I Broke Minecraft With Physics

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the physics mod is pretty demanding [Applause] and even with this Beast computer I might still it's the problem got a glass front panel so I don't know about this one hello little boy how are you you are so cute Hello so the entire system looks fantastic but I'm much more concerned about the cooling rather than the performance of this thing hopefully I don't overheat anything but that always is the question of how far can I actually push my PC with the physics mod and shaders how much can I break Minecraft before inspiration for this video comes from asian half squats video on the new ocean features in the mod and I'm honestly genuinely impressed with the developer for this so I hopped onto their patreon and grabbed the pro version of the physics mode this way we have access to everything that the mod has to offer and there is a lot that it offers so you want to try this for yourself there's a link in the description as you can see here I am running complimentary shaders and this works pretty well with the new water physics so naturally let's check out the water physics gosh this looks surreal not gonna lie it doesn't even look like it's in game it kind of looks like real water to be fair I think that's the point so oh pretty into the ocean look at this the physics actually work on it whoa whoa the waves dude this is cool but this is boring we want more action more Adventure don't mind me just riding the waves oh my gosh I'm like flipping over this is how Minecraft was always meant to be played oh oh geez that changed more of the perimeters oh my gosh what have I done moving her like I can't do anything I must reach the land there's land land over there jeez this is all right this is excessive this might have been too much but hey the computer's handling it fine so that's kind of impressive oh that's weird it looks like tiny world with super speed weird gigantic ocean it doesn't really know what to do oh oh no it's just like smacking me upwards every once in a while and oh geez I'm sure compression on YouTube makes this look fantastic okay whoo it's just gonna just gonna take a breather oh man freeze breathe this graph okay yep uh-huh take it in that's right yep so now you know now you know what to do right you know what to do I won't even tell you what it is but I will remind you that it's free and you can always un do that thing later on so go go do that thing cool all right back to the video so uh that's the ocean it looks like the ocean physics don't really affect the computer too much it kind of just sticks around the same frame rate it usually is at so let's try something else by the way in the top left corner you can see a frame rate counter it might not always be visible just because the sky tends to blow it out but uh it's there just in case you want to see what uh what the frame rate is and for reference all my PC specs are in the description so uh if you're curious about that go check it out hey there man how's it going don't mind if I just uh oh no okay so that works really well uh that's kind of cool I'm sorry buddy hopefully you can get that fixed soon whoa the doors whoa the doors move that's so cool oh it gets stuck on people that's cool too oh oh oh hey man you okay down there oh that's so cool okay so the collapsing mechanic is really neat the heck can we break that let's see how fast this roof collapses oh just instantly okay cool oh here we go okay oh geez it just just keeps going it doesn't it doesn't end oh geez oh it's calculating it it's trying to figure out what to do geez look at all the particles that's insane look at all the particles just like falling down here wow okay so here's another question if I break one of these inside the cave uh how far does it go oh no so this is gonna just keep going I think it's just gonna literally eat through the whole thing oh no oh here go the frames there goes the frame oh geez oh no oh gosh okay but here's where here's where we're finding our limit [Music] frames oh geez it's like zero phrase It's like a half a frame per second oh oh we made it oh we're alive hey look at that wow we did it that's so cool uh the entirety of this cave is just gone but we did it dang this is a wild area what in the world the skeleton's been uncovered and so now it's burning in the daylight sorry sorry okay not really I'm not I'm not all that sorry oh he survived okay collapsing bucks are cool and all but I want to really light my PC on fire here another cool feature of this is that eggs uh snowballs and ender pearls all have like a 3D model to them now so that means they're affected by physics too which requires processing power and even on the ender pearl has a little bit of a cool down the snowball doesn't and neither does the egg but uh we'll get to that in a second I went ahead and installed an auto clicker so that this can go away faster and uh just uh just I'll let this speak for itself oh my word okay okay okay calm down all right okay that's super cool they don't last that very that long and uh I feel like it's not really pushing our physics to the limit so let's change that how long do they last oh a very long time oh wow oh no oh they really they really just keep going huh they really just they really just don't stop they just really want to just stay around they're just they're just sticking around aren't they oh boy yep that's that's that's super awesome oh wow oh oh my oh my oh dang it really is not like affecting it too much but uh this is giving me an idea now ball pit yeah yeah it would be a reality of Minecraft when you could run around in a ball pit I'm having way too much fun [Music] this is wild [Music] the physics are going crazy it just does not know what to do with this many things going on I'm definitely bringing the computer to which knees now oh geez but honestly I don't think this is the worst we can do I think we can go even further beyond the other one that sticks around is the egg as you can see it's just there and it's it there's a chicken this one uh also spawns entities oh boy so I gotta like move around so that the chickens can all spawn in and don't spawn in on each other this is insane in normal game just without the physics but man with the physics this is just gonna be ridiculous yeah cause now all the chickens move around too so all the eggs go flying oh geez yep that's okay yep that's a limit that's wow popcorn okay just gonna come down here and slash summon TNT oh my gosh the smoke the smoke is insane hold on okay I've filled this like entire thing with TNT it goes down to level zero so let's uh just nothing could go wrong right it's fine TNT is laggy a normal game uh but uh here we are uh that's that's not a freeze frame this is just the game oh all all the Smoke's gone up here uh I made the achievement Monster Hunter apparently oh the smoke oh wow how far down does this go oh my God he's dead gonna okay I've said it so that the campfire spawns a crap ton of smoke here we go oh what if we if we like Bloom of smoke oh my gosh the campfire this could be a bad idea oh yup yup that was a bad idea oh no oh my gosh okay just gonna I'm just gonna get rid of these cool great okay so the particles are cool and all but this one is uh so it's it's a it's a water but this isn't the right water the correct water comes from the enchanting table for some reason I've turned up all the parameters let's see what happens whoa this is cool this legitimately kind of looks like it's a CG thing but it's not look at this check this out wow that's actually really cool it doesn't look it doesn't look like it looks like those simulations that you know you see on uh on like Tick Tock and stuff but uh it's nice in game that's so cool if I just oh oh no I accidentally collapsed the roof too oh my gosh the door is being like pushed out the water is so crazy looking look at it all fall off the edge like that that's crazy can I make like a convincing waterfall here yeah the physics are a little oh geez oh there's a there's a frame stairs frames frames I think it's broken uh I think I have successfully destroyed my computer uh and uh I don't know if this is coming back um uh welp [Applause] [Music] that's that's not good dude that's not good at all we're just gonna
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 966,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Knafy, Knarfy, Minecraft, Mods, Showcase, SystemZee, asianhalfsquat, asianhalfsquat mods, best minecraft physics mod, clean, complimentary shaders, fabric, family, minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, minecraft ocean, minecraft physics, minecraft physics mod, minecraft shaders, minecraft water physics, mod, modded minecraft, new minecraft mods, ocean, physics, physics mod, physics mod minecraft, realistic minecraft, realistic minecraft ocean, realistic minecraft physics, shaders
Id: FE_rpX3f2YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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