Adding Mods Until Minecraft Breaks

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I am on a mission to completely obliterate my gaming PC and it's actually a lot harder than I thought it would be I've made three videos so far kind of testing the limits of this computer and needless to say it has done impressively well the physics mod crashed because of some weird rendering bug it didn't even Flinch with create mod and it even managed to handle this monstrosity whatever this was but none of them have actually made my computer fully explode needless to say I am curious so today I'm just gonna keep adding mods until it does do that and we'll we'll see what I can handle I'm literally so worried that my computer is just going to be fried that I uh actually have a secondary microphone going um just in case everything so here we go let's get the first mod in all right I do want to let you know that I did install a bunch of mods here but today we're not going to be relying on things that tweak performance or give any sort of like visual tweaks like Iris or sodium however I do have both of those installed and will be adding a Shader pack just so you know also I won't be showing you which mods I'm adding throughout the process just because we're going to be adding all of them I'm gonna just fly around a little bit see what I can find one thing I'm noticing right off the bat is the logs here are just Hollow the frame rate is just incredibly stable so that's cool oh my gosh this world is all just Birch forests and dark oak trees what is happening this is not the way it's meant to be done okay planes we got planes maybe we can find like a village or something we found a village hello uh you buttercup you're a beekeeper that's super cool I wish that was a regular Minecraft thing what that's the only custom thing though hello in there is there anything new that you bring to the table anything this really is just a regular village with extra bees huh all right what else can we find in this vast world of modded goodness oh I was just browsing the creative inventory what what that's so dope dude abusing it [Applause] is it happening what is this it's from wild or Wild [Music] this is so good [Music] I'm having too much fun with this oh my gosh there's new music discs jukebox time this is a jam wait saxophone I can play along what is happening okay I've added a few more mods let's go oh my gosh Come here boy this swords this swords are so good what what there's just a farm out here why is there just a what is that oh what what's going on down here what are you oh my gosh it dropped a trident what is this sharpness three wow whoa Rock I love this Hammer I can just go out to things and just go and then they're gone Smite Smite and smite smote Schmidt wow this is I think this is just regular vanilla cave gin geez look at this I don't even need mods who am I kidding of course I need mods going to the nether let's go welcome to the nether there's a giant Circle what is happening what what are you what what's going what are you doing in here reactor Sentry Hazmat helmet what did I just find it's kind of legit but like what it why what the heck oh geez yep that's that didn't work at all this is not not how it all right Hammer Time ancient energy I I don't know what's going on hello I don't whoa the trees are different whoa whoa what you guys have wings what's going on here what is that thing what are you why why do you have that I don't get out of here I want to find another cool structure before I leave but apparently there are none what what is this kind of what whoa dude oh my oh my gosh look at look at why doesn't why doesn't Minecraft have this I made the advance of a strange biomes what does that mean look at the trees they're upside down they look sick this is so cool why didn't why did we not do this why is this not a thing look at it compared to the red that's so dope dude I didn't even realize it because I was like looking down at like these things and then I looked up and I was like oh geez there's trees hanging from the ceiling oh geez when I typed in Forbidden Castle I don't know what I expected but it definitely wasn't this what what happened here what's your where did you get those from what dude look at you what get out of here what you're not supposed to have that okay that's legit the slash Place feature command went well let's do it again infernal altar whoa what what is this oh my gosh it's a spaceship uh star but to summon The Inferno FIB worthies okay whoa there's nothing ceiling it's so cool okay it's all falling okay now there's cool we're going back oh oh my oh all I was trying to do was like zoom in so you could see that I have the 3D 3D ears now but then the slider just just kept going it just keeps going oh gosh does this mean I could just do that on like any of them oh oh oh no I can't tell if this is a hundred chunks or not it's a lot what is that uh we're gonna let this keep loading chunks in uh but I want to go up here what is what are you that is that is a lot of chunks I'm not gonna lie that's okay wait hold on okay so it still does kind of limit it to 32 chunks but I can slide the slider up really high what is what is this cursed Island whoa what are you okay apparently there's like a staff or something