to the Village culture what if they unjustly were kicked out framed even or have they secretly been working with pillagers and that's why they keep going invisible I'm telling you this myth goes deep what if they're leaking information as to where the villagers are how else would the Pillager Outpost know exactly where to rate them is the Minecraft Dimensions Theory actually true everything you do in Minecraft actually Matters from breaking a blade of grass to killing an innocent mob it all matters all those times you dumped innocent villagers into lava or blow up your friends with TNT had an actual consequence just like Santa Claus Minecraft is collecting every good thing and bad thing you've done in the game and ultimately in the future will punish you accordingly if you are a good kind of player like you always defended villagers from raids or Never Killed mobs unless you needed some food or you subscribed to this channel you go to the end or Heaven in this Theory's case heaven and Minecraft has infinite diamonds every villager listens to your command trades you whatever items you want for as little emeralds as you want to pay you can even Forge Nations and build any item you dream of but if you continue to perform evil acts in Minecraft and you had no regret at all for all the peaceful mobs that you killed you get sent to the nether which in this case is Minecraft's version of hell and Minecraft's hell players are always at half the heart you are always hungry but there is never food nearby no matter how long you search for it and even if you do find some food it replenishes no hunger the only thing that's nearby is Netherrack and lava in every single Direction and the worst thing about it it's a never-ending loot so no matter how far you Journey you're always going to end back and the same place you just wore next time you think about bullying that villager think about your actions because they have severe consequences but the most popular theory is actually this Herobrine is the judge of Minecraft similar to a grim reaper or Shinigami if you watch anime after the player has reached a level where their ax becomes so heinous and evil he shows up for that player and they are never seen again in game but some do say in real life think about it have you ever had a friend who played Minecraft that no longer has contacted you after their evil deeds and the player gets banned from the server but in reality Herobrine actually comes to take them away sounds legit and the more you think about it the more you start to believe in the dimension series how were the Enderman created they're odd creatures aren't they out of all the Minecraft Mobs none of them stand out quite as mysterious as these creepy creatures and the deeper you dig the more mysterious history you find out it is said that the Enderman were the first civilized people of the Minecraft world they were an ancient race of Builders and the myth states that they built every thing in the whole entire game and that's the reason they're the only mob in Minecraft that can still pick up blocks but years after this the Witherspoon the internet was strong but they could do nothing to stop his Rampage they were eventually forced to open a portal to a new realm and this made them move into what we now call the end and because they only ate chorus fruits in the end that's how they gain their ability to teleport but with the blessing and teleportation came a curse and you might even wonder why the Enderman tried to kill you when you look at them they try to kill you because they just escaped if the enemy were the first mobs ever then they must have been trapped in the end for millions of Minecraft years they lost their will and importantly their minds from consuming nothing but the chorus fruits and now that players have been opening the portals to the end since Minecraft release they slowly were let back into the Overworld this may be speculation but I think they're jealous of every player in Minecraft because of the freedom we have in the game and that's why they don't want to kill us they actually want to eat us just like Titans and Attack on Titan so did they lose their minds because they were in the infamous millions of years or because the chorus fruit rotted their brains that's for you to decide the Ender Dragon Enslaved the Enderman this myth states that when the Enderman were driven to the end the inner dragon enslaved all of them to do its bidding it's a little crazy at first but listen to what I found we can play Cinder crystals surely they didn't just spawn there someone had to place them and that means we know Endermen were taken captive by the dragon and because the inner dragon can't place blocks but the Enderman can see where I'm going with this the Enderman were forced to place the in crystals on top of the obsidian pillars which then regenerates the Ender Dragon essentially allowing it to live forever this makes sense because when you fight the inner dragon he doesn't do anything to the Enderman blow up it would also explain why the Enderman became so evil and dangerous to us Minecraft players illagers were just villagers who were banished for their use of black magic because of our previous myth we know that wondering Traders are just banished villagers so why are the illagers any different they were banished for much darker reasons illegers actually used to be normal Minecraft villagers but long ago one day a normal villager discovered something he was playing around with his potions and found something incredible when he used his secret ingredient in his Potions all of his skin turned gray and he gained super villager strength he then called this potion the illager potion but soon after he celebrated he was shut down by the rest of the villagers because they found out his secret ingredients Iron Golem brain the Elder just wanted to improve the lives of the villagers but after they found out what was inside of the potion they had no choice he created hundreds of villager potions and set off a giant potion bomb in the whole town that would transform and brainwash every single one of them after this they named themselves the illagers and started to raid villagers taking more victims and growing their army by destroying iron golems and collecting more brains and may have so much hatred for villagers that they have never stopped quicker skeletons are born from The Souls of Fallen mobs what is Soul Sand have you ever wondered why this block hisses at you and even screams when you try to break it and if you zoom in closely why does it look like there are faces inside of the block well this myth states that during the 1000 Year War skeletons that were in the nether beforehand were burnt so bad that they ended up turning into Soul Sand the scariest part is that Soul Sand is still alive and when you're not looking at Soul Sand it's said that a wither skeleton is born and the sand falls apart and the only reason that the Wither Skeleton is dark is because it was burnt from long ago did gas come from squids this a little bit out there but as always that's up for you to decide if you're trying to figure out what gas are you will have a hard time coming up with a good answer a Giant floating jellyfish no they must come from something else could they have come from a genetically mutated squid if so who created them the ancient Builders the Enderman and what is their purpose are they just guards to the nether fortress squids can breathe underwater but I bet you didn't know that gas can actually breathe under lava and because I don't believe in coincidences the squid must be the original gas what really is the void yeah yeah the area below the Bedrock right but have you ever wondered what it really is and why does it kill you are we being suffocated because there's no Oxygen like the dark Realms of space or is the player actually freezing because the temperatures are Sub-Zero and if we could survive and see in the void what's actually there because even in spectator mode you're still taking damage when you're in the void so unfortunately there's no way to see what's deeper and because of that we'll never be able to see what's in the void right well no because you can actually Venture eight long hours deep into the void using a full inventory of stacked Notch apples but even after eight long hours players still haven't found the bottom of the boy so does this mean that players haven't ventured far enough or does the void actually not have a bottom so if it does have a bottom what's down there is it an expanse of nothing or does it just never
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 7,808,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Java vs Bedrock, Minecraft Myths, Minecraft Funny, minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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