Minecraft is Super Broken

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I'm gonna ruin this game for all of us I mean just look at this look at it this will be fun I've put together a list of different things in Minecraft that just don't make sense and as you may expect there's a lot of them so let's start with not this one that one's actually the second one on the list side note huge shout out to Phoenix SC skip the tutorial and block facts they're all amazing YouTubers and I collected a few things from their videos so to start with we're gonna go to uh uh we're gonna go ahead and talk about the painting to make one of course you put one wool in the middle and then it sticks all around it and that's pretty cool but that uh this is this is one crafting recipe and last time I checked these are different sizes where's all that extra wool going huh where'd it all go where did where did is where did it disappear to it's all gone that's the kind of stuff we're covering today get ready and now we're going back to the pumpkins and the melons look at this look at this atrocity every time you grow pumpkins and melons now you're gonna notice this where the stems do not connect I will never look at these the same I am an eternal turmoil also why are the stems the same color doesn't make any sense at all it doesn't make any sense the stairs are cool and all right they're pretty nice they're like three quarters of a block but the way you craft them is with freaking so many more planks where did all the planks go there's only four stairs here this makes more sense why isn't this the thing stairs don't make any sense I don't like on the topic of crafting recipes that don't make sense have you noticed that copper is just ridiculous if I just go ahead and place one block of copper here and we just click on say the cut copper there's four notice that the crafting recipe here four to four one to four what also eight slabs and four stairs so we could get plenty of stairs from just one copper block but we can't do that with like literally anything else watch this ready Stone one stone brick one stone one stairs one stone one stone brick wall one stone two slabs where did all this extra copper come from we're just creating copper out of thin air and it's not like we needed it either right like this dropped so much copper as it is like start using Fortune three on stuff and you just you just get so much copper you'll never need this thing you just it doesn't make any sense on the topic of the stone cutter it's a spinning saw blade and yet I am totally fine I don't understand Minecraft why hey everyone welcome to super high up in the sky I'm up here to do my wonderful water clutch oh no my water bucket uh what am I ever gonna do how will I ever get down oh that's right I have sweet berries in my inventory guess what happens when you do this here we go here we go oh I can do what I can do and I can do it yeah that's right if you thought water didn't make any sense then this is even more uh confusing don't mind me just gonna fall from a ridiculous height onto to a tiny Bush didn't break any limbs there that of course makes total sense thanks plants if you take a look here at all these skins that Minecraft added all the new ones all the refreshes and stuff something you may start to notice is a very small detail having to do with uh Steve Steve here has a nose why does he have a nose none of these other guys have noses where'd they go did Mojang steal those I guess he just built like that it doesn't make any sense oh this here is a cubic meter of concrete and I want you to guess how much this weighs go on put your answer in the comment it's okay take your time this Mr Chicken weighs 5 300 pounds yes one cubic meter that's crazy but it doesn't stop there this is a cubic meter of gold I really want you to guess this is so insane this is way more dense than concrete uh you'll never guess are you ready this weighs 42 500 pounds just this cubic meter of gold that's wild and you want to know what's even crazier than both of these two me good Lord the player in Minecraft is so incredibly strong I'm walking around with all these gold blocks in my inventory like it's nothing what's even more than that you could stack things in shulker boxes and you can carry them around that way too this is mental that is a lot of pounds Minecraft hi there I'm back up here in the sky this is an iron golem and if you notice [Music] no problems of course the same as uh the same happens with the cat yup it's still live it's totally fine I'm not gonna lie if I happen to throw a giant mechanical being off of a giant Cliff I I don't think it would survive same with a cat I don't know if my cat would survive that hey Sawyer what do you think about MythBusters there would you survive if I threw you off of a cliff Bobby what do you say to people when they're not subscribed it was a look of disappointment I hope you know see this would be a horrible thing to do um but Minecraft says it's fine so fire is really interesting it definitely lights all these blocks on fire no problem uh this one you can't let on the top but these these burn they you know you can see they burn totally fine that's just how fire works but if you look over here you'll notice that these two don't do a thing that's right neither of these blocks burn but you know what's even weirder is that the loom is actually has some like similar properties you would expect to a bookshelf but the bookshelf burns like six times faster than any of the other wood types Minecraft explain I'm on fire next up beds there's some uh interesting aspects to these oh no it's raining I'm out in the middle of a field with nowhere to go no safety to be had but that's okay because I can control the weather with a bed oh my gosh that poor that poor frog everything is fine now because I I apparently am just all-powerful by sleeping I wish sleep was a superpower in real life here's another fun Oddity they could have really done anything in other dimensions to make it so you couldn't sleep but instead of making it you know a little pop-up and chat or something simple like that no no explosions and hey sure