um that you have to like collect the pieces of but today we're just gonna grab the stab whoa guess what I've got oh he did look at all the staffs that I have hey guys how's it going okay I know I installed more mods I gotta figure out what mods I installed essence of the bees can I like [Music] oh oh hope love dreams and beat what does that even do yellow super Canada that's a big candle oh my gosh that is it's a big candle whoa okay well I've played with mods for about an hour and a half today I need to get off to make dinner so I'm going to do more research tonight and find all the chaotic mods that will uh completely obliterate my computer and we'll continue tomorrow which means we need a good transition goodbye [Music] I was just flying around and there's a horse what the queen I guess the B Queen was too much to handle uh hold on let's see if this world will let me rejoin it again loaded terrain see if we put nope okay so note to self don't use the queen bee oh these are fireflies yeah jellyfish jellyfish jellyfish oh I'm on a horse again okay whoa hello oh you're yeah that's cool Revenant also kind of the ghoul nightmare also kind of the ghoul but taller oh geez yeah you are a nightmare okay boom blooms oh my gosh they're so cute they're so small it's so cute oh gosh oh no oh geez we're gonna try the queen bee again what's gonna happen yeah no okay all right out of sheer morbid curiosity I want to try something but Skyblock I didn't want to be up here okay so those works that's a lot of bees that's foreboding of what was what's about to happen Okay and then we put a button here and then I just cover everything with redstone okay all these command blocks summon queen bees and uh if we do it all the same time let's see what happens okay so we managed to completely crash the game but I want to completely obliterate the game so let's add some more mods shall we this is really cool by the way this is I think this is a thing from oh what I wasn't even on a multiplayer what hold what can I can you please can I just can I just it won't let me open the book oh no oh geez oh no this is a gorgeous World gem though like the rocks and stuff this is really nice will it let me use the queen bee egg that's the real question Miami place the queen please just please just do it please just let me please why am I up here now please just look at all I want in life is to be able to place this queen bee all I want is to be able to place the queen because this is all I want is like oh I need please oh all I need in life is just more render distance 1672 chunks oh oh my gosh look at the clouds the clouds oh no wait I can zoom in on it oh geez wait look at the clock I have never ever seen that it's just so many clouds dude oh it's crashed again okay come on come on now what if I turn on my shaders okay shaders are on oh my gosh that made it better how did the shaders improve my frame rates oh and it just kicked me from it again okay all right okay I feel like I've got one final test for this here's the plan we've got a few of them I did this one with the oh no oh geez okay come on no I needed this one with the there we go okay got the right command block another one there another one there oh geez okay all right okay if I look this way it's totally fine and then it's trying so hard dude it's real oh gosh I can't look that direction anymore well it's kind of working everything's despawning from that distance I don't know I don't know what's going oh oh oh oh oh nope never mind they're there they're all still there they haven't gone anywhere oh uh it just uh it it just oh oh oh no way wait wait record look look there oh it's gone oh it's gone there was a blue screen it existed it was there and uh it was actually I I triggered it [Applause] I have no idea how I'm gonna blue screen this computer this thing is ridiculous and Minecraft for some reason there's just no easy way to do it so I'm still on the hunt for the way to crash the computer if you guys know a good way or if you have any other extra mods that you want me to try just let me know drop it in the comments uh we'll see what can happen I got my computer to restart and I'll show you how many mods are just in that mod List look at that there's your full mod list there's a lot of them in there if you want any of them check them out there they're in the they're in they're they're not in the description because there's too many of them but they're right here if you want them anyways thanks for watching hopefully we actually get it next time instead of all these times where it's not actually working all right see you guys
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,407,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, break, doom mod, doom, chaos, entropy chaos, chaos mod, mobs, custom, new, update, memes, custom system, mods, minecraft popular mods, showcase, modded minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft, minecraft mod, funny commentary, minecraft mods, minecraft meme, mod showcase, mod, best minecraft mods, minecraft fabric, minecraft custom, cursed minecraft, physics, minecraft challenge, no swearing, physics mod, family friendly
Id: WYKZdQq81kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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