maybe the fact that the nether doesn't actually exist uh maybe gives it a little bit extra Merit to why it explodes and does weird things but like bruh that doesn't happen in real life as well as far as I know while we're on the topic of another uh that burns but this doesn't I feel like this doesn't make any sense I feel like this doesn't compute I feel like this is this is not supposed to be here uh what bro don't mind me just reverting global warming no big deal along the save lines snow Yeah there's just snow here that's cool you know the moment you want to place a water bucket down no no no no no no no no not allowed hey what's up it's me sneaky norfy down in the deep dark I'm just here to grab our next thing that doesn't make any sense please no please no please oh where am I I only have four disc fragments I need all nine come on yes there's two more what's in there Diamond pants what the heck can't get out this is the end I gotta go this way I'm going in this chest what's in here wait wait that means I gotta figure out how to get a crafting table down here all I need to do is show you the crafting recipe for this thing I don't know why I'm putting myself through this pain as I possibly can so you can't hit me with this freaking power beam thing going up super high yup that's right oh he's good oh anyways while I suffer and struggle to defend for my life let's let's put together a music disc so this is the music disc five and the thing that didn't make any sense is uh this one why is this here in the middle that that really was not worth all this but why is it here it doesn't make any sense why there's that like it would be quarters right you would think it would just be like okay cool that was the whole thing I'm just gonna go move on to the next one I would not like to bring your attention to something called the button if you notice these buttons they are quite small but how are they crafted you may ask well hahaha so much material so much is gone all of it where did it go where did it go it's like the stairs wait that plus that equals that kind of when the stairs are made you should also get buttons you know because that's how that that's how it works Minecraft doesn't make any sense that's the memorial of this video Minecraft doesn't make any sense and oh boy it just gets better this of course is an enchanting table it's clearly made out of obsidian which makes sense because look what happens if you you know blow up some TNT next to it wow it stayed put that's crazy it's almost like it's made out of obsidian you want to know what's weird though I'm just gonna just gonna break this with my wooden pickaxe no big deal or anything except it is a big deal because what what in the world I don't understand side note you know how this is called the enchanting table yeah that's different in Bedrock enchantment table why are they different I don't understand this game makes no sense oh yeah by the way the same thing works with the beacon which is made out of obsidian and doesn't explode but I can just break it with my fist [Music] sheep you've seen him before you know him and love them something it doesn't make any sense though is how the heck did I get that much wool from a single sheep I mean like bro I can make three sheeps out of this okay this one I only just heard of today if you cook Cobblestone right Cobblestone is naturally very coarse and has a bunch of cracks in it the the smelting process removes the cracks and turns it into just regular old stuff there you go we got Stone we got regular Stone from that that's pretty great and then if you cook this Stone again that once again just Smooths it down even further gives you smooth stuff and that's fine right that makes sense like you're just smelting things down a couple times and that's great melting recombining I mean if it's logical right Mr Pig but then after you've crafted this Stone into stone bricks Everything Changes let's go ahead and pop these stone bricks in here you would think that like maybe it would make something like Smooth stone bricks or something you would think it would melt it down and maybe turn it back into stone but no it adds the cracks cracks no cracks no cracks cracks Minecraft is a completely logical game that has no problems whatsoever I did another curse thing earlier when you weren't paying attention um you see that up there yeah those blocks uh they're floating they're floating uh-huh yep those blocks are floating gravity is an illusion to be fair I am also flying so you know gravity is just it's just it's just weird I'm gonna build a giant Tower of dirt and then also do an overhang of dirt and then also build dirt underneath the dirt Minecraft it does it does the thing I've got one more for you but we gotta go to the end yeah let's go there it is our illogical nightmare why in the world does this exist and like sure it's a cool item and stuff but like why does it exist in this way might I turn your attention to the turtle egg notice how this looks very minecrafty and normal and then you look at this guy and you wonder what went wrong also this egg just it's just goes places it kind of does its own thing it just kind of it's just it's just a weird anomaly of a thing and like it's not useful it's just kind of a trophy you just can't you just can't destroy it it just kind of goes places Minecraft why anyways I'm glad you're here with me as I struggle to comprehend what in the world happened to this game uh I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,565,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, broken, comedy, weird, skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, block facts, blockfacts, pheonixsc, phoenixsc, cursed, memes, minecraft memes, cursed minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft mods, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, minecraft block facts, minecraft challenge, minecraft custom, minecraft facts, funny memes, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.19, things you didn't know about minecraft
Id: fkfElb4vjW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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